FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAn'U' RPvmv £i~5 .A~L rticx nn ti President Plans War Meetig Official LAY-OFF AFFECTS 200,000: UAW Tells GM Workers To Cease Wildcat Strike Wit LBJ Reports, Critics Lack Information U.S. Officials Reveal Record Losses; Viet Cong Defections High ' WASHINGTON () -4 President Johnson said yesterday he expects to meet somewhere in the Pacific later this month with his top lead- ers in Vietnam. Johnson told a news conference that Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge and Gen. William C. West- moreland, U.S. military chief in Vietnam, will be present. He said they meet about every six months. Newsmen asked Johnson to specify the precise location in the Pacific, where he plans to meet with the ambassador and the commander of Vietnam war forces. He just smiled, declining to re- ply. Vietnam Crisis In response to questions con- cerning Johnson's reaction to statements made by Senator Rob- ert Kennedy and other critics of Vietnam policy, the President said, "it seems obvious to me that some of them need more information." Newsmen's questions kept veer- ing back to the possibility of peace talks and at one point Johnson said the Communists have "taken A a steadfast position," are inflex- ible. 'Act Promptly' He said if. he had any sign of willingness to talk from the North Vietnamese, "I would act very' Promptly., Johnson was asked about op- position to his proposal for a random selection system for the draft. He said his own commission and a congressional panel have made many good recommendations and Congress will have to examine. them. Changes in Draft 'Fair' In Saigon, the United States Command reported record losses and record defections for the week of Feb. 26-March 4. The Americans, with their ranks now swelled to 417,400, suffered 1,617 casualties for the week with 232 dead, 1,381 wounded and four missing. The American death toll last week was not the war's highest. A total of 240 were killed Nov. 14- 0, 1965, the week of the Ia Drang Valley battle. Losses among the other allies last week were lighter. South Vietnam's armed forces reported 199 men killed and 18 missing; the others, six dead and 25 wounded. 1,168 Viet Cong Defect Against the allied toll, spokes- men said 1,736 Communists were killed and 1,168 switched sides under the Saigon government's open arms program. The communist defectors, num- bering 60 more than in any pre- vious week, brought defections this year to 6,357, compared to 3,845 in the same period of 1966. The Communist dead were the equi- valent of more than a: regiment and uncounted thousands of oth- ers were obviously wounded. But far more were killed in the pre- vious week, a record 2,449. By unofficial tabulation, the United States has now lost 7,920 men killed in combat from 1961 up to last Saturday midnight. The wounded total 45,836. Viet DETROIT (A) - Overwhelming' support of the international un- ion's takeover of a rebellious lo- jo Re cal in an Ohio General Motors plant was voted yesterday by Uni- ted Auto Workers representing 132 s~argaing units within the GM 1manufacturing empire, EThe delegates, with only two dis- storatonsenting, urged workers in the strike-beset parts plant at Mans- field. Ohio, to end wildcat work CX red i stoppages and stay on the job. j Emergency Session but some 1,200 of its 2,700 mem- plant in Mansfield, Ohio, imple- bers voted at a subsequent meet- mented by wildcat strikes, violence ing to continue their work stop- and intimidation, inevitably poses page. the question as to whether or not The National General Motors the continuation of this plant as Council of the United Auto Work- a key plant under these circum-' ers representing 134 bargaining stances is practical or possible. units was summoned to meet here "The production of over 90 per yesterday and was expected to en- cent of our passenger cars and the dorse the international union's taking over. job security of more than 200,000 GM Statement of our employes in other GM I It was only an hour before that plants affected by the disorderly session began that GM issued a disruptions of production at the statement saying: Mansfield plant cannot be left to "The irresponsible and lawless the whim of a handful of irres- conduct of certain UAW local un- ponsible local leaders and their ion leaders at the Fisher Body followers." Voter PollPrediets DeGaulle Majority President Expected The vote came at an emergency session of the National General To Re sdeMotors Council of the UAW, sum- o econsider SurtaX moned "to thoroughly discuss" the On Personal Income Mansfield situation, which holds the threat of idling 200,000 GM WASHINGTON (,'P) - President workers for a second time since Johnson announced yesterday he Feb. 13. is asking Congress to restore the The vote came only hours after 7 per cent tax credit for business GM raised the threat of discon- investment in new machinery and tinuing the Fisher Body factory at equipment. Mansfield as an important plant. Johnson told a news conference 196,000 Workers Affected restoration of the tax credit and The plant makes parts for more the accelerated depreciation al- than 90 per cent of GM's passen- lowance is now "appropriate" in ger cars and an eight-day strike view of the diminished inflation- which erupted Feb. 15 finally ary threat. snowballed into layoffs of 196,000 Johnson called for the restora- workers in 85 GM plants across tion to be made effective yester- the country. day. Reportedly. 780 of the 1,090 His action came just a day after scheduled to work reported on sec- the official forecast of industry's ond - afternoon - shifts yester- capital spending showed an ac- day at Mansfield after 75 per cent tual decline-the first in four of the normal day shift work force years. of 1,200 reported. T 1 i I TS 1 l 4 17 1 PARIS (A) - President Charles de Gaulle seems assured of a com- fortable majority to support his policies in the new National As- sembly to be elected Sunday. but he might lose two of his top min- isters in the final round of voting. Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville and Defense Minister Pierre Messmer are campaigning vigorously. They could win but no one is counting out the possibility that either or both might be beaten. They are Cabinet veterans, --Associated Press PRESIDENT JOHNSON IS FRAMED IN RAYS of spotlights as he talked to reporters yesterday at a news conference at the White House. Johnson announced a meeting with Vietnam war leaders and a proposed restoration of the seven per cent tax credit for business. VOTE NEXT WEEK: Senate Defeats Amendment To ovi etConsulate Treaty WASHINGTON R)-The con- sular treaty with the Soviet Un- ion survived a first-round attack by opponents yesterday. An attempt to amend it was de- feated 53 to 26-just over the two-thirds majority that would have been required if the Senate had been voting on ratification. The amendment, Majority Lead- er Mike Mansfield of Montana said, would have killed the treaty itself. Vote Next Week No vote on the treaty is expect- ed until next week. In yesterday's test, 16 Democrats and 10 Repub- licans joined in supporting the amendment, which was killed by a combination of 33 Democrats and 20 Republicans. Sen. Karl E. Mundt (R-SD) has introduced two reservations which probably would make it un- acceptable to the Soviet Union. Yesterday's amendment by Sen. Herman E. Talmadge (D-Ga) would have eliminated the provi- sion granting full diplomatic im- munity to arrest for consular of- ficials and employes. That's the same immunity now granted at the ambassadorial level. This is not in other consular treaties, and Talmadge said he thought it wrong to give the So- viet Union a special privilege not granted others. The immunity clause, Mundt said, was insisted upon by the Soviet Union and would merely widen the door for more Commu- nist espionage. Mansfield said: "The Soviets would be unwilling to renegotiate this convention if any amendment is adopted, so in effect this would kill the treaty." Sen. Spessard L. Holland .(D- Fla) said Talmadge had pointed out "the Achilles heel in this treaty." But Sens. Charles H. Percy (R- Ill), Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) and Thruston B. Morton (R-Ky) join- ed in calling for ratification as the treaty now reads. Javits said without the provi- sion for immunity from all pros- ecution, the United States would not have agreed to the treaty. He added, "We wouldn't send our people to the Soviet Union unless they had immunity." The reservations introduced by# Mundt pose a formidable obstacle for the pact. They would require the Russians to pull back on aid to Vietnam and assure freedom of movement and expression in+ the Soviet Union for American officials and newsmen. Said Mansfield: "Let's face it, some of these are kind of tough to vote against."+ Dip in Capital Spending The unexpected dip in capital spending led immediately to pre- dictions that Johnson not only would seek restoration of the busi- ness stimulant, but might recon- sider his announced plans to seek a 6 per cent surcharge on most personal income and corporation taxes as of next July 1. During the question period Johnson said he still believes the added tax will be needed to curb inflationary pressures expected to revive later in the spring. Johnson said in suspending the tax credit last fall he provided for automatic restoration under cer- tain conditions. 'Suspension Did the.Job' He said it is now clear the tem- porary suspension has "done the job we hoped and expected it would do." He said interest rates have de- clined during the suspension, as much as one and one-quarter per- centage points. He said last spring and summer savings and loan institutions had virtually no money for new home building, but again have money to lend now. He said the pressure on machine industry had eased dramatically. Last September machinery pro- ducers were close to 100 per cent of capacity, but now are at a more normal rate, he went on, and moderation in the economy is con- firmed by a survey of investment plans nor the rest of the year. It was learned that Johnson had conferred with a group of top corporation executives at the. White House on yesterday morn- ing, a few hours before announ-; cing his decision on the invest- ment credit. Invitations to the industrialists -all members of the Business Council, the group whose members were asked by Johnson a year ago to cut their plant investment vol-9 untarily-went out Wednesday,+ apparently just after the SEC-+ Commerce report was issued. a TOKYO OP)-Mao Tse-tung has launched a drive to seize complete control of Peking, where fighting has been reported in the past two months, Japanese press dispatches said yesterday. While the party chairman's sup- porters control the propaganda outlets of the Red Chinese capital, islands of resistance are said to remain manned by backers of Mao's enemy, President Liu Shao- chi. Chinese Moslems Reports by travelers reaching Hong Kong from Peking told of one such island of resistance, Chi- nese Moslems, angered by the ar- rest of several Moslems as ene- mies of Mao and his purge. These reports said that in one fight in January, Peking Moslems attacked a police station and forced the release of the Moslem prisoners. By this account, about 800 Moslems stormed a public sec- urity ofice in the Moslem district in February, wrecked it, and than put to flight Red Guards who had seized a mosque. The Peking correspondent of the newspaper Nihon Keizai said Mao's Communist party Central Committee has put Vice Premier Hsieh Fu-chih, public security. minister, in charge of the cam- paign to seize control. Pro-Maoists Combine The correspondent said 27 Mao- ist organizations in Peking form- ed a preparatory committee to organize "the Metropolitan Revo- lutionary Committee to seize The 26-member International Executive Board of the UAW on Wednesday night ordered an ad- ministrator to take over the local,' Mao Launches Campaign For Control Qf Peking power" under the guidance of Hsieh. A dispatch by the New China News Agency said the official Pe- king People's Daily scolded some followers of Mao for letting victory go to their heads. People's Daily told young Red Guards and older Maoists to stop "self-seeking." Mao has called for a merger of Maoist organizations in alliance with the army and party-government of- ficials. Draw Attention from Chou The article repeatedly referred to the instructions of Defense Minister Lin Piao, Mao's heir ap- parent who has been reported ill. Perhaps this was to take some at- tention from Premier Chou En-lai, who has emerged as the nation's top administrator and a powerful party leader. , Chou's party role was under- scored yesterday when he and Politburo member Kang Sheng met V. G. Wilcox, general sec- tary of New Zealand's pro-Chi- nese Communist party, on his ar- rival in Peking. Ordinarily party General Sec- retary Teng Hsiao-ping would have been at the airport to wel- come Wilcox but he has been de- nounced as a lieutenant of Presi- dent Liu. Chou said recently he spoke for the party. but neither has ever before tried for an elective office, and both campaigned in marginal districts. Try Vote-Getting Nothing in the French constitu- tion requires ministers to be se- lected from Parliament. But since De Gaulle made his own debut in a popular election in the presi- dential vote in 1965, he almost in- sisted that his Cabinet ministers try. their own vote-getting per- suasiveness. The opinion polls predict Gaul- lists will win 264 to 290 of the 487 seats in the new assembly. Gaullist-backed candidates won 66 of the 81 seats decided last Sundayin the first round of vo- ting, when a majority was re- quired. On the runoff, the high man will win. Two-Men Races For seats still to be -decided in Metropolitan France, 335 races have been narrowed to two men -in most cases a Gaullist and a Communist or a candidate of -the non-Communist Federation of the Left. Another 62 Tstricts have three-way battles,'in, only one district will four candidates be left in the race. Couve de Murville finished last Sunday's first round with a lead of 17,893 to 16,049 over Edouard Frederic-Dupont, a former deputy and former minister. A Federa- tion of the Left candidate and a Commpunist, who collected 7,700 votes between them, were elim- inated from the race and the battle is on now for these votes in the Left Bank district of Paris. . Messmer must beat Yves Allain- mat, Socialist mayor of Lorient, in Brittany. Messmer got the most votes last Sunday with 19,179.-He was followed by Jean Maurice, Communist mayor of a Lorient suburb, with 12,387, and Allain- mat, backed by the Federation of the Left with 11,853. Louis Mon- tagner, of the Democratic Cen- ter, was in fourth place with 8,654. Communist Strategy In working out strategy for the second round, the Communist leadership decided to withdraw its own man to try to beat Messmer. World News Roundup LONDON-Prime Minister Har- old Wilson's Labor party retained two seats but lost a third in spe- cial elections yesterday to fill va- cancies in the House of Commons. The Laborites suffered big vot- ing inroads by Conservatives and Celtic Nationalists in a major electoral rebuff for the Wilson government. * * * BILOXI, Miss. - A federal judge's ruling that Mississippi's million-dollar Gulf beach is pri- vate property dealt a setback Thursday to the Justice Depart- ment's seven-year attempt to de- segregate the man-made beach. The Justice Department had sought to have the beach desig- nated a public recreational area- and thus open to Negroes-from Biloxi to Pass Christian. * * * URBANA, Ohio-A TWA jet air- liner exploded in flame after an accident with a light plane yes- terday, killing 26 persons in the second crash in the same area in five days. * * * NEW ORLEANS, La.-Dean An- drews Jr., a lawyer who told the Warren Commission he thought Lee Harvey Oswald was a "patsy," testified briefly Thursday before a grand jury hearing evidence in the District Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation of the Kennedy as- sassination. Asked then if he had consider- able doubt about Oswald being the assassin, Andrews replied: "I know good and well he did not. With that weapon, he couldn't have been capable of making three con- trolled shots in that short time. This boy could have connived the deal, but I think he is a patsy. Somebody else pulled the trigger." I' I Sunday: Two Performances! "THE TOUCH OF GREATNESS! N.Y.TIE I THE WALTER READE.JRJOSEPH STRICK PRODUCTION Sat. & Sun. Only CINEMA II presents Tennessee Williams' Night of The Iguana RICHARD BURTON DEBORAH KERR AVA ' A r)K11 TONIGHT: CINEMA GUILD and the DRAMATIC ARTS CENTER{ present: THE FIFTH ANN ARBOR FILM FESTIVAL Screenings at 7 and 9 in the Architecture Auditorium. The University of Michigan PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM Production of e54j Eignine Frost By DONALD HALL Directed by MARCELLA CISNEY -"t0 .,. Admittance will be denied to all under 18 years of age. ALL SEATS RESERVED-ORDER BY MAIL 3 AYS ONLY r------------------------ MARCH 14,1516 th Forum USE THIS COUPON J EVES80P.$5.50I MAT. - , NAME..I 2:30 P M. $4.00__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ V t h _ _ _.. I NO.OFSEATS..SAT$ TOTAL$......... FoMATINEE /EVENING[/DATE REQUESTED I Send Cheek or money order payable to the THEATRE. with stampe4d 1 Fou( :-self-addressed envelope.t COMING FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, & MONDAY TWO GREAT CLASSICS: "BICYCLE THIEF" and "OPEN CITY" Starring WILL GEER featuring Anne Gee Byrd - Thomas Coley - Jack Davidson I i j ;il (; iI 'C I I q AAk A A if ,2r94AL *NI M 'fMM ~ W' Ir