FEDERAL MEDDLING IN THE UNIVERSITY See editorial page eSixr itau Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom &i aitii CHILLY Nigh-40 Low-5 Mostly overcast; no change in weather apparent VOL. LXXVH, No. 136 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES i -j Illinois Bans DuBois Club By 8-2 Vote 0 Cites Local Group's Ties to National 'Subversive' Society Special To The Daily CHAMPAIGN-URBANA - The Illinois Unversity board of trustees! voted yesterday 8-2 to instruct university officials to refuse rec- ognition of the local W.E.B. Du- Bois Club. The decision reversed a 6-3 vote of February to recognize the. club.I University President David D. Henry said he would abide by the board's decision. The board, in ef- fect reversing its decision of last month, acted on the basis of a re- port from its general policy com- mittee. Stating' that "informal connections have been found to exist" between the local and the national DuBois Clubs. The committee report said the board had cleared the club for recognition last month "on the assumption that there was no link formal or informal" between the two groups. Register as Subversive The national DuBois organiza- tion has been asked by the Attor- ney General of the. United States to register as a Communist front group with the Subversive Activi- ties Control Board (SACB). However, the board has chal- lenged the request, and the SACB has made no decision on the issue as yet. The committee said it acted on the basis of information from Dean of StudentstStanton Millet. After talking with Ralph Ben- nett, local club founder, Millet said that the local club "is ad- mittedly affiliated or connected with the national organization, taking these terms to mean a co- operative, informal, but clearly es- tablished relationship."' Not Chartered The local group is not chart- ered, however, and it is auto- nomous and independent. The local club is not formally bound to tollow any policy directives of the National organization. Heary said, "I would ,have pre- ferred to have had the DuBois Club recognized." But, he said. the University would lose funds if it recognized the club because of public misconceptions. The Illinois student government is reported to be considering bringing a Communist speaker to the campus in defiance of a state law forbidding use of university proporty by "seditious, subversive" groups. The state senate's attack of the trustees' original decision to ree- ognize .the Club on violation of this law, the Clabau-h Act. is presumed to have brought pressure to bear on the reversal: Committee u ie gan + ttilTo Evaluate NEWS WIRE Aid Society K NSA-CIA B efore Si Tie Known c t --ter Late World News To Develop Set of Alternative Plans; Financing Uncertaiii aff E lection WASHINGTON (A)-The State Department announced yes- terday that it will remove the 15-year-old ban on travel of American citizens to Communist Albania. Relaxing the travel curbs first imposed in the cold war years after World War II is part of President's Johnson's annuonced policy to seek better relations with Communist East E'urope. Still off-limits to U.S. citizens are North Vietnam, Communist China, North. Korea, and Cuba. Albania is an ideological ally of Communist China. REED COLLEGE in Portland, Ore., will not provide class rankings to local draft boards starting next fall, the Associated Press reported yesterday. Acting President Byron Youtz said that after the final grade review in the spring, a student who is making satisfactory progress will have a statement to that effect sent to his draft board. He said the college felt that class rank to establish student deferments was educationally unsound and undesirable and that Reed would work with other institutions to have the ranking system changed. * * * * THE LEGAL AID SERVICE, set up by Student Government Council, has retained an attorney who will be available for consultation every Friday afternoon from 2-5 p.m. beginning March 17. The charge to students for the service is $2 for each 15 minutes. Appointments may be made in the SGC office, Rm. 1546 Student Activities Building (call 663-0553 for information); students should bring ID cards and $2 when making appoint- ments. JAMES JOYCE'S ULYSSES in the motion picture version was presented in Ann Arbor last night without police inter- ference. Ann Arbor police chief Walter G. Krazny had discussed 'the possibility that the film's showing raised legal issues with City Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner and County Prosecutor Thomas F. Delhey Monday. Krazny told The Daily yesterday that a decision had been reached in these conferences but would not reveal what had been decided. Two plainclothes policemen did attend the open- ing performance last night. Last night was Ulysses' world pre- miere in 65 U.S. theatres and several more in other countries. UNIVERSITY VARSITY AND CONCERT BANDS, under the direction of Prof. George R. Cavender, will give their first for- mal concert in University history tonight at 8 p.m. in Hill Aud. The Varsity Band will play first featuring works by Tanese, Handel and Thielman; the Concert Band will feature several Ann Arbor premiere performances. No admission will be charged: A CAMPUS CANDIDATE FORUM for all those running in the Student Government Council election will be sponsored by Inter-Douse Assembly, 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday in Aud. B. The presidential candidates will speak first. JAMES GRAHAM, chairman of the Associated Students of Michigan State University, last weekend was elected new Mich- igan Region chairman of the National Student Association. MSU's student organization decided two weeks ago to rejoin NSA after a year and a half out of the organization. PRINCETON PRESIDENT ROBERT GOHEEN condemned American escalation of the war in Vietnam and called for a halt to the bombing of North Vietnam in his monthly press confer- ence. He said President Johnson is "seeking peace in Vietnam but not seeking it in the right way." Goheen endorsed the proposed draft lottery and reaffirmed his opposition to student deferments "except where very definite national need can be shown." By JILL CRABTREE The Citizen's Committee on Economic Opportunity (C E O) voted unanimously last night to conduct a complete evaluation of the Legal Aid Society (LAS), and to draw up a list of alternative suggestions if it was decided not to continue financing the LAS as it presently exists. The committee has until April 30 to make its decision. If it votes at that time to terminate aid to the LAS, the society will remain in operation until July 31, when its contract with the SEO expires. The LAS, a legal service which provides counsel to people in the county unable to afford other legal aid, is staffed by University law students and has handled 'over 1,000 cases since its inception in July, 1966.j Present Controversy The present controversy between' the LAS and the CEO began with the filing of a protest with the CEO over the selection of George Stewart, a National Labor Rela- tions Board attorney, as director' of the clinic. This protest was filed by three CEO members appointed to repre- sent the poor on the Legal Aid board. Complaints against the LAS board include: -Their apparent unwillingness to listen to the representatives of the poor on their board. -Attitudes of apathy or oppo- sition to the clinic among mem- ber's of the clinic's board. For instance, the funds for the clinic were not used until several months after they became avail-' able. The process of hiring a direc- tor was also not completed until six months after the funding of the clinic. Unwillingness --T'heapparent unwillingness of Story Held. To Protect Uninvolved Past Staff Member Informed Schwartz Of Link Last August By SUE REDFERN Two of the current officers of the National Student Association knew 6f NSA's financial relation- ship with the Central Intelligence Agency before they were elected to office. Ed Schwartz, NSA national af- fairs vice-president, said both he and President Eugene Groves were told of extensive CIA involvement in NSA's overseas programs at the annual conference last August about a week before the elections took place. Sam Brown, chairman of the supervisory board of NSA, said Feb. 17 that only, after having been elected and signing a secur- ity oath was a student told of the CIA involvement. Brown also said only one or two senior officers of NSA knew of the relationship. NSA waited to break the story of the financial arrangement until after Ramparts Magazine ran ad- vertisements for an article on the 'relationship because they didn't want to "compromise the integrity of innocent people," according to Schwartz. -Daily-Robert Sheffield SGC CANDIDATES (left to right) Marti Lieberman, '69, George Steeh, '68, and Gene De Louw, '69E," joined Judy Greenberg, '67, Mike McDermott, '69, and Janis Sorkin, '68, in a panel discussion last night over WCBN radio. The students express ,d varied opinions on the question of the student role in the decision-making process. SGC Candidates Express, Views, on Student Power m 1A members :of 12t 7b V1t By MICHAEL DOVER However, she said that student Lieberman, who feels that SGC many members of the board to attack the legal and bureaucratic Speaking on a WCBN radio spe- decision making might.not be the should continue in its separation structures which confront the cial, "Meet the Candidates," six most im)ortant issue, and suggest- from the OSA. poor.SGC candidates last night express- ed that SGC work towards the "If no one else is going to rep- ed a wide spectrum of views on goals desired by the students in resent our interests, we have to -The hiring of a director who student power and representation any way possible. She said she fav- j represent our own," said Lieber- has no previous experieth ce with in the decision making process. .ored re-establishing formal ties man, "if the interests of the in- legalservices to the poor, and T with the OSA, broken by SGC dividual are not represented, de- "manner rin wch teyrprnta from SGC ties with the Office of last fall in protest of the admin- mocracy has failed." ties of h hothe rweres ign d Student Affairs to increasing con- istration's failure to consult stu- DeFouw also favored re-estab- po t d s stituent r stati SGC de dents concerning the sit-in ban, lishing OSA ties. He said that the Sh e n e v e r important decisions ..en representation in SGCde-which has since been rescinded for function of SGC is "presenting to about the clinic were made." cisions. further study, the administration rational and re- The board presently consists of The candidates agreed on the sponsible proposals and sugges- 12 awyrsonelawproessr, ndpoint of student involvement in Sorkin, however, pointed outspnilproasadsge- 12 lawyers, one law professor, and the on-makng poemt that SGC still receives $20,000 a tions. SGC must gain credibility six representatives of the poor. the dedonhmtkimplese, it year from the Regents, and said in the eyes of students, faculty and The lawyers are appointed by the The candidates speaking on this that communications have actual- administration." County Bar. The CEO would like Th addtssekn nti ly been enhanced since the break, He favored a strictly repre- to see these lawyers picked by the first of three WCBN interviews of benn c e the bre a sentative SGC, saying, "I think we people they servethe 19 SGC candidates were: Gene pointing to the vice-presidential settvO.syig Itikw people they serve. hDeFouw,' 69E; Judy Greenberg advisory boaitds as an example. should go back to the students The CEO's investigation is in- Ede , 69E, Jery '69;bMi' She said that the major concern themselves and vote as they want tended to determine if the board 67Ed.; Marti Lieberman, 69; Mi- SGCfaces is involving itself in is- to us to vote." hasmae mximm ffrttochael McDermott, '69; George; has made a maximum effort to chel. '69, and Janis Sorkin, '68 sues which affect the students, "In order for SGC to move for- secure lawyers who will represent thereby increasing student interest ward we cannot remain an iso- the poor, and whether or not Moderating the discussion were in SGC lated body," said McDermott. "I poor, ad wheter or ot (,!ntam n _SOC. . AT STUDENT REQUEST: Total Year-End Credit Hours Determine 'Full-Time' Status 'Quite Shocked' "I was quite shocked, quite an- gry about the whole business," Schwartz said, in recalling his re- action to the revelation. The CIA was disclosed last month as covertly funding NSA's overseas activities as well as the activities of dozens of labor, edu- cation. church and student groups through "front" foundations. Last August 'before the NSA Congress, Schwartz was told of the relationship. At that time Eugene Groves, current NSA president, was in London and could not be reached. Groves was told when he returned to the United States a week later, according to Schwartz, and subsequently elected presi- dent. Schwartz described the quandry that faced him: "My question was should I still run for office?" He decided in the affitmative. At the congress, Schwartz con tinued, Rick Stearns, who was later elected international affairs vice-president, was curious about an extensive security check which he had been undergoing. When Stearns was informed, after the election of the reasons for the check, he was "furious, as all of us were," Schwartz said. After Schwartz, Groves, and Stearns had taken office, "the question of disclosure of the. CIA relationship came up several times, schwartz said. y { Ramparts Magazine When the NSA officers learned that Ramparts Magazine would publish an article disclosing the NSA-CIA financial link, a series of staff meetings were held to draft a statement about the rela- tionship and 'to decide the date of its release. They decided to wait until Ramparts broke the story. Replying 'to charges in the column written by Columnist Jack Anderson, an associate of Drew Pearson, that he had urged the NSA to withhold the information 1 from the public in order to protect his 3-A draft deferment (occupa- tional deferment), Schwartz said, "My draft deferment was not in By DAVID KNOKE The Office of Academic Affairs is auditing undergra-, da te stu- Jents' hours of academic credit to provide certification of "iull-tine" student status to the selective service boards of those students requesting the determination. If a student has not completed the number of hours indicated by the study plan for his school and degree program, his local draft board will be notified that he is ao longer making normal progress toward his degree. Certification of full-time status :epends on a minimum number of l ernester hours completed in each academic year ending in August. Students are advised to check their own records to insure that their progress will meet the re- iuired schedule, as outlined by the table, at the end of the present winter term, according to Ernest Zimmerman, assistant to the vice- president for academic affairs. If the student does not fulfill [he number of hours required for full-time certification, his name will be sent to the coilns n- tlii- Fice of his school. The student must submit a "study plan" to last fall and forwarded to the draft boards of those students re- questing the information. All stu- dents enrolled for 12 semester hours credit were certified as full- time then. Draft boards generally base student student deferments on the "normal progress" towards a degree. The University has found in the past that students not always tak- ing a proportional yearly share of the total academic hours re- quired were still graduating within the minimum number of years for their particular program. According to Zimmermann, a survey of the minimum number of hours requir d in each school and program reduced the certification of full-time status to the yearly minimum shown below. The number of credit hours are not sent to the draft board unless the student requests this be done; only the information that a stu- dent is full-time or not full-time is released in this process. there has been any breach of con- tract or failure to perform services by the LAS. The CEO will negotiate with the present board in an attempt to bring it up to Office of Eco- nomiz Opportunity standards for representation of the poor. They plan to talk with students whor have worked in the Clinic and former clients as well as board: members. If the board proves un- satisfactory, the CEO is prepared to create a new one. Mrs. Joan Adams, one of the Ann Arbor representatives to the CEO and chairman of the sub- committee appointed to study the activities of the LAS, made it clear that the investigation is not intended as a personal attack on Stewart. '68, and Scott Schrager, '68. WCBN will present two more interviews with SGC candidates. The specials will be aired at 7:45 today and Thursday, Greenberg said that SGC must "create a bond between the stu- dent and his representatives." She proposed that SGC members go right into the dorms to widen contact with student opinion, and that SGC hold referendums to as- sertain the general student view- point on issues concerning them. Greenberg also called for an SGC - sponsored re - evaluation of Health Service and the intramural system, and suggested that she' was in favor of eventually allow- ing freshman men a choice on whether to live in the dormitory. Lieberman said SGC must push think the word conjunction is for implementation of the Knauss needed, not the word pressure or Report on student decision-mnak-conflict." He did not specify ing.Re s d enC deoul"convince whether he was in favor of re- ing Htetsd GChould t establishing SGC-OSA ties. castrated body" by gaining con-ofSGehcomrine the ati.nH cessions from the administrationi of SGC during the past year. He on issues affecting the students. brakth tadn ormal He pointed to financial expendi- beak with the OSA does not mean tures as an important area in communication would be harmed. which the student voice should be;In response to recent suggestions heaird. that SGC set up a well-defined constituent assembly, with wards Lieberman also said he favor- and precincts which could hold ed "independent outside support" their representative responsible for of SGC through money raised with their actions, Steeh agreed with concerts and activities. He said !McDermott in voicing concern that this would free SGC of control a divided precinct system would from the Regents. I lack unity and mobilization of "SGC began for the first time opinion, and pointed out that SGC this year to take an active role in meetings have a constituents' time, the decision-making process," said but that it is rarely used. Sorkin also proposed the re- structuring of SGC and the Grad uate Student Council into under- graduate and graduate assemblies which would work together in mat- Full-Time Student Standards School Normal Time Min. number of credits completed at end of: Poll Shows Entering I Consider Campu 'S 1t For Degree 1st yr. 2nd yr. 3rd yr. 4th yr. 4 years 23 51 89 Degree 5th yr. elleetual' ters affecting both. jeopardy. I did suggest (at the In addition, she said that the staff meeting) . . . that it was my veto power that Vice-President for opinion that a blanket denuncia- Student Affairs Richard A. Cutler tion (in any NSA statement about wields over SGC was extreme and the link) of the U.S. government suggested the substitution of a would insure the reclassification tri-partite commission of students, of the nine staff-members '1-A,' A&D Design A&D Architect. Bus. Ad. Educ. Engin. By CAROLYN MIEGEL cent said they would have no prob- lem meeting financial needs. -Seventy per cent stated they! have "drive to achieve" and 58 5 4 4 4V2 years. years years years 23 23 25 51 54 55 54 60 89 '89 84 87 84 90 117 Degree Degree 120 Degree Degree Degree Degree (4 yrs.) in? American Council on Edu- The survey data provided an per cent think they have leader- faculty and administration. simply on logical grounds that the -ation's survey of the University's analysis of the character of the ship ability. She also called for more stu- (draft) board would be antagon- 4.150 freshmen revealed that 72 student body. Results indicated -Political conservatives num- dent voter registration, pointing ized. Your article states that I said per cent of enterin'students con- that: bered 19 per cent and 34 per cent out that over 50 per cent of the 'our information tells us if we sider the campus atmosphere as --Freshman high school grades indicated that they are political student body is over 21. Lieber- blast the CIA, we'll still lose our "in'ellectual." averaged between A and A- for liberals. man had expressed support for deferments, implying that the CIA More than 70 per cent of the 15 per cent: 28 per cent had an Forty-nine per cent of the fresh- the student candidate for City . . . or somebody told us this would fresmnnen indicated that they in- A- average. men interviewed thought their Council from the Third Ward, Jer- happen.' This is categorically LS&A Music 4 years 23 4 years 30