PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1967 _a ....."...,s... Vocal, FE, Art, J.H.-Engl., Math, SS, DAILY OF .. .. .. ... ..... . ... ... . w....V.:. It}:"iA:'}..1\t"":"i.: ' "i... ". ::.. t :'...::t}:}"^:::f::Srit i+"" v'v . ::: n ..i:g.; ;::ii i ;; "; r ;.,'.: U: :-; The Daily Offilcal Bulletin is an Doctoral Examination for Linda Mar- P official publication of the Univer- tha Nevins, English Language & Litera- sity of Michigan for which The ture; thesis:'"The Theme of Death in Michigan Daily assumes no editor- the Poetry of Robert Browning: A F1 ial responsibility. Notices should be Study of the Shift from Objective to sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Subjective Emphasis in the Late Per- Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- lod," Mon., Feb. 27, Room East Coun- S fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding :i:, Rackham Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman, S publication and by 2 p.m. Friday Litzenberg. for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- S mum of two times on request; Day ,P acementA Calendar items appear once only. I Student organization notices are not EDUCATION DIVISION: accepted for publication. For more 'The following schools will interview B information call 764-9270. a the Bureau: E MON., MARCH 6- Et SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Newton, Mass.-All fields.E A - ILexington, Mass.-Elem. K-6, Art, Mu- Ir a 11s4e, Read., Fr., Set., Math, Lib., Couns., Day C~atendar Nurse, Sec.-Art, Music, Read., Engi., - 5S, Sci., Math, Fr., Ind. Arts, Home Ec., F University Musical Society Extra Series Bus. Ed. S Concert -Minneapolis Symphony Or- Wyoming, Mich. (Godwin Hgts. Schs.) C chestra, Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, mu- -Fields not stated. G sic director: Hill Aud., 2:30 p.m. East Patchogue, N.Y. (Bellport, L.'I., Schs.)-Fields not stated. L[ Cinema Guild Dance Film Festival- Alpena, Mich.-Elem., Art., J.H. - Educational Dance Films: Architecture Engl., Math, Ind. Arts, Home Ec., Gen. - Aud., 2:30 p.m. Sci., Girls Couns., H.S.-Latin, Math, V Engl./Journ., Chem., Power Mech., PE,T School of Music Concert-The Stanley Psych., Diag., Lib., Sp. Ther., Spec. Ed., Quartet: Rackham Lecture Hall, 4:15 Type 4 . L P.m. Ridgewood, N.J.-Fields not stated.- ( Simi, Calif.-Elem., TMR; Deaf, Ed. H., R Cinema Guild Dance Film Festival- MR, J.H.-Engl., Math, Span., Girls PE, E Dance Film Performances: Architecture Boys PE, Ind. Arts, H.S.-Bus., Engl., E Aud., 7 and'9:05'p.m. Math, Fr., Home Ec., Lib., Ind. Arts, Arts/Crafts, Girls PE, Boys Couns. School of Music Opera - Gounod's TUES., MARCH 7- "Faust," Joseph Blatt, music director; Rochester, N.Y. (Greece Cent. School Ralph Herbert, stage director: Lydia Dist. )-Elem., Art; Music, Lib., J.H.- Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m. SS, Girls PE, Bio., For. Lang., Math, Bus. ' Niles, Mich.-Elem., Vocal, PE, Strings, Genera Notices J.H.-Fr./Span., Math, SS, Art, Home ' Ec., Engl., Vocal; Couns., H.S.-Engl., University of Southern California Law Bus., Chem., SS, Elec., Mach. Shop, School: Walter B. Connnlly, Jr., available Spec. Ed.-Diag., Sp. Ther. on Mon., Feb. 27, to talk with students Flossmoor, Ill. (Dist. No. 161)-Elem, Interested in that law school. Appoint- J.H.-Math, Sci., Engl., Geog., Inst. ments arranged in 1223 Angell Hall. Music, Guid. Kalamazoo, Mich.-Elem., Art, Lib., School of Music Honors Program: Ap- J.H.-Sci., Math, Engl., Voc./Inst., Art, plications for the fall term, 1967, avail- Girls PE, Couns.-Man, Spec. Ed.- ible in the School of Music Records EMH, TMH, Emot. Dist., Phys. Hdcp. Office. Deadline Fri., March 24. Blind, Orth. Hdcp., Deaf, Soc. Work, Diag., Sp. Ther. Martha Cook Bldg.: Will be open for Grand Rapids, Mich.-AlI fields. the first eight weeks of the Spring- Greenwich, Conn.-Elem., Art, Span., Summer session. University women may Sec.-Math, Art, Bus., Guid., Sc., Lib.. apply. Call NO 2-3225. Fr., Span., Girls PE, Home Ec., Engl., Soc. Work, EMH, Sp./Tear. Recreational Swimming at Margaret Mineola, N.Y. (Mineola P.S. & Her- Bell Pool: Additional hours for women ricks P.S.)-Elem., J.H.-SS, English, students, starting Mon., Feb. 27: Mon- Home Ec., Wrath, Art, Bus., Guid., Gen. days; 11 a.m. to 12 noon and 5 p.m. to Sci., Girls PE, H.S.-Bus. Ed., Span.. 7 p.m. Tuesdays 12 noon to 1 p.m. Span./French, Engl., Math, Sc., Music, Wednesdays 11 a.m. to 12 noon. After SS, Lib., Art, Ind. Arts, Guid., Physics, the spring recess, 12 noon to 1 p.m. and Boys PE. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. will be added on WED., MARCH 8- Thursdays. Mansfield, Ohio-Fields not stated. Doctoral Examination for Pei-Rin Wu, Miami, Fla. (Dade County Schs.) - Electrical Engineering; thesis: "A Study All fields. of n Itedlgta ArayAntenna." Mon., Bloomfield_ Hills, Mich.-Elem. K-6, of n Interdigital Array AtEnnerin.,Sec.-Engl., Math, Chem., Phys., Biol., Feb. 27, Room 3033 East Engineering Earth Sci., Nat. Sci., Hist., French, Bldg 3 p.m. Chairman, Lyon. Span., Latin, Ger., Instr., Vocal, PE, Doctoral Examination for Edwin Henry Art, Ind. Arts, Bus., Couns., Lib., Soc. Blakelock, Social Psychology; thesis: "A Work, Psych., Spec. Ed. Study of Some Social and Psychologi- Detroit, Mich. (S. Redword Sch. Dist.) cal Effects of Rotating Shift -Work," -Fields not stated. Mon., Feb. 27, Room 5110, Institute of Lakewood,Cal Ohio-Fields not J.H. C h air m anu m P o o n ,taia-E ee d-6 .H - Social research, 3:30 p.m. Chairman Engl., Math, Sci., Girls PE, Gen. Shop, Tannenbaum Home Ec., EMR, H.S.-Engl., Ind. Arts, French, Span., Girls PE, EMR. Dearborn Heights, Mich. (Dist. No. 8) ORGANIZATION' - AAAfields, Farmington, Mich.--Ali fields. NCES r Roselle, Il,.-Chicago Area (Lake Park OH.S.) - H.S. - Lib., Engl., Engl., Journ., French, German/French, Phys. Sc., Amer. Hist., World Hist., Art, Boys PE, Math, Debate, Coach, Gym, USE OF THUS COLUMN FOR AN- Golf, Baseball. NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially Highland Park, Mich.-Elem. K-5, Lib., recognized and registered student orga- Middle Sch. 6-8-Home Ec., Health, nizations only. Forms are available in Ind. Arts, Lib., Span., H.S-Sct., Math, Room 1011 SAB. SS, Engl., Home Ec., Ind. Arts, Spec. * * * . Ed. - Psych., Sp. Corr., Emot. Dist., Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. at Forest Ave., worship services at 9:30 and 11 a.m., Sun., Feb.- 26. Supper at 6 NT ECALBU LLETINL .r . . J° .. A7R ... .........: v :r.r, ; .... . ..;... . . . .......'.........::. ..::.. . . . . . . ,,. .'..".. ,.:....... ..,.....................,..:.::fr Phys. Hdcp., Ment. Retard., Inst., Vocal. MON., MARCH 13- Math, Engl., Ger./Engl., Home Ec., Biol., Littleton, Colo.-Fields not stated. Troy, Mich.-Ail fields. Hist., Spec. Ed.-Diag., Sp. Ther., Visit. Utica, Mich.-Fields not stated. Adrian, Mich.-Fields not stated. Tch., Type A, Type B. FRI., MARCn 10-JakoMih-lfeds Los Angeles, Calif.-Elem. only. Fairfield, Conn.-Elem., Read., Span., Jackson, Mich.-Al fields. Hammond, Ind.-Elem, Art, Vocal, French., Lib., Sp./Hear., Art, Music, J.H. WED., MARCH 15- HpacmEd, J nH.-Elem., Hrt,-Com' -EngI., SS, Sci., Math, Home Ec., Art, Westland (Garden City), Mich. (Nan- pec. Ed., J.H.-Spec. Ed., H.S.--Comm.,H.S.-Engl., French, Span., Ger., Ind.rkin Mills P.S.)-Elem., J.H.-Sci., Math, Wayne, Mich.-Elem., Sec. - Engl., Art, Math, HomeEc., Art. SS, etc. 3eog., For, Lang., Bus. Ed., Math, PE, Oak Park, Ill. (Oak Park & River For- Muskegon Heights, Mich.-All fields. Sci., Lib., Nurse, Ind. Arts, Auto., Type est H.S.)-Engl., Journ., Speech, Math, Galion, Ohio-Fieldu not stated. Visit. Tch., Home Bound, Vocal/ Phys., Biol., Chem., Hist., Span., Couns. Pontiac, Mich. (Waterford Twp. Schs.) Inst., Art, Diag., Home Ec., Sp. Corr. Copley, Ohio-Elem., Vocal, Art, Spec. -Fields not stated. Turlock, Calif.-Elem., EMH, EMR, Ed., Lib., J.H.-Engl., Math, Guid. Villa Boys PE, J.H.-Engl., Read., Sci., Math, Man, H.S.-Engl., French, Span./Engl aIrMIl. (BN 4 .).)e - only., :MGrsFHS-il E nIEngl./SS.' Flint, Mich. (Bendle P.S.) - Elem., , Drama/Speech, En. ERomulus, Mich.-oElem., Art, FE. Inst Vcal Sec.-Engl., SS, French, Ind. Arts, Englj~orn. SS Drma/peeh, en. RomuusMic.-Eem. Ar, P, IstJElectronics, Sp. Corr., Type A. Instr., Sci., Voc., Couns., Math, Bus., Lib., Strings, J.H.-Math, Sci., Engl., SS, H.S. Lib. Inst., Slow Learn. -Art, Engl., Engl./SS, Ind. Arts. Sci., Trenton, Mich.-Fields not stated. Rockford, III.-Elem., Spec. Ed., J.H. Spec. Ed.-Visit. Tch., Sp. Ther., Ment. -Art, Couns., Engl., Girls PE, Math, Hdcp. THURS., MARCH 16- Fr./Span., Ind. Arts, Boys PE, Read., TUES., MARCH 14- Crestline, Ohio-Elem., Sec, - Engl., SS, Gen, Set., Home Ec., H.S.-Biol., Wilmette, Ill-Elem., Lib., Spec. Ed., j Phys. Sci., Instr., Girls PE, Ind. Arts, Couns., Dr. Ed., Engl., French/Russian, J.H.-Engl./SS, Math, Lib., Girls PE, Fine Arts, Span., Ger., Bus., Math, Dir. Girls PE, Lib., Math, Physics. Boys PE, Span. of Read. Algonac, Mich.-Elem., PE, J.H. New Baltimore, Mich. (Anchor Bay Detroit, Mich. (Catholic Parochial Gib., Ind. Arts, SS, H.S.-Engl., Type A. Schs.)-Fields not stated. Schs.)-All fields. Garden Grove, Calif.-Elem. K-6, Sec. Flint Mich. (Westfood Hgts. Schs.)- -Math, Ind. Arts, Spec. Ed.-EMH, TMH, Madison Heights,tMich. (Lamphere lim Tych, Westo, H g. Sch ,- Vis. Hdcp., Hard of Hear., Sp.fiIlear. Schs.)-Fields not stated. Elem., Type B., Read., J.H.-Engl., Math, Ther. Muskegon, Mich. (Mona Shores Schs.) Boys FE, Read., H.S.-Engl., Math, HomeLib. Portage, Mich.-Elem. K-6, FE, Vocal, -All fields. EcSW mIndArs Gir.--lsF, Art, Lib. E Lib., Art, Sec.-Math, Engl., Art, Bus., Walled Lake, Mich.-Elem., PE, Vo- Wyoming, Mich.-Elem., A'rt,Lib., FE. Data Proc.' Ind. Arts, Engl./SS, Sci., -al, Instr., J.H.-Ind. Arts, Math, Vo- Sec,-Engl., Home Ec., Guid.-Woman, Home Ec., French, Slow Learn., Spec, jal, Langf Arts, Couns., Art, Hist./Geog., Lib., Vocal, PE, Gen. Sci., Geog., Spec. Ed.-Visit. Tch., Sp. Ther., Phrys. Hdcp., aen. Sci., Home Ec., Read., H.S.-Ind. Ed. Entot. Dist. 1rts, Girls PE, Math, Chem., Chem./ Southfield, Mich.-Elem. K-6, Lib., French/Span., Latin, Phys. Set., Gen. Sci., Ind. Arts, Home Ec., Bns. Lib., Vo- cal, PE, Art, H.S.-Art, Engl., Ger, French, Span., Laton, SS, Biol., Chem., Bus., Physics, Phys. Sci., Lib., Math Sp. Drama, Spec. Ed., Visit. Tch. Maywood, Ill. (Proviso Twp. H.S.) - jH.S.-Engl., Math, Gen. Sri., SS, Lib., Girls FE, Home Ec., Ind. Arts, Guid" Ger., Ger. /French. Grandville, Mich.-Elem. Monroe, Mich.-Elem., Lib., Vocal, Sec. -Couns., Engl., Ind. Arts, Matl, Sci., Elem.-Art, Span. Type A. FRI., MARCH 17- White Plains, N.Y.--Elem., K-6, Ret., Brain Inj., Emot. Dist., Art, Mus., Lib., Sec.-Engl., SS, Gen. Set., Biol.. Phys- ics, Math, Ind. Arts, Span., Bus., Girls PE. Blue Island, Ill. (H.S. Dist. No. 218) - H.S.-Conserv., Geog., Bus., EMH, Guid., Soc. Work. Engl., Home Ec., Ind. Arts, Psych.. French, Ger., Latin, Russiai Span.. Lib., Math, Sri., Girls FE. Oberlin. Ohio-Elem. K-6, J.H. - Math, SS, H.S.-Chem., Math, PE, Home Ec., Instr. Mt. Clemens, Mich.-Elem., J.H. - Vocal, Math, PE, Engl., SS, Voc. Ed., Visit. Tch., Type A, Diag., Read. Port Huron, Mich,-Elem., Vocal, J.H. -Ind. Arts, Gen. Sci., Vocal, Math, Engl., H.S.-Draft, Co-op., Gen. Sei., Math, Physics, Engl., Ind. Arts, Home Ec., Art, Girls PE, Rem. Read., Visit. Tch., Diag., Deaf, Ment. Retard., Phys. Hdcp. Fort Wayne, Ind.-All fields. * * *' For additional information and ap- pointments, contact Miss Collins, Bu- reau of Appointments, Education Divi- sion, 3200 SAB, 764-7459. "Now on the Newstands" SWINGER'S GUIDE A complete illustrated giuid To all thec 0 ACTIVITIES 0 ORGANIZATIONS * CLUBS * GROUPS 0 And OTHER PLACES For DINING, DRINKING, AND DANCING IN WASHTENAW COUNTY for single (ults( l ' those who like to stchu Da ily Classif ieds Get Results I 4 A I p.m. with film at 7 p.m.: "Time for Burning." University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, Sun., Feb. 26, 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. services will be conducted by the Rev. Kapfer. Sermon: "A Hope- inspring Apostle." Holy communion will be offered in both services. Bible class at 11:15 a.m. Young Friends, Happening, Sun., Feb. 26, 5:30 p.m., Friends Center, 1416 Hill. Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance, Mon., Feb. 27, 8:30-10:30 p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. Russky Kruzhok, Tea and Russian conversation, Tues., Feb. 28, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Newman Student Association, Mar- riage instruction series, Feb. 26, 8 p.m., Newman Center, 331 Thompson. * * * ' Hillel Foundation,' Deli House will present Joel Saxe, folksinger, Feb. 26, 5:30 p.m., 1429 Hill. Call 663-4129 for reservations. La Sociedad Hispanica, Una Tertulia, Mon., Feb. 27, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Para toda persona que quiera platicar en espanol. Cafe, galletas, etc., gratis a profesores y esterdiantes. Viet Nam Club, Panel discussion on the Vietnamese people featuring three Americans and one Vietnamese who have been in Vietnam and will give their opinions about that land and its people, Mon., Feb. 27, 8 p.m., Inter- national Center (next to Union). All welcome. Guild House, Monday noon luncheon, Roger Rapoport, new Michigan Daily editor, Feb. 27, 12-1 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe. Who's the Man Behind the 4c Canadian Nickel? GARGOYL E announces a real live CONTEST for the best cartoon of Ann Arbor's Grafter Supreme FIELDING F. RAALF Just look at these neat prizes YOU can win: 1st prize: $20 worth of groceries 2nd prie: $10 worth of groceries 3rd, prize : $5 worth of groceries Booby prize : one free popsicle each day of the semester. All entries must be submitted to the Qarg office on or before Feb. 28th. Winners will be announced by carrier pigeon. 4 GUILD HOU -802 Monroe- SE Mon., Feb. .7 - Noon Lunch-25c Roger Rapoport, New Editor, Michigan Daily Although'religion is the oldest continuing nately, we have just the man for the .job: including a James 0. Supple-Memorial Award story in the history of mankind, it's still one George Cornell, religion writer for The Asso- given to the outstanding religion writer of the of the biggest. Especially today. Sweeping ciated Press and author of the weekly column, yearby all the other writers in the field. changes are taking place in every region of "Religion Today." As a member of The Associated Press, we the religious world, and they affect almost In his 15 years of covering religion, Cornell count on George Cornell to get us the whole every member of our community. has won the reputation of being among the story. As a reader of this newspaper, you can To keep track of all these developments is most knowledgeable writers on the scene. count on us to get it to you--fully, factually, a big job for an expert reporter, and fortu- He's also won almost every important award, and above all, fairly. L- - COUNSELORS ON CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION FOR INFORMATION ON ALTERNATIVES UNDER SELECTIVE SERVICE 4