-.R-7 4'K 7W Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY - SESQUICENTENNIAL SUPPLEMENT Tuesav. At Mrc- 7 _19Q7 Tuesday, March 7, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY , SESQUICENTENNIAL SUPPLEMENT .. ...- -- . . .. . t .JU ' yp (IN ' {. , 7 , The Making of the University r ,, , An Explosion of Pg (Continued from Page 2) cation in a 35,000-student multi- versity. It is this kind of spirit which develops people like Arthur Miller and Edward White, Roger Wilkins and Donald Cook, Thomas Hayden and Irene Murphy, Gael Greene and Mike Wallace. It is this kind of spirit which serves government and society through. men like Gardner Ackley, Stanley Caine, William Haber, Russell Smith, John Bardach, Alex Eck- stein, William Hubbard, Myron Wegman, Fidele Fauri. It is this kind of spirit which has fostered the famous artificial tooth, the bubble chamber, the survey re- search method, "An Evening's Frost," "A Frieze of Girls." But there are also problems at the University. If Peckham's book is like all others in its inability to capture the excitement of the place, it is also like all other of- ficial history in its avoidance of her problems. The Moving Finger sticks in Peckham's book not only as it nears modern times but also as it looks to the future. There is, for example, little mention made of what is happen- ing to education, the first of Kerr's three faces of the multiversity. Something serious is happening, and it is unfortunate that 'Peck- ham leaves it out. A few examples should suggest what is going on. The average class size, weighted by time, of courses taught by professors at the freshman-sophomore level in most social science courses is well over 300 students. The residence hall system, in the words of one resident advisor, suffers less from a poor philosophy than from no philosophy. Counseling, in the pri- vate admission of officials in the Office of Student Affairs, is either totally inadequate or nonexistent. Sparks should fly in classes of bright, eager students and able, young teachers-but they don't. Something is wrong, for students instead spend their time staring out windows. BUT MORE IMPORTANT, the undergraduate also gets the feeling that the other two faces of the University - research and "service"-have become increas- ingly dominant over education. Research, as Kerr predicted, has undercut education ("publish or perish," as the old saw goes) has also subtly but powerfully altered the whole curriculum as depart- ments focus on areas where the research money is.- "Service"-the idea that the Uni- versity should do certain things for society-has continually jeop- ardized education. In time past, legislative pressures and inade- quate appropriations forced a de- cline in the diversity of the stu- dent body through the instate- outstate ratio. In time present a harried administration has clamp- ed down on innocuous and valu- able student activities for fear of what prudish alumni and legisla- tors would think. The appalling and expedient de- cision last year to submit member- ship lists of campus political groups to the House Un-American Activities Committee and the equally irresponsible pressure on Cinema Guild officials against showing experimental films are examples of how "service"-filling a role society expects a university to fill-have mitigated against ed- ucation. Indeed, as Kerr emphasized in describing education, research and service, these three functions of the multiversity often conflict. They are symbiotic, but also an- tagonistic; they form a balance, but it is often - an "uneasy bal- ance." The root of many of the problems of today's University stem not so much from the six "troubles" which Peckham men- faculty salaries have plummeted tions but rather the fact that the from fifth place to seventeenth in three functions of today's multi- national rankings of the American versity are often inconsistent with Association of University Profes- and irreconcilable to each other. sors. From 1957-1966, total enroll- These inconsistencies spawn much ment rose 42.5 per cent-but the of the University's modern history, University's General Fund budget and this history Peckham leaves in real terms (adjusted for infla- largely unreported. tion) rose only 33.7 per cent. A SOLUTION TO one of the ''troubles"Peckham referst ONEY IS PERHAPS the most however, is excellent balm for the serious _ problem which the conflicts which Kerr's three func- University now faces. If it cannot .nmeet this challenge, the Univer- tions engender: money. If there is sity simply won't be able to com- one single thing one can say that pete or maintain its greatness. It the University has always needed, will become, a second-class school. it is the wise expenditure of Peckham's book ends on a cheer- money. ful, optimistic note. This review The men who run the Univer- cannot. The conflicts between ed- sity-which means faculty as well ucation, research and service, and as administrators, for the Univer- above all the money crisis, do not sity is a decentralized place - permit it. know how to spend money; but The Making of the University now, as in the past, the University of Michigan is an entertaining, appears headed for a spell of mon- instructive book, and no one who ey problems, hopes to understand the Universi- The current $55-M Fund Drive ty should ignore it. But those who appears unlikely to solve the mon- hope the book's hopeful prophecy ey problem: well under $4 million will be fulfilled should do more is unrestricted money. While than read it. As the University President Hatcher is preparing to entersritsdsesquicentennial yearit announce that the. $55 million needs two things, above all else, mark has been reached, that total from its alumni and admirers: is composed largely of items like sensitivity and money-sensitivity the $10 million Highway Research to the conflicts and needs within Institute - which, while it will the University, and money to help solve highway problems, is not solve them. These two things have going to protect "the vital margin always sustained the University's of excellence" whose preservation greatness in the past. And they is the purpose of the Fund Drive. perhaps more than anything else Nor does the state seem ready will continue it for the future. to provide money. The University's budget request this year-substan- MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH tially lower than departmental re- past editor of The Daily, is a quests - was $76.4 million; the senior majoring in Honors Eco- Governor has recommended a nomics. He will study at Oxford meager $62 million. Yet the money University in England next crisis is serious. Since the Fifties, year on a Rhodes Scholarship. The Catholepistenmiad: A 150 Year History (Continued from Page 6) ally enough, the Institute for Science and Technology. Long-Standing Programs Such long-standing programs as- the Great Lakes Research Divi- sion and the Geophysics Research Division were included under the same administration as the Bio- physics Research and area In- dustrial Development Divisions. From the beginning, this scheme has had its problems because of the diversity of interests among disciplines represented among its researchers. The lack of cohesion' of the goals of the 17 programs under its auspices has given it somewhat of a hodge-podge ap- pearance The operation does, however, administer these opera- tions efficiently. Some offshoots of the classified; government research which was handled during the war era are still carried on in IST divisions such as the highly classified proj- ect MICHIGAN under the super- vision of the U.S. Army. Most of this work is pursued in the Uni- versity laboratories at the Willow Run Airport and is related to the University in name only. Spectacular Growth The newest research building on campus belongs to the most spec- tacularly growing institute in the University. The Institute for So- cial Research began from the initiative of a group survey department of the U.S. depart- ment of agriculture during the war. Prof. Rensis Likert, the man who developed the Institute to its present form, heads a distin- guished group of researchers in economics, sociology and psychol- ogy who study an intriguing spec- trum of programs in the social sciences. The three-part division of this Institute reflects the diverse types of work being done within its con- fines. The Survey Research Cen- ter has perfected the "art of in- terviewing, while the Center on Group Dynamics tackles the soci- ological factors 'behind group, dently. The Medical Center, which, has become a complex cluster of buildings containing a maze of interconnected halls, is not onlys the home of the medical and nurs- ing schools, but houses research on many fronts. Large grants haver aided the growth of the researchc capabilities of the complex, sucht as the Kresge Laboratories and the new Upjohn Center, now under construction. Another exciting installation is the Phoenix Project, which oper- ates a full-scale nuclear swimming pool reactor on North Campus. The million megawatt reactor has been in operation since the inception of a new department of nuclear engi- neering in 1958. The reactor is employed in sev- eral departments, especially useful in the Radiation Therapy Labora- tory, which is connected with the Kresge research laboratories of the medical complex. Irradiation! studies and investigation of inter- nal structures and cell diagnosis st just as important as proving ato- mic theories when the reactor is in use. Successful Operation The Mental Health Research in-t stitute is another institute whichc has become a successful operationI at the University. Although its title is rather misleading, the institutel takes in a full latitude of research1 in the function of the brain andt the chemical reactions of learning and remembering. Such fields as biochemistry, psy- chologys neurophysiology, psycho- pharmacologyand an excellent program in psycholinguistics aree major concerns of the MHRI. Thet researchers delve into practically every aspect of mental informa- tion processing and in biological systems research. Their findingsI are most often expressed in termsc of mathematical formulas. The Center has proved to be an excellent stimulus to new investi- gations in 40 related fields in the University, such as economics and psychology, and is perhaps the most diverse and theoretical insti- tute at the University. Such new and intriguing devices as "game theories" and theories of urban growth are common parlance at the MHRI. Linguistics Study whose illnesses are under study in research projects in the medical school. The size and scope of research at the University is truly pheno- menal and reflects a great deal of commitment both on the part of the administration and the facul- ty. Its planners recognize the vastness of " ie fields of study and, as such, have joined with administrators of the other schools in the Big Ten conference and with the Uni- versity of Chicago in an organiza- tion known as the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC). cial 20-bed Clinical Research Unit, The University does not stand which treats volunteer patients alone in its research efforts.either Ann Arbor To I Yisitors by RON KLEMPNER The city of Ann Arbor will high- light its contributions to the Un- iversity's Sesquicentennial cele- bration by hosting a formal re- ception for all visitors during each of the five major events during 1967. The first will be April 26 when the University starts a conference on Higher 'Education in Tomor- row's World. Other conferences include July 12-14, The University and the Body Politic; Congress of Orien- talists, August 14-21; and Voices of Civilization, October 1-6. The Ann Arbor Sesquicenten- nial Committee has already print- ed up 18,000 calendars with pic- tures of the city's growth since 1857. Special editions of the cal- endar will be given to guests of the University. Pictorial Display The committee has also dis- played a pictorial history of the city on the first floor of the Mich- During igan Union, and plans to event- ually move it to City Hall, thus making it available to the child- ren of the community. The city is also planning ela- borate decorations. Over 400 large placards honoring therUniversity in its 150th year will be placed on I 1 S~1011 lamposts and poles throughout the city. On one side of the pla- card will be the Sesquicentennial seal of Michigan with an arrow pointing to Ann Arbor proclaim- ing it as "The center of Re- search." The placards will go up in early March. The city also plans to decor- ate all islands and entrances to the city. The public works de- par ing !11 are C lat 'is !the lyei uat the mil hor ( clu An pla ter Pitt to itor witj wil obt Am scl Un prc ava me inc sea clu icai rec (Continued from Page 5) In the early 1950's, the Univer- sity began to develop a new cam- pus on the north side of the Huron River. Included in the par- cel of land to be developed into North Campus was one of the 40j acretracts originally offered to the Regents in 1837 and rejected. The first building to go up on North Campus was the Mortimer Cooley Laboratory. North Campus now is the home of the music school, the Phoenix Laboratory for peaceful uses of atomic energy, the Institute for Science and Tech- nology and extensive student hous- ing developments. In Hatcher's 15 years as presi- dent, the University has continued its growth, becoming in 1966 the country's largest recipient of fed- eral research funds. Case for the Multiversity (Continued from Page 3) difficult to get to talk to a teach- er here One of my best faculty friends lectured to me as part of a class of 600. I quickly dis- covered that most students didn't care to see him personally( ex- cept maybe at exam time) and that he had plenty of time to talk with me. Frankily I've never had much difficulty getting in to see teach- ers. Most seem willing to talk as long as you're willing to listen. All it takes is a little initiative on the students' part. In short, many, of the alleged inadequacies of the multiversity can be overcome with a little stu- dent initative. I am not arguing here that the multiversity is without serious de- fects. Occassionally the adminis- tration and the students come into conflict. Last fall, for ex- ample, administrators tried to im- pose new restrictions on student sit-ins, over the University allow- ing Ann Arbor police to take pic- tures of activists at campus ral- lies. The students mobilized, stag- ed three sit-ins at the administra- tion building (the largest had 1,- 500 students) and the University responded by rescinding the ban. But on the whole, the multiver- sity is an attractive, exciting, and worthwhile environment. At the heart of my satisfaction, I think is the fact that one's extra-curri- cular life is his own. Ever since the university fired a dean of women six years ago partically because she was notify- ing the parents of students who dated interracially "in loco par- entis" has been on the way out. The Key to Happiness Since I moved out of the dorm- itory in my freshman. year, my non-academic life has been my own. For me, and for many of my friends, this. independence is the key to happiness at the mul- tiversity. 1937 Serving Ann Arbor Since 1937 The ultimate in fine dining. LUNCHEON DINNER 0 * COCKTAILS ENTERTAINMENT In my case I've found a worth- while enterprise in The Daily, where I can speak my mind freely about anything without any re- strictions. For this paper is really the students.' We know it and love it. Because the paper is really ours, because it is not the Uni- versity's or anyone else's, all of us can feel that we belong to something and more important, that something belongs to us. For other students there are other activities - organized and unorganized - ranging from a- mateur film-making to touch football, all that are theirs. More important, students here have built their own community. For example,. they have organized a coffee house for entertainment, a free university for education, a photography company for money, a co-operative for housing, and a bookstore for economy. The Student Community In short, within this diverse comminity, the students have created their own world along their own lines for their own needs. Because of sheer numbers the community is assurred a suf- ficent number of people to mobil- ize around any"interest from Andy Warhol to Vivaldi. Along these lines, lasting friend - ships are discovered. New ideas are argued and new thinking is done. Thus the multiversity becomes life where no one .knows or cares about anyone else. Instead, it is a diversified community where there are plently of friends around and the only real problem is hav- ing encugh time for all of them. And the University of Michigan, in its 150th year, is a center for this new spirit. From its long cor- ridors and crowded classrooms are pouring the leaders of our society for the future, insuring an even more excellent University 150 years from today. ROGER RAPOPORT, a junior in Journalism, is the present Daily Editor. 1967 RESTAURANT 3050 JACKSON ROAD NO 5-3636 "CONGRATULATIONS" University of Michigan on 150 YEARS of Academic Achievement Rcawoo & 1ftass traditional excellence 1208 S. UNIVERSITY membership in society. The Center 1A further project established un- for Research in the Utilization of der the ORA is the Center for Re- Scientific Knowledge explains it- search on Language and Language self. Behavior, staffed by 120 experts In a similar vein is the Center in the fields of language educa- for Research on Learning and tion, linguistics and phonetics and Teaching, establishedin 1961, communication sciences. The pur- which places its special emphasis pose of their work is aimed at on the new educational media, converting theories learned in the such as programmed instruction, laboratory into workableinstruc- computers and television. The cen- tional methods in the study of ter's staff is composed of psychol- communication. ogists and part-time consultants And these are but a few of the in various media University's vast research opera- The Largest tions which. range from the Com- But the largest single research puting Center, for the study of 'unit on campus operates indepen- computer technology, to the spe- CONGRATULATIONS' U. of M. ON YOUR SESQUICENTENNIAL THE UNIVERSITY SHOP SAKS FIFTH AVENUE 332 So. State Street, Ann Arbor S.r . &r.. <' The Making of The University of by Ruth Bordin Michigan The Universit A Pictorial H by Howard $6.50 each or $1 1.95 per set-Postage Po More Sesquicentennial Publicc JUST IN TIME FOR THE SESQUICENTE TWO WONDERFUL NEW UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HIS Michigan Memories by Emmons, Kemnitz & Forman $5.95 Our Michigan by Erich Walter $1.75 Happy Birthd by Jerry Bi Michigan B.S "before ses ORDER-FROM FO LLETT'S STATE ST. AT N. UNIVERSITY ANN ARBOR, M _, . . < . , L,~~~. ...5~'. .~5YV .. :..4:.