now r Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinons Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 " . Communication is str gy itself . . . I said that structureo f communicatio decidedly vague. But I did say that communication is3 existent..." Under the Influence Alumni Happening: Openly Tongue-Tied of Meredith Eiker Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. rate- the n is i not non- TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUE Jack Vaughn, Peace Corps Dircetor March 1, 1967 E 55-M Drive: The Emperor Has No Clothes IT AIN'T NECESSARILY SO. President Hatcher's announcement at a de Gaulle-style press conference (no questions, fellas) in Detroit last Wednes- day of the "early success" of the $55-Mil- lion program must be taken with a grain of salt. When the University began the pro- gram on Nov. 24, 1964, President Hatcher announced that the University was look- ing for gift money to "ensure the vital margin of excellence"-particularly, new campus buildings, new academic pro- grams, endowed professorships, and addi- tional scholarship and fellowship funds. "Success" to President Hatcher means that the University has amassed over $55 million eight months ahead of schedule -$58 million, to be exact. Obviously Hatcher doesn't consider "success" to mean that the University's "vital margin of excellence is much more ensured than it was when the $55-M program started over two years ago. THE LITERARY SCHOOL'S difficulties in recruiting new faculty is indicative of the failure of the program's true spir- it. If the University does not pay its professors competitive salaries, it stands to lose both present and prospective fac- ulty members to higher-paying Institu- tions. Money for higher faculty salaries, then, should be a prime objective of any drive to preserve the "vital margin of ex- cellence" of a university. Ten million dollars of the $58 million collected is going for a highway safety institute-compliments of the automobile industry. It will do a great deal to cleanse the industry's muddy safety image, but will it do anything to preserve the "vital margin of excellence?" Another $1.3 million gift is going for a new theatre. But to complement this gift, the University will have to divert over $4.7 million from the General Fund-which would normally go for academic pro- grams, teachers' salaries, and the like. Or are these latter spendings less important to ensuring the vital margin of excellence than is a new theatre? It is apparent that the figures pre- sented do not even give a clear picture of the sheer financial "success" of the drive. For example, the University is in- cluding the theatre gift as part of the $58 million total, even though it received the gift in 1962--two years before the cam- paign started. IF THE UNIVERSITY fools itself into believing that the fund drive, which was undertaken to "ensure the vital mar- gin of excellence" can really be called an "early success" it will be a triumph of hope over experience. If officials actually do believe that the program has met with "success," then their ideal of what constitutes a success- ful "vital margin of excellence" is out of line with the realities of a University community. Even the University's own news re- lease quotes President Hatcher as saying last Wednesday that "some campaign ob- ectives still need funding." The cam- paign objectives he is talking about are money for faculty salaries, the residen- tial college, more endowed professorships, the graduate library and scholarships. These are precisely the objectives which have gotten almost no financial support thus far in the $55-M drive. THE-DRIVE'S FAILURE is not the fault of its chairman, Regent Paul Goebel, nor the hundreds of solicitors who have worked long and hard to raise money to ensure the vital margin. Their enthusiasm and dedication to the University is un- questionable. What is their fault is that they present figures which allow them to pretend that they have met with "success" when in fact they have not. THE $55-M CAMPAIGN hasn't yet en- sured excellence-and it should be continued until it does. --RONALD KLEMPNER Associate Editorial Director -SUE REDFERN W HILE MOST of the Universi- ty's students were enjoying a brief "spring break" from Ann Ar- bor and academia in general this past weekend, alumni were on campus for the first formal cele- bration festivities of the Univer- sity's Sesquicentennial celebration. No one can be sure whether the scheduling of the alumni week- end was intentionally plnaned to coincide with the absence of stu- dents or whether the events were coincidental. Either way, it is sad, if not tragic, that the campus community-students, faculty and administrators-was not formally included in the alumni's celebrat- ing. I do not mean to imply that students and Ann Arbor residents were barred from attending pan- els and speeches planned for the alumni. Rather, and quite iron- ically, they were invited as an afterthought and ended up steal- ing the show. What Sesquicenten- nial visionaries had hoped would be a relaxing and joyous visit for alumni to their alma mater, was ultimately tinged with resentment, bitterness and misunderstanding. . The not so pleasant details of Sen. Philip Hart and House minor- ity leader Rep. Gerald Ford, both alumni, confrontation with mem- bers of the University community appear on page one of today's Daily. THE WHOLE THING makes me wonder whether anyone really list- ened to the weekend's opening address made Wednesday evening by Peace Corps Director Jack Vaughn. The title of his speech: "On Being Tongue-Tied." Although Vaughn could not pos- sibly have known what would en- sue during the course of the cele- bration, his comments, centered around the problem of communi- cation between generations, seem- ed in retrospect to be almost a warning. He observed early in his talk that "some communication bar- riers may prove passable only through benign inertia, or even, deft retreat." Later he noted that "the structure of communication with young people in the United States is decidedly vague-to say the best of it." Further on in his talk he observed in discussing com- munication between nations: "I believe people overseas don't real- ly listen to us: They overhear us." AND WHAT followed bears re- peating in its entirety: "They (other nations) observe nothing quite so attentively as the way we behave toward each oth- er. When we speak to ourselves with confidence and in affirma- tion; when we move in the di- rection of the free will; we are overheard, and regarded accord- ingly. "When we speak and behave to- ward each other with fear, how- ever, we are betrayed. I think the fears we display have the effect, not of broadening further commu- nication, but of precisely the op- posite-barring it altogether. There is, instinctively, a 'turning away' from the sight. Unseen hands close over the inner ear. Rejec- tion; close the whole thing down." And so it happened this week- end. Gary Rothberger, '67, chairman of Voice, said that written ques- tions by students at a Thursday morning panel discussion on free expression were "fcensored" or at least ignored. Said Vaughn a day earlier, "The silence itself may be a message worth the hearing. For I have the impression that young people do not trust silence; they find it unbecoming in others. "I am sure this is not the first time you have heard that young people wish their elders would speak up when the time is right -would stand and be counted even when to do so is risky." AT THE AFTERNOON panel in which Sen: Hart and Rep, Ford participated, Rothberger and com- pany were determined that the same thing would not happen again, that this time they would indeed be heard. All they wanted to do was ask a few questions of people who should have the an- swers, and if possible, participate in discussion. Unfortunately the only way they could be heard was to interrupt the question period, to be sure that questions they had that were rel- evant would be answered at all. Alumni were rightfully aghast at the near free-for-all which fol- lowed. The behavior of the stu- dents was neither becoming nor, wholly justified. the calm Sesqui- centennial dream turned into a nightmare. Said Vaughn: "It is so distinct- ly a vanity in frightened patri- archs, I think, to insist that any- one spend time measuring, how much prestige is owed them. It is not the confidence of others to- ward us which ought to matter, but simple, affirmative confidence in ourselves." The frightened patriarchs re- sorted to calling the students "creatures," while the students, afraid what they would not be heard, brought discredit to the stu- dent community. Neither group accomplished anything, neither communicated with the other. Both left Rackham Lecture Hall exactly as they had come-tongue- tied. No one had listened to Vaughn when he suggested that more than knowledge is needed in the Uni- versity community: "The ability to communicate; the sensitivity to lead by following; the skill of balancing persistence and self-re- straint, and of timing, and of knowing when and how to get out of the way" are needed too. Maybe those things will come before the University's Tercenten- nial arrives. Letters:*GSC Language Requirements To the Editor: AS THE PERSON responsible for the GSC poll on Ph.D. lan- guage requirements, I feel I should comment on certain misconcep- tions and accusations in the letter by George N. Vance, Jr. (Feb. 25). The poll was an attempt, albeit modest to be conscientious about our representative function. It was intended primarily for distribution by GSC representatives to a cer- tain percentage of Ph.D. students in their departments (10-25 per cent depending on department size). Because certain departments are unrepresented on Council (of their own accord), we made additional questionnaires available at Rack- ham. A front-page Daily article and announcements posted on campustbulletin boards invited those with an opinion to express to do so. Anything more ambitious was beyond our very limited finan- cial means, but we felt that the number and diversity of students consulted' in this way would be sufficient to be useful. ALTHOUGH MR. VANCE seems. rather inexplicably to have over- looked it, there is a question as to what, if anything, blanket R a c k h a m Ph.D. requirements should be. Other questions refer only without a Rackham require- mnent, departmental requirements would continue, and (2) a student who opposes a requirement is still entitled to an opinion on fulfilling whatever requirement exists. Any "clear presumption" that some Rackham language require- ment should exist has been read into the poll by Mr. Vance. The distributional results of the sampling procedure are not yet available, and no claims whatever have yet been made for the re- sults. Although he has almost no knowledge of the project, Mr. Vance condescendingly suggests that GSC members don't know how to do research. In find this not only arrogant but academically irresponsible. A "thorough report on this bit of inquiry" is forthcoming. I cer- tainly hope Mr. Vance troubles to read it before he evaluates it. -Mary Mansnerus, Grad No Students THE UNIVERSITY'S Sesquicen- tennial planners had no right to schedule the most worthwhile events of the celebration at a time when students would most likely not be on campus. In order to decrease the probability of a con- frontation between students and alumni, the planners apparently felt justified in excluding what should be viewed as the most im- portant segment of the University community-the students. Games and parties satisfy the extracurricular interests of many students, perhaps more than we would like to admit; but discus- sions of controversial issues which affect us all attract large numbers of students as well. Particularly the topics of free speech, the responsibilities of the educated citizen, and the U.S. political pic- ture comple student participation. In fact they are among the sub- jects which students should be encouraged to care about, if they do not already have vigorous in- terest in them. ONCE MORE THE University his tried to inhibit student parti- cipation in matters which affect students. Once more "what the alumni might think" has received priority over the intellectual aims of thissUniversity andhover the rights students should have. Thursday afternoon's disruptions in the Rackham Lecture Hall showed how a few students could bring about the dread encounter despite efforts to the contrary. What happened that afternoon distressed many. The embarrass- ment of the alumni in the pres- ence of our distinguished guests was not small. The anger provoked may have repercussions. I won- der how many contributions we'll lose. -Kathy McGlaughlin, '68 -John Herman, '68 Engineers To the Editor: SEVERAL LETTERS, and at least one editorial, have appeared in The Daily recently regarding the Engineering Faculty's action on Cinema Guild. The most recent, signed by a Mr. Kahnweiler (Feb. 26) "Engineering Council con- demnation of Cinema Guild . .." The letter exposes the author not only as a severely bigoted in- dividual, but incredibly ignorant as well. First of all, the Engineering Council is the student government ,.- body of the College and thus is quite distinct from the Faculty of the College who passed the con- troversial resolution. The Engin- eering Council is on record in The Daily (Jan. 27), as opposing the actions of the police in handling the situation. Our resolution was not intended to endorse the film, but to express our concern over the way the in- cident was handled. Secondly, I would be glad to discuss the seating of Red China in the U.N. with Mr. Kahnweiler at any time. THIRDLY, THAT ALL engin- eers are "politically apathetic and just plain narrow minded" is quite false. I submit as evidence: the involvement of many engineers in the activities of the Engineering Council, which you probably have not heard of since The Daily con- sistently is opposed to giving the Council any news space; the past President and Administrative Vice President of IFC, the past Co- ordinating Vice-President of UAC, and the present General Chairman of UAC's "Labor Day Weekend" are engineers as are last year's un- successful candidate for President of SGC and several members of Michigan's athletic teams; the students of the College print their own monthly magazine which ranks among the best in the coun- try; and there are probably other examples. ,Fourthly, in all the criticism I have seen of the faculty's resolu- tion the point was made that the members based their decision on second hand information and not on facts. The facts are that every- one who has made this point is as. ignorant as they accuse the faculty of being; for the faculty had, in its meeting, a signed af- fidavit from the city attorney de- scribing the content of the film. -David Osmer Pres. Engineering Council 4 I USAFA Honor Code Fails TWO YEARS AGO the United States Air Force Academy expelled some 109 ca- dets for violating a cadet honor code that forbids a cadet to lie, steal, cheat or tol- erate any classmate who does. After the scandal, the secretary of the Air Force set up a commission to study the incident and offer recommendations that would prevent a repetition of the incident. The commission in its complet- ed report, offered 26 proposals which were initiated at the Academy over a year ago. But another scandal has rocked the campus. Thirty-nine cadets have resign- ed, and - are presently under interroga- tion. Though officers of the Academy praise the '64 commission and its report, it obviously failed in its major task - the code is still ignored by some. IF WE ACCEPT the idea of a military, we must also accept such unjustified things as honor codes and blind obedience. If a cadet steals or cheats, he is of no use to a soldier society which demands an unrelenting trust and respect for obed- ience. On the other hand, those at the USAFA who are forced to resign because they withhold information, because they hold the loyalty to a friend greater than the loyalty to a system, are not deserving of the absolute punishment dished out by the code's ethics. Like so many ither things in the mili- The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. tary, obedience to this code goes too far. Words such as compromise and mercy do not exist. And sometimes, as in the case of the honor code, the loyalty to a "sys- tem" breeches the more sacred loyalty to a fellow man. There is no reason to lay down ulti- matums for all cases. Sen. Edward Ken- nedy once let a friend take a Spanish exam for him at Harvard, but he was not expelled, his life was not effected, and he became a good military officer. D0 THE OFFICERS at the USAFA feel their cadets are beyond exception? Do they feel that inherent human precepts like friendship built from loyalty are in- significant when compared with an hon- or code? This is likely, and frightening. For if the military tries to purify itself so that human emotion is wiped out and replac- ed with blind loyalty to higher command, there will exist among us those who aren't human, but rather soldieristic. They will be the ones who don't understand that honor codes and war diagrams are second in importance to morals and ethics. MEN SHOULDN'T EXPOSE their friends because they are ordered to, but be- cause they feel it necessary to safeguard the immediate situation. One cadet, an 18-year-old boy who un- derstands football and friendship better than life and war, is not inferior to com- mand, nor is he jeopardizing a situation by shying from telling his senior officer that his roommate knows a question on next week's exam. It is a trivial concern, and void of the circumstances of war and death. Cadets have subscribed to obedience, but they should live by conscience. Their value judgments should come from them- selves, and not from orders. r d . .% Fm. .. P~m~g ~ jtJ iTT 4fIMINI" i { .Y." nn .t :A . .. 'P..e..4.. . ..n.... er..,....rv ...Cm ~SA~ A . S r.tC...~k~~. ' ~ ~ Scial Progress South of'the Boarder By JOHN LOTTIER "THE ALLIANCE for Progress has degenerated into a pro-. gram of using aspirins to cure cancer," states Uruguay's Eduardo Victor Haedo, former president of the National Council of Govern- ment. His appraisal illustrates the dis- enchantment of many Latin Amer- ican leaders with a program that has failed to attain its idealistic objectives. Organized on the rolling re- sort beaches of Punta del Este, Uruguay in August, 1961, the Al- liance dedicated itself to eliminat- ing poverty from the Western Hemisphere. Emphasis was placed on social reform and economic de- velopment. All twenty-one Latin American nations-including Cuba - attended the United States- sponsored conference, and all but Cuba formally joined the Alliance. President Kennedy, initiator of this "new" Pan-American union, attempted to revive the "Good Neighbor Policy" of Franklin D. Roosevelt by stressing the human- istic aspects - welfare projects, agrarian reform, aid to education, etc. - rather than economic growth.. This idealism was enthu- siiaticaly accptedi hvthe peasanit profitable capitalist economic base, and to prevent the spread of Cas- troism on the continent. This opinion is best reflected in a 1962 statement of the Sub- committee on Inter - American Economic Relationships of the Joint Economic Congressional Committee: "A major effort of U.S. policy toward Latin America should be to point up the merits of and as- sist these countries to develop a reliance on private enterprise and the processes of private invest- ment decision-making. Everytime we encourage reliance on central- ized planning we risk playing into Soviet hands, by showing a dis- trust of our own characteristic national method and encouraging the technique of our ideological competitors." By mid-1962 the Alliance had moved away from its humanistic and idealistic goals into the realm of political expediency. Latin American masses began to view the program solely as an American invention to quarantine Castroism. Grant and loan resources, suppos- edly totalling almost two billion. dollars per annum, were not reaching the people. "There is nothing so depressing America had once again been rele- gated to its accustomed position in the State Department closet. Johnson now recognizes the growing necessity for a revival of the Alliance for Progress. -He has named Sol Myron Linowitz, 53, as his new ambassador to the Organ- ization of American States (OAS). Linowitz, former Chairman of the Board of Xerox Corp., is cast in the humanist-idealist mold of President Kennedy. After only a month in office, he has called foru a complete administration reap- praisal of the Cuban situation-in spite of opposition by his immedi- ate superior, Lincoln Gordon, As- sistant Secretary of State. The President's strategy clearly illustrates his desire to regain lost "benevolent influence" in Latin American affairs. Johnson is push-. ing hard for the establishment of a Latin American Common Mar- ket based upon the European ex- ample; it, is his desire to set up supra-national regionalism under the guidance, and with the active participation of the United States. After former Argentine President Arturo Illia in 1966 called for a pan-American summit conference, improvements in education, sci- ence, technology, and health. IN SHORT, United States goals are clear: to boost the image of President Johnson and the United States in Latin America, and to provide a Latin American Com- mon Market that can become fully operational by 1980. The problems, though, in imple- menting a common market are considerable. Many of the nations inv)lved-notably Argentina, Bra- zil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Mexico-do not want to become subject to a vague supra-national planning board. For example, there is a widely held fear that should a common market econom- ic system be installed, Chile and Columbia would be able to exer- cise a decisive control in the for- mulation of policy. It will also be difficult to pro- mote an atmosphere of regional cooperation when there are so many diverse and intense rivalries. Already Bolivia has stated out- right that she will not attend the April conferences; Peru and Ecua- dor have hinted that they will not, basing their decisions largely on tions is only four per cent of total trade, a much smaller fraction than the exchange within the Eu- ropean Common Market. Also, while prices of agricultural exports vary greatly from year to year, and tend to fall in the long run, prices of industrial imports (dur- able goods) are constantly on the rise. These unfavorable terms of trade severly inhibit business in- vestment and economic growth. The past record of the United States is anything but enviable. In the period 1945-1960, the U.S. gave only $625 million in outright grants to Latin American nations, while allotting over $31 billion to the rest of the world. More aid was poured into the Philippine Islands alone than into Latin America; al- most three times as much was given to Yugoslavia. Over 90 per cent of U.S. aid has consisted of interest-bearing loans, which turn these nations into perpetual debtors. Foreign busi- ness interests-basically U.S. com- panies-control 90 per cent of all 4 utilities. It is easy to understand why many Latinos see the Alliance for Progress as a new-style "dollar diplomacy." The U.S. must begin to treat Latin Americans as "good neigh-