WEDNESDAY, MARCH $, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRI~E Political Turmoil Plag ues New African States EDITOR'S NOTE: Thirty-one Af- rican nations have wno independ- ence in the last 10 years, but in the words of one leader, "Africa is a mess." The new countries are plag- ued by coups, financial ills, blood- shed, high birth rates and slow growth. Still, Africa inches forward. By ARNOLD ZEITLIN ACCRA, Ghana (MP)-The scene was fresh 10 years ago, but it has become familiar through repeti- tion. In the flare of a spotlight, the Union Jack hung limply in the African night air. Precisely at midnight, the light went out. Down came the British flag in darkness. The spotlight snapped on, and atop the pole was a red, yellow and green tricolor with a single black star. Ghana was free. The' West African country, achieved independence March 6, 1957,'a decade ago Monday. Ghana was the first country south of the Sahara to win independence since Liberia proclaimed itself to an indifferent world in 1847. The Ghanaian flag fluttered in what British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan later called the "wind of change." The new Ghanian prime min- ister, Kwame Nkrumah, first of his race among British Common- wealth heads of state, that mid- night told the happy new Gha- naians: 'There is a new African in the world . . . ready to fight his own battle and show that, after all, the black man is capable of managing his own affairs." A decade later, African leaders are less sanguine. "Africa is a mess," Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere said last November after a meeting of the Organization of African Unity. "A devil is loose in Africa." Since Ghana's independence, colonial flags have. fluttered down in 31 African countries. The con- tinent now is a troubled jigsaw of 39 independencies. It has been plagued by military coups and fi- nancial exhaustion. No one could agree more with Nyegere than Nkrumah Ghana's first prime minister and later its first president. He sits in uneasy exile in Conakry, Guinea. His former subjects in Ghana spent more time and money Feb. 24 cele- brating the first anniversary of his downfall than they will in marking the first decade of their independ- ence Monday. That decade has produced in- dependent nations unsure of both independence and nationality. In Nigeria, the country with the largest population in Africa, ap- peals of Ibo, Hausa and Yoruba tribesmen seem stronger than that of Nigerian nationality. Nigeria struggles fitfully to keep its six- year-old country intact. The Congo, independent politi- cally of Belgium since June 30, 1960, has had six bloodied years of fighting. Most countries complain of the same problems. Col. A. A. Africa, one of the officers who ousted the Nkrumah regime, said that after 10 years of independence 85 per cent of Ghana's distributive trade was in the hands of foreigners. Liberia is planning restrictive measures against Lebanese traders in an effort to get Liberians into business. But both countries are deeply in debt, and their economies are being carefully controlled by out- side forces, such as the Interna- tional Monetary Fund or the for- mer colonial master. Dahomey has been independent since 1960. In exchange for French support of its currency, it is allowed to spend just $7 mil- lion for hard currency purchases outside the franc zone. Education is considered a chan- nel to great independence. But secondary schoolboys in Nigeria and Kenya still study more about the British constitution than they do about the structure of their own government. Ministers of education in former French colonies still are trying to figure out ways to insert more knowledge of Africa in school sys- tems that are geared to the re- quirements of metropolitan France. African scholars in Lome, capital of Togo, or Bangui, main city of the Central African Republic, must take courses of study identical to those youngsters study in Paris. The U.S. mission in Dahomey received from a top secondary school in the ancient town of Porto Novo a request for tape rec- orders as English language train- ing aids. The mission agreed to supply them if spoken English be- came part of the regular curri- culum on which students were tested. The request did not con- form to the French-supplied syl- labus. The offer was refused. Some evidence shows Africa actually falling behind during the 60s, which United Nations Secre- tary-General U Thant has pro- claimed the "decade of develop- ment." In the first five year of the dec- ade, the real gross national pro- duct of emerging African coun- tries rose an annual average of 4 per cent. The rise in developed countries was nearly 5 per cent. Widening the gap further was the difference in birth rates in Africa, the annual population in- crease over the same period was a little more than 2 per cent. In developed countries it was 1 per cent. Africa's population is growing twice as fast as the developed; world's; at the same time, its eco- nomy is trailing. Prime Minister Dauda K. Ja- wara of the tiny country of Gam- bia has suggested that coups and other signs of instability should bring increased aid to Africa from Western donors. There are signs, however, that the world is grow- ing slightly bored with African problems. The United States, Britain, France, West Germany, even the Soviet Union, are cutting back aid programs in Africa. The Western nations speak of the need for more aid on a regional basis, through international organizations-in a sense, aid cartels designed to re- duce competition among donors. In the United States, men of such varied political complexion as Sen. J. William Fulbright, (D- Ark), and Senate minority leader Everett Dirksen of Illinois, are questioning U.S. bilateral help to Africa. Before he became West Ger- many's foreign minister, Willy Brandt, noticed that restlessness of the German voter about aid to African countries. If he were the head of a radical party trying to catch votes, he said, campaigning against foreign aid would head his list. .Auto Factory Workers Stage Strike Mansfield Walkout U authorized; UAW Demands Explanation MANSFIELD, Ohio (P) -Auto workers whose walkout last month led to shutdowns and layoffs at 86 General Motors plants left their jobs again yesterday at a strategic body parts plant. Less than a third of the 900- man second shift was believed to have reported to the plant that was idled when first-shift workers refused to cross early morning picket lines. Officials and shop committee members of United Auto Workers Local 549 were ordered to Detroit to tell national union leaders why they didn't obey UAW orders to end the walkout. Limited production was restored inside the plant, which makes fenders, floors and other parts for 90 per cent of GM autos, with abut 250 men at work after pickets were removed. Both Robert Hall, president of Local 549,: and company officials said yesterday's walkout was un- authorized. Hall had planned three meetings with members Wednes- day, to discuss progress of talks since the February walkout but these were canceled after the call to Detroit. Detroit In Detroit, the United Auto Workers called an emergency meeting- of its National General Motors Council for 2 p.m. tomor- row to discuss the new dispute, which was apparently triggered by rumors that five men suspend- ed in the last walkout were to be fired. Company and union officials in Detroit and Mansfield were saying little about the central issue of "farming out" work to other plants. The issue is expected to be a major matter in the next round of GM contract talks. Pickets left their posts yester- day morning after keeping some night workers and the morning shift from entering the plant. February Walkout The February walkout was the most serious in the plant's 10-year history and the first work stop- page here not linked to national contract talks. The strike, was triggered when two workers refused to load dies bound for Pontiac, Mich., and were suspended. Within a week, 86 plants were closed for lack of parts. Some re- main below full production. Hoffa Starts _AOISTSREGROUP_ Prison Tern,, Chou En-lai's Efforts Cause Vows Retrial' Temporary Halt to Party Strife --Associated Press OUTER SPACE TREATY PRESENTED Secretary of State Dean Rusk, left, and U.N. Ambassador Arthur Goldberg, right, appeared yesterday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to discuss the outer space treaty. Goldberg, return- ing from a far eastern trip Monday night, also commented on the Vietnam war saying the road to peace appears "rocky and difficult." JOHNSON, CONGRESS CONCUR: Propo sed'Income TaxRise Depends on Bsiness Activity Plans To Keep Post As Teamster Boss; Will Give Up Salary WASHINGTON (P)-Defiant but shaken, Teamsters Union Presi- dent James R. Hoffa was taken to federal prison yesterday to start serving his eight-year sentence for jury tampering. Later, squeezed between twoI U.S. marshals in the back of a car, the 54-year-old labor leader made a spitting gesture toward some newsmen as he was sped off. He took a long, hard, neckcraning look as the car passed the big Teamsters headquarters- where he ruled the roost for 10 years. International Union "I say to my members, 1.8-mil-} lion strong, that this international union will never, never be a weak international union," said Hoffa, who will retain his union offices but will give up his $100-000-a- year salary. An old Detroit asso- ciate, General Vice President Frank Ftzsimmons, will run things for him. "I appeal to each and every member who belongs to all of or- ganized labor, remember this- none of the courts, none of the legislators understand ' your prob- lems," Hoffa said. "Only you who work for a living by your hands, have to maintain a living by the sweat of your brow and the pay- check which you take home, un- derstand this." Aims for New Trial In the brief interview on the steps of the U.S. courthouse be- fore surrendering, Hoffa said he still believed his attorneys even- tually will win him a new trial on his 1964 conviction in Chatta- nooga, Tenn. "My attorneys will carry on all the necessary steps while I am in jail," he said. He could be eligible for parole in two years and nine months, long before his term as Teamsters president runs out in 1971. "All the motions I filed stated that the government wiretapped, room-bugged, surveiled and did everything unconstitutional they could do in trying to place me in jail as they have temporarily been sable to do," he said. TOKYO (W) - Mao Tse-tung's struggle for power has slowed down and taken a deep breath. The Communist party chairman may be trying to regroup on new lines. Evidence of this turn of events in Mao's conflict with supporters of President Liu Shao-chi has ac- cumulated out of Red China in the past ten days. "Mr. Fixit," Pre- mier Chou En-lat, is the man to keep an eye on in this new stage, Everything new suggests that Chou has a heavy thumb in all three of the most important Chi- nese pies-party, administrative and army. The latest indication that Mao's revolution has rounded a corner appeared in a New China News Agency dispatch from the Shan- tung port city of Tsingtao--acity and a province Maoists say they have seized but where trouble still sputters. The agency said the Tsingtao Revolutionary Committee, which took over Jan. 22, has called for Meredith To Oppose Adam Powmel NEW YORK (') - James Mere- dith, who broke the color line at the University of Mississippi, was I named by the Republicans yester- day to oppose Adam Clayton Pow- ell in a special Harlem congres- sional election next month. Mere- dith said he would accept. "No one has an automatic right to a seat in Congress," said Meredith, in accepting designa- tion by the GOP executive com- mittee. Confirmation is expected from committeemen in the 18th Congressional District. Meredith, who said he was op- posed to Powell's ouster from Con- gress, said he was aware that in opposing the Negro Democrat he might lay himself open to "the fear and the scorn from fellow Negroes." Powell's lawyers said he will make no attempt to block the spe- cial election April 11. a new kind of alliance of Maoists, one based on various fields, trades, units and departments. T h e Tsingtao Revolutionary Committeekdescribes the present as "this key moment when the current great cultural revolution is going deeper." There have been other assertions in the past week that the Mao purge has entered'a critical stage and that the next two months will be decisive. The man presumably behind most of this is Chou. Space Pact May Further U.S.-Sovijet Cooperation He is credited with having or- dered the army into the fields, with approval of the party Central Committee, to help in the spring planting. There has been a pei'ceptible halt in the past two weeks in the violence of the Mao purge, thanks --it is said in Peking-to Chou who lost his temper over the way Maoists were harassing his min- isters. WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of State Dean Rusk told senators yesterday the outer space treaty "augurs well for the possibility of finding areas of common interest and agreement with the Soviet Union on other significant issues." He assured the Senate Foreign Relations.Committee, in urging ra- tification of the pact, that the United States could detect any military use of space. Common Interests. "We have no doubt that we can monitor effectively a weapons sys- tem in outer space," Rusk said. He said the treaty, like the ant- arctic treaty and the limited test ban Treaty, is another example "of a congruence of common in- terests among the United States, the Soviet Union and many other countries." It was negotiated in the United Nations. Rusk and U.N. Ambassa- dor Arthur J. Goldberg testified for it at the committee's first public hearing on the measure de- signed to preserve space for peace- ful purposes. Rusk said it may not be inevi- table, but it is possible and "our earnest desire" to "continue to ex- plore with the Soviet Union and others additional ways-of reducing the danger of conflict and pro- moting 'stability and security in the world." Vietnam was not mentioned ex- cept at the end when committee Chairman J. W. ' Fulbright, D- Ark., asked Rusk about reported discussion of the use of Latin- American troops in Vietnam. Rusk said he knew of no such discussions and felt it "unlikely" there are any plans to send troops from Latin America. But as for treaties, Rusk said the United States is "working hard" on one to prevent the fur- ther spread of nuclear weapons and "should like co make progress" on an agreement with the Soviet Union "to limit the prospective race in offensive and defensive missiles." Fulbright said the administra- tion had requested Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, Joint Chiefs of -Staff Chairman Earle G. Wheeler, and National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration head James E. Webb to testify on the outer space treaty next week. Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper, R- Iowa, questioned Rusk and Gold- berg about military launchings. The treaty would provide for inspection of facilities on the moon,, but not vehicles in orbit. WASHINGTON (MP) - A hint that President Johnson might drop his proposal for a raise in income taxes if business doesn't perk up brought quick concur- rence from Congress yesterday, that the boost is certainly not a' sure thing. That was the way the situation was described by Chairman Arthurj D. Mills, D-Ark., of the House' Ways and Means Committee. All tax legislation must originate with this group and Mills said it has not even set a date for hearings. No Legislation Mills observed that Johnson proposed a temporary 6 per cent surcharge, effective July 1, but that the President has never sent up the specific legislation. "It would be premature for the committee to put this proposal on its agenda," Mills said, adding that even if an administration bill were before it, the tax panel would want to study the economy at length before deciding it. There appeared no prospect that hearings, if held at all, would be- gin before June, practically rul- ing out enactment by July 1, al- though the tax could be made re- troactive. Economic Pickup Policy advisers within the ad- ministration, while sticking by the forecast that a tax rise apparently will be needed to hold down defi- cits and ward off inflation, said the proposal might be withdrawn or modified if the expected econo- mic pickup is not in sight by April or May. A possible modification could be a later effective date-Sept. 1, or even next Jan. 1, instead of July 1. Republicans, who have insisted it would be better to reduce defi- cits by spending cuts than by tax increases, tended to take the ad- ministration sources' assessment as strengthening their position. Context of Doubt "The whole matter of tax in- crease was put out in a context of doubt by the President originally," said Rep. W. Byrnes of Wisconsin, senior Republican member of the Ways and Means Committee. "Now it appears that the doubt has greatly increased." Another Republican committee- man, Rep. Thomas B. Curtis of Missouri, remarked, "some of the economic indicators are really bad. There have been economists who suggested a recession has already begun, and they may be right." U.S. First Cavalry Battles Viet Cong Near Binh Dinh p WorldNews Roundup SAIGON (P)-A company of the U.S. 1st Cavalry, Airmobile Divi- sion, reacting to heavy automatic weapons fire, battled all day yes-, terday against a Viet Cong force estimated to be of similar size, about 180 men. Hammered by Jet planes and artillery, the enemy broke away at nightfall. A preliminary report from the battle site, near the cen- tral coast in Binh Dinh Province 260 miles northeast of Saigon, said seven Amtricans and 50 Viet Cong were killed. Seventeen Amer-, icans were wounded. Farther north U.S. Marines I rounded out their second year in Vietnam with counterfire against Communists who are still trying to knock out with mortars the long- range 175mm American guns at Camp Carrol that shell North Vietnamese targets across the de- militarized zone. Marines'Killed A U.S. spokesman said 500 ene- my shells, lobbed over in three at- tacks, killed six Marines and wounded 15, but did not damage the guns. The counterfire was re- ported to have set off a secondary explosion, perhaps from ammu- nition, in the hills from which the Communists were firing. BLUE GRASS* MUSIC THURSDAY NIGHTS ONLY... 9-12 P.M. at the CENTURY LOUNGE 208 W. Huron Featuring THE COUNTY LINE BOYS Must be 21 years of age By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Senate and House conferees reached a com- promise yesterday on a bill that would authorize $4.5 billion for more aircraft, missiles and related activities for fighting forces in Vietnam. House conferees accepted a Se- nate rider urging a negotiated set- tlement with minor modifications in its language. Senate conferees agreed to a House addition of $81 million for more EA6A Grumman Intruder aircraft used in Vietnam. The final total is $4,548,200,000, slightly more than a third of the $12.2 billion President Johnson re- quested for the current fiscal year. JAIPUR, India - Army units were alerted and a battalion of armed police from neighboring Madhya Pradesh state rushed into this desert city yesterday as poli- tical rioting and arson erupted for the third straight day. The rioting and disorders have grown out of opposition political parties' protests against a call by the Rajasthan state governor for the Congress party to form a new state government. Congress lost its majority in last month's eleo- tion, but remained the, largest single party in the state assembly. TONIGHT: THE WAL TER READE. JR/JOSEPH STRICK PRODUCTION J MeS JOYCE'S ~ . Admittance will be denied to all under 18 years of age. ALL SEATS RESERVED-ORDER BY MAIL 3 DAYS ONLY - ARCH14,1,16 Vth Forum USE THIS COUPON EVES.- 8:30 P. M. $5.50 i MAT.-w. .o, NAMF 2:30 P M. $4.00 ADEI XfICITY SATL......IP VTl i"NO. 0FSEATS.... ATS $ TOTALL Forum I MATINEE 0/EVENING /DATE REQUESTED Send cheeck o oe re aal othINARwt tmel i sett-addressd env~ope.I L.--------------- - -. . COMING FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, & MONDAY TWO GREAT CLASSICS: IN CONCERT DOROTHY ASHBY WORLD FAMOUS JAZZ HARPIST CINEMA GUILDand the DRAMATIC ARTS CENTER. I present: . .... - ~al THE FIFTH ANN ARBOR FILM FESTIVAL IN PERSON: The Poet & Judge-in-residence 1416 Ann A .kn. :.I.m Cscfi Don Gilhls Quartet Screenings at 7 and 9 .t . IT 11a III1 . - A t.... _ A IC i} A 11 "BICYCLE THIEF" and "OPEN CITY"