$55-M DRIVE: STILL NO SUCCESS See editorial page YI rL Sir*O Paitli COLDER High-25 Low--I0 Falling temperatures; cloudy, windy, flurries Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL LXXVII, No. 1292ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1967 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES Johnson To Order Draft Lottery System, School End of. Deferments for Graduate * * * * * * Voice Hecklers Disrupt Hart-Ford Discussions By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTII Editor, 1966-67 left after written questions and that "discussion" would not be al- lowed. Pollock could not be reach- during Ford's reply to the first question-about East-West tradel -the activists began to stand up, About a dozen hecklers nearly ed for comment. shouting repeatedly, "Why are you halted a program last Thursday Rothberger added that the killing people in Viet Nam?" featuring Sen. Philip A. Hart (D- Voice members, "in the absence of Pollock, calling for order, asked, Mich.) and House Minority Leader grounds for believing that our "Is there a sergeant-at-arms to Gerald R. Ford of Grand Rapids; questions weren't going to be cen- remove one of these noisy crea- The session was part of the Uni- sored, we felt we had no choice tures?" versity's Sesquicentennial Alum- but to.start discussion and to re- Zweig then shouted, "They're ni celebration. lieve Pollock of his responsibili- talking about our killing people After prepared remarks by ties." and you call them creatures!" As Ford and Hart on "The Political ' Amid growing noise in the half- they continued to yell "Why are Picture Today," the program's full Rackham Auditorium, Pollock you killing people in Viet Nam?" moderator, Prof. James K. Pol- said firmly, "If you can't be or- Zweig went on, "Why do you hide lock of the political science de- derly, will you please leave?" what this country is doing?" partment, began to read written Hart, who attempted to answer questions submitted to him by questiosceed art andFor w questions over the growing hub- members of the audience. began to give their replies. But Se HECKLERS, Page 2 At that point, Gary Rothher-b ger, '68, Voice chairman, stood up in the audience, charging that " i1 written questions about the House Un-American Activities Commit-a tee and other controversial topics had been "censored" in another! TjT 1_10 i I si ,t Legislators Seek Control At Wiseonsin Say Adininistrators Lack Authority Over Students and Faculty By JIM HECK According to high officials at the state capitol in Madison, the Wisconsin legislature has begun an unprecedented drive that might give the representative body con- trol over the University of Wis-, consin's internal affairs. Majority Floor Leader of the' Assembly J. Curtis McKay (R- Ozaukwe) told The Daily last night that state legislators feel t h a t Wisconsin administrators have no real authority or control over students and faculty on the Madison campus. "There is no question about that." He said that this can no longer be tolerated. Resolution The initial action came Wednes- day when a resolution passed the body asking President Harrington of the university to conduct a study of the university. The reso- lution, which passed by a vote of To Draft, Youngest Men First Graduating Seniors To Have Same Status As 19-Year-Olds WASHINGTON UP) - President Johnson told Congress yesterday he will order younger men drafted first and most deferments for graduate students ended, under a lottery-type system as part of a general overhaul of the Selective Service System. The new system would place graduating college seniors in a "prime" draft pool with 19-year- olds for one year, after which their age would determine their draft status. Johnson said he has postponed indefinitely a decision on whether or not to continue un- mas R. Copi dergraduate deferments. J o h n s o n 's announcement of changes in the draft system-most of which can be carried out by is address executive order - follows months Page 6.) of study of the system, and the submission on Saturday of recom- mendations by a 20-man advisory committee. -Daily=-Tho CRITICIZES DRAFT Jack Hood Vaughn, Peace Corps director, supported an international service corps in hi to students and alumni as a speaker in last week's Sesquicentennial program. See story on TAIWAN AMBASSADOR: panel session that morning. "We feel it is in thet best in- terests of the audience for the questioning to be thrown open to the aduience" rather than use written questions, Rothberger added. Several other Voice membe-s, including past Voice president Mi- chael Zweig, Grad., Stanley Na- del, '66, Samuel Friedman, Grad., and Peter Di Lorenzi, '64, later stood up and added their agree- ment. Rothberger later said that a Voice representative had asked Pollock before the question period began if questions could be asked from the floor and if the audience could "discuss" the answers Hart and Ford gave. According to Rothberger, Pal- lock said open questioning would be allowed if enough time were Under Consideration By MARK LEVIN the executive committee should Dean Stephan Spurr of the play." Rackha Sephool ur of G t Spurr added that he has asked iRackham School of Graduate Studies said yesterday that no dis- the Graduate Student Council to ciplinary measures were present- have two representatives at the ly planned against two graduatemSp indicated that if any dis- i tstudents anvolvedimalhecklingciplinary action should be taken incident at a Sesquicentennial against the students in the future Extension 1 - w - - W 1 f alumni program last Thursday at Rackham Auditorium. However, Spurr said that an item would appear on the agenda' of Wednesday's regular meeting of the Graduate School's execu- tive committee regarding matters of academic discipline. He explain- ed that the committee would "sim- ply discuss the responsibility of the graduate student to the Uni- versity community and the role NEWS WIRE it would be done "quite formally and with proper due process." The Sesquicentennial Alumni program interrupted by hecklers featured Sen. Philip Hart (D- Mich, and House Minority Lead- er Gerald Ford (R-Mich) in a discussion of "The Political Pic- ture Today." Michael Zweig and Samuel Friedman, both graduate students, were two of about a dozen mem- bers of the audience who nearly halted the program protesting the selection of questions to be an- swered by Hart and Ford. Meanwl,'ile, David Baad, admin- istrative assistant to the vice-pres- ident for student affairs, said that if non-academic disciplinary meas- ures were to be taken against the University students involved, "the proper procedure for handling this sort of thing is for it to go be- fore the Joint Judiciary Council." Baad indicated that he did not know whether Joint Judiciary had decided to consider the matter. Kenneth Krone, '66, chairman of Joint Judiciary, said the matter had not yet been brought to his attention. $55M Din Mainyj1%Or i Late World News By The Associated Press ORANGEBURG, S.C.-Singing students at South Carolina State College vowed yesterday to continue a boycott of classes, protesting the dismissal of three students. Administrative officials, meanwhile, said they had no im- mediate plans to implement a trustee's authorization allowing them to close the, college if necessary.3 The three suspended students reportedly led campus dem- onstrations about class and chapel attendance rules and over the college not seeking return of two white instructors at the college on one-year Woodr'ow Wilson teaching internships. NEW YORK-U.N. Secretary-General U Thant told a press conference Sunday that Hanoi is prepared to withdraw its support from the Viet Cong if the United States withdraws its support from the Saigon government. He said Hanoi views the conflict as a civil war, with the United States and North Vietnam supporting opposing sides. MUSKET HAS BEEN ACCEPTED for a tour of the South Pacific by the U.S. Army subject to the approval of the Regents and the Board of Directors for the Union-League. The tour is tentatively scheduled for Aug. 20-Oct. 14. Students for the tour will be chosen from the Musket pro- ductions "Out of Our Minds" and "Anything Goes" and will in- clude members of the orchestra. They will perform from a repe- torie of songs and skits from a variety of musical comedies and other pop sources. PROF. ARTHUR R. MILLER of the Law School has been appointed to a national committee to study the emerging prob- lems of computers and copyright law. He has been named to a National Education Association's Ad Hoc Copyright Committee subcommittee that will examine and evaluate the copyright revi- sion bill now before Congress and its relation to computers and educational uses of copyrighted materials. 82 to 15, asked Harrington to de- E n voyJohnson asked Congress for a tail the university's policies on P d it s four-year extension of present the 'intellectual and social cli- C h in ese authority to draft the new regis- mate at the university." trants. Key sections of the present' But McKay and others feel that draft law expire June 30. the university does not even have O G in G R O' T tr B : He said that deferments for "broad., basic policies." He said i fathers and men with essential oc- he believes that "some broad cupations will be ended, but that uidelines. set up by the legisla- By ELEANOR BRAUN China. (Mao Tse-tung did agree antagonism to the government on deferments for family hardship ture" to regulate and define uni- Chow Shu-kai, ambassador to later to these terms and in this the part of the masses. This an- cases and 'those studying for phy- versity policy aren't set up "that the U.S. from the Republic of way gained control.) For this rea- tagonism, coupled with the wide- sician and dentistry degreesr will the university operating budget China, spoke last night on the , son Chow called the Communist spread famine which the ambassa- be continued. will be cut." question "What Kind of China take-over of the mainland a dor feels sure will come this Although Johnson said his new McKay explained that the legis- Does the United States Want?" "tragic accident of history," and spring, will prove too great a de- system should be working by Jan. lature has "no alternative" in its Addressing a near - capacity one with which the Chinese peo- structive force for the party and 1, 1969, he would not give any attempt to grasp control of the crowd in the Union Ballroom, the ple have no sympathy. He refer- the government, and will drive the other dates. (A high Johnson aide university if the present, study ambassador presented his views on red to a prediction made by the Communist regime into the "final said last night that no estimate proves legislative speculation that the history of U.S.-China rela- late John Foster Dulles that a, stage of its passing phase." was possible as to when changes administrators cannot correctly tions, as well as on the origins Communist regime in China would There is no hope, he said, for will be made . This leaves men run the school. McKay feels that and significance of the present be only temporary, and agreed unsure as to their draft status. administrators are "a little too turmoil in Communist China, that the present upheavals on the| any moderate trend in the Com- New Format , chary in meddling in the social ", mainland proved the prediction' munist regime; the only hope for Once the new format goes into imate of the university," and ChAll the UnitedSprtateedstrue. Chinese nationalism, and for the' effect, however, it will work like tathshs,"oeapridf Chow said, "is reciprocation of9 time, projecteas image outline her friendship." Toward this end Instead of being true agrarian U.S. as well, is the downfall of the this: that makes the people back home he cited the need to "keep the reformers, Chow said, the main- mainland regime. Chow feels this first, and by lot;w' wondae tpeper what'shgingfon."t-achya lottrpolcn ,1 . Pacific ocean pacific" and called land Communists are trying toj downfall is inevitable if the' wonderhats going on. on the U.S. to denounce any ag- "dehumanize the Chinese people" "bickering" within the party con- tacg e a of all eibl The spartht set the fire gression to China by other powers, and eventually use the mainland tinues; once the Communists havetn ass ol e ligible gresionto Cinaby oherpowes. 19-year-olds plus older men whose seems to be 'a film critique which He stated that any seizure of' as a base from which to "com- been defeated, free national elec- appear'ed recently in the Daily China constituted a direct threat munize other countries." tions could be held and the Chi- deferments are expiring will be to American safety, and included Chow likened the present inter- nese people could have any gov- asseble Cria, the student newspaper. I The names wl erne n The critique used a four-letter the "threat of open war." party struggle in the mainland ernment they chose to have. Onlydd- 3 Th crtiqu usd a fou-leterder a "Fair and Impartial Ran- word which apparently refreshed The ambassador expressed the government to a gangland tvar. then, he said, could the U.S. and dom system of selection" (to be legislative memory of 'how rad- belief that the Communists would He called government policies China resume their friendship and called FAIR) and will be inducted ical" the Badger campus is and not now be in power on the Chi- there "sheer madness" and looked once more work toward common in order: which set politicial wheels turn- nese mainland if Chiang Kai-shek, to their failures to cause complete goals. -The next year, those who were ing, according to Assemblyman leader of the Nationalists after the - - -notdraftet will ha their names Paul Alfonsi. war, had agreed to the terms of SeeLEISATRS Pge2 al Aerca iflene ro PeLiio D ad iu E te de lifted from this "prime" list, and fered him by Stalin and expelled P etition eadl e their chances of being inducted See LEGISLATORS, Page ? 1 all American influence from , will drop sharply. o " cJohnson also announced he was B R T GSSBSOG *the commission on the draft. A 'eS r a s s G a;For Campus -wide Ofices extending for one year the life of-O"jthcomsinnheda.A o0)majority of that commission had By LYNNE KILLIN ed by SGC member Neil Hollens- recommended an end to all stu- " " " ;head, who considered fear the dent deferments. Johnson said '] ~Student Government Council m iain detriment to petitioning, yesterday that "an issue so deeply fin ta l it im s I'R e m a in yesterday extended the petitioning They are afraid to face alone the important, with so many compel- for the March 22 elections to 10 rigors of all campus elections and ling factors on both sides, cannot ject in mind: only the small priority projects, including the p.m. Wednesday, March 8. The the perhaps hostile audiences that be decided until its very aspect alumni donor has the University Graduate Library addition the new deadline is due to insufficient this will entail. has been explored." as a whole in mind." In the com- Residential College, and 'enowed candidate response. Hollenshead also felt that the Inequities inge months, the fund raisers will professorships. J a c k Hamilton, As of last night, Bruce Kahn, lack of political parties is closely He conceded that student defer- in ots h udrieswl rfsosis aitn 68, and Ruth Baumann, '68, were tenuhavIld to ieqitiesbe concentrate on reaching these po- assistant to the vice president for th, ond pepl runn, for SGC related to this fear. "Parties re- mens ave e o nequies e- tential small donors. University relations said he be- thesonly aileuive Vic cruit candidates and give them a cause students have been able to According to Regent Paul Goe- lieves enough money has been re- ;President andExecutiveBoadic certain sense of security in run- avoid the draft completely. bel (R-grand Rapids), national ceived to fund the library expan- ning on a team." Rep. L. Mendel Rivers (D-SC, chairman of the $55-M campaign sion Control of Student Publications whose House Armed Services theaeinfthe$55-cgapaigsihas three openings with only two Marty Lieberman, '69, Judy Committee will consider the draft the Residential College has to - Major gifts received thus far candidates. There are three people Greenberg, '69, Regina Rogoff, '70, law has asserted that student de- te receive o stn- include petitioning for four NSA posts. Nancy Amidei, grad, Mark E. ferments must be kept. He has also tial." Jack. Schuler of Detroit, na- --$10 million from the automo- Rich Handel, '67, Coordinating Schreiber, '69, Steven Lester, and voiced opposition to the lottery tional alumni campaign chairman, tive industry for the establishment Vice-President of SGC, attributes Janis Lea Sorkin, '68, are running added that the Residential College! of the Highway Safety Research is ako addt epnet for SGC council seats. plan. is the "kind of thing where a gift Institutethis lack of candidate response to The draft claims only 100,000 is needed from a large donor." the recent spring recess as well as aIhose petitioning to be NSA to 300,000 men annually-nearly Apparently, the fund drive has -$6.7 million from the C. S. to a reluctance to spend two and delegates are Lynne Killin, '69, 2 million men will become 19 each Mott Foundation for construc- a half weeks as a campaignor. Rick Handel, '67 and Robert Cy also had difficulty in finding I year. sponsors for endowed professor- tions of the Mott Children's Hos- He believes that ,this hesitation Neff, '69. The precise system for choosing ships. As of March 1, only one pital. Neither of these gifts was is especially strong when one con- Four people have applied for the names for the lottery has not chair, the Sebastian S. Kresge I on the original list of the $55-M siders that "they can obtain as President of the Senior class of been developed yet, and it is not chair of marketing in the business program's goals. much prestige and power by pe- the College of Engineering: John known when it will be ready for administration school, had been --$3.1 million from the W. K. ; titioning for such things as Exe-" D. Richart, '67, Jeff Bowden, '68, operation. definitely endowed by a $600,000 Kellogg Foundation for expan-'cutive Board and the Presidential:Wally Rhines, '68, and Lonnie Johnson also said youths be- gift from the Kresge Foundation. sion of the School of Public Health Advisory Board. Charles Von Renner, '68. tween 17 and the minimum draft Lawrence Rockefeller has do- and renovation of the Kellogg In- However, Jim Benton, '67, Treas- Jeff Messner, '68, and Lewis age of 181, will get priority for nated $250,000 to establish a stitute of Graduate and Post-|urer of SGC, believes that this Paper, '68, have filed for. Presi- reserve enlistment. But men 181/2 Samu eTra nDana chair ogfout Graduate Dentistry. Federal and failure to petition is due to a dis- dent 'of the Senior class of the or older who enlist in the reserves By STEPHEN W'IT DSTROM and WAT TER SHAPIRD Special To The Daily DETROIT - University Presi- dent Harlan Hatcher announced last week that the $55 Million Capital Fund Drive has surpassed' its money goal. As of March 1, $58.651,870 had been received, the largest amount ever collected by a public university in a single ' drive. Hatcher, however, stressed that many of the $55-M program's or- iginal goals remain unmet, in- cluding the funding of the Resi- dential College. the new theatre,' and endowed professorships. "It is common experience in capital fund campaigns," Hatcher said. "that the original priorities are not completely achieved by the time the money is received." He announced that the fund drive,. which was originally scheduled to meet its $55-million goal by No- vember. would continue through- out the Sesquicentennial vear.