- --- 4 19 4 N- * "AL. ,91, Scenes From a German Bestiary Ecce Homo, by George Gros Grove Press. $15.00. When Ecce Homo was first published in 1923 George Grosz was brought into court on a charge of defaming public morals, specifically of "corrupting the inborn sense of shame and virtue innate in the Ger- man people." Grosz's style started out close to the artists of the nee Sachlichkeit (n e w objectivity) group. But with Grosz, hard realism soon developed into bitter cynicism. His satirical drawings and washes developed into an instrument of propaganda. Always a fine drafts- man, his work became his weapon. He was totally aware of the social and moral misery in the Germany of World War I and he left no fig- ure of the time unnoticed. He ex- plored the war cripples, the pimps and prostitutes. He satirized the rich middle class, who, strangely enough, endorsed all the attacks he made on them. As he wrote in his autobiography, they even made him "almost rich." Grosz was also painfully aware of the stirrings of revolution; his work is tangible proof that there were Germans who "did know." Nobody, even after the fact, has captured so well, the personalities that made Hitler's rise to power possible. Because of his intense involve- ment in the political and social cli- mate and because of the sheer fe- rocity of his satire, Grosz is usually classified as a "Social Realist." In fact, over a period of years he was involved with or influenced by oth- er artistic movements. He was an active member of the German Da- daists; later he sympathised with the neue Sachlichkeit; he adopted at one point the Futurist tech- niques. But it is as a Social Realist that George Grosz is remembered. His major work and contribution arose in response to a specific his- torical situation. When that situa- tion changed, his drawings no long- er retained the special flavor char- acteristic of his best work. This facsimile of the 1923 Grosz portfolio Ecce Homo should appeal more to those interested in the social history of Germany between the wars than to lovers of fine graphic art. These drawings may also appeal to connoisseurs of sadistic, sexual and lusty drawings.- Whether you seek historical doc- umentation or ' are only curious about the graphic aspects of the drawings you will find the volume satisfactory. The one hundred odd reproductions are good. The 84 in S * M ID W E ST 'L ITE RA .. - - black and white are large and clear, while the 16 color plates seem true To Zap or Qt to Zap to his thin mawkish colors. The Ecce Homo portfolio includes a V i e - n a m Vietnam!, by Felix and counterlies. Aware of thes good sampling of the many society Greee. Fnltnm PbihngmCby -ecxmplexiterhesAaeoan tes types that Grosz explored. It also Greene. Fulton Publishing Com- complexities, he isolates and deal has a few examples of his work in pany. $5.50. withosefactors which easily lens the futurist style-perhaps the best How To Stay Alive in Vietnam, by themselves to empirical gvestig in the portfolio-where Grosz is Col. Robert B. Rigg. Stackpole boonk Thef em 1pare entely con more concerned with the formal as- Books. $1.95. poeafpotogrphstofeleadin ectsof at ad les cncered ith. posed of photographs of leadin pects of art and less concerned with A mericans! A mericans! What has hap- newsmen, supplemented with brie details of degenerate personalities. pened to you in Vietnam? captions or none at all. In the fo Yet the simultaneous views worked -Felix Greene lowing text, Greene makes exte out in the futurist. drawings have sive use of m sourcesuotin captured the spirit and rhythm of With a chilling sense of urgency, sieueo primary sore, gutn cty fe. tFelix Greene has given us a pro- documents such as Ho Chi Minh' This new edition of Ecce Homo found and studied analysis of what, "T w e 1 v e Recommendations" o has added an introduction by Henry in his preface, he calls "the case 1948 and "A Summary of the Ten Miller. He does not say much but he against." He writes that he is "whol- Point Program of the National Lib seems an appropriate choice. Miller ly certain. .. that if the people of eration Front" of 1960. Tn citin des nt judgeprorszt o y atisc the United States only knew the countless policy statements by Pres does not judge Grosz on any artistic background of the war in Vietnam, ident Johnson, Ho Chi Minh, Secre terms. In fact he does not evaluate and what is being done there in tary MacNamara, General Ky, an Grosz on any terms: he simply likes their name, they would insist on the others, Greene often sets them the drawings, and has great appre- war at one being brought to an down without comment, letting th ciation for Grosz's exposure of the -end" With such faith he begins record tell the story. mordant realism of life. He says the endt i such th e bens drawings are "naked and ugly, as what probably the most eloquent Greene is an expert at exposin beautiful and eloquent, as truth it- and painstakingly documented plea the obscured and scrubbing off th self," The introduction contains no yet produced for an end to this whitewashed - for example, t h real contributions or insights. How- "great human tragedy." fact that the U.S. supporteda ever, the "souvenirs" of Miller's Greene, the only U.S.-based writ- French regime we now admit t "anecdotal life" may be of interest er who has recently visited and trav- have been reactionary and brutall in. themselves. elled in China, and who has long oppressive. Later we prematurel B been closely associated with Asian praised the Diem regime we ha But what Miller says doesn t mat- affairs, historically traces U.S. poli- created; yet nearly everyone admit ter. That Miller says it is hmpres- cy in Vietnam down to the present now that Diem, whom Presiden sive. When Miller says there are "moral disaster for the United Johnson has called "the Churchil "panoramic horrors embedded in the States." Greene's technique of com- of Vietnam," was probably more pages, that everything the sick bining photographs with history brutal than the French. When we mind of the censor revels in" will and commentary is unusually, even with our Filita . supr w be found in Grosz, that Grosz's col- shockingly, effective in exposing his rule we hastened ispoerthro'v ors are "a mixture of vomit, shit, the deceptive nature of U.S. policy. and assassination. Greene merel sweat and tears," .you know that "Hopes for victory have been cites the recorda record of count Henry Miller has found a soul mate pinned first on this, then on that; less mistakes-the French and and that therefore certain aspects but each new strategy, each new Diem fiascos being only two of th of these drawings can be nothing hope, has proved illusory,", notes most regrettable. short of powerful. Greene in the historian's'. role asa Nancy Schulson sorter of myth fromreality reene s a 1 a r m i n g prophecy Miss Schulson is a first-year graduate Greene's is a contieiporary prob- sems to have come true already student majoling in sculpture at the lem, smothered in frenzied. emo- when one reads How 'o Stay Alie University of' Chicago. ion, hatred and counter-hatred, lies Contnued on Page Nine) R Y ' R EVIEW * J ..""1 "( " /f/ t a i +2' e a* S Jl .. Sr , I1 1"I , . °.., - .1 1 . IZO -- V Johann, and the Three Unities e 's ld a- le n- g s I' - f a- b- g s- e- ,d n le .g e e a :o Y Y d is t lI ,e e d y e Johann Sebastian Bach, The Cul- mination of an Era, by Karl Geir- inger in collaboration with Irene Geiringer. Oxford University Press. It is always fascinating to watch a careful scholar and biographer at work, especially when his subject is so far removed in time yet so close to modern hearts as J. S. Bach. Furthermore the biographical prob- lems in Bach's case are enor- mous-sufficient to test the in- genuity and insight of the most competent scholars. Bach's life, too, can tempt the biographer and musi- cologist into a blind hero-worship, and as everyone knows, the conse- quent interpretations of Bach's life have often been ludicrous. Karl Gei- ringer fortunately avoids the ex- tremes of absurdity, but at the same time he never quite convinces. Geiringer draws Bach's career in a straight-line progression through which Bach, despite certain devia- tions from the true path prescribed by his genius, worked constantly to "fulfill" his "artistic destiny." There is a certain justification for this view, since Bach's music shows con- stant development--from the ear- liest, almost purely derivative pieces to the complex abstractions of "The Art of the Fugue"-and since Bach spent most of his life playing, writ- ing, teaching and conducting for churches. Furthermore, a kind of unity links together Bach's works. The logic that connects each suc- ceeding development, innovation or synthesis seems clear; and it could be conceived, therefore, that the Bach of 1708 must somehow have had intimations of greatness that made him stick to a "true.,path" which inevitably led from one mas- terpiece to another. G e i r i n g e r seems to think that chance, circum- stance or accident played only the smallest part. They provided mere- ly the backdrop for Bach's struggle, the force over which his genius con- stantly triumphed. Bach's life, seen in this way, has a unity analogous to that of his mu- sic. Clearly, there were struggles and experiments; the need to back- track, to go off on tangents, to wres- tle with his own intractable person- ality. But these were ultimately sub- ordinated to the principle of Bach's "Genius." It would be easy to believe in such a life-one that developed as neatly as the plot of a Greek drama-if, in fact, anyone had ever lived one. Geiringer, though he nev- er explicitly says so, seems to think that Bach did, and presents Bach's life accordingly, complete with the paraphernalia of a tragic ending. He seems to have no inkling of the bourgeois musician that Bach was, though the evidence is plain in this book, and consequently he nev- er quite elucidates the basic conflict at the center of Bach's personality --a conflict that colored all his prac- tical decisions. On the one hand, there was Bach's very real passion for money and prestige. For example, in his first job, at the age of eighteen, Bach managed to wheedle a larger salary out of the town of Arnstadt than had been paid to any of his predecessors; for each successive position he held, he made sure first that there was a pay raise involved. His highest point came at Coethen, ;where as court conductor and"per- sonal, friend of Prince Leopold, Bach had more money; prestige and influence than almost anyone else at court. This was no little progress for an organist who, in spite of the opinions of other musicians, was not thought well of in church cir- cles, and who came from a fairly low bourgeois family of pious church musicians. This is not to suggest that Bach was a simple- minded materialist, but that the aims of his career were at least part- ly those of his class. But opposed to these aspirations was an equally strong desire to produce the music he wanted, utiliz- ing his own ideas. Bach naturally started looking elsewhere for more money and prestige when he real- ized that he would never get them by staying at Arnstadt for the rest of his life-especially after the congregation complained that his accompaniments were too wild. He left his next job for similar reasons, even though he appeared to knuck- le under at first. He seemed happy for a while when he reached Coeth- en, but when the Prince lost inter- est in Bach's music, Bach lost inter- est in the Prince, his court and his money. Finally, at Leipzig, Bach succumbed; he retained the position as Thomas Cantor for his last twen- ty-seven years in spite of the fact that he constantly quarreled with his superiors, that his music was misunderstood and disliked and that his greatest accomplishments went unnoticed. Apparently Bach did not seriously consider leaving Leipzig, even when his salary was reduced. The conflict between his material and artistic ideals was finally resolved by giving in, in a limited way, to the demands of materialism in order to give him- self thie opportunity to realize the d e m a n d sof art-a compromise more common than successful. Ea tions com gian on" whic to Pr The will musi mott his f help thew "Inv writt Bach themr has suad a ma knov life i most But.i abou ingfv othei sider have Geir Thi much comp, "Bac short conve is fol ways mend cal id surp& discu ism a the n sion * MIDWEST LITE