Atdigan Daily Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS v :";ti: "" .: k.. "::.:.w-....,::::":::::::::::vw.;.,v: «::::} +n v .: ............... .....x"y" ".: :v,-,-:::::.;.;....,,..",.n.v.:^«}n:r, :::":.,";};:";{:.",:};.,".;"{:.: }:"}:"}:"Y.iii'"}£ii;:;::::.:v.}":.;r.^.,;.;: :.":.i ?'"5r?""ii::<::.;.;:.,:.-"}::"::.iC.y::{"7:"T:"Y.^;; "::<": ?:,"..,..,................... ...... .... .., '.'"."V: .......n...:::::.}:" ::::::.:.::.::.:.::.: ....: .: ..:"..: ": ".tiv}}Y"rv:{"4.:..;4?4". a..v}hv::...:k:v:4'.i" +'+ k4 : ".}.{{. '}. . .t '$,. --- - --- ----- THE VIEW FROM HERE The Winter of Our Discontent BY ROBERT KLIVANS . Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Wil Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 A:':tt:t:t:."::ti4.t.t:tt::.1".:1 .::t::.::......t.f::,.........4 ....:..:.:.:..... ....... ... ........,............. .. .. ...,,.:: ". ;. .: .,,:,«. ::4...t: :"". 5:: ":^" t 1:":::,M'.1 f:.4".'.'. .R4'. .".. ' ....... .......... .....h. . r. n.. n.l..t.......,..........,..,......... .........^. t...:.:::::.::': t:,::'::::::::::.' ":::::::.::.: ::: "::: «........ «.:.. ;.:.. ;.4".:.": t... '. .:.4. t.:. «}.:'t:.::: t:':::.:5 ::........................1V.:.:v::::::::.: ..... .. 1 . ..1 "."".:.. ....................... .. fi.... ... .....,.h. . ,. ................ . .. ... .......... ............ ........ « ..... ... «.....« . . ... :::i.;::; i; }^.;.;'{ii{,y"ham.{ : :: a ,«4:h . r r s : . .. .... .. .............................."................ «........... ........ f........ ... "..:..::. ;................. «.....,.,............,................. ;y............,...:; .. ....... "":: :: ".:.... :...........4:.:...:.... .1,h:ti4i" J:':"?:ti+t:'::":":vni':4 .....::::iii"...,...h".«.«4.:'.. «..,4 . }.: :{ ...hh ..+. «..1; Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK LEVIN New Draft Proposals: Eliminating Unfair Praetices PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S proposals on the draft system will go a long way toward renovating an antiquated struc- ture that has provided manpower for our huge defense establishment for over 25 years. The Selective Service as presently con- stituted is unquestionably successful in its primary omjective of meeting re- quests from the armed forces. President Johnson, however, after carefully consid- ering the recommendations of several ad- visory groups - notably a presidential commission headed by Burke Marshall and composed of 20 leading citizens-stat- ed his desire to effect the following: -A lottery to replace the local quota system. --A partial overhaul of the deferment system that will remove present immun- ity of graduate students. -A reversal of draft priorities of age groups. The President's message, coming in the midst of an unpopular, intractable Asian war, will hardly be met by cheers from the galleries. It is a plain fact that wide- spread dissension over the draft stems as much from Vietnam, as from any inher- ent inadequacies in the system. Never- theless, the implementation of the plan will eliminate many unfair practices, and may get rid of a lot of dead wood person- nel who have arbitrated over the lives of so many young men. AT PRESENT, local boards are given quotas to fill, thereby giving residents of one area a built-in advantage over men from other districts, depending on the number of "eligibles," on the per- centage of deferred students, and on the size of the request. As expected, this has a lot to do with the disproportionate drafting of those. from least privileged homes. Despite the fact that the number of men rejected for military service reflects a much higher fraction for Negroes than whites (50 vs. 25 per cent), recent studies have shown that proportionately more Negroes of the group qualified for service are taken than whites. Student deferments, potentially the most explosive' issue that Johnson had to deal with, was only partially tackled- from above. He wants to lift most of the rather comfortable arrangements gradu- ate students now enjoy. Insulated from the draft during their undergraduate years, during graduate studies, and often afterwards because of children or certain occupational choices, men have been able to "totem-pole" deferment upon defer- ment until they have exceeded the age limit for the draft. The inequality of this set-up will thus be remedied. The touchier ,decision on undergradu- ate deferments was postponed for further study. Although the Marshall group ad- vocated lifting these deferments as well, it is highly unlikely that Johnson will follow its advice-instead preferring to permit the completion of undergraduate. studies. THE GENERAL PROCEDURE for draft call-up today is the "oldest first"- from 26 downward. As the President stat- ed in his message, this order of priority "increases the period of uncertainty and interferes with the planning of lives and careers." But also, the army finds that older recruits have more trouble than the younger adapting to the hardships of mil- itary life. The revised system will permit younger men to get their service obli- gations out of the way, and will avoid the interruption of well-established ca- reers. The lottery mechanism will permit a reduction in the number of selective serv- ice branch offices and employes-a desir- able streamlining of the network of "fief- doms" ruled by old soldiers. Moreover, less than four per cent of the draft officials are Negro. Johnson has not made a de- cision on the number of new boards, and has sent the matter back into committee. A glaring omission from an otherwise good report is the President's failure to accept the recommendations of the Mar- shall group on military reserves. The com- mission pointed out the disturbing trend of reserve units to become havens for those trying to avoid the draft and sug- gested that "I-A's" not be permitted to enlist in the reserves. A LONG TIME coming, the proposed Selective Service revisions are practi- cal, moderate steps to an extremely per- plexing problem. The lottery is slated to be in full working order by Jan. 1, 1969, and present graduate students will be permitted to finish work leading to the nearest degree. The President's proposals avoid disrupting the conscription of man- power, and should provide a smooth tran- sition from a poor to a much improved system. -STEPHEN FIRSHEIN FOR COLLEGE newspapers, this is the winter of our discontent. From Baltimore to Los Angeles and from Madison to Gainesville, campus publications seem to be under attack at a record rate. In what is appearing to be a full-scale epidemic, charges of obscenity, inefficiency and irrespon- sibility are being levelled at collegiate journals. One needs only scan the news pages during the last two months to gain some insight into the length and breadth of the contagion: 9 At Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, two co-editors of the campus paper, the News-Letter, were suspended on Jan. 16 when the publication carried "a higply critical reference" to President Johnson. The article "jokinglyecalled'Johnson a mass murderer.'" The two were reinstated as students, though the Student Council unanimously voted to establish a committee to study the school newspaper's structure. " At Arizona State University in Tempe, the school newspaper's editor, John ,E. Polich, was fired Feb. 3 for "refusing to comply with the Board of Student Publica- tions' policy." The sharpest complaint against Pollich was that he held another job in addition to his editor- ship, which the Board prohibits, though Pollich claims that the chairman of the board and one other member knew about his other job when he was interviewed for the position. The rule limiting the editor to one job had been passed a half-hour before the editors were appointed. * At Northwestern University in Evanston, the faculty went on record "with a statement of discontent" and launched an investigation of the Daily Northwestern. Though leading faculty members argued that the action was sparked by the paper's failure to print certain an- nouncements, students insisted that several articles and editorials critical of the administration were at the root of the trouble. # At the University of Wisconsin in Madison, a series of controversial articles (a movie review, an interview with Dr. William Masters, author of "Human Sexual Re- sponse," and an editorial urging the legalization of mari- juana) sparked the state legislature to call for a study of the university. The pressure also resulted in the resig- nation of the Daily Cardinal's editor. 1 At Cornell University and UCLA, the distribution of campus magazines was halted by university officials. At Cornell, the injunction against the sale of the literary magazine, "The Trojan Horse," was eventually dismissed by a state Supreme Court Justice who labelled the ar- ticle "lousy but not prurient." In Los Angeles, the UCLA newspaper's weekly literary and art review, "Intro," was barred because of a critique of "Ecco Homo" by George Grosz and a review of "Nova Express" by William Burroughs. , " And at the University of Florida in Gainesville, 5'5" Pamela Brewer posed nude in the off-campus humor magazine Charlatan, thereby gaining the 18-year-old Vir- ginian immortality in the hearts of all campus males and a two-year disciplinary probation. ALTHOUGH THESE EXAMPLES should all be judged individually, a common pattern is evident through many of them: the role of college publications is under serious scrutiny. And the events at the University in the last month contribute to this theme. Everyone has his own view on how the campus should be run, and consequently which interests the campus publications should serve. At Wisconsin, the state legis- lators are beginning to think that they can regulate the university (i.e. perhaps the newspaper) better than the administration. At Northwestern, the administration and faculty feel that they should have more control over the paper. And at Johns Hopkins, the Student Council thinks that everyone should take another look at the newspaper. What all this indicates is that the students inside the paper view its role differently than many of those on the outside. The problem, like so many others of our day, becomes one of understanding and communication. WIITH A WINTER like the one we are experiencing, the whole situation is brought out into the open. Charges of obscenity, and platitudes of freedom are exchanged between parties, and the end result is either a new struc- turing of the paper, or a continuation of the old way. The resolution of the conflict usually results in a freer paper, more in line with the concepts of an educated and tolerant community. Thus, all the controversy over the collegiate press may, in the end, prove to be a valu- able contribution. After all, one cannot tell if he has a cold without the symptoms. And the chills experienced by the collegiate press this winter may be the key to a healthier environ- ment. 4 A Letters:An Appraisal of Flaming Creatures' To the Editor: F EW have seen the film "Flam- ing Creatures" in its entirety, and so those people who want to form an opinion as to its merits have been force dto rely on a po- lice officer's description. We, Speech students currently study- ing and making films, have seen "Flaming Creatures" in its entire- ty and merely want to point out two things about this description. First, it contains inaccuracies. Secondly, by selecting out of the first 10-15 minutes of the film only those, things he found objec- tionable, the officer has misrepre- sented not only that brief segment, but the entire 45 minutes of the film. In other words, the selected parts are made to seem the whole. In fact, by isolating a fraction of the visual images from their contexts - artistic (music, satir- ical songs, stylized acting, experi- mental "underground" shooting techniques) and social (ridicule of Hollywood-type scripts and the double edged satire of sexual at- titudes), his description not only destroys the film's artistic integ- rity and its significance as a social. and satirical vehicle, it provides a perception more prurient than anything that the artist is charged with putting on the screen.- THE SAME ERROR would occur if he were to insinuate that the play Marat/de Sade was no more than a few of its parts-no more than the man who, naked, walked up the stage, or the man, who naked below the waist, supposedly masturbated; no more than the woman with the breast exposed or the attempted rape of the Nun- Attendant; no more than the woman who repeatedly raised her dress to expose her "wet" pants, or the man who continually ran his hands over the body of the somnabulant young girl; no more than the "obscene" language, songs, and gestures. - The 9,000 people who recently saw this remarkably brilliant pro- duction of Marat/de Sade here in Hill Auditorium will immediately recognize that dwelling on these details gives them a weight they by no means deserve, and that the play's meaning and the signifi- cance of the dramatic experience are not even touched by this whol- ly misrepresentative description. AS STUDENTS of film, we re- gret that the seizure of "Flaming Creatures" has prevented others from being able to judge this film's merits and failings We feel that the controversial shots are, in fact, peripheral to the importance of the film. Jack Smith's "Flaming Creatures" is an artistic presenta- tion of socially significant atti- tudes. -Tim Ayers Dennis B. Webster Role of ISR To the Editor: NEIL SHISTER'S column in yes- terday's Daily charges that the Institute for Social Research, among others, draws off money and personnel that would other- wise be available for teaching. The truth is quite different. While the total economics of the symbiotic relationship between the Institute and the University is complex, on net balance it is not the University that is being exploited. None of the $55 million is com- ing to the Institute, and the Uni- versity now owns a beautiful build- ing paid for largely out of govern- ment grants and from reserve funds diligently accumulated from' research grants and contracts sought and obtained by the ISR staff over many years. The Uni- versity does not pay the research salaries of the Institute staff, nor guarantee their tenure. , THOSE OF US who face a con- tinual struggle, to secure funds to do research (and pay our own salaries), find it difficult to think of ourselves as having "private baronies," whatever that means to Neil Shister. Some of the funds we obtain are for hiring students and paying salaries to them, who learn by doing and often prepare a dis- sertation out of the material on which they are working. An excel- lent recent series of articles about the Institute in the Daily was ap- parently not read by Mr. Shister. Mr. Shister also levels a charge of inferior instruction. It is not for me to evaluate my own and my colleagues' teaching. We are strug- gling to convey to students rapidly changing information on the fron- tiers of knowledge. It is a difficult task to have this information beautifully and systematically or- ganized, and as well presented as older more stable bodies of mate- rial. We think of ourselves as des- perately anxious to get students interested in. quantitative inter- disciplinary social research which we feel is crucial to the solution of many of the world's problems, and crying for an infusion of brains and talent. -James N. Morgan Program Director and Professor of Economics Review To the Editor: Y REVIEW of the Artur Ru- binstein concert was so se- riously edited by an over-zealous night editor as to nearly render it inane. I did not judge Rubinstein's beautiful playing of Chopin facile; I merely noted that the darker, more reflective tones, especially in the nocturne, were somewhat bleached out in the sunny warmth of Rubinstein's thoroughly opti- mistic rendition. As printed, the review stated my disappointment over the Brahm's Sonata No. 3, but, totally deleted my reasons for making such a judgment. Briefly, this sonatahre- flects the worst side of Brahms: structural poses and predictable declarative utterances that are imitative, empty, and uninspired. The pianist's performance was lu- cid and intense, but with consum- mate skill he penetrated to noth- ing. Furthermore, Rubinstein was misspelled throughout the review, for which I disclaim responsibility. -R. A. Perry, Grad. Reputation To the Editor: T IS A GREAT IRONY and a sad commentary on the extent to which warped minds are present in the University community that when a college newspaper under- takes to treat important issues and does so in an enlightened manner, as The Daily has done, so many are ready to label the news- paper as "irresponsible." A college newspaper only begins to assume its appropriate function when it forces its readers to con- sider Important international, na- tional, and university issues and thereby becomes not simply an announcement sheet, but a part of the college education for its readers. PERHAPS THE MOST appal- ling revelation of this whole 'edi- torship' episode is the extent to which Harlan Hatcher and those board members voting against Rapoport have lost touch with re- ality, for it is shocking to realize! their inability to foresee the sense of outrage which their action would rightly provoke among stu- dents, faculty, and others and the subsequent pressures forcing them to back down. May I assure you that the Daily's excellence isuappreciated in the Law School. Steven Y. Winnick, '69L A Little English To the Editor: AS A SUBSCRIBER to The Michigan Daily may I congrat- ulate you on your recent, appoint- ment thereby assuring a contin- uation of current editorial poli- cies. However, in order to comply with Senator Hart's new "Truth in Packaging" bill, may I' suggest that you change the mast head to read: The Michigan Avant Guardian. -Mrs. Russel M. Hanna All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. No unsign- ed letters will be printed. V The Ploys of Robert Kennedy .. ............... ...... .««.. .......... "......... .. ... ...... ... ....1......r ..rtti r......... ..n.....r ...,........"...... f.... ... .... .. ".... ,.. ....a ..............a. .... 1....... , r .. .... ...., , ..... ...t...:. ... 4..A .............. rn.. ,..................."........t....,......,.,..........,...n .: ", ..«.. .......................n1..r..... .. f.. .... ............ .r...... ... ..,...........,.. ........... ..: .. h.A1,y ... .. .." ;n.., ... rr. .,}. .n11, ..r A...r. .. 1...1.1 i.... rt . 4 ....... }....., .,i.........:"..... «.... .. X. , .1.. ... ...... .. " {. .. .... r ..................... Y.i i. 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" ................. ................,i.d...n.....}"....... {s.......,. ...,...."....v........... ' h1 , ...,...... ............ . .. "....... ........... ",. .. . ,.". . "..."." . i .. SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY de- serves the enthusiastic applause of every loyal American for his valiant ef- fort to vindicate our national legends. More than any other contemporary pub- lic figure Kennedy is the living symbol of the pioneer spirit. Who else scales dangerous mountains and essays wild rides on fearsome Western rivers? Who but Bobby approaches rhinoceri and gnus in the wilds of Africa without trepida- tion? Merriwether Lewis and Teddy Roos- evelt are homebodies by comparison. Not only has Bobby resurrected the pioneer legend. Recently he has been go- ing to great pains to restore another treasured American maxim - that any American boy, if only he has enough money, a well known last name and a-good publicity image, can grow up to be Presi- dent. OFCOURSE, Bobby isn't President yet. But he does have all those virtues. He's got the money to pull off his politi- cal coups, he is better known than any American politician except President Johnson, and the public loves him. People just eat up those front-page stories about Bobby at Sun Valley, Bobby in Africa, Bobby climbing Mt.lKennedy. And Amer- icans don't usually put up with that kind of political trivia unless the subject is really special. Bobby needs more than the -support of the general public, though. He knows that to win he's got to have the intellec- tuals behind him. So Bobby early last year started coming out with statements on the subject American intellectuals of the 1960's love best-the war in Vietnam. Specifically, Bobby told an eagerly await- ing public that he had some "reserva- tions" about the bombings. But the intellectuals wouldn't buy it, or some of them wouldn't. In the last couple of months alone, Ramparts, The Reporter and I. F. Stone's Weekly have had their turns taking potshots at him. "Dissent without substance," argued one. "Of course Senator Kennedy has reser- vations about the bombing," said I. F. Stone. "We all have reservations. Some of us think there's too much of it, others think there's too little." Would Bobby lose his left wing friends? NOT WITHOUT A FIGHT. Last Thurs- day the junior senator from New York played his version of escalation. The United States, he urged, should discon- tinue its bombing activities in Vietnam and announce that it is willing to nego- tiate within the week. So there it is. Or is it? After all, from the point of view of Robert Scheer (who wrote the Ramparts article), a cessation of the bombing isn't a horribly radical propos- al. Bobby didn't admit, either, that he had been wrong in the past when he had not called for a bombing halt. No, Bobby argues, the situation has changed-Pre- mier Kosygin's recent speeches indicate a new attitude by Hanoi justifying an American peace overture. And to pacify the 67 per cent of the American population who favor contin- ..A - . a hnn00crTnhtm.+l aran ntha The Tragedy of the Urban Ghetto By BETSY TURNER "OUR CITIES are in danger of becoming Negro reservations which will be more dangerous and difficult than those of the In- dians,"commented Roger Wilkins, director of the community rela- tions service of the United States Department of Justice. Wilkins, the first speaker in last month's University Activities Center Symposium on the Urban Ghetto, focused on the deplor- able conditions in the city. Wilkins characterized the pres- ent situation as one in which "the American promise has failed the Negroes of this country." "The quality of life for the mass of American Negroes is stag- nant or deteriorating in compari- son to that of the whites of this country," said Wilkins. Anger, he predicted, is the only reaction that can come if conditions do not change. Thus, Wilkins vividly described the tragedy of the urban slums. However, he, like many of the other speakers in the series, fail- ed to propose realistic plans for change. CRIME and its relation to the ghetto was another area studied in the UAC symposium. Reverend David McCreath, first chaplain to youth in the history of Chicago's Cook County Jail, said, "Crime is a normal fact of social life and it requires that we interpret it in a social context." McCreath, himself a product of Ise and defended 'the use of viol- ence when neededtforuretaliatory purposes. Tom Hayden, '61, co-founder of Students for a Democratic Socie- ty and an organizer in the ghet- to of Newark, N.J., described the ghetto as a product of "internal colonialization." Negroes living in these city areas have no command over their own resources, he add- ed. All of the major enterprises- stores, restaurants, theatres, and industries in these areas are con- trolled by whites from outside. The profits from these ventures leave the community-thus draining the meager capital which does exist. Nearly all the social workers, policemen, teachers and landlords who work by day in the ghetto, Hayden says, live elsewhere at night. Hayden outlined the issues as local control of resources avail- able in the ghetto and self suf- ficiency wherever possible. He sug- gested establishing "people's insti- tutions," for "by taking over in- stitutional control, the people of the ghetto can prove their own legitimacy as a group with power to control their own affairs." Hayden added that "this does not mean that a dialogue between the members of the existing in- stitution and the people of the slums should not continue. But the dialogue is carried on from a position of power, power held be- cause of local political and eco- nomic control." Cooperative stores, local taxes, j I "The American Promise has failed the Negroes of this country" i The program, consisting of 80 congressional interns, was, in Mil- ler's words, "an attempt to produce a more intelligent national dia- logue about the problems of the urban ghetto and racial minori- ties." This 12-day program was cen- tered in the Bedford-Stuyvesant the specific problems of these peo- ple, he proposed that the city be analyzed as an economic unit where the people are separated from the available jobs. This caus- es "tremendous amounts of pov- erty and unemployment with little guarantee of a decent living stand- ard." " Reorganization in the exec- utive branch of the federal gov- ernment to meet the challenges of today with fresh techniques and methods. LINCOLN LYNCH, associate na- tional director of the Congress of Racial Eauality (CORE). spoke out