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March 15, 1967 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-15

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At Mental Health Research Institute
8 A.M.-5 P.M.

Battery Charged



Salukis. Shoot For
NCAA Gym Crown






PUBLICATIONS will accept applications
from recognized student groups for the
preparation and sale of The Student
Directory until 1 P.M. March 20, 1967.

It takes a good mixture to:
energize a car battery. Baseball
batteries, too, need the proper
mixture - experience and youth.
This season, the Wolverines have
a good supply of each.
But it's what Michigan doesn't
have - or, rather, almost had--
that makes the status of the num-
- ber '1' and '2' positions so ques-
- tionable right now. The loss of
two reliable pitchers to the pros
as well as this year's probable
starting receiver to the lure of the
gridiron, leave both staffs in a
somewhat undecided state as the
team prepares to leave for Ari-
"With both moundmen Bob
Reed and Nick Radakovic having
signed pro contracts, the starting
positions are still up for grabs,"
said baseball mentor Moby Bene-
When Reed signed with the De-
troit Tigers, the Wolverines lost
a hurler who earned nine of last
year's 22 victories.
"We'll really miss having Bob
out there this season," lamented
Benedict. "He did an outstanding
job for us, particularly in the Big

most wins in conference play."
Reed gained six victories against!
Western Conference foes.
Radakovic, who would have
been a junior this year, joined the
Houston Astros aftercompiling a
2-2 record last year. He had been:
figured as a starter, too.
But the moundmen will still
have a good nucleus returning, in
the form of three seniors and
three juniors. Jim Lyijynen and*
Bill Zepp of the oldsters, and
Geoff Zahn of the juniors, are
expected to provide the foundation
of the staff.
Zahn had a 3-1 record last sea-
son in his first crack at varsity
competition, and Benedict con-
siders him a fine prospect for this
year. Zepp; 3-1 last year, is also
looking ready. "If they don't win,"
warns the Wolverine coach, "we
may be in deep trouble."
Lyijynen (pronounced 'line-en')
was also 2-2 in competition last
year, but was outstanding toward
the end, defeating Michigan State
and Minnesota in successive out-
Senior Joe Kerr and juniors
Larry Guidi and Rod Scott round
out the crew of returning mound-
men. The three combined for a


Board office

muust he situnitted to the
in the Student Publications

perfect 4-0 record among them
as they had one, two, and one
victories respectively in last sea-
son's competition. All are expect-
ed to get good workouts in the
next week and a half.
Yet it is the four sophomores
upon which the success or failure -
of the squad must fall. John Hur-
ley, Bill Krug, Joe Notz, and Dave
Ftankiewicz, all pitching from the
starboard side, hope to help com-.
plement the southpaw slants of
four of .their upperclass brothers
-Kerr; Lyijynen, Scott, and Zahn.
"We really hope the sophomoresF
can do the job," exclaimed Bene-
dict, 'and they should get an op-$
portunity to show us their poten-
tial in Arizona, when we play 11,
games in seven days." GEOFF ZAHN
Benedict emphasized that no
particular hurlers have been des- finds his listed on Albuquerque's
ignated as the team's 'starting roster in the Texas league.
four' as yet. "Our big job right Berline, who backed up Size-
now is to evaluate our personnel, more last year, is expected to be
and with so many games all to- catching pigskins rather than
gether most of the boys should see horsehide this year. He will prob-
action. . ably fill the hole at end on the
"And these are definitely not gridiron left by graduation.
exhibition games," he declared. But back on the diamond, junior
"We're going out there to win. Doug Nelson, normally a versatile
The starting pitcher in each game infielder or outfielder, has been
will be expected to go as far as shifted behind the plate. He, along
he can, not just a few innings. with sophomore John Kraft, will
Most of the squad is at a disad- handle the backstop, duties, and
vantage, not having played out- the junior will probably get the
side this season; but the pitchers nod to start.
have been throwing since Jan. 4." "Of course, it's still tentative,"
The graduation of Ted Sizemore said Benedict, "but as of now it
4nd Jim Berline's yearning for the looks like Doug's got the job. He
gridiron, meanwhile, have left the has a better arm, and at this
Wolverine catching crew with stage his -defense looks a little
little varsity backstop experience. stronger."
Sizemore, a Dodger signee, gained But both positions are far from
glory in the Northwest league last being solidified. The Arizona trip
summer by hitting in the .340s should answer a few questions, as
and being named the league s Benedict gets a chance to see his
most valuable catcher. This year charges in game conditions. Per-
haps the warm southwestern sun
will jell the staffs into the proper
A Leading IIenergizing mixture.
. -E


It might be classified as a small
college by the NCAA but Southern
Illinois with 22.000 students is a!
big time athletic power by any!
The Salukis are the defending
NCAA gymnastics champs and
that's not in the small college
division. SIU took the whole show
for the second time in three sea-
sons last spring with a 187.20
And Southern is favored to cop
;he crown again this season anda
that's without the services of four-
time NCAA champ Frank Schmitz,
who was killed in an air plane
crash over the labor day weekend.
Schmitz, a high school team-
mate of world trampolining champ
Wayne Miller in Lafayette, La.,
was at the controls of the small
plane -when the disaster occurred.
The tragedy left SIU with mas-
sive holes to fill on the tramp,
long horse and free exercise where
Schmitz won NCAAA titles in 1965,
1966 respectively. And he even fin-
ished second in the long horse in
In Memory
SIU gymnastics coach Bill.
Meade noted that "I think we can
win even with the lose of Frank.
In fact, the boys are winning to
win the championship in his mem-
Gymnastics is so big in Carbon-
dale that students are charged ad-
mission, yet Meade enthusiastical-
ly mentioned that "we had 4,000
for the Michigan State meet and
about that many for Iowa State
and these are knowledgeable gym-
nastic fans."
The Salukis have won an
amazing 61 straight dual meets
since dropping a mid-season deci-
sion to Michigan'State in 1961 and
it hasn't been against easy com-
petition. This season, SIU com-
piled a 11-0 record and three of
those wins were against national-
ly-rated teams, Iowa, Iowa State
and Michigan State.
The Salukis met Big Ten
champs Iowa early in the season
and clipped the Hawkeyes' wings
188.3-184.6. Still Meade noted that


Ten, where he tied a record for

Vice President Radock's Student Advisory
Committee on Public Relations
Pick up petitions this week in the SGC Offices.
Petitioning closes Friday, March 17. Sign up for an
interview when you pick up your petition.

'Iowa was hurt when we met them
and they hqve come along since
then. to take the Big Ten chain-
pionship away from six time
champ. Michigan."
SIU faced Michigan State in
January and squaked out a 190.8-
190.25 victory over the Spartans.
The Salukis's victory over Iowa
State was against a squad that
was forth in the nation last year.
While they are again the top
rated team in the country with
scores soaring near 193, Meade
remarked that "we have no real
outstanding stars" as he preceded
to list his top five men who are
rated at the top or near the top
nationally in several individual
Tucker First
Senior' co-captain Rick Tucker
is ranked first nationally in the
high bar wtih a 9.45 average while
he is third in the all-around.
Fred Dennis, NCAA runner-up on
the still rings last spring, is listed
tops in the rings while Paul Mayer
has taken up the slack left by
Schmitz's tragic death.
Mayer is first in the long horse
and second in the free ex tied
with Michigan's Phip Fuller, be-
hind top rated Toby Towson of
Michigan State.
And then the tramp team is
one of SIU's main forte a la Mich-
igan with Dale Hardt ranked sec-
ond right behind NAAU and Big
Ten champ Dave Jacobs with a
9.45 average. And as if that is not
enough of outstanding performers,
Ron Harstad is high on the na-
tional parallel bar list.
Right now, the Salukis are aim-
ing for the Mid-East Gymnastics
regionals to be held in Wheaton,
Illinois on Saturday when SIU
will fight Michigan, Michigan
State, Iowa and Illinois for the
top three team spots which make
the trip to the NCAA finals, being
held this year in the SIU arena.
Meade noted that "the regionals
are going to be real tough with
Iowa, MSU and Michigan and SIU
all in there. I don't think Illinois
is strong enough to make it even
though they beat MSU." The
Salukis coach rates the Wolverines
above the Spartans because of
what he calls "more balance."
The Salukis then predicted that
Iowa, Iowa State, Penn State,
Michigan, MSU and Southern are
the top national contenders and
lamented that "it won't take a 190
score to win it. Last year, we won
with a 187. The lower score is all
due to the pressure."
This is the second time in three
years the nationals are being held
in Carbondale. In 1965, when only
two teams met for the champion-
ships, the Salukis were eliminated
in the semi-finals. Meade then
chuckled and said, "We really
would like to be here this time."




Investigate the advantages of-
fered by the residence halls-
20 meals a week ready and
waiting. Placements for upper
class and graduate students not
presently living in residence
halls now available for the
academic year, 1967-68. Ap-
ply 3011 Student Activities
Building. For further informa-
tion call 764-7404.

Devaney Replaces
Dye at Nebraska
By The Associated Press
The University of Nebraska
Board of Regents yesterday named
football coach Bob Devaney ath-
letic director to succeed Tippy
Dye resigned to become athletic
director at Northwestern Uni-
Devaney will assume the direc-
torship in addition to his coach-
ing job.

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