Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN a UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Dominoes, Defense and Development ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth WIU Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: STEPHEN WILDSTROM Examining Defense Department Criticism of Engine School By DAVID WURFEL The following is the last of a two-part series on the United States foreign policy and Viet- nam. IF. AMERICAN GOALS in S.E. Asia are to prevent Chinese domination of the region and to deter Communist takeover of na- tional governments-goals which are undoubtedly endorsed by a majority of the politically active public there-then we have a per- verse genius for running back- wards. Alice in Wonderland could hardly have imagined a world so topsy-turvy that in the name of peace and democracy we incin- erate women and children, support military coups and surpress pop- ular uprisings-such as that of the Buddhists in Danang. To halt "indirect Chinese ag- gression" in the last three years we have forced the essentially anti-Chinese North Vietnamese in- to accepting thousands of Chi- nese into their territory as "labor battalions" and have pushed Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia in- to inviting Chinese military aid, despite his openly expressed fears of its ultimate consequences. Thai oppositionists are more warmly embraced by Chinese Communists than ever before; Malaysian Chi- nese guerrillas regroup on the Thai-Malaysian border and in Bor- neo; and Chinese influence grows in Laos. As long as the U.S. can be realistically portrayed as the ene- my of S.E. Asian nationalism, the Chinese will have a field day. The only Chinese reverse in S.E. Asia in the last few years has been in Indonesia, where circumstances were practically unaffected by U.S. policy. HOWEVER, despite the fact that the U.S. is unlikely to achieve its central goal in South Vietnam- preservation of a non-Communist er matter, however. It could be begun very soon if the State De- partment were willing to accept the full implications of the Ge- neva Agreement and were able to evaluate the long-term political strength of opposing forces real- istically. Negotiation would permit the U.S. to achieve legitimate goals in S.E. Asia which are at present undermined by military action. IT IS, IN FACT, only through habited by tribes that have not been significantly influenced by either great culture. Today that boundary has been seriously breached by Vietnamese armed units providing the mili- tary backbone of the Pathet Lao. About this situation U.S. officials make no public pronouncements, for they are unable to do anything about it. U.S. pressure on Viet- namese transportation routes near the coast have increased the im- portance to the Communists of ...... .. ." . : .......: .. .. ..... --. . "It is... only through negotiated withdrawal hat the U.S. could help draw a line against aggression in S.E. Asia. And the line which is meaningful is one between two nations, or better yet, between two cultures." ...... t,..... ....:.5..v.5. . . . . . . . ... ..1':.41.. 11}.." :. Asian international police force to patrol than for a much larger U.S. force under present, very differ- ent conditions. AN EFFECTIVELY policed bor- der designed to reduce to a mini- mum Vietnamese iniltration to the west-a process which has been going on for centuries-would then be a shield behind which the U.S. could, if invited, truly assist the growth of popular, effective, in- dependent governments. Cambodia is one of the most deserving can- didates for such assistance, where- as present U.S. policy does not even include the maintenance of consular relations with Pnom- penh. Everywhere in S.E. Asia except Vietnam today the U.S. has the option to work with nationalism, the most powerful force in Asia, to help it achieve its legitimate goals. At some point in the future even leaders of a reunified Viet- nam would probably welcome re- establishment of contact with the U.S. as a counter to China. But the longer the U.S. wastes its men and resources in a military strug- gle against Asian nationalism, the, less likely it is to possess the at- titudes, values and wherewithal to aid national progress elsewhere. The recent refusal in Washington to help finance the Mekong De- velopment Project, despite prev- ious promises, is the latest case in point. THE COLLEGE of Engineering has un- justifiably borne the brunt of Defense Department recommendations on equal employment opportunity . presented to University officials Thursday. The col- lege was singled out as having "excep- tionally bad employment practices" and should, according to the Defense Depart- ment, receive the "temporary assistance" of all personnel resources to improve the employment practices of "this deficient department." While the thoroughness of the Defense Department's survey in other areas can- not be easily disputed, it seems to have taken only a superficial look at the em- ployment opportunity problems facing the engineering school. On the surface, as Norman R. Scott, associate dean of the college, observed yesterday "the situation looks bad." HE ENGINEERING SCHOOL has no Negro faculty members, but this is not the fault of the school's hiring prac- tices. The number of Negroes who enter the engineering profession is unfortu- nately small and competition for their services is high., Not only is there a shortage of qualified Negro engineers in academic circles, but also in the industrial world as well. Fur- ther, faculty salaries, even at large uni- versities, can rarely match salaries of- fered by corporations and smaller engi- neering firms. Consequently the Negro resource of qualified engineers is seri- ously drained by industry, leaving the universities with few people to choose from. Although more and more Negro engi- neers are entering graduate school and earning doctoral status, the University is reluctant to hire its own graduates. Scott has suggested contacting other Big 10 graduate schools in hopes of working out some sort of hiring exchange, but even this may not alter the situation signifi- cantly-Negro engineers may still choose to go into industry. ASSUMING that the Defense Depart- ment has kept these factors in mind and recognizes the depth of the prob- lem, their apparent charge of discrimina- tion in hiring may still not hold for oth- er reasons. After all, a Negro can be turned down for the same reasons any other applicant can. But the Defense Department recom- mendation appears unjust for yet an- other reason. One recommendation com- mends the Office of Research Administra- tion for their "excellent job" in acquir- ing non-white clerical personnel and sug- gests that other departments follow their hiring methods too. The ORA also has numerous Negroes on its lists in other non-clerical areas, many of whom are doing research in the engineering school but who, in the Defense Department survey, were tallied among ORA em- ployes. Surely the engineering school de- served the hiring credit here. As far as clerical and maintenance em- ployment in the engineering school is concerned, the lack of Negroes in these areas may be merely a coincidence. Most hiring of this kind is done through the University's personnel office and not nec- essarily by the college itself. IRONICALLY, Dean Scott is the chair- man of the faculty's steering commit- tee on academic opportunities at the University. The engineering school is also currently setting an example in student recruitment efforts: later this month a group of students from Detroit's Northern High School will participate in a day-long visit of the engineering college. The Defense Department ought to take another look at what it seems to have rashly called a school with "exceptionally bad employment practices." MAYBE THEY OUGHT to come back and just look for Negroes. -MEREDITH EIKER Acting Managing Editor government-and regardless of the counter-productive character of much of our present effort there, immediate un-negotiated with- drawal is not the best solution. We have committed ourselves so heav- ily that the domino theory, which was, when proclaimed, invalid, would now be to a certain extent operative. An unqualified American retreat would give, Communist movements elsewhere an unearn- ed shot in the arm. Negotiated withdrawal is anoth- negotiated withdrawal that the U.S. could help draw a line against aggression in S.E. Asia. And the only line which is mean- ingful is one between two na- tions, or better yet, between two culture areas. That line is Viet- nam's borders with Laos and Cam- bodia. Vietnam constitutes the southernmost extension of the Chinese culture area, whereas La- os and Cambodia are the eastern- most of Indianized people - though. hill areas of Laos are in- trails through Laotian jungles. Though the Pathet Lao has not significantly expanded the area under its control since 1965, U.S. escalation has forced them to strengthen their hold on the area they do control. A very reasonable quid for the que of American withdrawal from South* Vietnam would be Vietna- mese withdrawal from Laos. Viet- nam's western border, adjusted and clarified by mutual agreement, would then be much easier for an Letts: New Library can Architectural Monstrosity To the Editor: AN EXTENSION to the General Library is desperately needed. However, must it be an eight-story monstrosity, resembling a radiator with a mansard roof which would dominate the central campus and loom over the graceful lines of the Clemens Library like a rude Ne- anderthal ancestor suddenly res- surected to frighten its more civi- lized counterparts? The conglomeration of architec- tural types is a horribleand last- ing mistake as can easily be seen by looking at the three parts of the Frieze Bldg. Other pains to the eye are the already decrepit Mason Hall and the Undergradu- ate Library. Adding this newest horror will be the crowning atro- city. Of course economy is an impor- tant factor, but if imagination is not put into the planning, no mat- ter how much money is used, an architectural "sore thumb" will probably result. IT IS DEBATABLE whether or not this new building (as pictured in The Daily) will be architectur- ally superior to the former occu- pant of the site-West Physics. -M. J. Nogrady '69 U's Concerns To the Editor:- AN ITEM for the benefit of any- one who may be making a col- lection of the various quirks of discrimination by the University and related agencies: The Insti- tute for Continuing Legal Educa- tion (headquartered at the Law School), in connection with its 18th annual Advocacy Institute March 10-11, had posted notices offering law students free admis- sion and reference books in ex- change for assistance at. the Institute in passing out materials. What the notices failed to men- tion was that ICLE deemed fe- male law students to be ineligible for such employment. In all fair- T FO Fades Away TH1ETEACHING FELLOWS Organiza- tion died for a number of reasons. Not the least of these were misunderstand- ing and apathy on the part of the fellows themselves. The role of the teaching fellow is, of course; complex. But it is not so com- plex that the teaching fellows them- selves could not understand it if they tried. Too many teaching fellows see themselves as latter-day minotaurs - half student, half teacher-whose func- tion is to reconcile these roles and win both the respect due their teaching half and the ability to function effectively as students, This analysis is a good one only as far as it goes. The teaching fellows can- not afford to forget that they are also employes. And as employes, they must have some method of securing fair work- ing conditions. and equitable salaries for themselves. Y ARGUMENTS have been advanc- ed by the teaching fellows to explain why a campus-wide organization is un- feasible and unnecessary. The. most per- suasive of these merely states that teach- ing fellows just don't have enough time to organize themselves. One of the leaders of the short-lived TFO says "It's impossible. People have doctoral exams, other responsibilities. It isn't that nobody wanted to doi t, it was just the time involved." [F THE TEACHING fellows are that busy that they don't have time to organize, their work load needs to be decreased. If this were true, it would only point up the necessity of an organization. The point is, however, that it just isn't true. Teaching fellows are active in many campus organizations. Some are active enough to try to lead last semester's abortive uprising. It would seem that there just aren't any teaching fellows who are willing to sacrifice some time in order to improve their own lots. Working within depart- mental organizations is a good thing, of course. But if the teaching fellows do not consider their status as employes impor- tant enough tof ight for, they may dis- cover a marked lack of shoulders to cry on when they ask for a better break. -JOHN GRAY balistc ~ssle.X..6?,The-Bo M am ra ness, however, it should be added that ICLE has given firm assur- ances that women will be granted admission to the Institute as pay- ing members of the audience. Louise Lander Law '69 U Money Hog To the Editor: CERTAIN RECENT articles and letters in The Daily impress me that a number of persons at the University are under the misap- prehension that the University merits special status on the basis of which it ought to be given a disproportionatc amount of the state's funds for higher educa- tion. These same inadequately in- formed souls further announce that the quality of education here, or at any institution, is exclusive- ly a function of that school's budget. These two assumptions de- note an attitude of materialistic supremacy which ought not rear its ignorant head publicly so often. As a former student at another state university (Wayne), it was a constant source of irritation that "the big M" used to get so much greater a portion of Michigan's financial pie than WSU, which has approximately as many stu- dents as the University. True, dif- ferent schools provide disparate facilities (e.g., commuter vs. resi- dent), but the difference was still clearly inequitable. There are doz- ens of other state schools too, whose students are, in fact, just as "equal" as you, and who attend schools which could benefit at least as much as the University. Could we not be less narrow and morealtruistic in discussing the problem of increased funds for higher education? The scope of our argument should be enlarged to allow that students elsewhere are able to benefit from a high quality education, too. FURTHER, it is an unfortunate sign of the times that so many believe that the more money a school has, the better an educa- tion one is guaranteed of receiv- ing. Yet some wealthy schools are regarded as "below average," while others which have tightly strapped budgets (and have not seen fit to rank ha tap its alumni for millions) are years, r regarded as superior institutions. state sc Happily, the teacher and student accept1 are still crucial factors in the mercani process of transferring knowledge . . . and itis not purely a matter of money, as some among us con- tend. But the univercentric bemoan- To the E ing which persists emphasizes that WOU the wrong issue is being presented ment to us and it ought to be subordi- tion for nated (and dismissed!) in favor reviews of a united appeal by all state only wr schoolsefor increased allocations least in for higher education in general. most sei The more inclusive shibboleth I the con offer would call for all state If you schools to benefit. Those who ar- most co gue for increased benefits to the ignorant University alone, or above all, in- so far t fer that the University would not extend t have attained its current lofty f + 1 ...'A ~~II~:N *i . r ad it not been, in other more favored. than other hools. I do not choose to the implications of such tile reasoning. Do you? -Kenneth N. Anchor Intelligent Review Editor: LD just like to take a mo- t, to express my apprecia- r the occasional concert of R. A. Perry. He not rites expressively, but, at line with my tastes, seems nsitive to what goes on in cert hall. don't mind my saying so, ollege music reviewers are Lt. idiots; Mr. Perry seems to be an exception. Please to him my thanks. -Laslo Syzchowski, Grad '' D 4i N~i s us rS " 9. A .... ......................... .. .... ............. ... .. .. .. .... ~... ..r ,"."t. ... 4.. hJ ..4 r , . ..n..r:Y . " :. :fJ":.5:5""tr .":r.'t :r:4M' r:. Y . ,:n"r'Jth' r:: "!. ..... .......................n.J..,n.r.n....... n...... .... .......f. ......54..w..n ... n.. r.x .. 4. 4 t n .. .. J. ..n. .... r....n,.M.Y,:t....{ r.,n.... .... n. .. . !1 .,rrr....vt .............n .... .. .. .. ..... ....................................5....................................... .......................................... ...... n . trt. ".. . .... f...n...rr. ... n. .r. y.4 4n r ........ r" ... .....4 ........... ........... ... .. ........ 4........................................ .. .... ....r. .. r n . .fn.. .fr ... .. ff.t.f . .n..........r....... .ll. n. .v ."rx... .r.{ Y Y .:.r. ..f.... iY. .tit.. h...n...r^J ....... ... ....... .. "4" "R4 5( , } ..h.. "r ..r...nnYVxxn , xJ .. r::. "r,"h. .. :4:{". f,{{..Y ,.,i....:::5:4:v:{+:iii:.:uev:n:tvu::a::vv::::::n.::::«.u..."?.v.".,v wrn5: .......... ....................................................... 5..............:::7:::.......................................................~ .... .. 1 tratorsle. Communi*cating Young Republicans Bomb Out AS BOMBS rained down upon a North Vietnamese steel mill and American military leaders discussed the mining of Haiphong harbor, the University College Republican Club has prepared a resolu- tion opposing negotiations to end the war in Viet Nam and condemning any pull-out of the United States from the Southeast Asian quagmire. The resolution, which will be present- ed before the state convention of the Michigan Federation of College Repub- licans today in Grand Rapids, was ex- plained by Michael Renner, '69, leader of the University's delegation to the con- vention. "Negotiations could only worsen the condition of the war," he said. "We stand to gain nothing by bringing it to the peace table." AND THE YOUNG Republicans stand to gain nothing from their resolution ex- cept astonishment and disbelief. For with- out this doctrinaire position, the College Republicans have urged an end to alter- natives. While they have gratefully en- dorsed the strengthening of a political base for the Saigon government, they present a stand which reinforces the worst fears of nations around the world: that the United States is not sincerely -. rrvl irn.Qht anti lne - By STEPHEN D. BERKOWITZ and ALLEN J. RUBIN "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." THERE HAS BEEN a great deal of controversy in recent weeks centering about strategies of pro- test. More often than not, how- ever, this discussion has generat- ed very little insight into the causes of student activism and the reactions arising from it-be they hostile, supportive, or be- nign. Regents, faculty members, and administrators have either been shocked or bewildered by the course of events. In their view, student protest is seen as either an unrnecessary nuisance, or a nat- ural but unfortunate outgrowth of "youthful harshness" and mis- directed idealism. Radical students-and by this we mean an increasingly larger number of them-have been equal- ly unable to understand or cope with the reactivity displayed by those to whom their grievances are addressed. gent Weltanschauungen, is the in- evitable concommitant of this sort of situation. Unfortunately, con- flict obscures the issues and struc- tural disjunctures which are at its root. The recent conflagration which has arisen over the behavior of certain members of Voice politi- cal party and other activists dur- ing the Sesquicentennial program, demonstrates many of the char- acteristic aspects of this larger trend. In a seemingly blind and unreasoning way both groups have entered into a situation inde- pendent of their will, ultimately having a base in the different in- terests associated with each of them. Administrators and Re- gents, tied as they are to the University - not as an intellec- tual community, but as a political and financial entity-have, failed to recognize even the more legi- timate claims of student activists. WHILE THIS conflict grows, and stances become polarized on both sides, substantial questions are largely ignored. Predictably, both sides have begun to retreat into petty and vindictive strate- gies, personal attacks and char- acter assassinations. Vendettas of any sort are fruit- less and do not serve to advance the goals of either party. More importantly, in the present con- text, they are not productive of insights into the way the Univer- sity responds to ecological, dem- ographic, technological and poli- tical trends in the larger society. This is not to argue, however, that conflict in and of itself is bad, but simply that conflict, if it is to yield mutual accommoda- tion ors ocial change must begin, as Mills has argued, from objective and yet concerned analysis. If they are to conflict, groups ought to disagree over meaningful and sub- stantive issues. In this regard, "student power" in the decision making process raises issues which are structural in character, substantive and poli- tically real. Analytically, each of the several groups involved is en- gaged in a struggle over the direc- tion of the University's academic life and its allocation of human and material resources. 4 I. - -- - -------- 21111112111 sm I