Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Impressions of a Political Convention Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will PrevWi NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: WALLACE IMMEN The SGC Elections: Candidates Are Needed THE CAMPUS is beginning its search for new leaders, and things aren't go- ing too well. With one week left, few peo- ple have yet petitioned to run for election to Student Government Council and other University boards. The need for vital student government is greater than ever now, after last se- mester's "student power" protests. The widespread participation in the draft ref- erendum, the teach-ins, and the sit-ins left even the most skeptical campus ob- server awed by the depth of student con- cern. The momentum of all the activity has been transferred to the Presidential Com- mission on Decision-Making and, in the process, the present SGC may be the los- er. If no one runs to fill the half-dozen vacant seats on Council, or, if students are not offered a choice between candi- dates of different persuasions, SGC would quickly lose any effectiveness it present- ly holds. EVEN MORE IMPORTANT, the issues confronting SGC in the coming year are extremely significant: * The decision-making machinery of the University will probably be restructur- ed along lines recommended by the pres- idential commission. The manner in which SGC proceeds during the following year can help determine the outcome of the commission's report. Can SGC cooperate effectively with Graduate Student Coun- cil? Can SGC rally student participation when it is necessary? Can SGC effective- ly consult alministrators on University matters concerning finance, academics, and research? , * An effective course evaluation book- let has been sorely missed at the Univer- sity for years. SGC has considered plans for producing one in connection with the Survey Research Center and perhaps the faculty. Council will need dedicated, ac- tive members who will not only give their own time but will recruit other students to make the booklet a success. It would probably be the very best outlet for "stu- dent power" advocates-the power to de- termine the quality of your own educa- tion. 0 SGC has sanctioned a Student Ren- tal Union, a step in the right direction in a move against the high prices and inade- quate conditions of Ann Arbor apart- ments. If the students are ever to im- prove housing conditions, they could do it best through their duly elected represen- tatives; yet the campus must be sure that the candidates are concerned and knowl- edgeable in this area. 0 This semester, the big issue so far has been academic freedom, and, more specifically, the autonomy of Cinema Guild and The Daily. SGC candidates must not only offer stu- dents a choice on this important issue, but they must guide the Council on a firm and representative course. OTHER ELECTIONS will also take place in late March. Delegates will be elect- ed to the National Student Association; this could determine the future of the University's relationship to the NSA, which has come under a barrage of fire lately because of its CIA backing. The Board in Control of Student Pub- lications will have seats up for election and here, once again, the very nature of the board's existence should come under intensive scrutiny. Should there be a board at all? What control should it have? The Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics will likely tackle such knotty problems as the vitality of the intramural program and the rising ticket prices for sporting events. The elections reflectthe importance of the issues facing the University, and, more importantly, the student's obliga- tion to meet these challenges. IN THE END, SGC must have the elector- al race it deserves. It must provide the students with a choice of candidates and a variety of issues. But the stack of peti- tions in the Student Activities Building is hardly dented, and all petitions must be in by the Monday after vacation, March 6. It will be an important year for decisions, and thus it is most important that competent students be around to help make them. -ROBERT KLIVANS Acting Editorial Director By NEIL SHISTER Acting Magazine Editor T HE WAY it all sounds in Poli. Sci. 100 it just ain't in real life, or at least it wasn't this weekend at the state GOP conven- tion. Mostly a lot of people from the upper peninsula and Flint and Jackson and north Detroit and towns you never heard of even if you live in-state all year. Most of the delegates are fat women who take their shoes off in church and young used car dealers. Fed on a diet of straight corn-porn and 35 cent hot dogs that they have to buy themselves, they listen to endless speeches from endless peo- ple:employing endless cliches and then they applaud. All the time they are applauding. "... And now we have somebody who means something more to the voters than just a green polka-dot bowtie." YEAH, YAY, BRAVO, MORE. Who has been a superb lieutenant governor and will con- tinue to be a superb lieutenant governor for as long as he is our superb lieutenant governor." RAH, RAI, RAHm(quickly now, who knows his name?) ". . . Who will go down in the annals of history, in the saga of time, his name etched in the marble of men's souls, revered forever as a great ." An introduction like this, regardless of the office, is made at least twice an hour and usually gets a standing ovation if the speaker is worth half his salt. MOSTLY they were all waiting for "Rock" Romney and when he finally showed up they got bored. There was an organ to supply life to the few thousanddelegates and alternates, and also three high school kids in mod clothes with electric guitars so everybody could see that the Republican party is in-tune with the new generation. In the Statler-Hilton Saturday morning before the convention of- ficially began "The Rock" and Sen. Charles Percy of Illinois were hold- ing a press conference on the 14th floor, but on the mezzanine there was a flurry of activity as the collective districts were hurriedly caucusing. It seems that the floor A 'Fed on a diet of straight corn-porn and 35 cent hot dogs' leadership was trying to orga- nize a coup, was about to hood- wink the delegates and move that the pledge of allegiance be said collectively instead of by little Amie Witherby of the 12th ward, 19th congressional district, south- west Owosso. Clearly a political ploy, and the delegates weren't going to take it sitting down. After three and a half hours of vigorous debate in which it look- ed as if the convention leadership might be toppled and "The Rock's" position as party leader challeng- ed, a compromise was arrived at. It wasdecided that little Amie Witherby would lead the pledge and that everybody would follow her. Excited by their victory, the forces for good government, virtu- ous publicrule, responsibility, fis- cal integrity and little Amie With- erby took the floor of Cobo Hall by storm. DELEGATES worked theirway to the floor past a long table strewn with "Win with Romney" posters, Ronald Reagan buttons that glow in the dark, bumper stickers that say "I Still Like Ike" and a little boy who had become separated from his father. There was a definite and rig- orously enforced hierarchy at the convention. Only official delegates could get on the floor, but for each delegate there were two al- ternates (mostly their wives or husbands) who either went up in the red seats or stood outside near the hot dog stand and talked knowingly about what Nixon was really up to or who was the best bet for sewer commissioner on a reform ticket. Yet it is unfair to dismiss the convention so irreverently. "The Rock" made an impassion- ed plea for tax reform,; vigorously jabbing his forefinger at his au- dience saying "I will not approve any budget requests until I am certain we have the funds to pay for them, and presently we will have to cut almost $143 million from our requests, services the state cannot afford to lose, unless there is tax reform." But "The Rock" got into a lot of specifics midway through the speech and lost most of his list- eners, who stirred restlessly and stared off into the far-reaches of the empty upper two tiers. To compound matters he was having trouble with the mike, tried to shout out without it and finally said "I don't know who is fool- ing around with this mike but I know somebody is!" A LOT of people there didn't much want tax reform anyway. At the end of "The Rock's" speech the audience sprang to life, rising to its feet to cheer him on. He stood there on the podium for a few moments beam- ing, then beckoned his wife, also on the platform, to his side. To- gether they posed for the cam- eras with their hands held aloft, "The Rock" looking as if he had just declared his wife winner of the "Pillsbury national bake-off" in a picture appearing on a back page of Better Homes and Gar- den. After the delegates returned to their state of normalcy a long- winded debate took place between factions favoring the convention's formal endorsement of tax reform and those opposing it. A NATIONAL correspondent for a Washington paper, there to ob- serve "The Rock" before his own people,, commented that this con- vention wasn't typical at all but captured pretty well the spirit of most political gatherings., Debate had finally been cut off on the floor below and itl ooked like endorsement of tax reform was going to come. Little Arnie Witherby, seated on the right side of the hall, looked glum. The first visit to Cobo Hall leaves an antiseptic tAste in the mouth, and leaving the arena, the convention still in progress, thoughts of sterilitynseemed ap- propriate. 4 A Letters: The Time Is Ripe for Independence Not With a Bang, But a Whimper IE PRESIDENTIAL sit-in ban commis- sion is a bit of untidy business that needs tidying up. The commission was one of three Creat- ed by President Harlan Hatcher last fall to deal with problems that had created the atmosphere of mistrust and misun- derstanding that sparked the student movement. Now that the teach-ins, sit-ins and general furor of The Movement have died, down without bringing out any positive gains in student power, the two other commissions and a slew of advisory boards are beginning to bring the student body into the "decision-making process" of the University. The unsettled question remains - what happens to the sit-in ban study commis- The Daily is a member or the Associated Press and Collegiate Pren Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications, Bond or Stockholde s-None. Average press run--1,000. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Acting Editorial Staff ROGER RAPOPORT, Editor MEREDITH BIKER, Managing Editor MICHAEL HEFFER ROBERT KLIVANS City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN ELAN........Associate Managing Editor LAURENCE MEDOw ...... Associate Managing Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN .. Associate Editorial Director RONALD KLEMPNER .... Associate Editorial Director SUSAN SCHNEPP .............. Personnel Director :NEIL SHISTER......... ..... . .Magazine Editor CAROLE KAPLAN........Associate Magazine Editor LISSA MAT'ROSS. .............Arts Editor sion to which no students, faculty nor ad- ministrators have been appointed? THE SIT-IN BAN was promulgated in the Daily Official Bulletin by Vice- President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler. He failed to consult Student Gov- ernment Council, a move which led di- rectly to SGC's break of formal relations with the Office of Student Affairs. The sit-in, suspended by President Hatcher when he created the commis- sions, remains suspended. His statement implied that the ban would not be put into effect until the commission had de- cided on the issue. But nobody is sure that Cutler, with the support of Presi- dent Hatcher, could not unilaterally place the ban in effect if he felt the situation warranted such action. President Hatcher has apparently de- cided to leave the matter unsettled by appointing neither administrators nor three faculty members nominated by the Faculty Assembly. SGC has definitely giv- en a low priority to petitioning for the student seats, apparently in hopes that one of the other commissions will get to the matter first. SEVERAL COUNCIL members think that if the commission considers only the regulations concerning sit-ins, and not the manner in which Cutler implemented the original ban, any curtailment of dis- ruptive sit-ins would appear as a vindi- cation of Cutler's actions. Thus the Coun- cil hopes another commission-on the role of the student in decision-making- will generate some rules on sit-ins and "not make a big issue out of a small one." The issue is likely to remain big and potentially explosive as long as the sit- in commission's status remains unclear. If neither SGC nor President Hatcher is To the Editor: IWt OBVIOUSLY share Peter Steinberger's (Letters, Feb. 25) worries about The Daily's free- dom, and we're not entirely san- guine about Thursday night's events either. But the question is what to do now. The "proposals" are, in them- selves, good ideas (and were con- ceived- as such, not as proposals- let alone concessions). The jour- nalistic-critic will be useful and his comments won't be available to the board. The added code of ethics as we read it, contains more arguments against the usual criticisms from board members (etc.)sthan for them. All the rest are continuations of old, good Daily practices, some of which had lapsed. But now enter the mentality, so prevalent in crises, that defeat- ing the enemy ("drawing blood," as one board member privately said) is more important than crea- tively meeting the real needs of the situation. It seems that this is the outlook of some board members, some staff members and some of the others involved. Only in this perspective do the jun- iors' ideas become "concessions" which imply that "the quality of The Daily is a legitimate matter of board concern." THE BOARD, as a board, has no legitimate concern with The Daily's contents. (No more than Voice or Steinberger.) -On ethical grounds, because the paper was built and is pro- duced by the energies of the staff, not of the board. The right of a publisher therefore accrue to the staff. (This is not an argu- ment about "student power"; in fact, faculty and others who don't like The Daily should join it and change it instead of meddling from outside.) -On practical grounds, because restrictive interference from the outside cannot improve the paper. At most it produces staff strikes; at least it moves the staff toward de- fiance, stupid obedience, and/or indifferent negligence. Presenting the list of "propos- als" may have obscured these points-even though it shouldn't have. What to do now? There is no way to undo what has happened without wrecking The Daily; there is little reason, except spite, to try. Besides, the time is ripe for something far better: the estab- lishment of an independent Daily. WE DON'T THINK The Daily would have to be stolen or torn fromthe board'sclutches. Almost all of the board members would be better described as power-weary than as power-hungry; their job is frustration, not intoxicating. They too doubt that the board has any useful function. ("Why don't we all go on strike?" quip- ped one member during the cris- is. Another replied: "Nobody would notice.") And some members must be counted among The Daily's best friends. Also, The Daily staff itself seems ready and willing now to undertake independence. Independence will mean facing directly those pressures from which men like Prof. Cooperrider now quietly insulate The Daily. And independence will mean that the Regents, the administration and the Board in control need no longer feel either the "responsibil- ity' 'or the temptation to restrict The Daily's operations and con- tents. -Kenneth Winter, Grad Daily Managing Editor, 196.-65 -Stephen Berkowitz, Grad Members, Board in Control of Student Publications In effective To the Editor: , APUBLICATIONS board is pret- ty ineffective in the face of the threat of student non-cooperation. And it is objectionable because of its probable misuse of whatever power it can acquire. What is really needed is a, faculty-admin- istrative advisory board to the senior staff of The Daily. (After all, that's the administrative and faculty technique for allowing student participation in their af- fairs.) -Robert Farrell, '63 Reality of Power To the Editor: (IN MONDAY, February 20, the Board in Control of Student Publications voted 7 to 4 to re- ject Roger Rapoport as Daily edi- tor and on Thursday, February 23, the same body voted 7 to 4 to accept him as Daily editor. Al- though it is disdurbing that seven members of the board could find Rapoport unacceptable as Daily editor, it is, in a way, more dis- turbing that three members chang- ed their votes in a period of three days. What factual information re- garding either Rapoport's capabal- ities as an editor or the func- tion of a Daily editor could these men have gotten in this period to account for their changed votes? Surely, these board members don't think that Rapoport's individual reporting will be altered by the seven proposals of The Daily staff, and they must know that major decisions on the paper are made by a consensus of the senior staff members and not by the editor alone. THE MORE reasonable expla- nation for this behavior on the. part of these three men is that they appraised the realities of the power situation differently on Thursday than on Monday. Per- haps the rumblings of student dis- content that threatened to mar the Sesquicentennial festivities was an ingredient in their change of viewpoint as were the Detroit Free Press editorial in support of Rapo- port and the unexpected support of a bipartisan group of 35 state legislators. IF THIS interpretation of the events is basically correct, then the question arises: what is the purpose of having such a board whose members seem so easily swayed by various types of poli- tical pressure? If the members of the board make their decision on the basis of expedience rather than principle, then it seems that the board's function in the University community could be assumed by a public opinion poll (off and on campus) and a survey of the Re- gents and state legislators. Given this state of affairs, stu- dent pressure (power?) must be exerted to protest freedom of ex- pression, not only from those who would unyieldingly oppose it, but also from those. who would com- promise it. -Alexander Pollatsek, Grad. -Rick Piltz, Grad Meeting the Issue To the Editor: THE MASTHEAD on The Michi- gan Daily declares "76 Years of Editorial Freedom." The contro- versy surrounding the refusal of the Board in Control to accept the recommendations of the senior editors indicates the board has shown a singular lack of concern for the cause of freedom. If The Daily is to function as a free newspaper and not a tool of eith- er the board or the University ad- ministration, then something more than the vague excuses given for rejecting Roger Rapoport as sen- ior editor will have to be made. A charge that The Daily or that Rapoport is "irresponsible" is hardly justification for the board's action. The virulence of the at- tack on Rapoport marks the real intention of the board, which is to destroy the integrity and inde- pendence of The Daily. The Uni- versity community is already de- luged with official handouts-wit- ness the insufferable number of releases from Mr. Radock's office. Apparently the Board in Control wishes to mold The Daily into the image of University public rela- tions, IF THE DAILY can be faulted for anything it is that it suffers from an excess of amateur exuber- ance though I find this one of its most appealing qualities. A free press in a free society, whether a student newspaper or a communi- ty paper, can serve the cause of freedom only by itself being free. -Lawrence S. Berlin University Extension Service A4 I4 I FEIFFER .4 cOUI\TRY6 I DE HAo' 7HU'5FAR. FNL69 -TO 7, . FPACFY WH COVUITRP. The Hall Syndicate, Inc. FX~ThM. MVIC- MUCH OP Th19 AID? L-UMC6 AVA DT- i1NY1-g pRĀ£ O Zt/ THE PQCKE1T 04: ARE RR(!J6 WER AML OU AK P0V E CG O F OFICIA S. I ' MD0k VAT.AI2N 4 I OW t6~AJL MONEY' rLEp iAAr C.rn- O THAT O&NCE OOR PERSON NEL A9 AMY! RNARK6 N Oftu THE WAR k