:, EDTDSeventy-SixthYear EDITEDAND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS .. y.. y: .......... .. ............ ... ......J..... x,.,,.......,.51";LVJ 1, ..,. , .,. ,:::'J.' ".t" nJ... .. . . .,.... J.J .. ............ :... .. ..:.::t. ..'y::t . :._:.'.",". .:^:JJ::.^:Jt,.......................,,..,.,,....,,.,.......n.":J.:"Nl.: .'J.'"J.:'..Y,:"JJ.V... : ,Y.J..'YJJ... ..........9.1.. , ... '44 . .. .............................. ............... . .... h....... .., JJ... .......... ... ........ .... .......................................................... ... ., ..V. . ,5.. .J1,V1JJ:ti': "' .":':"::: "::,:",.... Sr ..,".. 1. , *. , ,} ..". 1,a. .:}.1 .. SL ..............................1.....,....,... ....... .. ,....... ....: ........................',......:........ ................................. .....5.... 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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUEI Students Should Be Consulted On Possible Tuition Hike IT'S OFFICIAL. The news releases are mimeographed, the television tapes are set to go and President Harlan Hatcher got a haircut at 4:30 p.m. yesterday in the Arcade Barbershop. The $55 million is in the bag. President Hatcher will announce that the University is definitely going to meet its three year fund drive goal at a 9:30 a.m. conference in the Detroit Press Club. While thin on uncommitted funds, the $55 M drive headed by Regent Paul Goebel definitely will provide some of the needed Geritol to get the ailing Mother of State Universities back on her feet. Advance indications are that the fund drive will probably go several million dollars over the stated goal. HATCHER'S ANOUNCEMENT this morning will kick- off a gala alumni weekend celebration which culminates Sunday with a huge birthday party for thousands at Cobo Iall in Detroit-certainly a wiser site choice than McCormick Place. The alumni weekend has everything. Among impor- tant sons of the scene for the festivities are Peace Corps Director Jack Hood Vaughan (he speaks at 6 p.m. today), Esquire Publisher Arnold Gingrich and Lynn Townsend, Chairman of Chrysler Corp. (Unfortunately one of the University's best known alumni, Haitian lifetime President Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, a medical school graduate, couldn't break from the island for the festivities. Apparently Duvalier hasn't made his $55 M pledge either.) BEST OF ALL, the biggest weekend of the year has been conveniently scheduled during spring break, so the alumni won't be bothered by a lot of students. If you can't go home this weekend, at least keep things down. The administration and the alumni have a right to some peace and quiet once in a while. Actually the weekend should provide a welcome relief to administrators here who have been up to their neck in crisis. Optimism is even rising at the Student Activities. Building. Says one crisis-watching official "If we can get past the Cinema Guild furor, we should be able to make it through the rest of the semester without a crisis." In the wake of the Cinema Guild affair the Ann Arbor City Council passed a resolution Monday night telling "all citizens" to "be concerned and disturbed by th evolution of an acceptance of pornography and obscenity." They need have little fear since Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler is "concerned" and working hard to keep things clean on campus. In a meeting with Student Government Council Feb. 20, Cutler strongly hinted that if SGC did not stop Cinema Guild from showing Andy Warhol's "Blow-Job" that he, President Hatcher, or the Regents would. He said that to maintain the autonomy of the Uni- versity-i.e. SGC's decision making power-it would be good if SGC blocked the film so that they wouldn't be overruled by Cutler, the President, or the Regents. Cutler said it would be best to quell campus emotion by not showing the film. Cutler said if the film was shown it would "lead to such a public furor that many of our privileges and prized rights would be infringed upon." SGC has gone ahead and authorized the showing of "Blow-Job," which is a 33 minute film of a man's face. The only action is when the man winks and twitches his face. BY THE WAY, hats off to the Ann Arbor News for another fine job of University coverage during the Daily crisis. While the New York Times flew a reporter 600 miles to cover the story, the News couldn't send any- one five blocks. i INDICATIONS FROM LANSING and the Administration Building point to an increase in tuition for the fall, '67 term: " Governor Romney slashed $4.2 mil- lion from the University's budget request last month when he recommended that the Legislature provide $62.2 million for general operating expenses. In a year. when Romney is calling for either fiscal reform or cuts in state spending-a year when the mood of an evenly-balanced Legislature is unclear-there will be no financial bonuses from the state. The University is competing for fac- ulty with schools that can offer allur- Ingly high salaries. In addition, costs of equipment, construction and physical up- keep for the University ar erising. TWO YEARS AGO, a similar situation arose-though many people felt the needs were not as pressing, and that an increase was unwarranted. The decision by -the Regents to approve a tuition (and dorm fee) hike was made during the sum- mer. It did not appear that students were either consulted about the move, or given advance notice to prepare them for ris- ing costs of living. At that time, University administrators created a $250,000 financial aid fund to help ease the burden on students - al- though a good deal of that hardship was due to the suddenness of the announce- ment. HOPEFULLY, the administration will not work totally behind the scenes again and forget to consult students this time. Consideration of financial problems and remedies could be the first task of vice-presidential advisory boards. Before students make long-range commitments about summer employment and their own budgeting, they should be informed of the fees they may have to pay-even if the Legislature has not acted on the pro- posals. Furthermore, if a tuition increase is effected, the setting up of a financial aid program similar to the one in 1965 would show good sense and good faith. Increased tuitions have been branded as "appalling" by high state officials. Even more appalling, however, are tui- tion hikes suddenly formulated when most students are out of town. -NEAL BRUSS 4 Letters:Heinous Sin of Sharing a Lemonade I~ Barry Untangles the Web LAST WEEK history was made. The New York Times and Barry Goldwater fin- ally came out against the same thing- the CIA's financing of a whole mishmash of organizations, Whereas the Times merely protested against the agency's use of naive students for propaganda pur- poses, Barry Goldwater revealed the con- spiracy in its true, insidious light. The.Central Intelligence Agency, osten- sibly a protector of, puppet dictators around the world, opponent of social progress in underdeveloped countries, as- sassination mastermind par excellence- in short, defender of everything a lot of Americans hold sacred-is secretly financ- ing the Socialist Conspiracy! As the list of, funded organizations grew in size after the initial NSA revela- tions, it became obvious (even to the most otiose), that the CIA was linked with blatantly pro-leftist groups - the Institute of Public Administration of New York, the National Education Association and the Retail Clerks International As- sociation of Washington, D.C. WMN IT WAS discovered that Norman Thomas was also involved, Barry could remain silent no longer. As the former senator put it, "Why don't they spread the money around? In other words, what they have been doing with it as far as I can see, is to finance Socialism in Amer- ica." And now it all becomes clear. The CIA -really "Communist Infiltrators Anony- mous"-has been secretly engaged in a 'gargantuan struggle with J. Edgar Hoov- er. (In fact, one of the subsidized groups did an expose on the FBI-the "Freedom- Building Incognitos.") Hoover's opposition to the consular treaty is really aimed at preventing Russian undercover agents (dupes of the CIA?) from discovering the truth about American Communist party secretary Gus Hall, who is really a G- man in disguise. The ramifications of the CIA plot may never be totally comprehended, but one thing stands out amidst the confusion. As the Bard so aptly put it 350 years ago: "WHAT A TANGLED web we weave, When first we practice to deceive." -STEPHEN FIRSHEIN Acting Associate Editorial Director To the Editor: LIVING as a member of a highly organized bureaucracy is un- pleasant at best; it is unbearable when the bureaucracy refuses to deal with any situation on a per- sonal, individual basis. This un- bearable situation is the way of life at South Quad. On February 24, a friend of mine who does not live in the quad, sat with me as I ate lunch in the SQ dining room. In the course of the meal, my friend took approximately three sips of lemonade. Immediately, a kitchen official rushed out, accused me of "sharing my lunch," and confis- cated my meal ticket. (Meal shar- ing is strictly prohibited by SQ rules.) She treated me not like a person, with whom she could liscuss the situation, but like a piece of machinery which had broken down and needed repair (punishment). I was told that I would have to see Mr. Fox, the quad director, to retrieve my tick- et. NEXT, I WENT to Mr. Fox's of- fice. The quad director explained to me that sharing a meal is against quad rules, which I knew. I explained that I do not consider three sips of lemonade to be a ''meal," but that I would be quite willing to pay for the lemonade, assuming that the lemonade would cost about 2c. Mr. Fox informed me that the cost of lemonade is 3%/c, but that I would have to pay a $2 fine for violation of the rules. Frustrated by Mr. Fox's refusal to consider the individual case, his refusal to consider whether or not lemonade constitutes a meal, I asked him if. he ever thought about people, not rules. He replied, "No, never." This remark may have been meant sarcastically, but I have had no indication that it is not true. ALTHOUGH I can see the point of a rule which forbids stealing extra food for friends, the lem- onade does not constitute "extra" food. I have paid approximately $475 to live in South Quad this semester, and a good part of that sum is a pre-payment for meals. Thus, I had already paid for the lemonade which my friend drank, and I cannot understand the jus- tice of a rule which fines me for putting it into his mouth, instead of my own. I also question the le- gality of a system which with- holds academic credits as a pun- ishment for not paying a dormi- tory fine. At this point I am not concern- ed about the $2 fine; I have paid it. However, I refuse to succumb quietly to a system which has no respect- for the individual, and which is concerned only with the machinery of bureaucracy. -Linda Shapiro, '69 s/ Mrsa4'fl.'b . Time for the Gifts in Order? To the Editor: A T THE RISK of sounding like sour grape-eaters, we feel some comment should be made on the University Activities Center's prac- tice of giving cash awards to out- going executive committee mem- bers. The case of Soph Show is the one about which we have some knowledge, but it is merely a case in point. An award of $50 was presented to each of the general co-chair- men of Soph Show. The amount of work they did on the show is not in issue; both worked long and hard. But there were others-the cast in particular - who worked just as long and just as hard. They expect no remuneration and receive none. Similar cases -exist for all major UAC functions. For that reason, presentation of cash awards to the general co-chairmen or any other participant in a UAC function is both unjust and in poor taste. FOR THE PRESENT, all we can do is urge that the practice be discontinued in the future. But we would recommend to all recipients -and we are sure they will agree- that this money be donated to some worthwhile University func- tion such as the Residential Col- lege. -Raymond Taetle,'69 -Robert Kanter, '69 --Robert Deutsch, '69 Prejudging 'Creatures' To the Editor: IT WAS INTERESTING to find the Ann Arbor City Council supporting that often-quoted and next event . . ." Panhel and Membership Policies misquoted statement of Univer- sity President Hatcher at last month's Regents meeting. The context of the speech has been disputed, but City Council last night decided it was about "the evolution of vulgarity." The actions of City Council and President Hatcher both refer to Cinema Guild's showing of "Fla- ming Creatures" I fail to see how City Council is so' confident that obscenity is involved. As far as I know, unless they have availed themselves of the police station's film library, they have not seen "Flaming Creatures." PERHAPS CITY COUNCIL is relying on Lieut. Staudenmeier's one-paragraph description of the film, contained in the Ann Arbor police's brief. If they are, I re- mind them the brief is still only an allegation. I have read this my- self, and cannot identify the de- scription as fitting the "Flaming Creatures" I saw. Last night's City Council action represents a large step toward prejudicing the "Flaming Crea- tures" case now in the courts. City Counciltalks about "obscenity." Yet the "obscenity" remains an al- legation; the film remains unseen. WITH CIVIL LIBERTIES neg- lected, it is likely that the very clear-cut issues of the Cinema Guild case will eventually have to be settled in a court of appeals. The atmosphere of Ann Arbor now is most certainly not conductive to fair settlement of the case. -Lemar Morrison, '68 Students, Not Faculty To the Editor: WITHOUT WISHING to differ with Mr. Kahnweiler's letter (Feb. 26) regarding the unhappy state of the engineer's image, I would like to point out that the resolution he attributed to the En- gineering Council was rather the pious product of the engineering college faculty. The Engineering Council is in fact the Engineering College Student Council. On January 26 the Engineer- ing Council passed the following resolution: "The Engineering Council joins with the Student Government Council, the Graduate Student Council and the Civil Liberties Board of the Faculty Assembly in condemning the actions of the Ann Arbor Police Department in confiscating the film 'Flaming Creatures.' "THE BELIEF that any group of people may act as a censor for anyone else is indefensible un- der any circumstances and it makes no difference if the act of censorship occurs within an edu- cational institution or within the community as a whole. "We believe that the University has the right and obligationto car- ry on the continuous inquiry and exploration of the world in which it exists." -Frank Haurwitz Member Engineering Council Attack on Fishwrap To the Editor: IN HONOR of that great Ameri- can journalist, I would like to propose a William Randolph Hearst Prize for "creative" head- lining and suggest that the first award be tendered our current campus fishwrapper. The headline in the February 23rd edition is a case in point: "Michigan's Legis- lators Call Board's Action Appal- ling'." On reading the article we find that 35 legislators, acting as individuals, forwarded their views with regard to the board's ac- tion to the University officials. This is only one in a series of daily examples of what our editors call responsible journalism. We still re- call the Pentagon "discrimination" flap. Under "Late World News" (by the Associated Press) we find six items ranging from tickets for the coming Musket to a School of Business Administration honors banquet. I reckon it must have been a slow day at Berkeley. We now anxiously await the use of yellow ink. Pity, I can recall when The Michigan Daily was once a great newspaper. -Howard Diamond Assoc. Prof. of Elec. Engrg. Power in Poetry To the Editor: SESQUIWACKY ''WAS Diag and the birthday cake Did sit and nothing on the scene; All flimsy was the Motown wake, And the Booth missed its glean. "Beware the Sesquiwack, my friend, The winds that bite, the skits that grime; The frivolous Bantamsyme. HE TOOK his vocal sword in voice Long time the bookworm foe he sought- So rest-d he by the Wines Field tree And farce aplenty brought. And as in uppish thought he stood The Sesquiwack, with eyes of fame Came strutting through the Fish Bowl rude And T-G'd as it came. O TAP the Keg great'Sesquiwack And chartreuse the purple too. The vocal wolff is nessled drear In vociferous trembulant goo One, two, one two, the teachers danced, The music chairs went swing and sway. Mark Lane was bright and with his head He smartly stayed away. TWASDIAG and the birthday cake Did sit and nothing on the scene; All flimsy was the Motown wake, And the Booth missed its glean. -Alan M. Kaplan, '47 To the Editor: IN THE controversy between the Board in Control of Student Publications and the Michigan Daily the lack of information is a serious handicap to intelligent discussion. I like to suggest that the Daily would perform an important service to the community if it pub- lished two statements: (1) a state- ment describing in some detail the official relations between the Board and the Daily. What is the legal position of the Board? From what source does the Board derive its powers? In what ways, if any, is the Daily responsible to the Board? (2) a statement of the financial condition of the Daily and the Board. A full disclosure of this sort would, I think, provide the neces- sary factual base from which use- ful discussion could continue. -William R. Steinhoff It A1 4 9 THE OUTGOING OFFICERS of Panhel- lenic President's Council have spon- sored a resolution that aims to take some of the nationals' influence out of the se- lection of sorority members on this cam- pus. The success of the proposal depends In large part on the actions of Panhel in the next few months. Although alumnae recommendations are designed to provide additional infor- mation on prospective members, some houses cannot pledge a girl if an alumna submits a negative report. The Panhel resolution states that alum- The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications, Bond or Stockholders-None. Average press run-10,000. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Acting Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN........... Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOW ...... Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN .. Associate Editorial Director RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director RSTRAN SCHNEPP.............. Personnel Director nae recommendations are of "question- able value" and could be used for pur- poses of racial or religious discrimina- tion. By necessity, the resolution is direct- ed at national sorority organizations, since they have the power to set membership policy. Panhel's proposal puts it on the student power bandwagon: sorority wom- en are saying in effect that they don't want someone 500 miles away selecting their pledges. THE ADMINISTRATIONS of Cornell, Colorado and Wisconsin universities consider this problem of alumnae inter- ference important enough to have forced their sororities to deal with it. Unfortunately Panhel's resolution was signed by the house presidents-not as representatives with formal mandates from their chapters, but rather as indi- viduals voicing their own opinions. For this reason, its effect on the nationals may be minimized. To lend extra weight to its actions, Panhel should have either polled the chapters individually or con- ducted a referendum of all the sorority members. In fact, it is not too late to im- plement these courses of action. MOST IMPORTANT, Panhel must not permit its proposals to die quietly. In addition to presenting them, it must pres- sure the nationals into accepting at least a degree of local autonomy in member- ship selection. -LUCY KENNEDY Mormons, Negroes, Romney, and the Presidency I By JUDY HANSEN SALT LAKE CITY-"I may not agree with Orville Faubus, but at least I know where he stands. That's more than I can say for George Romney." Dr. Palmer S. Ross, Negro min- ister, made this statement three days after he attempted to pin Gov. Romney down about his atti- tudes on the Mormon Church's Ne- gro doctrine. The Mormon Church does not admit Negroes to the lay priest- hood because they are a "cursed race"-descendants of Ham. This inability to hold the priesthood relegates them to an inferior, tion with an example about the Kennedys' resignation from an or- ganization - the Metropolitan Club of Washington, D.C.-which did not admit members of minor- ity groups, particularly Negroes. According to, Dr. Ross, Romney "dodged the question with an ir- relevant statement about what he told the Republican party." Ross commented that "You're not answering my question, gov- ernor," and tried again. "Romney became very excited-hot as, a pistol-waved his hands and in- sisted that he stood on his civil rights record. Someone asked an- other question." After the meeting. according to Dr. Sterling McMurrin, dean of the University of Utah's graduate school and a liberal Mormon, told me that "Thousands of Mormans would have been delighted to have Romney say he didn't support the church's Negro policy. He missed an opportunity at the ministerial conference to win votes and also to do a great deal of good for his church." McMurrin finds it "hard to be- lieve Romney takes seriously the position of the church on the Ne- gro-he doesn't appear to go along with it. However, he is an ortho- dox, practicing Mormon. He's in a spot and I feel sorry for him." J