DEFENSE DEPARTMENT EXAMINES ENGINEERING See editorial page Sibr ~Iaitjr SUNNY High-53 Low-36 Windy; slight chance of rain tonight Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES ' Ocij s Answer Fair Employment Report after high- "If they are put into a training with big program with no white students in ittha will 4s t that t h By URBAN LEHNER The engineering college issued a statement yesterday in response to charges that equal employment opportunity practices in the col- lege are "exceptionally bad." Answering the charges, made in a report by the Defense Depart- ment Contract Compliance Office in Detroit, the college stated: "The College of Engineering is well aware that it has no Negro faculty members and is deeply concerned. We feel it is impor- tant to have Negro faculty mem- bers, both to encourage the Negro student and to broaden the atti- tude of the white student. "Unfortunately, on a national scale, few Negroes enter the pro- fession of engineering, and the competition for those qualified as faculty is very high. We have undertaken active steps to encour- age Negro high school students to enter engineering, Negro engineer- ing undergraduates to do graduate work, and Negro engineering graduate students to enter teach- ing. "For example, as part of our concern, we have been making ar- rangements to bring a group of students from Detroit's Northern High School for a one-day visit to the College of Engineering later this month. "We expect to undertake many such visitations next year, and we look forward to increasing Negro participation in this challenging profession." The statement was signed by Associate Dean Norman R. Scott, who also serves as chairman of the University's Academic Oppor- tunities Committee. The Defense Department report, jority group leaders authorized by Executive Order community life." 11246, listed recommendations for The reviewers s2 16 improvements in employment particularly impre practices. Only the section of the "knowledgable post report containing the recommen- department headQ dations has been made public. Re- "pleased to find the actions to the recommendations ,able" to the impro' varied. ployment opportuni "The status of employment op- ity groups. portunity at the University at the One recommend time of these reviews was very "Departments havi similar to that found in most cor- few nonwhite cler porations of the Midwest which soudnontc e have work forces equaling that should contact the reported by the University," said to discover their Walter Greene, acting regional di- complishing an ex rector of the Contract Compliance this area of employ Office in Detroit which put out s r ome yesterday's recommendations. Asked for comme Greene said the conditions are tor. Robert E. Burrot individuals who dr "aggravated by a relative state of port for the Defen passivity or indifference by ma- have erroneously at in all facets of Office of Research AdministrationF practices which are in reality aid they were university-wide." dations to be an implication that level, Industry is going; nothing has been done. This isn't ly qualified Negroes the fal- T t's, tt ,-A mn f d.-.,-. i mone >a ssed by the ture" of most s and were em very amen- vement of em- ties for minor- dation stated: rng no or very ical personnel "Our employment lists include personnel involved in all the re- search projects carried on at the University. The engineering col- lege accounts for a significant por- tion of these projects," he said. "We have no independent poli- cies. The praise directed at us in the recommendations belongs to the University as a whole." .Lu0 iu s a mazer of o U ngii y nA' UinLey wXii suspec a Ln teY more, of increasing our efforts, Ben Moore, a staff representa- are getting inferior training. They and this we will do." tive for Council 7 of the American will feel singled out and resent Reister pointed out that the Federation, of State, County and it." University has started programs to Municipal Employees (AFL-CIO), Commenting on the recommen- train otherwise unemployable job was enthusiastic about the pack- dation that "specific efforts applicants. "The need to extend age of recommendations made by should be made to recruit non- these programs was felt even be- the Department of Defense but white employes for the positions fore the Defense Department rec- voiced some reservations about the of resident director and resident ommnendations," he said management of training programs. advisor" in University housing, m a s"If they are all enacted they Director of Housing John Feld. Reister predicted that the Uni- will represent a tremendous stridef kamp said: versity will probably expand its in the right direction," Moore said. "We have and are undergoing recruiting activities in an effort "But all of them must be enacted. numerous specific efforts to con- to hire more educated Negroes for If they are put into effect piece- tact Negroes at predominantly academic and other jobs requiring meal they may do no good at all," Negro colleges. We are chasing a education and skills. he added. number of prospects for next year "However," he warned, "the Moore feels that training pro- and at least one Negro has signed University is handicapped in its grams, to be successful, must be a contract as a resident director." efforts to hire educated Negroes administered with great tact. Feldkamp is also a member of by its inability to compete with "'Negroes don't trust the Univer- the Academic Opportunities Com- big business on an equal financial sity sometimes," he said. mittee. 'Office of Re- "Anyway," Burroughs contin- on in an effort ued, "We try for the most part to methods in ac- hire students in the departments cellent job in ment." b ! or fields involved to work on re-; mnt, ORA direc-{search projects. They get the jobt ughs said, "The # preference." ew up the re- University Personnel Officer se Department Robert W. Reister said, "Therej tributed to the seemed at times in the recommen- Fired St. John's Professors Meet To Discuss Arbitration t i I ff i 1 f t Grad Parley To Examine Student Role BLASTS REARDON REPORT: Judge Favors Pre-Trial Coverage By JIM HECK It will be like a reunion today for some 80 professors and in- structors of St. Johns University who went on strike 15 months ago. The strikers, who are protesting the firing of 29 professors, will meet this morning in an undis- closed part of New York to decide how to react to recent admin- istrative moves to end the strike. The administration of the larg- est Catholic cpllege in the country anrnounced at a Washington, D.C. press conference Tuesday that they will agree to submit the 29 resignations to private, compul- sory arbitration by the American Association of Arbitors. The strikers will come from such prominent places at UCLA, Brynmawr, Washington Univer- sity and many other places they' have been teaching or studying at. Little Hope But the group holds little hope. "This isn't a hearing for us," Dr. Rosemary Lauer, former professor, of philosophy at the Brooklyn campus said. "It's a hearing for the administration." She hesi- tated and added, "They just want us out of their hair." Lauer and others feel that thec move is only a public way of dis- crediting the strikers. Lauer told The Daily "The letter I got was postmarked March 8-a long day after the administration an- nounced to the press in an overly- plush pressroom that they would By CYNTHIA MILLS peals in Cincinnati. He contended, that the code, if adopted, would, S Improvenent Soughti Federal Judge George Edwards effectively bar any comment by . .1 yesterday called the American Bar criminal trial lawyers concerning Il Interdisclplinary IAssociation's Reardon Report the material that might ultimately go Communications '"worst threat to American free- into courit. dom of speech since the days of "The pres a i The effect of inter-generational Joe McCarthy." The report pro- Thebacking press has the ifluence and cleavages on political ideology and posed corrections of present prac- men tockon of the first amend- clea.ages tices of the press in pre-trial and ' ment to protect free exercise of its the role of the student will be the c trial and.rights," he said, but noted con- topic of a Sociology Graduate Stu- rial for the plight of democraticI Edwards is on the bench of the 'debate and some of its primary dent Association-sponsored confer- the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Ap- defenders, the lawyers. ence today. "The conference represents an attempt to promote inter-discipli- - nary communication in the social sciences," explained Allen J. Rub-. in, Grad, conference coordinator. -::>>: "Of all things, the lawyer doesn't want to be brought up on a charge of ethics before his bar," he said. "This is a form of prior restraint, and it will work. It will silence a lot of public debate if it goes into effect." Edwards suggested the following proposals to improve the balance of the right of the press in court coverage and the need to protect the accused and create the proper NEWS WIRE A $289,866 HEALTH, Education and Welfare Department grant for the Institute of Gerontology was announced yester- day by Sen. Phillip Hart (D-Mich) and Rep. Charles Diggs (D-Detroit). The project will be sponsored jointly by the Uni- versity and Wayne State University . The universities will coordinate a program designed to train "Specialists in Aging." It will also train students enrolled for a Master of Public Administration degree as specialists in aging with special emphasis on senior citizen housing management or 'in ' program planning and administration ati local, state andj federal levels. The grant was the largest ever awarded by the administration on aging. * * * * MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY'Schapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity has been placed on one year's probation after an investigation stemming from the burning of a pledge in initiation games. The Interfraternity Council found the burning was accidental but the games violated IFC initiation rules. The rules prohibit activities that demean the individual or play down human dignity and bar physical harassment. Under terms of the probation, the fraternity cannot take in new members, hold social activities or allow women in the frater- nity house. It must carry out a community service project and report to the IFC. MORE THAN 500 STUDENTS attended the annual con- vention of the Michigan Federation of College Republicans which began last night in Grand Rapids. Reports and voting on resolu- tions will take place this afternoon. Included will be a discussion of a resolution introduced by the delegation of University College Republicans which opposes any negotiations to end the Vietnam war. CAMPUS AMERICANS FOR DEMOCRATIC ACTION for- mally dissolved itself this week following a three month struggle with its parent organization, Americans for Democratic Action (ADA). The youth group charged that ADA's demands that CADA move their headquarters to Washington as "one example of adult paternalism we weren't going to accept," according to Don Hillegas, program vice-chairman of CADA, A spokesman for the adult grganization called the move "an economic house- keeping situation." Hillegas explained that a new organization, the Independent Student Union (ISU), will replace the dis- solved organization. RUSSELL JOHNSON: hold the meetings." "At the same time, its intent is to The hearing will be secret and initiate discussion on the dif- filed confidentially. "I don't want ferences in power and the nature ecret hearings, Lauer said. I of authority within the university have nothing to hide." in terms of trends and changes 'Unprofessional Conduct' occurring in the society as a. The 29 professors were fired for whole" "unprofessional c o n d u c t" 15 months ago. Several days after the According to Rubin, the confer- firings, some 50 other faculty' ence will also discuss the "forces members and 600 students left the outside of the university which atmosphere for a fair and impar- tial trial: -The trial judge should make full use of the provisions for a fair trial. -When circumstances do not allow the necessary setting for a fair trial, that the due process clause be applied and the motion approved for institution of a new trial. -The judicial system should seek voluntary cooperation of the press in withholding material not admitted in trial. -The prosecuting attorney, trial judge and legal authorities should restrict their statements during the time of the trial proceedings. -Attempts should not be made to muzzle the prosecution, lawyers, or other legal authorities by re- stricting their speech at any time other than during the trial. "Let us keep the first amend- ment intact," he concluded. Edwards, former Detroit Com- missioner of Police and member of the Common Council, wrote a dissenting opinion in the Sheph- ard case holding that press inter- ferences in that trial required a new hearing. Speaking Out Speaking out against the press and trial judge's hapdling of the original r Shephard convictions, Edwards said, "This was the worst, record of a murder trial which I have ever had any contact with or opportunity to review. Trying a case for a jury, and supplying the 'missing links to a chain of evidence is foreign to our means of justice." Edwards was the keynote speak- er at a North Commons luncheon, part of the day-long program on "The Press and Criminal Proce- dures." The program was spon- sored by Kappa Tau Alpha, the journalism honorary society. campus. Father Peter J. O'Rilley, chair- man of the striking group saidj he was fired "because I wanted a union." - But O'Rilley, who has been working with the union instead of teaching for the past 15 months,; feels encouraged by the move. He said that "we had tried many, times" to get the administration to bargain, "and were constantly met with a refusal to talk with us." compel change in a certain direc- tion." Graduate students and instruc- tors in the social sciences from the Universtiy of Chicago and the University will speak on the gen- eral t o p i c s: "Inter-generational Conflict; Its Consequences for Political Ideology and the Political Process;" and "Youth and Social Change in the University." Traditional Setting "Neither traditional academic "All we want to do is have the settings nor the political situation right to exist on campus," Joseph ; promote, in my opinion, the de-} Breu, Director of Public Relations velopment of a broad inter-disci- of Local 1460 of the American I plinary and intellectual under- Federation of Teachers AFL-CIO standing of many of the problems said. "I want to have collective which are vital to the functioning bargaining on all college cam- of the University," said Stephen puses, including the University." Berkowitz, Grad, one of the1 Bitter speakers. But Lauer and others are bitter, "Academicians are frequently and feel that the administration is too caught up in their own par- trying once again "to rid them- ticular areas of researchl to get an selves of us." Lauer pointed out I overall view of these sorts of prob- that the five conditions set by lems. Students and members of the administration include sec- the general public are frequently recy, and the right to negate uninformed about them," he claims of libel and scandal. "What added. do they think I am?" she asked. Speakers at the conference, "I have nothing to hide." which will start at 10 a.m. in the' The one stenographer allowed UGLI Multipurpose Room, will in- in the room-supplied by the ad- clude: Prof. Richard Flacks of thef ministration - concerns Lauer. University of Chicago sociologyf "The way minutes are cooked up department and a founder of Stu- at St. Johns I would like to have dents for a Democratic Society; my own tape recorder." Prof. William A. Gamson of thef Lauer felt that press coverage doctoral program in sociol psy-t by the "N.Y. Times was biggoted." chology; Prof. David Gutmann ofI She said that since that Times is the psychology department; Prof.f "anti-union they have only re- Ronald Inglehart of the politicala luctantly listened to us." She said science department, and Asst. Prof. that she "can't believe their edit- David R. Segal of the sociology oi's are so stupid." department.s NEW ADMINISTRATION BLDG. ARISES Braving the cold of the Ann Arbor winter, a construction worker checks concrete-pouring forms on the new Administration Building. The building, which will house University executive offices is being built o na site behind the present Administration Building next to West Quadrangle. - ---- - ------- -- - --- -- Lawyers Debate Plan To Compensate Car In jury Victims Regardless of Fault By CHRISTOPHER COHEN "Should auto accident victims be compensated without regard to fault on their own part?" This question received an emphatic "Yes" yesterday by some partici- pants in a hard fought debate be- fore 4000 American attorneys at- tending the 18th Annual Advocacy Institute at Hill Aud. Prof. Robert Keeton of Harvard Law School and Prof. Jeffery O'Connell of the Univeristy of Illinois Law School suggested adoption of a state statute which is an alternative to the present jury trial and contin- gent fee system for auto accident cases. Their highly controversial Basis Protection Plan is designed .to eli- inate wasteful court controver- ies over fault that "clog court dockets, cause long delays before settlement, waste time, and raise insurance rates." Prof. O'Connell criticized the "jungle" of the pres- ent system under which a victim, in order to collect, must hand over approximately one-third of his final court award to an attorney for legal services. On the other hand, Philip Cor- York legislatures where it is cur- rently under consideration, would establish, according to Prof. Kee- ton, a comprehensive casualty in- surance system to compensate claimants involved in auto acci- dents without regard to whether they are at fault. Any recovery for personal injury damages under $10,000 would have to be under the plan. Pain and suffering would not be covered by this insurance unless an'additional premium was paid. Prof. Alfred Conard of the Law School got into the fray by citing the results of an auto accident sur- vey he made which included 86,- 000 injury victims. He found that of the total cost of paying claims, only 44 per cent is paid to the victim. Another 40 per cent goes for running the insurance com- pany which among other things must employ defense counsel to litigate claims that cannot be set- tled out of court. He also added that of the $7.6 million of claims paid under the present fault ori- ented liability system $7.4 million were paid not by the wrongdoer himself, but by his insurance com- O'Connell stated that because of its "totally unrealistic opposition" to a social plan of hospital in- surance. for the aged the Ameri- can Medical Association was brushed aside and the medical profession had no hand in the de- velopment of Medicare. He warn- ed that equally unrealistic oppo- sition by the legal profession would cause the interests of the bar to be swept aside, resulting in a gov- ernment solution like Social Se- curity. But the highly respected Chi- cago Law School professor, Harry Kalven, disagreed with criticisms of the present system that it is wasteful, arbitrary, and could lead to fraud on the part of plaintiffs who know they must prove fault on someone else's part in order to recover. Kalven, past-director of the University of Chicago Jury Study and co-author of The American Jury, found the Keeton-O'Connell Plan "esthetically unappealing," arguing that "the traditional is academically "respectable." He characterized the proponents' thesis as one that the present sys- tem is so bad that anything would be better. T TQ -P--m Hitc NpT w in ietnaim E iT l~.1e /e 1. .E..X 1 U.. ' D 7 I IV -L/EJ VV AAA V 1 U.U ZUR.AT11. By MICHAEL DOVER gets in North Vietnam. He said craft. According to Johnson, this Johnson said that the South that he has seen evidence that fact seemed to be enough to con- Vietnamese "realize t h a t the Russell Johnson, recently return- this bombing has occurred in such vince the office of the propriety American presence there is not in ed from Hanoi, widened the Viet- numerous instances that he is of the bombing. their interest." He said the people nam credibility gap a little yes- "inclined to think true" North I He said, however, that civilian think the "moral fabric" of their terday.-I Vietnamese claims that the U.S. deaths in these bombings have country is being destroyed, and Speaking before 150 people in has been dropping fragmentary that anti-Ky sentiment is growing. Lane Hall, Johnson, a member of bombs on the North, bombs de- been minimal due to an extensive tha sentie is growing. the A merican Friend's Service bobs n er sNy or t-b e - r ad shs e t As for the people of the North, theAmerinhFried's Servic I signed expressly for anti-person- air raid shelter system through- Johnson said that they see little E iT 1 A 1 t f i f i i S. Carolina Student Leaders Meet with NAACP Officials A meeting between three ex- pelled students and NAACP lead- ers continued early into the morn- ing today, as leaders of South Carolina State College students' boycott of classes and civil rights officials tried to iron out their their constitutional rights." The Friday boycott was, over 90 per cent effective asvover 1500 students refused to attend class- es. Many of the students are still countingon the 42 mile march, today, and the actual decision I I