Seventy-Sixth Year * EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - ~ ,UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Getting Kids Interested in Education A Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exptess the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK LEVIN Universities Must Meet Responsibilities in Ghetto PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER deliv- ered an address Thursday morning at the Founders Day convocation of Union College, Schenectady, N.Y., on the role of the university today. He complained about the demands being made upon the uni- versity as an agency to solve the problems of society. Typifying these exorbitant requests, ac- cording to Matcher, was a speech made by Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn) in Ann Arbor on February 10. The for- mer secretary of health, education and welfare charged that "American universi- ties have been indifferent to the problems of the urban ghettos." Ribicoff proposed a comprehensive pro- gram which included promises of guaran- teed job opportunities for all; a home in a decent environment; maximum encour- agement for private investment in re- building cities and slums; involvement of the individual and emphasis on neighbor- hood development; and reorganization of the executive branch of the federal gov- ernm'ent to meet problems with present techniques and methods. Hatcher said, in reply, "No university in the world has any of the resources or the opportunity and the tools or, I would add, the direct responsibility for carrying out this pro- gram." APPARENTLY, President Hatcher has misconstrued Ribicoff's remarks. The five-point program (the final cost of which Ribicoff estimated at $50 billion) in question is the framework of the sen- ator's legislative program-the outcome of extensive hearings by! the subcommittee on urban affairs which Ribicoff chairs. He did not ask American universities to compete with the federal government in enacting these programs. What Ribicoff did not say was that universities, especially those in large ci- ties, have "great laboratories in their back yards, but they stay on the hill with their gowns and won't sully their hands." The senator's point is well taken. Uni- versities need not compete with the fed- eral government in providing jobs and housing; and don't have to organize the slum residents. They have unique re- sources to deal with slums and ghettos as areas of academic concern. UNIVERSITY social science departments have the capacity to perform profes- sional grass-roots empirical analyses of the problems of the ghetto, to propose new solutions to these problems and to try out these formulas in the testing ground --Ribicoff's "laboratories"-the ghettos provide. To implement this, universities should set up urban institutes. It is wide- ly felt that the few schools that do have centers use the ghettos to provide stu- dents with experience in the use of sur- vey research methods rather than out of any deep academic interest in the blight of the cities. Universities do not, as President Hatch- er says, "have the direct responsibility" to carry out Ribicoff's program, but they do have responsibilities to the commu- nity. They acknowledge these responsibil- ities when they accept projects like the Highway Safety Research Institute. The failure to devote their energies to stag- gering problems in the ghettos would be a serious denial of this duty. -URBAN LEHNER By LISSA MATROSS (+ONRAD BIRDIE lives again, this time in the First Baptist Church in Ann Arbor. The "Bye Bye Birdie" produc- tion is being rehearsed by upper elementary and junior high school students from Willow Run as part of the Ann Arbor Tutorial and Cultural Relations Project. The production will be a unique and exciting experience. But then, everything about the six-year-old project has been exciting. It be- gan in 1960 as an idea shared by Richard Sleet and a small group of fellow students at the Univer- sity. Project Research Director Morton H. Shaevitz of the psychol- ogy department notes: "The re- sponse of the community (in 1960) might best be described as guard- ed distaste." As the project became more than an idea-it now has 250 tutor-tu- tee pairs - community reaction changed. Originally, only St. An- drew's Episcopal Church allowed its facilities to be used by the project. Now 19 churches are used. THE ATTITUDE of the Ann Ar- bor school system was at first, according to Dr. Shaevitz, "one of non-support." Then, in 1965, the school system began a program of busing school children from the predominantly Negro elementary school (Jones School) to 10 re- ceiving schools. The city had at last recognized that some chil- dren were receiving a less-than- adequate education. When ways of remedying these pr~oblems were discussed, the proj - ect became better-known. Now, ac- cording to Patricia Thomas, exec- utive secretary of the project, the project must turn down many tu- tor requests made by parents, school children, social workers and visiting teachers. Pat explains that a lack of suf- ficient funds and tutoring facili- ties forced the project to put a ceiling on expansion. Tutees come The Seahorse I'm a sea horse and my name is Charlie. Some people think I'm a fish but I'm not. Lots of peo- ple always are after me. And everytime they go after me I always sing this song: My name is Charlie horse; I'm the king of the sea. I don't like for people to Come-after me! But one day I was skinned alive And what do you think they have seen. Three little Charlie horses. So I was a mother of three! -By Cathy James, 5th Grade Mack School from four levels: lower elemen- tary, upper elementary, junior high and high school. There are four project coordinators, each with seven advisors. Theoretically, each advisor is allowed a maximum of seven tutor-tutee pairs. Thep res- ent 250 pairs already exceed this ceiling. In addition, the project serves two communities outside of Ann Arbor. Sumpter Township is a rur- al community of small farms and low per capita income. The Sump- ter school board saw the project as a way of maximizing the learning potential of the students. Willow Run, a small poor community, is the other area adjoining Ann Ar- bor. THE BIGGEST problem facing the two outside programs is trans- Christmas I have a lot of fun on Christmas Day, We open our presents in a merry way. Thecolorful Christmas tree looks very gay, And with our new toys we do play. The doll I want is Baby Magic, She is the only one I would pick. I'd never let my doll get sick. I would give her Nestle's Quik. There is an angel on top of our tree, I would like to see her free. Up in heaven she would be, Maybe she could look like me. -By Jackie Scott, 4th Grade Pittsfield School portation. Private cars are used both to take tutors to the two communities and to bring tutees to Ann Arbor. Project director Sleet says that one graduate student loaned the project his car for a short time but soon needed it back. The project is completely au- tonomous although it is recogniz- ed as a student organization by the University. The University provides an office in the Student Activities Building, free mailing, use of mim- eographing equipment and the free use of University meeting room fa- cilities. Sleet explains the goal of the project: to interest children in education at the point where it is still feasible to learn and develop learning skills they would not or- dinarily consider. Asked if these goals have been reached, Sleet says, "The kids per- form better in school and have a better understanding of education and of the resources in the greater community." It is not unusual to find a tu- toring pair in the UGLI audio room- tapping their feet to the rhythms of a Miles Davis record. Nor is it unusual to find a wildly cheering tutoring group at a Detroit Pis- tons game. Groups of tutors, tu- tees and parents attend special project showings of "Raisin in the Sun," "Dog of Flanders" and "The Red Balloon." Tutoring pairs wander through the stacks of the Main Library on campus. As Pat Thomas ex- plains, "The project makes college more real for kids." THE BIGGEST problem facing the project today is lack of funds.' In past years the project relied on bucket drives, sorority cookie sales and funds given by SGC. In No- vember, a $30,000 demonstration grant was awarded to Shaevitz by the Office of Economic Oppor- tunity. The grant was good for one year. The stipend has paid for a full- time director and full-time secre- tary and for a staff of research- ers. In addition, the grant has been used to provide a typewrit- er, tape recorder and books. In conducting the research Shaevitz wanted to explore three areas: 1) what happens to the children in- volved? 2) What happens to the tutors? 3) What are the more dis- tant theoretical aspects of the project that could help other groups to establish successful proj- ects? Questionnaires were filled out by 137 tutors. Shaevitz found that more than one-half of the group were from out-of-state. Almost all The Ugly Sorceress Once there was a Sorceress Who always went hiss, hiss. He liked to go hiss, hiss Cause he was born to kiss. One day he ate his brother Andy ,Cause he ate up all the candy. -By Cathy James, 5th Grade Mack School Jitterbug I was so nervous that I was chewing gum. I dropped the pa- per on the ground and a police- man said I was a litterbug. I might be a jitterbug but I'm not a litterbug. -By Lavern Boone, 6th Grade Ford School were white, but this is not sur- prising at a campus that is ap- proximately one per cent Negro. The most outstanding change that tutors experienced was an increase in the knowledge of culturally de- prived people. Tutors found "the relationship" most important. The children, however, placed a much stronger emphasis on the learning aspect. Shaevitz reports, "What is suggested is that the view of the culturally deprived child is basically anti-intellectual and as not concerned with achieve- ment, may not be entirely true." THE GRANT ran out officially in December and the project has received an extension through May. Shaevitz will apply for a renewal of the grant, butthere is a chance it will not be accept- ed. The grant was for demonstra- tion purposes: the government wants to find out if student vol- unteer programs are effective in changing the educational level of children. If the OEO decides that the project no longer qualifies for a pilot demonstration grant there are other federal monies available, according to Tom Isgar of the Tu- torial Assistance Center. (The as- sistance center is part of the Na- tional Student Association and is under contract to the OEO to pro- vide technical assistance.) Isgar explains that the Office of Education funds tutorial proj- ects under the Higher Education Act and the Elementary and Sec- ondary Education Act. In addi- tion, the Department of Labor will pay members of the Neighborhood Youth Corps to tutor. Finally, a tutorial project might qualify for OEO Community Action funds. Sleet, however, favors perma- nent funding on the local level. He would like to see the project sup- ported by University students and the local community. "There will be a bucket drive in the middle of March," says Sleet. "Let's see how effective student power can be." The Talent of a Girl Thousands of wonderlands all over the world. Looking for the talent of a imodern young girl. Her talent goes far into the world, to plenty and looking to settle the lives of many. Her talent has much to do with voice, her talent has much to do with songs. She tries to show she's a good teenager, who's try- ing to show the right from wrong. God gave her a talent. She wasn't sure till she was 20. But she knows from this talent, she's gained plenty. -By Ann Smith, 8th Grade Forsythe Jr. High I 4 I 4 4 Moral Vigilantes A LAST MONDAY and Tuesday the Profes- sional Theatre Program presented the play "Marat/de Sade" to packed houses in Hill Aud. The play includes two scenes where bared male backsides were forth- rightly and prominently displayed. One of the scenes showed a real-life totally nude man walking away from the audi- ence. Apparently even a man of the brutish sensibilities of Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier decided "Marat/de Sade" is art, and the Ann Arbor police did not act on tele- phoned complaints about the play. CINEMA GUILD officials, arrested for' showing "Flaming Creatures," which includes graphic scenes of a transvestite orgy, are under heavy pressure from Vice- President Cutler and the faculty govern- ment not to show "Blow Job," an Andy Warhol film. While one can debate the merits of "Flaming Creatures" from now until Doomsdays critics have praised the film and maintain that it has the "redeeming social importance" which distinguishes it from pornography. "Blow Job" consists of nothing but 33 minutes of a head-and-shoulders shot of a seated man (fully clothed, kids). Its ma- jor message is that "obscenity" like so much else in art is largely in the eye of the (non-)beholder. IT IS ASTONISHING to reflect on the reaction which Cinema Guild's interest In showing these two films has engender- ed. President Hatcher displayed rare cour- age last Friday when he urged the Re- gents against moving against Cinema Guild. He made a strong defense of artis- tic freedom, and it is well that he did. But he also seemed to indicate that while students should be free to read Ibsen and Dreiser, Cinema Guild shouldn't be free to show them "Flaming Creatures," which somehow "goes too far." Even the self-appointed guardians of civil liberties have been-in popular terms -"finking out." Prof. Abraham Kaplan of the philosophy department took over the chairmanship of the faculty's civil liber- ties board by saying, "I don't want to play chicken with our liberties." To their credit, he and his colleagues have raised money to help Cinema Guild in its "Flaming Creatures" court case and has told Cinema Guild officials that they should have the freedom to show "Blow Job" (which is about as obscene as Whistler's Mother). BUT THEY HAVE also told Cinema Guild that, because of the intense reaction to the proposed showing of "Blow Job" has provoked in "the community" (cheap alumni who use it as an excuse for not giving money, and narrow puritans with a cretinous appreciation of art), Cinema Guild should not use its freedom to show the movie. And Cinema Guild now fears that if it does show the film the Univer- sity will put it out of business. To paraphrase Winston Churchill: Some chicken, some liberties. -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH ... ...................:'t Y::I.:YN:. rr I.Y.Nr :.........,..........:..r ...Nsr.........,.::n:N ............................................................................,..... t. . . r . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . t . . r r . 5 r : : : ,. . ? : i . . , . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . r . . , .. . ~. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . r , . . .r :r ' : , . . . . Y : , : :r i . : : r . , r . i rr " : : 1 .. .... .. ........ ..,......... .. , . . ......... ..... ......n . ..... a ... .. .. .,.........., ...5 .. .{ ... . . .. . .....:: .,,. 4 N ;::f " . 1 To the Editor: AS SOMEONE who once worked on The Daily, and a student who relies on the paper as the only source of campus news, I want to express my disappointment at The Daily staff's actions in its dispute with the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications. For many difficult years, Daily editors insisted on the principle that students and only students had responsibility for what was put into the paper, and for the ap- pointment of each year's succeed- ing senior staff. The technical le- gal responsibility of the board in both areas was regarded as a life- less fiction without any importance to those who actually ran the pa- per. This year's staff has surrender- ed that principle, by agreeing to publish their paper under super- vision. They do not concede that the board many censor them, and they maintain that they still re- tain the right to appoint succes- sors. But the concessions they made to the board, and reported in the front page article on Thurs- day, give the board a chance to say that the student staff has ad- mitted that the quality of The Daily is a legitimate matter of board concern; the staff has by this action admitted that the board's proper role is not to rub- ber-stamp appointments and ig- nore editorial content, but rather to survey both. In the future, if an appointments crisis arises, students will be un- able to claim that "it is not for the board to decide who is ap- pointed, or what is printed," since the present surrender admits just this. MANY STUDENTS cared deeply about these surrendered princi- ples, and would have worked hard to organize support for them, had you, the editors, decided to fight for them. Without you, the fight could not be fought without you, the fight was lost. The story is sadder still because The Daily staff was intent on view- PhD Requirements To the Editor: RECENTLY the Graduate Stu- dent Council conducted a "poll" of graduate students' opinions about Rackham language require- ments for the PhD degree. The methodology used in distributing the questionnaire-and the ques- tionnaire itself-were in my opin- ion half-baked and provide a typi- cal example of inadequate student participation in the decision-mak- ing process at this University. Of the many grads that I contacted personally about the "poll," none knew about it until I mentioned it to them. Instead of the questionnaire try- ing to find out what the blanket PhD requirements in Rackham should be, there was a clear pre- sumption that some language re- quirement "should be." It would be interesting to have The Daily present a thorough re- port on this bit of inquiry by GSC so that we may all under- stand more about the deficiency in research methodology which ex- ists among our fellow grad stu- dents, and perhaps among those who advise them. -George N. Vance, Jr., Grad Indonesia To the Editor: PLEASE GET the facts right on Indonesia. Most of the country's 100 mil- lion inhabitants may be subsist- ence level farmers but they are not "illiterate." The government of Indonesia claims over 95 per cent are literate. The most con- servative UN studies indicate at least 60 per cent are literate - a figure much higher than that for almost any other developing coun- try, and indeed, not bad when com- pared with many "developed" countries. Sukarno, though he has hurt they country in many ways, gets the credit for starting what can only be called an unusually good educa- tional system. He also gets credit for unifying the country - nearly everyone over the whole archi- subsequently brought down one of the Indonesian cabinets. It is not correct to lump China, Russia and the U.S. together as if Indonesia owed vast sums to all of them. Indonesia owes over a billion dollars to Russia but less than $30 million to the U.S. Indo- nesia owes substantial sums to Japan and many western European countries, and again very little to China. Indonesia has succeeded in getting portions of this debt-par- ticularly the debt to Russia - re- scheduled. WHAT MORE "radical shift" of policies and views of the people could have taken place than that which followed the Sept. 30, 1965 coup? Is the slaughter of 250,000-, 500,000 Communist sympathizers and the banning of all Communist party activity not radical enough? Instead of a radical shift, perhaps more to the point is a period of calm in which Indonesia, free of the economy wrecking policies of the Communists and having chan- neled a large portion of defense outlays into more productive work, can resume building her society. Considering Indonesia's human and material resources, this pros- pect, far from being hopeless, is one of the most promising in the area. -Arthur S. Bechhoefer, Grad '67 (Formerly Training Officer, U.S. AID Mission to Indonesia, 1962-65) 'Intellectual Life' To the Editor: ONE OF THE MOST warmly greeted remarks made by Mal- colm Boyd in his talk on the urban ghetto (Feb. 19) blamed the uni- versity for hot educating its stu- dents for the kind of world they will have to live in after gradua- tion. Because the charge re-emphasiz- ed a theme which marked the visit of Leslie Fiedler earlier in the se- mester, a serious consideration of what students may justly expect from the university as regards the "ralaan a ffair ari-ai i tect and promote disciplined in- quiry. To be most free, such in- quiry should be independent and self-justifying. A university should be enough of an ivory tower that a respect for the intellectual life is nourished, and-it is to be hoped -profoundly experienced by the members of the community. IF MY CONCEPTION is a valid one, then the problem of "rele- vant" education disappears. Boyd's reiteration of a common complaint, however, indicates dissatisfaction with the detachment that is vital to the university's unhampered pursuit of its proper business. Bas- ic acquaintance with the various ways of thought in the natural and social sciences and in the hu- manities, coupled with thorough study in a particular discipline, is a process now found by some to be inadequate to the times." But it is a process which cannot be alien- ated from real education. What is apparently being de- manded when the relevance of the modern curriculum comes under attack is topical education and, disturbingly often, doctrinal edu- cation. This is what the so-called "free university" movement has most conspicuously produced up to now, all the while claiming to be a refuge for the ideals of liberal education supposedly sabotaged by today's universities. INSOFAR as the free.universities and various forms of individual re- bellion which fall short of orga- nization are protests against the hindrance of education to which institutionalism often gives rise, they are meaningfnul defenses of a vital tradition. But insofar as they distrust the impartiality and firm autonomy of intellectual in- quiry, and wish to make it serve their own social and political pred- ilections, they.are enemies of that tradition. Liberal education is not design- ed to apply readily to an individ- ual's life, throbbing with relevance to every situation he may encoun- ter. If we accept it on its own terms.~ it provides a framework. a director, Thomas Fox, is being arbitrary and dictatorial in his decisions on the dress regulations for the students in the dorm. Contrary to the slanted opinion expressed in the letters column on February 16, the rights of the majority of the residents are not being ignored. Dress regulations are set by resident-elected repre- sentatives and enforced, at the council's request, by the quad ad- ministration. Eighty-three per cent of the people who returned question- naires on dress regulations fav- ored changes-but only 43 per cent of the residents of the entire resi- dence hall were interested enough in regulation change to return the questionnaire - a questionnaire written with an appeal to those favoring easier regulations. THE LETTER of February 16 la- mented the "lack of cooperation between students and administra- tors." What lack of cooperation exists in South Quad? The council established a committee to write and present to Mr. Fox a "blanket" change in policy. He responded with his reasons for not accepting it. They were valid reasons deal- ing with the fact that South Quad- rangle is the showplace for visit- ing dignitaries of the University and the state-alumni, business- men, legilsators who decide how much money the University will receive. Reasons dealing with the fact that if there were students who wanted more lenient dress regulations, they could move to a residency that doesn't shoulder quite as much responsibility to the University as South Quad. COUNCIL then wrote an item- by-item request for changes which were partially accepted, with rea- sons given for the parts that were rejected. Mr. Fox also sug- gested that each resident who felt himself inconvenienced and un- justly subjected to hardship might speak out and allow his case to be individually handled. This sug- gestion , was accepted by South Quad Council without dissent. 'Ii on1ley: Defender of the Faith OV. GEORGE ROMNEY admitted re- cently that "I'm just a Republican and, by golly, anyone who is a Republican is a Republican, as far as I'M concerned." By George, never let it be said that Romney is a stupid man. In one appar- ently simple statement, Romney has done the impossible; he has defined the com- plex nature of the Republican party. He. has also effectively answered such critics as "Tricky" Dick Nixon and Barry Gold- water who have, upon occasion, hinted that Lonesome George might not be faithful to the Grand Old Party. Now the - nation knows where Romney stands. He has gone on record as stat- ting that he is a Republican. Further- more, he has hinted that there may be more of them-"anyone who is a Repub- lican is a Republican." Are they subver- sive? THE FEAT is almost, but not quite, as spectacular as his immeasurable con- tribution to the nation last year. At that time he made the startling revelation that ". . . most people in the Communist party I4 I