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February 26, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-26

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Seventy-Sixth Year

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introducing 'Irrespo nsible Unacceptable'
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Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Faculty Recruitment:
The Prospects Are Bleak

THE PROSPECTS for filling mnany vacant
faculty positions in the literary col-
lege for next fall are reportedly bleak.
Several courses at both the graduate
and undergraduate levels face elimina-
tion. A large number of these vacancies
will probably remain unfilled and gradu-
ate teaching fellows -will be substituted
for professors in some courses. Not one of
the departments polled by The Daily plans
any major curricular expansion in the
next year.
As the number of college students in-
creases at phenomenal rates, the num-
ber of good teachers available is rising
only slightly. Professors are in greater
demand than ever before, while private
professions are luring many away from
More than any other factor, however,
money has become the key to solving fac-
ulty recruitment problems. Schools of
much smaller size than the University
have found that the best way to build
up ,a good staff is to offer key men im-
pressive salaries and fast promotion. They
are able to make bids which are on a par
or better than present University offers
because of several programs specifically
established to aid smaller schools become
"centers of excellence."
This is especially true in the sciences
where a major push by the National Sci-
ence Foundation has provided large
amounts of money to strengthen science
education. In a number of fields the few
outstanding professors are being shower-
ed with bids.
THE UNIVERSITY has always had re-
markable success in gaining a high
level of excellence in its faculties. It
could afford to be very selective because
in the past it was only competing against
the top 20 or so schools in the country
which could promise high salaries and
refined facilities as inducements.
But today's professor is in a sellers'
market. He shops around for the best
fringe benefits, such as good faculty-ad-
ministration relations and the latest
equipment, but most of all, a good salary.
For no matter how much dedication and
prestige may play in such a decision, the
monetary inducement is the key to sway-
ing a professor.
So the University's prestige remains a
major force only when it is coupled with
a competitive salary. But state appro-
priations have become so sparse that to
offer competitive bids requires parsimony
in other aspects of the department oper-
ations. Thus, University salary offers for
new faculty members run far below many
IN AN ATTEMPT to get the best fac-
ulty members, several departments ex-
pect to skirt the money shortage by drop-
ping courses and selections in order to
spread the available funds among a small-
er number of portions. Others see their
recruiting problems doomed to failure,
and departments have decided to lower
their sights and standards in order to
round out their staffs.

Some courses have been inserted in
plans on blind faith, in the hope that
increased appropriations will make avail-
able amounts which the departments may
use for salary increases and enhance-
ments of their programs.
This faith has proven futile for the
last three years as minimal legislative ap-
propriations have forced downward ad-
justments in departmental projections.
This year, the outlook is no better and
several courses and sections appearing
in the time schedule will most certainly
die silently during the summer.
Thus, departmental adjustments of still
diverse programs will handle the situa-
tion again this year, but at the same
time, the programs will become a little
less diverse.
And budget problems become people
problems as many specialties encounter a
widening gap between teaching salaries
and offers of private industry which are
luring top men away.
GOV. ROMNEY'S $62 million projected
budget for the University will not al-
low for a large across-the-board salary
increase again next year. Even though
the average faculty salary increased six
per cent this year, many salaries did not
increase at all.
Although University departments rank-
ed high on the annual survey of faculty
salaries conducted by the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors last sum-
mer, this year's rankings will surely be
reduced in most departments. In order to
maintain their current ratings of A and
AA, the departments must maintain sev-
en to 10 per cent increases every year,
an AA rating meaning the salary -will
double within a 10 year period.
Increasing allotments from the state,
necessary as they remain, are not cur-
rently feasible. The state is shackled for
funds and Gov. Romney is meeting stiff
opposition to his measures to increase the
state's income with such plans as a grad-
uated state income tax. No matter how
much the University fights in the appro-
priations battle in the Legislature this
spring, it appears it will be unable to
gain the necessary increases in allot-
THE ANSWER to the problem, then, must
be found at the University level. A ma-
jor tuition increase is not the answer,
however, because this would make a Uni-
versity education impossible for a large
number of students unable to pay the
The only practical solution seems to lie
in a study of the breakdown of Univer-
sity expenditures. Perhaps salary increas-
es, which certainly receive high priority
should be given even more emphasis.
For although many new buildings and
programs are impressive and important in
their own right, they may soon stand as
hollow monuments to the decline of aca-
demic excellence at the University.

FIRST, I WANT TO THANK the Board in Control of
Student Publications for making it possible for me to
be here today.
I also want to thank Dr. William Creason, the former
mayor of Grand Haven, Mich. for his unintentional
assistance in the controversy this week.
Dr. Creason called a board member and reportedly
told him that the Michigan State police have "banned
Rapoport from the Grand Haven City Hall forever."
Apparently Creason was recalling his dismay of
July 1965. He didn't like the way one of his quotes
looked in a Muskegon, Mich. Chronicle story I wrote.
His call threw into sharpr elief the nature ofmuch
of the opposition to Daily appointments. As one member
of the publications board said in amazement, "The State
Police could never do anything like that."
** *
Governor Romney, back from his week long Western
campaign is expected to integrate the Board of Regents
this week. Barring a last minute change, Romney will
appoint a Negro Democrat to fill the seat of Allan Soren-
son (D-Midland) who resigned last month.
Several prominent Negroes have been under con-
sideration. The leading contender appears to be Horace
Sheffield, head of the all-Negro Trade Union Leadership
Council in Detroit. Other potential Regents are Francis
Kornegay, head of the Detroit Urban League, and Wil-
liam Patrick, a former Detroit City Councilman and a
lawyer with Michigan Bell Company.
While information has been kept at a minimum,
University Hospital says that another Regent, Alvin
Bentley (R-Owosso) is in fair condition and improving
following two delicate neurosurgical operations. Bentley
has been in the hospital since February 1 and there
is. no indication when he will be released.

The Regents are now about to enter the final round
in picking a successor for President Harlan Hatcher.
The deadline is June 30, but he may be named sooner.
Despite widespread rumormongering the Regents simply
have not made up their mind. Thus even insiders are
groping for the real story. One vice-president says that
a Daily story reporting that University orf California
Chancellor Roger Heyns is "very interested" in replacing
Hatcher killed Heyns' chances here. He thinks Robert
McNamara will be the new president.
But a reliable source says that McNamara's name
was dropped from the Regents' presidential prospects
list in December. McNamara is too tied up with war.
and more important, enough Regents are convinced that
McNamara is not the man for the job because the faculty
and students wouldn't want him.
"We want a man who can deal effectively with
students," says one Regent.
As for Heyns, he is definitely still in the running
despite the Daily's disclosure of the obvious. What man
with Heyns' credentials and untenable job wouldn't
be interested?
Screaming banner headlines in the California papers
prompted by the Daily article, reportedly will make it
harder for Heyns to flee the sinking California ship,
some argue. But the best guess is that Heyns would take
the job if the Regents offered it to him.
Berkeley bartender Mario Savio told University stu-
dent reporters recently that student activists should work
against Heyns for President. He contends that the polit-
ically astute Heyns has hardened at Berkeley and would
deftly crush the student movement here.
As President, the argument goes, Heyns would not

be the liberal he was as Vice-President for Academic
Affairs here until he left for Berkeley in September,
Still, many think Heyns could do the job for Mich-
igan. At Berkeley Heyns has been spending 85 per cent
of his time playing combination policeman-baby sitter
to keep activists and reactionaries from slitting each
others' throats. At Michigan, Heyns would have more
time to devote himself to relevant concerns like educa-
Heyns' real talent lies in the academic realm-which
he hasn't had much time for at politically obsessed
Berkeley. As vice-president here he initiated the Res-
idential College idea, and bolsterd the faculty. Heyns
brought in such talented staffers as Ernest Zimmerman,
who is computerizing registration so we won't have to
stand in line each semester at Waterman gym. He en-
ioyed the respect of students and faculty. Many state
legislators where impressed by his realistic manner. He
had no stuffed shirts.
Heyns, in short, might be the right kind of man,
with the proper combination of imagination, diplomacy
and good sense to guide the university in the near future.
Needless to say there are many other worthwhile
contenders now under consideration. Hopefully the new
man, -whoever he may be, will not be the kind of Presi-
dent that Clark Kerr once described as a man who finds
"it more pleasant to attend meetings, visit projects
abroad, even give lectures at other universities; and at
home attend ceremonial functions, go to local clubs and
allow the winds of controversy to swirl past him."
* * *
Incidentally, a word of congratulations to Michigan
State University for being chosen by a McCall's Magazine
poll as the best school for a college girl to find a husband.


Letters: Cinema Guild and the Engineer's Image


To the Editor:
TH E R E C E N T Engineering
Council condemnation of the
Cinema Guild should really sur-
prise no one. The faculty of the
College of Engineering is adhering
quite nicely to the steretotype
model of an engineer: humorless.
conservative, opinionated and ap-
pallingly uninformed.
It is well known, however, to
students and faculty of the college
that industry is desperate for en-
gineers (almost one-half of the
jobs go unfilled), but what is per-
haps less known is that propor-
tionately fewer young men are
entering the profession (about 12
per cent less between 1964-65).
student does not want to be asso-
ciated with the so-called typical
slide-rule-from-the-belt, nose-in-
the - book, what's - in - the - free -
speech - movement, who - is - Dr.
Leary image of an engineer. Nor
is he interested with a professional
There is not much intellectual
stimulation in Chem-Met 250
(materials) or Engineering Me-
chanics 324 (fluids). Also, in a
typical 4%/2 year program in Me-
chanical Engineering only 19 of
134 hours required for the degree
are devoted to the "human," non-
technical education of an engineer.
He cannot write, dislikes reading
and probably (if even he wanted)
could not intelligently discuss the
seating of Red China in the U.N.
with a high school senior. With
this background the council can
easily make its resolutions.
It is stated that the Cinema
Guild ". . . has gone beyond the
bonds of common decency." Whose

common decency? Not mine. If I
hadn't liked what I was seeing I d
have left. Dr. Revelli attended the
Beach Boys Concert (at least for
a while), but no statement was
issued by the School of Music
calling for restraint in voc4-n-ro l
and more good music for the
young people of America.
IN AN ACADEMIC community
as supposedly liberal-minded as
the University is, such statements
do not engender prospective stu-
dents to study for the profession.
With today's idealistic, liberal and
tolerant student, a prospective
engineer,tconfronted with such a
statement of principles and aca-
demic prospects would tend to
think twice before applying to any
engineering college.
Few of today's youth ar eager
to spend four to five years hidden
from the world within the tomb
of a technical curriculum, to grad-
uate and find he knows a great
way to make money but not how
to live, to realize that society
(unfortunately and obviously from
the observations of his peers) con-
siders him intellectually inferior.
socially conservative, politically
apathetic and just plain narrow-
minded and dry for a degree in a
profession held in such low regard.
THE PROFESSION is crying for
more people, industry and the
country need them, but no one
can expect great interest in a pro-
fession with such conservative at-
titudes, limited curriculum and
narrow goals: The Engineering
Council's resolution on the Cinema
Guild only serves to magnify this
--J. F. Kahnweiler, '69

I ncoin parable Daily
To the Editor:
THERESEEMS to be some dis-
puein your letter columns as
to whether The Daily is "The New
York Times of college newspap-
ers." What a ridiculous claim.
The Times is distinguished for
its presumption that it is going to
be the major source for future
historians. Every reporter, whether
covering the White House or the
actions of the local dog-catcher,
writes as though all that counted
were his audience of the twenty-
first century. This produces a
The Daily manages to cover the
significant news with more accu-
racy than most professional news-
papers, but avoids beating its
stories to death. The Daily also is
limited to a few pages. The Times
is no reading for the infirm, for
one must be in robust health to
read it.
THE TROUBLE is that profes-
sors find in the Timestheir own
tendency to say nothing at enor-
mous length. Naturally many of
them feel that this is the mark
of superiority.
The complaints of the Regents
seem to spring from the other
end of the scale. They are illiter-
ate, at least in constitutional
I have read many newspapers
better than the New York Times
but I have never found a collage
paper to compare with this year's
Daily, the Manchester Guardian
of college papers.
--Ivan Aron
Dept. of Physics and
Eastern Michigan University

To the Editor:
1HE FOLLOWING is the text
of a letter which we have sent
to the CIA.
Tri-House Co-operative is a
group of students at the Univer-
sity of Michigan who live and
eat co-operatively in order to save
money. While we were initially
shocked by the revelations of the
support which the CIA has given
to NSA and other organizations,
now that we are aware of the ex-
tent of the CIA's generous phil-
anthropic activities, we must ad-
mit to feeling somewhat deprived.
IN OUR CO-OP are many for-
eign students for whom we set an
example of American i ideals
through our cash transactions,
hard, work,° and occasional elec-
tions, in that order of importance.
With more money we could pur-
chase better food and in that way
preventour foreign members from
developing that lean and hungry
look which makes for dangerous
We could also use these funds to
purchase more houses, a policy
which would undoubtedly help our
foreign members to appreciate the
desirability of large estates and
the un-American nature of land
For, these reasons, we are con-
fident that by helping our organ-
ization, you will be insuring that
the future leaders of Europe, Asia,
Africa, and Latin America will
bring truth, justice, and the
American way to their benighted
usual nature of such arrange-

ments, this is being handled en-
tirely by the top officers of the
house, who have taken all possible
precautions to prevent the general
membership from knowing of the
transaction. Since many organiza-
tions are now returning the un-
used portions of your gifts, we
would think that a sizable contri-
bution to our organization would
not place any undue strain on your
financial position.
Checks shouldnbe made payable
to Tri-House Co-operative and
may be sent via the foundation
of your choice.
-James Jones, House Mapager
--Stan Kaplowitz, President
-Paul Kanter, Treasurer
To the Editor:
THERE ARE TIMES when "free-
dom. of speech" seems the
chance to chatter about who's lay-
ing eggs around the white house
hen coop. There are times when
"academic freedom" seems the op-
portunity to squabble over which
entombed manuscript belongs to
which corpse. And there are times
when "social responsibility" seems
the cordial art of heralding with
pneumatic generalities the stead-
fastness of incrusted systems,
profitable for all our mature res-
ignation to them.
Isn't it about time, now, that
Harlan Hatcher and his adminis-
tration confront the barrage of
issues exploding around them with
more responsible measures thai
an authoritarian tone of voice, a
mask of respectability, and a
throatful of vague value judg-
-Justin Vitiello
Teaching Fellow
Romance Languages




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The Abolition of Secret Pro pgd
..... ;r. '' is i.": . ,.r r:

The Rehabilitation of NSA

STUDENTS FORM an international com-
munity in themselves, uniting to issue
opinions of the coming generation. For
Americans, the means to express the
American student voice is the National
Student Association.
The disclosure of the connection be-
tween NSA and the Central Intelligence
Agency has seriously damaged NSA's rep-
utation. Now that the CIA interests have
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).
Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,.
Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications,
Bond or Stockholders-None.
Average press run-10,000.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Acting Editorial Staff

been,exposed, they will not be re-estab-
lished. But there is the strong possibil-
ity that NSA may lose its force and its
effectiveness as the representative voice
of the American college student. Now
that CIA interests are purged from the
group there is no question that the opin-
ions expressed by the NSA will be valid,
forceful ones. But will that voice be ac-
cepted by other international student
For NSA to be accepted in internation-
al circles, it is imperative that American
campus leaders reinforce their support of
the student organization.
week postponed action on a motion
supporting NSA. One member stated that
SGC wants to determine whether NSA
can any longer wield influence on the in-
ternational scene before issuing any state-
ment endorsing NSA actions.
But the SGC hesitation denies an op-
portunity to re-establish international in-

rassing and it is a disagreeable
subject to talk about. But it is so
important that we cannot sweep
it under the rug and try to forget
about ft. For the good faith of the
U.S. government has been com-
promised by the disclosures, and
whether or not we like to think
about it, we cannot conduct the
affairs of the United States in a
cloud of suspicion. We must dis-
pel the suspicion and restore con-
fidence in our good faith.
We may begin by noting that
the cloud of suspicion is much
wider than the actual operations
of the CIA could possibly war-
rant. Anyone with experience in
the outer world must realize that
the CIA is almost automatically
suspected of being implicated in
or of being the prime mover in all
manner of happenings abroad. It
would be no exaggeration to say
that outside the United States the
CIA has become the universal
scapgoat for any rightist activity
which people on the left and in
the center dislike. The CIA has
ar_"gaired a legendary character
arid its activities are rather like
the exploits of Superman.
The CIA legend feeds on the
fact that the agency has in fact
stone some of the things it is

have been financed secretly. The
secrecy has prevented reliable
knowledge as to where the real
CIA activities end and where the
suspected and imaginary ones
In this way the cloud of sus-
picion has been generated which
envelops so large a part of Ameri-
can action in the rest of the world.
We may go on to note that the
Americans are the only people
who" have not shared in this gen-
eral suspicion. There have, of
course, been charges and exposures
made by minorities on the Ameri-
can left and right. But until re-
cently the great majority have
taken for granted the purity of the
government's motives and the in-
nocence of its actions. the secrecy
of the operation shielded it from
suspicion in this country, and with
very little questioning and argu-
ment the Congress has voted sec-
ret funds of unknown size for
which there is no public account-
If we push deeper into the mat-
ter we fi4d, I believe, that the
root of the trouble is that the
Central Intelligence Agency has
been used for much more than
genuine intelligence work. It has
been used as a propaganda agency,

Down 'The Rabbit Hole

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CIA apart, separating sharply the
business of intelligence from the
business of, propaganda and in-
tervention. Unhappily, President
Kennedy did not take this advice
and, after a little tinkering with
personnel and with the details, ne
left intact the secret conglome. a-
ti'on which is known as CTA.
There will be and there can be
no solution to the problem, I be-
lieve, unless there is a surgical
operation which separates true in-
telligence work from the whole
clutter of other activities. An in-
telligence agency should deal with
espionage, research and analysis.
The other activities, such as prop-
aganda, intervention and dirty
tricks, should not be in the intel-
ligence agency. They should not
be under the same roof. They
should not be manned by the same
men and they should not be under
the same cloak of secrecy. '
THERE IS LITTLE doubt that
this will improve the integrity of
the true intelligence work. What
will it do to the other operations
if they are divorced from the CIA
as a secret intelligence agency?
Secret propaganda. would be abol-
ished. This would make more cred-
ible open and avowed propaganda.
By taking the business of inter-



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