Sictli Jau DilI Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNNVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -- UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Vietnam: From Tragedy to Disaster? I Where Opinions Are Pes' 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth WiU Prevan' NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN Abortion Bill: Eliminating Unjust, Outmoded Laws. THE BILL to legalize abortion and ster- ilization under certain conditions in- troduced in the state Senate this week, has been described as a "hot potato" by its sponsor, Sen. John McCauley (D-Wy- andlotte). This particular "hot potato" has not been tossed only on the hapless lap of the Michigan Senate-it is a highly com- plex issue which must be faced by the nation as a whole. Experts estimate that between one and two million abortions are performed in this country every year, 90 per cent of which are illegal. The University of Cali- fornia School of Public Health claims that approximately 5,000-100,00 women die every year in this country as a re- sult of abortions. With the exception of six states, abor- tions are prohibited for any reason oth- er than preserving the life of the moth- er. Thus any woman who desires an abor- tion for psychological, economic or per- sonal reasons must seek an illegal, un- safe operation-performed by black-mar- ket quacks, midwives and incompetent doctors. T1ERE IS ALSO a deliberate disregard of the law by hospitals and doctors who are deeply concerned about the dan- ger of "underground" abortions. In a re- cent California survey the majority of hospitals reported that they perform "therapeutic abortions In certain situ- ations not recognized as legally justified under the law of the state." A safe abortion has a price tag, how- ever, and it is usually high, due to the, ris (of losing his license) a doctor takes by performing the illegal operation. Only the rich can afford the cost: 10 times as many abortions are performed in private hospitals as in public institutions. On th~e basis of these reports, the American Law Institute, after 10 years of study, has proposed a model law for the revision of existing abortion statutes. The ALI proposes that abortion be legal- ized for three causes: -When . continuation of pregnancy would gravely impair the physical or men- tal health of the mother; --When the child might be born with grave physical or mental defects, and -When pregnancy resulted from rape, incest or other felonious intercourse. 'THE CATHOLIC CHURCH'S objection to abortion is based on the belief that the fetus possesses a soul from the moment of conception, any destruction of the fe- tus therefore being an act of murder. Others object on similar grounds, al- though they are concernedwith the hu- man character of the fetus rather than its spiritual qualities. Medical and legal experts have opposed. this point of view by noting that prior to the fourth month of pregnancy, when most abortions are performed, the fetus has not yet developed "many of the char- acteristics and recognizable features of humanity." With the increasing use of the pill and other contraceptive measures, many claim that it is no longer necessary to have an abortion. They object to an abortion on the grounds that since it has become rel- atively easy to prevent the creation of a fetus, be it human or otherwise, there is no necessity to destroy it. Contraceptives are the ultimate solu- tion to the problem of abortion. However, there must be a vastly increased system of sex education and contraceptive educa- tion before abortions can be completely eliminated. THE IMMEDIATE solution lies in the removal of legislation prohibiting abortion. Society as a whole cannot make decisions which lie in the domain of the individual alone. Society does not have the right to make child-bearing compulsory. The bill before the Michigan Senate represents an admirable first step in deal- ing with this social and moral dilemma, and should be enacted into law. But it is only a beginning. It should lead to the eventual abol- ishment of all arbitrary infringements of the right of the mother to make her own decision, whether it is based on psy- chological, medical, economic or any oth- er personal reasons. -PAT O'DONOHUE By DAVID WURFEL Editor's Note: David Wurfel is a Visiting Associate Professor in the po- litical science department. Per- manently based at the Univer- sity of Missouri, he has written chapters in: "Southeast Asia: Problems in U.S. Policy"; and in "Government and Politics in Southeast Asia." He has con- tributed articles on the Amer- ican commitment in Vietnam to various journals. "Vietnam: A Proposal" appeared in the In- dia Quarterly's March, 1965, issue. This is the first of a two- part series. IN VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh has laid a very ample trap for Americans. And the Americans' with flags flying, led by that doughty General Rusk, have run, not walked, into its maw. Rusk has been quite easily en- ticed into agreeing with Ho, Lin, Mao and company, that Vietnam is the battleground which will de- cide for all time whether "indi- rect aggression"or "wars of na- tional liberation" will succeed in destroying "freedom" or "impe- rialism." The battleground was well chosen. There is nowhere in the world today where the Com- munists begin with so many ad- vantages. Their chances of win- ning what is essentially a political, not a military, struggle are excel- lent. Thus, if the Communists are not to be allowed to win much more than they deserve, there must first be a de-escalation of Washington's rhetoric. Communist advantages are read- ily apparent. Some of them have been unwittingly bestowed by U.S. policy. To hearken back to 1942 will be sufficient-at the time of the formation of the Viet Minh under communist leadership with material assistance from the US Office of Strategic Services and Chiang Kai-Shek. Before the end of World War II the Vietnamese Communists had captured the leadership of the entire nationalist movement. No other Communist party in Southeast Asia can make that claim. It was a skillful and popular elite which broadcast the independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Septem- ber, 1945, claiming authority over the South as well as North. Viet- namese nationalists under the guidance of Ho Chi Minh, the father of the country, have been figthing for that independence ever since. Many of the "national- ists" of contemporary Saigon, however, fought with or supported the French against the Viet Minh. NOT ONLY is the Communist Party in Vietnam backed by a government in the North, but in the South it has enjoyed virtual governmental status in hundreds of villages for most of the last twenty years. No non-Communist administration has had full control of the entire countryside at any time since 1945. For nearly a dec- ade the administration centered in Saigon was headed by the de- votee of a minority religion whose degree of isolation from the coun- tryside was unique in Southeast Asia, partly because of previous Communist control and partly be- cause of his own limitations. Com- munist leadership, on the other hand, though not primarily of peasant origin, was forced into the countryside by the French. They learned to understand peas- ant psychology and how to man- ipulate it to their ends out of the necessity for survival. No other Communist Party in Southeast Asia became primarily reliant on peasant support from the with- drawal of the colonial power. The Communists also benefit from the legacies of geography and history. The Red River valley in North Vietnam is the cradle of Vietnamese civilization. The Me- kong delta area, on the other hand, was colonized by the Viet- namese only shortly before the arrival of the French. Modern Saigon originated as a French commercial and administrative center. Hanoi, an ancient Viet- namese city, remained the focus of political and cultural life throughout the French era. The North Vietnamese have for gen- erations been regarded more in- dustrious and dynamic than their Southern brothers, explained in part by the almost temperate cli- mate of the North. Thus, U.S. forces oppose in South Vietnam the only Commu- nist party in Southeast Asia which or understanding those who do, the Communist themselves have used more than gentle persuasion to preserve the rural-urban gap. If, in fact, we have chosen the most difficult terrain for making a stand against Communist-led rev- olution in Asia, then our victory would taste especially sweet-its impact on revolutionary plotters elsewhere would be powerful. Tra- gicnlly, however, especially for those in Vietnam and in America who have made great sacrifices, believing deeply in a cause, there can probably be no victory. MILITARY VICTORY, i.e. the destruction of enemy forces, could in this context mean only the de- struction of the whole Vietnamese people, friend and enemy alike. Americans, though tolerant of ::" "YL. %: vt{:;;'ri:%^: °:i;:{: tii t%:' ati% '"i;'ir: r}a:;.;: ::;:y+, ;.;:^:} :.. Q;":; .v, ':;:",; {'i" .'v'+,: 1 .' ;:wti:. .::.::: .:::. :v :r:.":: rv."h"..:....,.......,",.:.:::......,... n:.1.........."r...:.:..: x::.:v?.v::.:: .":a4a,:::.: n.:.:..ix }...:;5{:{,:.:{'{,:..a..::'{....,.,. "The United States has tion on the defense of staked its global reputa- a regime whose leaders a non-Communist government in Saigon-then there is nothing the United States can do to bring it about. The outcome will be de- termined by a test of wills and of skills between Saigon and the Na- tional Liberation Front. The pur- pose of the U.S. role has some- times been described as that of bolstering Saigon's will. We can, indeed, prevent Ky's surrender, but we cannot manufacture the discipline and dedication neces- sary to build a popular and ef- fective government. The present one is not even recognized as legitimate. In fact, the kind of persons who might have had such a potential within them for dedi- cation and discipline are increas- ingly alienated by the pervasive American dominance. Not only is the massive use of American military power irrele- vant-nay, hostile-to the task of nation-building, but any foreign power, by definition, is incapable of stimulating patriotism, least of all against a nationajist move- ment. We have not even been able to persuade the Vietnamese to establish the kind of institutional structure, e.g. village self-gov- ernment, or provided them with the political context, e.g. inde- pendence, in which patriotism can grow. WE HAVE, on the contrary, in- sured that cooperation with us is based in most cases on short-term minimization of; personal sacri- fice-not the stuff of which heroes are made. No government com- posed of our present collaborators would stand in Saigon more than a few months after our departure -whether in 1967 of 1984. To fight on with other hopes would be much less than wise. Loyalty to impossible objectives may be courage for an individual, but for a nation it is disaster. 9 have never found support in the countryside- and never will as long survival without it." as U.S. support allows vti4": ir:{titi "} 4:44:it: tii??::":'r..V.V}}r .? : .w: . :o fights for half a nation under the leadership of the most revered national hero who rules the other half, a party which through very highly motivated cadre was mo- bilizing, indoctrinating and some- times governing the peasantry for nearly twenty years before the Americans arrived. The United States has staked its global repu- tation on the defense of a regime whose leaders have never found support in the countryside-and never will as long as U.S. support allows survival without it. As if the U.S.-financed air-conditioned comfort of Saigon were not enough to deter Mr. Ky and his friends from sloggging'in the rice paddies much cruelty, do not have a stom- ach for that. Political victory, defined as merely denying to tfhe Communists the achievement of their goal-political dominance in South Vietnam-could perhaps be achieved through indefinite oc- cupation of Vietnam by several h u n d r e d thousand American troops. But, in so far as Amer- icans have genuinely abandoned colonialist ambitions, this does not seem to be a policy designed to win elections. If victory is defined, however. as achievement of the goal which seems to undergird all of Wash- ington's decisions-preservation of M Letters: In Defense of Voice Hecklers' To the Editor: MISS EIKER says two contradic- tory things in her editorial on the disruption of the Hart-Ford panel discussion in 'tuesday's Daily. She submits that. "Unfor- tunately the only way they (the students) could be heard was to interrupt the question period." Then she says that, "The behavior of the students was neither becom- ing nor wholly justified." And la- ter, "the students, afraid that they would not be heard, brought dis- credit to the student community." The format of written questions was set up precisely to define dis- cussion of issues from the floor as disruption. So when the attempt was made to discuss the war, this attempt was attacked as mere dis- ruption. In this way Hart and Ford avoided the content of the questions and hid their complicity in penocide behind a mask of de- cency and courtesy. The University administration used this method during the ranking sit-ins last tri- mester. They divided the students by diverting us to an argument ov- er maturity. As a result, today we have a mature committee and no change in ranking policy. IF, AS Miss Eiker admits, the actions of the students were neces- sary, then it is irrelevant whether or ont it was becoming, and in- consistent to say that it was not wholly justified. Far from bring- ing discredit, the ability of these students to see through a hoax brought them great credit as did their courage in standing up to those who are attempting to ter- rorize and annihilate the people of Vietnam. Miss Eiker explicitly gives the justification for the disruption, but then condemns the students. As Jacques Roux says in the final lines of Marat/Sade: "When will you learn to see? "When will you learn to take sides?" -Karen Sacks, Grad William Sacks, Research Associate Esther Heitler, Grad James Heitler, Grad Leni Solinger, Grad Alan Solinger, Grad Airplane Tragedy To the Editor: N TUESDAY (March 7) a short article appeared on the last page of The Daily noting that three of the passengers aboard the airliner which crashed near Marseilles, Ohio, last Sunday were University students. It was quite a shock to see that The Daily, while filling the greater portion of its front page with everyday ar- ticles on alumni drives, petition deadlines, and student hecklers, could fins' but three inches of space between the calendar of the day and a page-long story on Musket's next production, for three students who met such a sudden and tragic death. Although I had never known any of the three students and real- ize that The Daily's traditional policy has been to play down ar- ticles of tragic nature, I still find it hard to accept the fact that the immediate loss of three under- graduates could be treated so minimally. Not one word of sym- pathy was expressed on the part of the student newspaper, and I wonder whether some of the mem- bers of our computerized campus world have become cold enough to show more concern for social ac- tivities and community affairs than for the very lives of the in- dividuals in that community. --Robert James Connelly, '67 Editor's Note: The Daily has had a consistent policy of not printing student death an- nouncements. In this instance, however, we felt that an excep- tion to the policy was justified. although not for page one nor with the details of the tragedy. The complete story was carried by other news media available to the University community. The members of The Daily staff will take this opportunity to epress its sympathies to the fam- ilies of these students; however, we believe that it is not the function of a newspaper to con- vey condolences. -R.K. Honor Code To the Editor: AS A VETERAN of four years of commissioned service, includ- ing two as an instructor of mid- shipmen at the U.S. Naval Aca- demy, I would like to take issue with Jim Heck's editorial on the USAFA Honor Code. To begin, it should be noted that one of the first things that happens to a young man who joins the Cadet Wing, or the Brigade at Annapolis, or the Corps at West Point, is thatshe is no longer a civilian. He has joined, of his own free will, the military establish- ment, and as such is governed by the Uniform Code of Military Jus- tice. In doing this he gives up many comon rights that are taken for granted, for example, the right to go and come when he pleases (we have all heard of "being AWOL"). In passing it should be noted that in the main the rules of that code are not enforced upon these stu- dents, except where they commit acts which would be punishable in a civil or criminal court. Rather, at each academy, the students are governed by a set of regulations drawn specifically to (1) ade- quate govern the daily routine, (2) provide disciplinary measures where necessary, and (3) instill in the students those attributes which are deemed indispensible to a military officer. IT IS HARD to foresee what sort of pressures young men may en- counter in the future defense of our country, but if the past and present are any guide, they may be extreme.,Should loyalty to a friend be an acceptable reason for not ordering him to what may be al- most certain death-this vaay be the crucial test. Obedience in the service is a basic concept, simply because in many situations there does not exist either the time to explain a decision or the chance for each individual to weigh the alternatives and choose his own path. More particularly, those charged with making decisions, if only from the standpoint of the importance of human life, should be men of the highest caliber. Finally, the fact that these ca- dets chose this way of life, in fact, asked for and competed for this opportunity to become the leaders of our military should not be for- gotten. I submit that the mentality which deplores the "no tolerance" rule stems from an improper focus upon base motives and poor judg- ment. These are traits which we do not wish to ascribe to our military leaders, nor which, I believe, they wish to possess either individually or collectively. -John H. Logie, '69L All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words..All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. No unsign- ed letters will be printed. m A Word Before Elections. . . STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council re- ceived a good deal of deserved pub- licity last semester because some of its potential power and influence finally came to the surface. The draft referendum, the "student power movement" and the establishment of the vice-presidential advisory boards were not disconnected events. Through them all, Council, with campus support, raised issues of vital importance to the whole University-where does the student, fit -in, what is his ;role and what is his proper sphere of power. ()NE POSSIBLE ANSWER to the ques- tion of the students' role is the ad- visory board system. Council recently ap- pointed students to fill boards to four vice-presidents. It will be up to the new Council to evaluate this system and ulti- mately to decide its fate. Most important, however, is the spe- cial commission on decision-making, es- tablished by President Hatcher in the midst of the student power movement. It will be an important job of the new Council to keep in contact with the com- mission and to offer ideas for its consid- eration. This is vital, because it will be largely up to the new Council to react to the commission's suggestions and to present them to the student body. It is no secret that the commission is examining SGC and might well suggest a complete overhaul of the present struc- ture. It will be the decision of the new Council if and how to reviseSGdC. THE~SE DECISIONS' -- on the advisory boards, the, commission's suggestions and the restructuring of SGC-are prob- ably the most important ones Council will be making next year, and their im- plications are immense. The issues, in short, will determine the future place of students at this Uni- versity and their representative voice in the form of a student government. They are worth a lot of thought by all SGC candidates. -SUSAN SCHNEPP Acting Personnel Director .. .................".......................o: "a rr: n t amw:: .v:v:" w: c:n ".::}.'}" r'"FS i'"arrxi "..}'; T Rt{..;Sra v "tw:FhJ"r y{Jr Dr. Mannpelli and His Famous Experiments 'Bizneyland' By DAN OKRENT "FILM IS the most important art form of the Twentieth Century. It is the art which em- bodies the technical developments. in the modern world." So speaks Prof. Marvin Felheim of the, English department, an avid cinema devotee and an ama- teur expert. The subject of which he speaks, the film, is currently enjoying the use of its own gal- lery, as the Cinema Guild's Ann ArboraFilm Festival moves into the fourth day of its five-day stand. Originated five years and mas- terminded then and now by George Manupelli, a faculty mem- ber in the College of Architecture and Design, the AAFF has grown to proportions reaching far out past the confines of Southeastern Michigan and enjoying the recog- nition of international experi- mental films circles. Oddly, however, the Festival is little known here in Ann Arbor itself. As English teaching fellow Edward Germain points out, the AAFF is one of the world's two largest experimental film pro- grams, yet retains its solvency (the Festival this year is award- ing $6,000 in prize money) chiefly by farming the program out on the academic circuit. what is generally considered to be pornographic by pointing out that it is no worse for an audience to watch "Flaming Creatures" than it is for the public to view similar "obscenity" in painting or sculp- ture. Or than for American book- buyers to read vivid description in black and white in countless dime novels. Felheim calls for an increased awareness in film, to supplant purely teclinical filmmaking. He points out that there are but two courses in the University dealing with motion pictures, both (one in the Speech dept., the other in the A&D School) devotedsto tech- nical production. F'ilm as an art, he says, "is neglected in higher education across the nation." Presumably, the Ann Arbor Film Festival seeks to fill the "ed- ucational void" that Felheim is critical of. After the last of the movies is projected on the Archi- tecture Auditorium screen tomor- row night, the show will be picked up intact and "road companied" across the nation, with a schedule including major universities and art museums from Boston to California. BY THE END of the current five-day run, 2,500 'people will have paid to see the festival's en- tries, selected from a preliminary 4 0 IE STATUS of big business on college campuses across the country has been dropping steadily during recent years. One poll shows that in 1964 only 14 per cent of the Harvard senior class entered busi- ness, down from 39 per cent in 1960. And a 1966 survey has found that only 12 per cent of all American college students want to enter business. Accordingly, the University of Michi- gan has decided it's time to glorify, if not beautify, the corporate image with a "Bus- iness Hall of Fame." dimwn w st eeWra im1 -.. RnnA Apn n nt the hall will cause visitors to pause and reflect upon their heritage; that it will inspire respect for the great entrepreneurs who have done so much to build our na- tion. Ideally, the hall will make one feel that he is in the presence of greatness." Lewis suggests that attractive contend- ers for nomination in 1968 are Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, J. Pierpont Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., James B. Duke, James J. Hill and Edward H. Harriman. (NE REQUIREMENT for membership in Bizneyland is that a nominee must be dead for at least three years. The direc- Andy Warhol (center, wearing shades) and The Velvet Underground structor emphasizes that the AAFF differs from the famous fes- tivals (Cannes, Berlin) in that it deals entirely and exclusively with experimental screenings. EXACTLY WHAT is an experi- The exponents of technique might say that subject matter is tech- nique, that the film that consists of nine minutes of flickering "countdown" signals is indeed a film with the technique as the subject, applauds the popularity that the four local commercial theaters have garnered as a good sign of the recognition of film as culture!. he himself deplores the current rash of Antonioni or Fellini pic- tures which metropolitan critics might clasify as expeimental. No 4