SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1967 TILE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. 557 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES: 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 1 day .65 .85 1.05 1.20 1.40 1.55 1 .70 1.85 2.00 2 day 1.25 1.65 2.00 2.30 2.60 2.90 3.20 3.50 3.80 3.80 7.30 10.40 13.35 16.25 3 day 1.80 2.40 2.90 3.35 3.80 4.25 4.70 5.10 5.50 5.50 10.60 15.20 19.65 24.15 4 doy 2.30 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.55 6.15 6.70 7.15 7.15 13.75 19.60 25.75 31.85 5 day 2.80 3.75 4.55 5.30 6.05 6.80 7.50 8.20 8.75 8.75 16.75 23.95 31.50 39.35 6 day 3.25 4.35 5.30 6.20 7.10 8.00 8.80 9.60 10.25 10.25 19.55 28.20 37.15 46.55 odd. .45 .60 .75 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 FOR RENT CONVENIENT APT. Efficiency, private bath, refrig., avail. end of June. 663- 0192 late eves. or early morn. C37 3 GIRLS SEEK 4th roommate for fall. Mod. apt. on campus. $65/mo. 764- 8624 and 764-8640, 5:30-6:30 or after 10 p.m. C38 Luxury on Campus Thomas Plaza Apts. Only 2 luxury 3-mans left! RENT NOW State near PackardI " balconies f air-conditioning f covered parking f beautifully furnished f disposals * every apartment has a study INCHES 1 2.00 2 3.75 3 5.35 4 6.85 5 8.25 SUMMER SUBLET SUMMER SUBLET JOIN THE underground-any number LARGE 4-MAN APT., 2 blocks from of people for a centrally-air-cond., 2 campus. Air-cond., panelling, park- bedroom apt. 41, minutes from cam- ing, study room, negotiate price, avail. pus. Call 761-8561 after 6. U38 May-Aug. 662-8506. U13 ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ -- ~ - - ~~ ~ ~- ~ - - -- - - --- - BRAND NEW 4-MAN 2 bedrooms air DESPERATELY need one girl this conditioned, fantastic location mod- summer for duplex apt. ONE BLOCK ern decor, utensils included 520 Pack- FROM CAMPUS NEAR EVERYTHING. ard, No. 13 or call 668-9045 UA 2 air conditioners that really work. _.-______-___ 2 balconies, sexy spiral staircase, THANKS EVERYONE for the help at everything you need. Call 761-5159 the Games. Esp. Rick, Larry, John. NOW. Best offer takes. UB and Walley. Mar': & Sharon F38 NEED THIRD GIRL for Spring-Sum- mer term. Park Plaza,. modern, large, THREE MEN needed to share clean, 'air-cond., balcony. Reasonable price. spacious house with two law students Call 665-2190. U3 for summer at $40/mo. Remodeled -- ELWANT-ED kitchen and bath-and-a-half. 1 HELP WANTED blocks from Union. Off-street park-.-......- -- - - - -- --- ing, four cars. For inspection call SCANNERS and MEASURERS wanted 662-6969. U9 for part-time and full-time campus positions. Must have some ability for 4-MAN available near Art School, Law judging geometrical configurations. School, and Business School. Cail Contact Mike Church or David Fal- 761-5553. 808 Monroe U22 coner, 764-4476. H42 SUMMER SUBLET - large completely MEAL JOB at fraternity. Call Steward, remodeled house for 3, 4, or 5 stud- 761-5145. H43 ious men in quiet neighborhood not ---- -- far from campus. Available May- KITCHEN JOBS available immediately Aug. Call 665-0205. U24 in sorority. Call NO 2-7716 for inter- Additional costs per day after six days. Ads that ore of 1 ?, 2h, 3/, etc. inch size will average of the lower and higher inch rote. be billed at the 1 FOR RENT FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE for students or family-Furnished, close to cam- pus. April 25-August 19. $200.00. Call 665-2170. C49 NEED TWO GIRLS to share three bed- room house near campus. April 25- August 19. Call 665-2170. C50 GIRLS-LARGE, mod. 4 man for fall rental, 1 block from Union, central air-cond., off street parking, sun roof and laundry facilities. NO 3-5584. C1 MAY TO MAY LEASE-Two bedroom apartment. New building, dishwasher, disposal, air conditioner, carpeting, heat paid. Call 665-4200 after 6:30 p~m. 048 1 WORKING GIRL NEEDED to share modern apartment. 4800 Woshtenaw. Call Carol 764-8211 between 4 and 5. C3( Perfect for 4* MARRIED COUPLES! A beautiful furnished apartment in a brand new building at just the right price. Modern apartments with all the luxury features. 1 and 2 bedrooms. ALSO 2 BEDROOM, 3-MAN APTS. IN 'THIS NEW BUILDING. Call 761- 8055; evenings 665-8330. 02 /MARRIED STUDENTS Need a nice unfurnished unit suited to your budget? Beautiful modern build- ing with all the luxury features, Call 761-8055; evenings 665-8330. s C3 YOU CAN HAVE IT!! A beautiful ranch home for the sum- mer. It has three bedrooms and a beautiful location. Call 761-9237. C FOR RENT PLEASANT ROOM for professional working woman or graduate student. Kitchen privileges, TV and private space for evening entertaining avail- able. Call Mrs. Houser, 764-7516 or 663-6503. 044 3 MAN APARTMENT with 2 Bedrooms Brand new building for fall occupancy4 Call 761-8055 afternoons or 665-8330 evenings. C30 3 OR 4 MAN furnished apt. avail. for fall. On campus, air-cond., bi-level, dishwasher and disposal. Call 665- 9627 after 5 p.m. C36 GRAD. AND DROP OUT looking for a roommate. Modern 3 man, close to campus. Call 663-7991. 038 SANS SOUCI Beautiful spacious apartments for 2-6 persons. Size of our apartments and their features make this an outstand- ing building: " Balconie, " Air Conditioning " Private Parking " Beautifully furnished thruout " Dishwashers " Free sublet assistance Close to stadium and right next door to campus via continual free service by UM commuter bus. Call 665-2689, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. C13 3-Man,2 Bedroom A AA.. -r I i s 3 t PERSONAL SEE EUROPE AND THE ORIENT Tours any time, any place, all summer. Excellent accommodations - sightsee- ing tours-free time. No worry about baggage and reservations. Student Travel Overseas Program. For more information call Nancy W., 662-3225. 8-9 p.m. F37 WOULD you like a little PATIENCE?!4 F' TEP MONTE CARLO * Friday, March 3, 8:00-1:00 * 1360 E. Jefferson, Det. 1 blk. E. of Playboy Club. DICK PURTAN, WKNR Live bands-Prizes-Name Performers Gambling Drawing for weekend in New York. Only $1.00. F41 THANKS EVERYONE for the help at' the Games. Esp. Rick, Larry, John, and Walley. Mark & Sharon F38 YOU SAY you'd love to enter the Gar- goyls drew Fielding F. Ralph contest, but you can't draw? Enter anyway! Even the booby prize is great! Imag- ine a popsicle a day for the rest of. the semester! See Garg office for details. F FORWARD... --- Flo SEE EUROPE AND THE ORIENT Tours any time, any place all summer. Excellent accomodations - sight see- ing tours - free time. No worry a- bout baggage and reservations. For more information call Nancy W. 662-3225 8-9 p.m. F37 TWO FRIENDLY GIRLS want to live in a house next fall. If you think you will have some space, call 761- 9808. FA, BIKES AND SCOOTERS DUCATI, 125 CC 4-stroke. 1964. Best offer. Call Stu, 662-3159. Z37 1967 SUZUKI. 470 miles, $425. 150 CC. - Call 665-8721. Z35 BULTACO MATADOR 250 cc., very good cond., $650. 665-4396 or 764-5359E Z36 HONDA 160-Exc. Cond. 662-8639 Z341 66 HONDA S90, 2700 miles. Condition like new. Call Don, 662-0854. Z27 BLACK HAT SPECIAL: NEW 1967 HONDAS CA 100 253.84 CA 102 267.85 C 110 266.07 CS 65 302.90 CM 91 328.48 CT 200 325.73 CT 90 349.30 CS 90 351.38 CA 160 525.14 CB 160 604.13 CL 160 604.13 CA 77 6522E CB 77 726.10 CL 77 72.30 CB 450-992.70 Complete with free 500 and 1000 mile service. SEE THE BAD GUYS ..r HONDA OF ANN ARBOR 3000 PACKARD AT PLATT 665-9281 Z3C Summit House Call 761-5471 I i I E E i I I CIE PACKARD AVENUE APARTMENTS 736 Packard NOW RENTING FOR FALL 2 or 3 man bi-level for efficiency. Furnished, air-conditioned, parking. Close to campus. Summer sublets available. Manager on premises. . Phone NO 3-5584 or NO 3-8866 before 6 p.m. USED CARS '59 RAMBLER, good motor, radio, snow tires. $3500. Call 662-3230. N44 '66 MUSTANG. hardtop, V-8, curso- matic. Call 662-2601. N43 1958 FORD, cony., retract top, 352. 761-8842. N42 SAAB. 1962, excellent cond. New engine I ear old, owned by instructor. 517- 629-9554. N41 1962 VW Sunroof. Good mechanical and clean condition. Lots mileage. Best offer over $650, Call Henry Kerrat 663-2108, 701 . Forest. N37 FOR SALE ___ _ C3 4t-man, edroom TO SUBLET FOR SUMMER: 3-man apt. Modern, close to campus, $70 per man.,; for 2 or 3. Air-conditioning, garbage Call 761-8055 or 761-5471. disposal, balcony, evcellent location. C50: Call 663-6690. 543 Church No. 4. CE --- - --_ARBORFOREST APARTMENTS LARGE, WHITE ROOM for immediate ARBO721 South Forest occupancy. Room has sink and semi- SUMMER & FALL OCCUPANCY j private entrance. Kitchen privileges Ideal for graduates seeking quiet ac- included. 761-3419 or NO 3-4086. CB commodations, these spacious 2-bed- room furnished and unfurnished FALL, 1967, 2 seniors' need 3rd room- apartments include air-conditioning,! mate. Two bedroom, new building. All parking, storage and laundry facili-{ facilities and conveniences. Around ties. For appointment call 761-93881 $80-$85. 761-6201. CC (days) or 663-6052 (evenings). C40 f .i !, i iG 3 MAN APT.-All modern conveniences! including dishwasher and disposal. Very close to campus-Forum Apts. Call 662-4177 for the bargain of your life. U40 HOUSE FOR SUBLET - Summer and/ or tall, 5-6 man, one block from Bus. Ad., call 761-9880. U25 : WHATAIjEAL! 4-man apt. - CHEAP ($160 mo. Air cond., 2 blocks from campus (as , crow flies), ideal for Sociology maj-3 or: own little civilization growing' right here in the carpet!! 665-0857. U27 $75-MAN for whole summer. 3 blocks from Engin. Arch. 2 openings in 4-man apt. 1207 Oakland, 665-2636. U2 THREE-MAN APT. Individual bedrooms.' University Towers. 761-6776. UU HUGE 4-MAN, 3 bedroom house with large living room, dining room, gar- age, near both hospitals. 414 E, Kings- ley. May-August. Call 761-9251 any- time or 5-7 P.M. U4, NEED 2-3 MEN to share two bedroom apt. during summer. Bldg. less than ene year old. Air cond., disposal, park-|! ing, laundry facilities, everything brand new. $60-$65. 761-6201. U5 CHEAP! Very large 3 bedroom apt., air- cond., balcony, parking, Just 3 years old. 1000 Oakland apt. 206. Call 761- 6409. Will negotiate! UB! A MAN MODERN APT. Air-cond., dishwasher, 1 block from campus. Avail. May-Aug. Call 665- 4311. U51 The Forum 1 or 2 men needed Modern furnished apt. 1 block from Union. Call 761-1035 U2 AIR-CONDITIONED AND swimming pool. Apt: on campus for 3-4. Cheap 1 now. Willing to bargain. Call 665- 5278. Ut 2 MAN, MOD., air-cond. apt. near cam-j pus. Cheap. 761-8466 after 6. U3! 4 MONTHS AT No. 4-we need 3 girlsN to sublet modern, 4-man apt. Air-I conditioned, LARGE bedrooms, close1 to campus. Cheap. Call 665-9872. UE An entire HOUSE available for sum- mer sublet. Located between the IMj building and Hill St., in a quiet neighborhood. Three bedrooms, air- conditioner, furnished. Inexpensive.! Call 668-7564. F view. H25 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 for Ph positive. $10, $12 for Rh negative Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4: Wed, 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission Michigan Community Blood Center. 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti, Mich. 483-1894 PERSONAL I WHER MARGINAL Prices Buy Quality' Diamonds! Austin Diamond - 12091 S. tLniuepritv - 663-715'1. F8 M COMPLAINTS ABOUT APARTMENTS?! P's !! ! (service, rents, etc.) Write 1528 SAB ake sure you come to the greatest Student Rental Union Helps You. F17 happening ever. THE ZOO SCENE. In, VISIT OU)R WESTERN SHOP. Sale on the zoo, Live band, games, prizes, Jo-O-Kay leatherjackets, Justin, FU. FB Tony Loma and Acme Boots. Sch- neider Western Supply. 2635 Saline AVE, DAVE, DAVE DAVE, DAVE, Pd. Phone 663-0111. 1 mile south of DAVE, DAVE, DAVE, DAVE, DAVE, UM Stadium. FZ DAVE, DAVE, DAVE, DAVE. F ROOM AND BOARD available for men. 665-3719. F30 D: HONDA 90 Must sell Good condition, low milage. Inc. hel- met, cover, and tool kit. Low price, act now! Call Don or Rich 662-8555. ZF MOTORCYCLE SALE New bikes, 50cc step-through $275; 50 cc sport, $300; 60 cc sport, $335; 90 cc trail, oil injection, $385; 90 cc sport 9 hp, oil injection, $395. Used Bikes - 90 cc scrambler, 12 hp, extra sprockets, complete racing equipment, $365; 90 cc trail, new engine, $275; 50 cc Honda Sport 50, $110; Honda parts and accessories, custom paint- ing, and customizing. University Motorcycle Sales 211 E. Ann NO 2-3979. ROOM AND BOARD MERCURY AC BATTERY-operated tape-recorder. All accessories and tape. $60. Stereo earphones can connect to ANY amplifier, $25. 663-1254. B8 AMPEX 2061 Tape Recorder and tapes. Best offer. Riley. 761-7660. B18 6 STRING MARTIN Guitar, D-28 with case, made in 1955. $300 or best offer. 662-0454. B16 GOOD BEGINNER rock 'n roll guitar and amp. $100. 764-1701. B17 FOR SALE-One way ticket from Brus- sells to Detroit on Flight One of UAC Charter, June 3rd. Call Larry, 761- 7407. , .I FOR SALE-Martin 12-string Guitar. Call 764-6723. B35 FOR SALE - Two $3.25 tickets to Judy Collins concert. Will bargain if nec- cessary. Ann 764-9633. B FOR SALE-Used TV, 21-inch. COR- RECTION-662-4412. B20 CHANCE FOR -YOU to display your ju- .. - --. dicial qualifications. Petition for Joint Judiciary Council. March 13-21, 1011 Rent Your TV from NEJAC SAB, 764-7420. F12: GE and Zenith portables for only $10 OVER 25 PERCENT of our business each per month. FREE service and delivery year is inter-state. Find out why peo- Phone 662-5671 NOW. F ple travel 1500 miles to buy a Dia- [MAGINE the joy of winning something mond Engagement Ring in Ann Arbor. from stingy Ralph! Enter the Gargoyle Austin Diamond-1209 S. University. draw a Fielding F. Ralph contest. F 663-7151. F6 __ IWAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone MICHAEL DARLING, Congratulations, WAK UP rERVIiEnate J _ I ring a any design tedtm-ayo II I PARIS TO NEW YORK, Aug 19. J.M. Charter Flight, D. Gray 665-2367. B12 FOR SALE 1 Empire Turntable 2 Dyna Mono Amplifiers (1 mo. old) 1 ,Dyna 120-watt amp. Solid State 1 650 B.S.A. Motorcycle 2 Altec Floor Speakers (2 mo. old) 1 Viking 88 Tape Deck I Scott Stereo Tuner (1 mo. old) Call after 6:30 p.m. 761-3886 BF CAR SERVICE, ACCESS. 100 LUCKY VW OWNERS: Keep your Volkswagen young. Send $1.00 for 56 page catalog on ways to increase the value and usefulness of your VW. Write to: RONNIMART P.O. Box 75 Tremonton, Utah 84337 82 MISCELLANEOUS FRATERNITY & SORORITY BANQUETS For ,our dinner meetin danres. or P. M. daily CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 East Huron C6 MODERN UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom apartments one mile from campuse that include stove and refrigerator. Leases begin in either May or August.I 662-7787. C41j 2 Man Apts. Studio &- 1 Bedrooms 1 411VW TT.YAJJ. ROOMMATE WANTED-Working girl to1FaL Mun share house. Immediate occupancy . Call 662-8789, between 6-8 p.m. C22 Lovely 1 bedroom apartment with fire- place. wall-to-wall carpeting, and new I L E EVLBfurnishings. Separate kitchen in- cludes new appliances and disposal. THE ALBER TTERRACES 1 EI ZFDDES Other 1-bedrooms from $140 in excellent campus and hospital locations. Available May or Aug. 22. I t 1 'V~ *. Furnished and unfurnished 2 bedrooms Luxury units in a prestige location., for summre and fall. Now renting for fall. Dishwashers, 2 ,air-conditioners. Beautifully deco- For appointment call 662-7787, 10:00-1:00 rated. C5s NEW completely furnished, close in. DAHLMAN APTS. OFFICE: 545 CHURCH ST. 761-7600 CHARTER REALTY fine campus apartments 1335 S..University-665-8825 C43 APTS. AVAILABLE in Aug. (12 mo. - leases) furn., on campus. NO 5-6579.1 07-- C46 SUMMER SUBLET WO BEDROOM/TWO MAN in Univ. Towers. pool. air cond. mod. kitchen you made it! Welcome to the land of always, always. Come and collect. Love, lap. FA SUBLET our brand new, beauteous, bi-level apartment. Private balcony overlooking the Grand Canyon. Air conditioned, close to campus and surfing facilities. CHEAP!!!! Call 761- 4807 P S.: This is a 4-man apt. FD YOU TOO CAN BE ONE OF THE HID-I DEN PERSUADERS. Anyone inter- ested in join, ing the promotions staff of a new magazine, Call Hank 663-2935 any evening after 12. FF POETRY WANTED for Anthology. In- clude stampe envelope. Idlewild Press. 543 Frederick, San Francisco, California. F42 FORWARD... F9 DR. GERHARD WEINBERG, Professor of History will speak on Neo-Nazism at this Sunday's ATID Bagels and Lox luncheon, 1429 Hill Street. 1:00 p.M. F7 PRETTY GIRL needed to pose for highI class photos for upcoming issue of campus magazine, This is for real- so call now. 662-3910. Ask for Helen, F EUROPE!! EUROPE!! Drop in. We will tune you in. Europej will turn you on. From Nudist Col- onies to Art Museums, Chateux to Chalets-You will enjoy. We will ar- range the Action, to meet your per- sonal taste. Contact Alan Gelband, 761-8241, 5-7 p.m. Odyssey R1epresent- ative. F 1 GIRL WANTED to share 3-man apt., own room, close to campus. $45/mo. 413 S. Division. No. 6. 668-7877. U49 SUBLET, SUBLET, SUBLET 0 offers self-confidence and an BABYSITTING - Evenings, dishes, or omodatlons rce nt fo40d an- open-mind? would consider staying with elderly ably priced. Call Manager, Huron N eeds a $1000 CASH SCHOLARSHIP?I lady evenings in exchange for room Motor Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M E stablishes a high caliber of and board. Mon,-Fri. Centrally locat- initiative? ed. References. White Box 15. E26 BUSINESS SERVICES Y OU DO!!! LOT AND U If you will be a. c-,st 20 by June LOST AND FOUND TYPING - Prompt, reliable service. and have a czar, call Jr.n at 764-5633 ------ 761-2428, 663-0980, J47 Recruiter for National Firm. In town FOUND - WATCH, vicinity State and soon for limited time Opportunity Monroe. 761-3841, 6-7 p.m. A38 TAILORED SUITS FOR YOUR MEA- knocks. just open the door. FB - ----- ----- SUREMENTS. Fine quality fabrics -- - ------- WHOEVER TOOK my fade and gold from $9950 up; also alterations. 225 OSTERWEIL CO-OP has a few spaces engagement ring from the Women's E. Liberty St. 665-8195. J45 for women to room and board. Only Pool Sunday. please return it. No 18 per week. Close to campims. Own- questions. S. Perszyk, 1356 Geddes. TAILORED SUITS FOR YOUR MEAS- ed and run by students. Call or visit 663-7431. A21 UREMENTS - Fine quality fabrics 338 E. Jefferson. 662-4440. F44 - - - - ----..- --'- ------ - from $99.50 up; also alterations. 225 -----. - LOST IN UGLI OR UNION-A RING. E. Liberty St. 665-8195. J45 LIMITED SUMMER POSITIONS OPEN Gold ban with large, diamond-shaped greenish-white stone (Peridot). Any F Sales and supervisory opportunity where information, call 662-4895. AB the successful write their own pay- - check! Michigan State student earned OVER $2500.00 IN TEN WEEKS!! If LOST, Feb 13, Mason Hall1-Union- I wilb $2500 by Jue, hae Ia carGold Jules Jurgenson watch. Ample Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE you will be 20 by June. have a car, reward. 761-6544. AB AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and and are eager to earn big money with th sis tnine. transcritnm eical U~fl;Cpt on-m di6, I i i 5 "r i i night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN! TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F SUMMER EMPLOYMENT WHO??? .... ALPHA PHI, 1830 Hill, will be open for term IIIA April 30-June 23. For furth- er information, call House Director at 662-7716. E31, ROOM AND BOARD available for men. 665-3719. E20 ROOM & BOARD OR BOARD 662-3159 REDUCED $50/MONTH indo athroom. 76119. apTn17-A. indoor bathroom. 761-7169. apt. 17-A. FREE We find You Summer Sublet Apartments SUBLET SERVICE 1217 S. University 761-3688 418 E. Washington'Street WASHINGTON MANOR ON CAMPUS-NR. FRIEZE & ANIGELL HALL We are now leasing for fall 1967 DELUXE & SPACIOUS I BEDROO FOR 3 STUDENTS. Fully furnish and modern decorator colors, ba air-cond., disposals, soundproof, lati try, storage. EXTRA FEATURES Large study hall and a very qui building. For appt. call NO 8-69( 04I Immediate occupancy. Deluxe 2 bdrm. U6 -- furn., bi-level near hospital. Avail MAY-AUGUST-Modern 2-bedroom 2 or for 2 to 4 persons. 5V, month lease. SWIMMING POOL, air-cond., covered 3 man close to campus, air-cond., Call 761-0053 or 761-9207 after 5 p.m. parking, party room, 2 blks. from some utilities, garage and parking C47 campus. I or 2 girls wanted to share included. Call 663-3538 after 5 p.m. mod. 3 man apt. for summer. 663-0055. U39! U7;- amrLi-..-._...-----____ PARK PLAZA H U RON TOW ERS I 2-MAN. MAY-AUG. Near hospitals. $100. 1320 S. Univ.-4-man, 2-bedroom, mod. Call 761-7905 around 5 p.m. U1 apt. Air-cond. Valuable extras, double North Campus Area-4p bath. balcony with best view on cam-E 2200 Fuller Rd.FEMALE ROOMMATES wanted, pref. pus. 761-5679, Apt. 13. U5 grad to share mod., 2 bedroom apt. . - - - Studio, 1, 2, 3 bdrm., furnished and on Lawrence. Call NO 5-8828. U2 ATTRACTIVE mod. apts. with air-cond., unfurnished. Rentals from $135. Free' -------- --- -- parking, laundry facilities and resi- bus transportation to hospital, cam- 1 OR 2 NEEDED to sublet large 2 man dent manager. Efficiencies, 1 and 2 pus and downtown. Air-cond., garage apt. Stop by 1022 S. Forest, No. 8, or bedrooms. NO 3-5584. U6 space available, also outside parking call 761-2344. U3_ }J l . 3 - a national corporation this might be fr YOU. To see if you can qualify, call Mr.UJaffa at 764-5633. The District Recruiter will be in Ann Arbor this weekend and will be looking for four ambitious, personable young men. Can YOU qualify??? F MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Electrical-acoustical instruments, re- pairs, lessons. 209 S. State, 665-8001. 10 a.m -7 p.m. X15 Ann. Arbor's finest modern high-rise apartments. Rental agent on premises daily. Call 663-0800. C FALL APARTMENTS modern air-conditioned close to campus 3 man, 1 bedroom, $180/mo. f 1 or 2 man efficiencies, $130-136/mo.I Call Bill Kutila evenings, 7-9, ! 662-4936 C21 WANTED! Male professional or mature grad. stu- dent to share modern, spacious, 2- man, 2-bedroom apt. Now. 2240 Dex- ter apt. 201 across Veteran's Park, $82.50/mo./man. Furniture available. Call 761-0737. C6 INEXPENSIVE and modern apartments. $2054210 per month. For Fall '67. Two bedrooms furnished, parking, air conditioning, near campus. Call 761-8822 bet. 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. . 046 MALE TO SHARE luxury 4-man apt. 721 S. Forest, Apt. 503 761-3593. 029 BARGAIN CORNER FIRST CHANCE to sublet a four-manr apartment with two air conditioners, two floors, garbage disposal, dish- washer, and other added comforts of home. Directly across from the IM Building, 511 E. Hoover, No. 10. Phone 665-5980 U SUMMER SUBLET SERVICE For the finest air-conditiend apts. on campus call Mr. Schram at Charter Realty, 665-8825. U41 MODERN 4-MAN Apt. 2 bedrooms, com- plete facilities, air-cond., convenient to campus. $180/mo. 1001 S. Forest, Apt. 23. Call 665-6369. U42 MODERN 2-MAN has air-conditioning, parking, laundry, disposal, reduced rent. Call 761-5080. U43 SUMMER SUBLET-1 to 4 Males. Mod- ern, air-conditioned, 4-man. $40 a month per man. 1001 S. Forest, Apt. 30. Call 665-6800. U SUMMER SUBLET IIIA-Spacious fur-. nished 6 room, 2 story house. Bath and a half, air-cond. Off street park- ing, 2 blocks from campus. Porch and yard. For 4-6 girls. 809 E. University. 761-9144. U44 THERE IS NO BETTER LOCATION for the SUMMER than the WASHING- TON MANOR, 418 E. Washington St. DELUXE 1 BEDROOMS at a discount. NO 8-6906 for information. U33 SWIMMING POOL, mod., air-cond., 3- man near campus. Covered parking available. 1001 E. University, Apt. 2A. 663-5754. U7 3 MAN, MOD. APT. has everything. 1 block from campus. Call 761-3305. Price negotiable. U81 SUBLET - Great bi-level, 3-man apt. For inspection, 665-6870: U9 CARRIAGE HOUSE-4-man, 2 bdrm., all conveniences, air-cond., balcony and parking facilities. Stop in any time. 1224 Washtenaw, Apt. 9 or call 663- 6436. U10 4 BEDROOMS! Enjoy the privacy of your own roomI in this palatial Forest Ct. house. Com- pletely furnished, incl. kitchen uten- sils and dishes. 2-car driveway. Screened-in porches on first and second floors. On quiet, shaded, no- traffic street, 3 blocks from Engine Arch. Call 761-1628 between 5:00 and 6:00, ask for Dan Okrent or Bob Hubert. UD GREAT ONE-MAN available for sum- mer sublet, Kitchen, bathroom, lrg. living room. Easy walking distance to campus. Very low price for Ann Arbor. Call bet. 5-7 p.m. 668-77 37. U31 MODERN 2-man available for sum- mer sublet. Only 2 blocks from cam- pus, and it is air-conditioned. Call John 665-0975 after 6 p.m. UF SUMMER HAVEN for 2-3. 323 Packard, Apt, 4, fully air-cond., parking lot. one block from campus. For further information call 663-7791. UF G I x t LOST-Woman's silver watch with silver band. Has sentimental value. Gen- erous reward. Call 662-8263. A14 LOST - Gold square-faced watch with gold and blue striped cross band. If found call 764-0093. A2 A PATR OF GLASSES, Sunday. left in red car at Big Bay. Please call Rich. 164-2635. A46 LOST-Cat, male iSamese vicinity State and Packard. Call 761-6161. A37 Use Daily Classified Ads $$S$$ can be saved if you sublet our HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 4-man apartment . . . one block from campus. Call 761-1755. F Acoustic, electric, instruments acces- sories, Guild Martin, Gibsen, Mosrite SINCE ALMOST all gem diamonds come David, lessons-repairs 209 S. State from Africa, a brand label for a ring 665-8001 10-7 p.m. X2 mounting does not guarantee the ---- quality of the major diamond in the A-1 New and Used Instruments j ring. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Uni- BANJOSGUITARS AND BONGOS versity, 663-7151. FF BANJOS , , AND BONGOS~- Day 665-4024 Night J28 SAM'S STOR E Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS--$4.98 "White" and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing-$7 STA-PREST Slim Fits $6.50 LEVI JACKETS "White" or Den im--$7.50 LEVI'S Superslims-$4.98 nesi zyipl g, La c~rv-acsu, legal and technical conferences; mimeographing; offset; ditto: lithog- raphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES, INC. , 334 Catherine FRATERNITY & SORORITY PRINTING Personal Stationery - Informals Programs - Wedding Invitations Newsletters - Duplicating Services Electronic Stencils - Rubber Stamps THE M B L PRESS STUDENT APARTMENT HUNTERS: FALL 1967 Your best guide would be to contact Patrick J. Pulte Inc. 214 E. Huron Normandy 59405. With an experienced guide finding the apt. you want is easy. Listings are available at our office. SUMMER SUBLET-Huge apartment, 2 baths, room for 4, 5, or 6 persons. Shady backyard, tool 508 Lawrence St., No. 5. Price negotiable. 662-8121. C SLEEPING ROOMS, single or double. Available now. Downtown area. Call 663-6894 after 5:30 p.m. C20 3 MAN APARTMENT with 2 bedroom Summit House. Call 761-5471 after 6. C31 .f ,,,,,w,,r, WOULD YOU believe it? Ralph is going to give something away! Draw Field- ing F. Ralph and win prizes! See the latest issue of Gargoyle for details, available at Ralph's. F7 LIVE LIKE a king this summer in the FORVM on State St. near campus. Air conditioned (of course) and has dishwasher, two bathrooms, disposal, and all the necessities of a four-man. And it's QUIET! Call 662-4917 or 761- 8344. F CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes to Pat and Dave, and may it never happen to me.-Hank. F FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER needs models for figure and fashion studies 764-7687. F44 HEY, HANDSOME! How'd YOU like to make $40 an hour in New York this summer (or any season) as a male fashion model? Find out what it takes; send photo with all sizes to: LEW WILLIAMS, 240 East St., New York, New York 10017. F47 PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Stringed instruments and accessories' (guitars, sitars, duicimers, etc.) re- pairs, electric and acoustic, lessons, 2095 S. State 665-8001 10-7 p.m. X6 2 SAVE THIS AD, you'll need it some- day. Dressmaking, ladies' tailoring, alterations. Reasonable prices. Day or evening. All Work Guaranteed. 662- 3481. J49 WANTED TO RENT FIVE CREATIVE juniors would like to rent a beautiful house or apartment near campus. Needed next fall. 764- 9633 or 764-9661. LD BEDROOM, mod. apt., air-cond., furn., disposal, parking, laundry facilities. A REAL DEAL. Call 665-5992. U35 THE ENGINEERING COUNCIL Aznnounices the openinzg of petitioning for STUDENT ADVISORY BOARDS For the following faculty-aidministration committees:' Freshman Counseling Program Counseling 2 MEN NEEDED for modern, air-cond. apt. Parking, balcony, near campus. Cheap. Call 665-4875. U36 THE SUBLET SERVICE Sublet your apt. earlya nd get the best price. Ann Arbor Apartment Agency 1217 S. University 761-3688, 665-4480 JOINT JUDICIARY