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March 01, 1967 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-01

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Highway Study, Predicts Greater Traffic Congestion



DETROIT (P-) - If you think
finding a downtown parking space
is tough these days, wait ten years
and you will find things even
That was the conclusion of the
Automobile Manufacturers Asso-
ciation Saturday in a detailed
study of what lies ahead for mo-
torists of the future.-
It painted a foreboding picture
of many more cars crowding onto
already heavily traveled highways,
especially in downtown businessI
The AMA financed study fore-
saw an increasingly important
role for trains and buses in easing

traffic problems in metropolitan of cars hooked together for rapid early application of these sys- 1.5 persons per car were increased
areas. travel on freeways. tems." to 2.2 persons, all peak-hour tran-
The project laid heavy emphasis "Prototype systems already exist Surveying the future of bus and sit riders could be accommodated
on the job of the expressway or that would permit automated train systems, the report said "ur- in most cities with no increase in
freeway road system in peoples' steering and spacing control of of ban transit riding has been declin- car use in downtown areas," AMA's
ability to get from one place to automobiles on freeway-type road-'ing steadily since 1945. However,,report said.
another in a hurry, and without ways," it said. as urban population continues to The report showed that Dallas
long traffic tieups. "Such systems which may be in increase, it is expected that trans- currently leads large U.S. cities
There was one suggestion for partial use by 1975 Fill permit it patronage by 1980 will be 10 to in the amount of downtown land
a special lane on expressways to cars to travel bumper-to-bumper 15 percent above 1960 and will ap- devoted to parking areas, with
handle nothing but bus traffic. at speeds up to 150 miles per hour proximate 8.5 billion passengers a some 17 percent of downtown real'
"Operational tests indicate that a with the driver retaining manual year.. estate devoted to parking facili-
separate lane could accommodate contirol of the car when not on an It suggested that much of the ;ties.
60,000 persons an hour in 1,450 automated roadway. auto congestion problem could be.j On a national scale, about 50
buses at conventional freeway AMA said that "although most avoided in the future if the aver- percent of all downtown business
dnn age number of people per car were district land is devoted to streets,
~speeds in metropolitan areas," the technical obstacles have been ov- increased. sdwlsadprig
report said. ercome already, economic factors n;"Ifpresent car occupancies of
Another foresaw the possibility constitute the major constraint to AMA said that revitalization of
trtn~ AYls~l' f~xtl t"aC S~11ld dip





in Ann Arbor City Election April 6th
at City Hall, 2nd floor
until March 6th



Lf.. . N rA ".";r ::-.V.V: rr.= m "
:.v1.vr."r.4".".v.:..i.aS$^:^o.:"".^:. ..:".v".: : l.:"s."." n : "rirr.+: a.^:1": v{::.::;v.;:;

lmany downtow n areas woul ae-
:.:r.::"::;;::~~~~~~.«.::::::";:";;;. ;:..;;.;.:. 0RG:N.:Z;T:N end on the success which com-a
::. ORGAN I Z AT I ON I"munities have in developing better;
roadways systems to get autos and
~I T (_0E Sbuses into them with a minimum
U LLETI NOTICES of delay. The manner in which
_______-_adequatae parking facilities were
:.;X":;USE OF THIS COLUMN FORl AN-j arranged would also be a factor
.................................s*V %.......NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially in making the areas attractive to
the east door of Hill Aud. by 1:30 p.m., recognized and registered student orga- shoppers.
March 5. nizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB. Another paragraph that could
Student Government Council Approval * * * make still more motorists unhap-
of the following student sponsored University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 my stiles e mtrists"nap-
events becomes effective 24 hours after Washtenaw, midweek Lenten service, 10 py suggested that parking "garage
the publicatior. of this notice. All pub- p.m., March 1, Pastor Scheips speaks design and rate schedules should
licity for these events must be with- on "Rationalistic Religion or Christ?" encourage short-term parking, es-
held until the approval has become ef- * * *
fective. Square Dance Club, Dance for March pecially in the core portions of
Approval request forms for student 4 cancelled. largest cities."

Registration Open Mon.-Fri.

8:00 A.M,-5:00 P.M.

and March 6th 8:00 A.M.-8:00 P.M.
Voter Registration

The Daily Offtical Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan E)aily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TY' WRlIlTT'N' form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"The Management of Managers":
146 School of Business Administration,
8:15 a.m.
Sesquicentennial Alumni Celebration
--Registration, Lobby, Michigan Nn-
ion, 9 a.m.
Anatomy Seminar-Dr. James G. Wil-
son, professor of research, pediatrics
and anatomy, Children's Hospital Re-,
search Foundation University of Cln-
cinnati: "The Teratological and Repro-
ductive Studies in Non-Human Prim-
ates," 2501 East Medical Bldg., 4 p.m.
Opening Banquet for Alumni Sesqui-
centennial Celebration-Speaker: Jack
Vaughn, director of the Peace Corps, 6
p.m., Michigan Union Ballroom.
Symposium in Chemical Physics Lec-
ture-John D. Baldeschwieler, Stanford
University, "Study of Ion-molecule Re-
actions by Cyclotron Resonance Spec-
troscopy": 296 Physics-Astronomy, 8
University Musical Society Concert -
Andres Segovia: Rackham Aud., 8:30
General Notices
Legal Opportunities Symposium-Fu-
ture of the young attorney. Discussion
?eriod, Lawyers Club Lounge, Fri., March
3, 3:30 p.m.
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Chris Ar-
gyris, Yale University, will speak on:
"The Unintended Consequences of Rig-
orous Research," Fri., March 3, 4:15
p.m., Room 1025 Angell Hall. Coffee
will be served from 3:45 to 4:15 p.m.
In Room 3417 Mason Hall.
Opening Banquet for Alumni Sesqui-
centennial Celevration: Speaker: Jack
Vaughn, director of the Peace Corps,
Wed., March 1, 6 p.m., Michigan Union
Ballroom. Reservations may still be
made through the Conference Dept.,
412 Maynard, 764-5304.
Alumni Sesquicentennial Program:
Playwright Arthur Miller, CBS news cor-
respondent Mike Wallace and Esquire
Publisher Arnold Gingrich will discuss
"The Right of Free Expression." Open
to students and public without charge.
Thurs., March 2, Rackham Lecture Hall,
10 a.m.
Alumni Sesquicentennial Program:
"The Political Picture Today" will be
discussed by Senator Philip A. Hart
end Representative Gerald H. Ford. Open
to students and public free of charge.
Thurs., March 2, Rackham Lecture Hall,
2:30 p.m.
All-Sports Athletic Banquet-Honor-
ing "greats" in Michigan's athletic his-
tory. Thurs., March 2, 6 p.m., Michi-
gan Union Ballroom. Reservations may
be made through Sesqui-Information
Desk, 764-4487.

Alumni Sesquicentennial Program:
"American Enterprise - What Lies
Ahead?" Lynn Townsend, chairman of
the board of Chrysler Corp., Donald
C. Cook, president of the American
Electric Co., and H. Bruce Palmer,
president of the National Industrial
'onference Board. "The Future of Amer-
ican Enterprise." Fri., March 3, 10 a.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall. Open to stu-
dents and public free of charge. .
Alumni Sesquicentennial Program:
"The Law and Public Order" will be
discussed by alumni Hobart Taylor, di-
rector of the Export-Import Bank of
Washington; Judge John R. Brown,
U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit, and
Dr. Richard A. Wasserstrom, dean <f
the College of Arts and Sciences, Tus-
kegee Institute, Open to students and
public free of charge, Fri., March 3,
10 a.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Alumni Sesquicentennial Program:
"Michigan in Orbit." The future of the
Apollo program will be discussed by
its director, Joseph Shea, and General
Edward H. White, father of the late
astronaut. Program will also include a
film. Open to public and students free
of charge. Fri., March 3, 2:30 p.m.,


I "

sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
Christian Science Organization at the
U. of M., Alumni Day, March 18, 3
p.m., Multipurpose Room, North Campus
' Placement
Change of Interview Date, Army and
Air Force Exchange-Interviews now
March S.
Statisticians with New York State
-Sr. and Assoc. positions examined for
April 22. Applications in by March 20.
Specific positions with N.Y. State De-
partments of Health and Mental Hy-
giene, mostly in Albany, N.Y.


Rackham Lecture Hall. University of California, Los Angeles
-Supervising Statistician, Biostatistics
Alumni Sesquicentennial Banquet: unit of Dept. Preventive Med., BS Math
Sesquicentennial Awards will be pre- or stat. plus 4 yrs. exper. with sup.
rented to special guests and selected experience.
alumni. Reservations may still be made Pontiac General Hospital, Pontiac,
through the Conference Department, 412 Mich.-Education and Training Coor-
Maynard, 764-5304. Dinner on Fri., March dinator, male, BA plus with major in
3, 6 pm., Michigan League, followed education.
by performance of student musical re- Job Corps Center for Women, Albu-
vue, "Out of Our Minds." querque, N.M.-Packard Bell Corp. su-
pervised. Resident advisor, BA plus ex-
Campus Open House for Alumni: Sat., per. in group activities yith youth
March 4, 10 a.m. to noon. groups in'institutional setting.
Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Michigan-Wisconsin Basketball Game St. Paul, Minn. - Openings in Sales,
in Cobo Hal. Arena: Sat., March 4, 2 p.m. Mktg. (Trainee, Agency Supv., Asst. Su-
Buses will take alumni and interested perintendent Agencies). Actuarial train-
persons to Detroit, leaving Michigan ses, investment securities analyst and
Union,, 12:30. personnel positions and assistantships.
Management Consultants, N.Y. Area
Alumni Sesquicentennial Celebration -Manager of distribution, 5-10 yrs.
Closing Banquet: Sat., March 4, 6 p.m., in this position, exper. in warehouse
Cobo Hall, Detroit: Reservations may and materials handling, EDP knowl., de-
still be made by contacting Frederick gree in engrg. pref., knowl, ICC regu-
Matthai, Jr., Capital and Management, lations. Assistant Plant Superintendent,
770 South Adams Rd., Birmingham, machine room *and cabinet room ex-
Mich. (Phone:d647-4800.) per., other furniture production knowl.
and exper. Chief Engineer, Forging
Div., engrg. degree, 8-10 yrs. indust.
TV Center Programs: On Sun., March exper. in ferrous metals, knowl. tooling
5, the following programs produced by end building, equip., and electrical re-
the TV Center will have their initial pair.
telecast on Detroit stations:
8:30 a.m., WXYZ-TV, Channel 7 - For further information please call
"Understanding Our World. But for 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
All Time." Modern visual approaches Appointments, 3200 SAB.
to teaching-of Shakespeare, with Prof.
Edward Stashefi and Lewis Saks. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE:
12 noon, WWJ-TV, Channel 4-U-M: 212 SAB-
150. "Golden Era." The "golden era" Ford Motor Co., Saline, Mich.-Jun-
of student life, between 1900 and 1917, ior and above in EE Mech, and Indust.
is recaptured by Prof. Howard H. Peck- Engrg. with at least a 3 point average.
ham and alumni, Paul Wagner and For summer work.
H. H. Caswell, Details and application; at Summer
Seniors: College of L.S. & A., and Placement Service, 212 SAB, lower level.
Schools of Business Administration,__
Education, Music and Undergraduate
Public Health-Tentative lists of sen-
posted on the bulletin board in the
first floor lobby, Administration Bldg.. Em ploym ent
Any changes therefrom should be re-
quested of the recorded at the Office Computer Programmer-Must be fa-
of the Registrar, Window A, 1513 Ad- rniliar with IBM 7094 and ability to pro-
ministration Bldg. gram in the MAD language. Temporary



School of Music Honors Program: Ap-
plications for the fall term, 1967, avail-
able in the School of Music Records
Office. Deadline Fri., March 24.
Rubinstein Concert Ushers: Ushers
are very urgently needed for the spe-
cial concert by Artur Rubinstein, on
Sun., March 5. Any person on campus
who is interested in ushering for this
zoncert please report to Mr. Warner at

assignment 50-75 hours total. Please
contact: Part-Time Employment Office,
2200 SAB, Phone 764,7283.


Do you remember

. * .

of a lifetime!
Chance of
a summertime.

" the flivvers that caused such traffic problems on campus?
" when Betsy Barbour girls were finally allowed to smoke?
* the Daily finally allowing fraternity men on the staff?
" Ann Arbor being a "low cost town for college students to live in?



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