PAGE' EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1967 PAGEEIGT TH MIHIGA DALY EDNEDAY MARH 1196 A representative from the, Jervis B. Webb Company' will be on your campus March 13, 1967 GRADUATING ENGINEERS; the opportunities are excellent for those who desire a career in the Material Handling Industry, and are inter- ested in diversification of training in all product areas from designing to wherever your abilities carry you in this exciting industry. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER atmen Ready for Tough Tourney By BOB LEES the other conference schools will Last Saturday pver 4500 scream- meet to decide who is REALLY ing partisans watched the Wol- number one in the Western Con- verine grapplers take on the Spar- ference. tans from Michigan State. In pro- And, according to assistant bably the most exciting event old coach Rick Bay, "Regardless of Yost Field House has seen all sea- last Saturday, State's still the fa- son, Cliff Keen's matmen dumped vorite going into the tourney. the top-ranked Spartans from the They've got more experience and ranks of the unbeaten. better balance, and we have to But last week was only round assume that they'll place every- one. This weekend, in the three- where." ringed circus known as the Big It Won't Be Easy Ten Championships, these two Yet the performances last week- squads and representatives from end showed well that MSU will APRIL GRADUATES WANTED by the CITY OF ANN ARBOR BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION-A challenging and rewarding position is open as Administrative Assistant to the City Controller, should have a strong Accounting background and a desire to accept administrative responsibility. ENGINEERING-The city has three openings for Civil Engineer and one opening for Clerical En- gineer. The City Of Ann Arbor offers: COMPETITIVE SALARIES plus OUTSTANDING FRINGE BENEFIT PROGRAM If interested please contact THE DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL City Hall, 1010 North Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER have anything but an easy time inq Columbus' St. John's Arena. "That was probably our greatest victory," concedes Bay, "but we still didn't, wrestle our best. Our team, as a whole, probably performed betterc against Northwestern earlier in the season., "Nevertheless," he continued, "there were several spots where guys really outdid themselves. Pete Cornell is the best example. "Pete went into this match against Mike Bradley knowing he' had to win for us to win the meet. Now, Pete's only a sophomore, while Bradley is a Big Ten champ. We were afraid that he would be a little cautious, and at the time caution was one thing we couldn't afford. Practice Makes Perfect "The takedown which got him - the victory was something we've FRED STEHMAN worked on in practice for hogrs,FT but he's always ben afraid to use seemed really fired up and Bu t's it. Well, this time, I guess, he for- opponent-well, it looked like. he got to be nervous, rose to the occa- was just playing for the tie. sion, and whipped his man." "But the other guys sure took The entire meet took on the as- up the slack." pects of a come-from-behind bas- Same Alignment ketball victory, even to the crowd formances from the guys who did- "Then there's Jim McCaall of n't do quite so well last week. Indiana. who battled Behm all the "We'll be planning on very way to the end before losing 2-1 strong performances from Bob in their meet with State. And Dale Fehrs, Jim Kamman, and Dave McCall of Iowa is the only heavy- Porter, of course, and all three weight in the conference that Por- showed their stuff against State. ter hasn't pinned this year. But there's no reason why Merical, "Of course, the favorites will be Stehman. Cornell. and (Bill) Wa- top-seeded but every tournament terman can't do as good as they've has its share of upsets. Every year been doing all season." you lose some you didn't expect, Michigan State, too, is banking and you win some you didn't plan on three "sure wins" in the fight on. But you know," concludes Bay, for the title. Don Behm at 130. "how we hope things will end up." Dale Anderson at 137, and George But one upsetting parallelism Radman at 167, with several . creeps into thoughts of the upcom- crowns among them already, will ing tourney. Last year the Wol- be favored in their classes, while verines edged MSU 16-11 in the Dale Carr at 145 will probably al- final dual meet of the season, only so get a high-seed position. to come in second to the Spartans MICHIGANENSIAN 1968 Announces Petitioning For Junior' Staff Positions Art Editor and Associate Editor Academics Editor and Associate Editor Organizations Editor and Associate Editor Sports Editor and Associate Editor Campus Life Editor and Associate Editor Supplement M anager and Associate Manager Senior Sections Editor Associate Sales Manager Contracts Manager Publicity Director Petitions Available Michigonensian Office 420 Maynard Street Gophers a Threat But the tournament isn't all Mi- chigan and MSU boys," warns Bay. "Minnesota, who lost only 17- 12 to State, has Jim Anderson at 123 and Ron Ankeny at 152, both of whom are capable of winning their weights. in the Big Ten. This year, too, Mi- chigan won the last regular season meet against State. But perhaps that mythical num- ber one national ranking the Spar- tans have now will explode this year when they face the harsh re- alities of the mats of St. John's. standing and yelling at the end. But that wasn't the way ther coaches had it doped out before- hand._E "The pivotal matches," explainst Bay, "were supposed to be at 145! and 152. The way Fred Stehman'sE been going, we thought he'd be' able to take Carr, their Big Ten champ at 152, and Burt Mericalt was expected to win, too. But Carlt Michigan will go into the tour- ney with virtually the same lineup which has proved so successful the entire season. "It'll probably be a two-team fight," Bay predicts, "which means that the winning squad will probably need at least three firsts and two seconds." And what does this mean for the Wolverines? "Well, it means that we need some better per- Sopl Alcindor Tops All-America Picks with meals and without. Drink Carlsberg-the mellow, flavorful beer of Copenhagen. bred and bottled b- the Car-sbe- Beweres. Copenhagen, Denmark . Carlsberg Agency, Inc., 104 E. 40th St., N.Y. By The Associated Press NEW YORK-Lew Alcindor of UCLA, Jim Walker of Providence, Westley Unseld of Louisville, Clem Haskins of Western Kentucky and Elvin Hayes of Houston were pick- ed yesterday as the 1967 college basketball All-America by The As- sociated Press. Alcindor, 7-foot-1i sophomore from the country's top-ranked Bruins of the Pacific-8 Confer- ence, dominated the voting by 308! sportswriters and broadcasters. Bob Verga of Duke, Ron Widby of Tennessee, Larry. Miller of North Carolina, Bob Lloyd of Rut- gers and Louie Dampier of Ken- tucky were named as a second team. Dampier made the first team All-America last year, but his fortune fell as Kentucky failed to repeat as Southeastern Confer- ence champions. Rounding out the All-America squad as a third team were Butch Beard of Louisville, Sonny Dove of St John's of New York, Mel Daniels of New Mexico, Jim Burns of Northwestern and David Lattin of Texas Western. Walker, slick ball handler forl Providence, moved up from the 1966 second team, by landing 268 first and 17 second team votes. Walker polled a total of 1,274 to Alcindor's 1,530. Unseld, a 6-8 junior for Louis- ville's Missouri Valley conference champs, received 1,114 points. Hayes; known as the Big E, is an- other 6-8 junior for the Houston Cougars. He got 733 votes, but was beaten out in the voting by Haskins, a 6-3 senior like Walker. Haskins, known as Clem' the Gem, paced Western Kentucky to the Ohio Valley Conference title, although he missed several' games in February because of a wrist in- jury. Heading the honorable mention list were Lucious Allen of UCLA, Don May of Dayton, Bob Lewis of North Carolina, Sam Williams of Iowa, Mal Graham\ of New York University, Jo White of Kansas, Eldridge Webb of Tulsa, Cliff An- derson of St. Joseph's, Pa., Don Smith of Iowa State and Tom Boerwinkle of Tennessee. AP Top Ten The Top Ten, with first place votes in parentheses, won-lost rec- ords through Tues., Feb. 28 and to- tax points on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis: 1. UCLA (32) 24-0 320 2. Louisville 23-4 253 3. North Carolina 20-3 212 4. Kansas 20-3 204 5. Princeton 23-2 176 6. Western Kentucky 22-2 139 7. Houston 22-3 130 8. Tennessee 18-5 74 9. Texas Western 21-5 52 10. Boston College 17-2 42 Others receiving votes, listed al- phabetically: Connecticut, Dayton, Marshall, New Mexico, Providence, St. Johns, Seattle, Southern Cali- fornia, Southern Methodist, Syra- cuse, Toledo, Tulsa, University of the Pacific, Utah State, Vanderbilt, Villanova, Washington State. A A LI t4 _ What kind of engineer will you be... preliminary design, design, development? At AiResearch Phoenix, you work as all three before you decide. Your future as an engineer is strongly influenced by your first assignment. What that assign- ment will be, should be, is an important decision. At Garrett you control that decision. During an eight-month orientation program, you work with experienced engineers on a 'variety of assignments in different areas. Your permanent assignment depends on your own aptitude and interest. In preliminary design you may work on gas turbine engines, jet engine starters, or advancedpower systems for space vehicles. Analy- sis is the key -and the emphasis is on thermodynamics, fluids, vibration, heat transfer, and math to solve today's problems. As a design engineer, you see your solution to a product design problem take shape on the draw- ing board and in fabrication. You A may work on controls systems for turbine drives, engine fuel sys- tems, or a laboratory test system. Mechanics is the theme -statics and dynamics, materials and pro- cesses, and graphics are your tools, In development, you'll test designs before they go into pro- duction. Manufacturing processes are examined and production techniques are explored. Every- thi'ng from nuts and bolts to com- plete power systems are tested, and your lab work and practical judgement will pay off in this area. Your career at AiResearch Phoenix can be stimulating and rewarding. You can work in all three important areas of engineer- ing on diverse aerospace products. You can use your total education, learn more on top of it, and take part in a wide variety of advanced engineering. At AiResearch Phoenix, the product lines include gas turbines for auxiliary power, turboprop engines for business and military aircraft, secondary power equip- ment for aircraft, advanced space vehicle nuclear power systems, pneumatic and hydraulic control systems, as well as a variety of related equipment for aerospace, ground, and undersea applications. Find out the whole story in our new booklet, Your Future at Garrett. Get it from your cam- pus placement office, or write AiResearch Manufacturing Divi- sion, 402 South 36th Street, Phoe- nix, Arizona 85034. AiResearch A every branch of business. Last year, he was still in college. Now he's on his way as a Management Trainee with the world's largest bank in California. Bank of America is not only statewide-it's worldwide, too. So there's a continuing need for career minded young men with ambition and . .' . - , 1 .1 place for you in International Banking. If you've studied business administration, you'll be inter- ested in Loan Administration. And our Com- puter Operations offers a challenge to any mathematician. All training is accomplished pri- marily through project assignments. A c -.h a rld'c Throst bank- w erve every I I