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February 25, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-25

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Denies War
Policy Split
Claims Differences
With Administration,
Rusk Are Nonexistent
WASHINGTON 3) --Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
sought yesterday to dispel what
he called "appearance of division"
with Secretary of State Dean Rusk
over the bombing of North Viet-
The administration is unified
on the necessitiy of the air cam-
paign against Hanoi's territory,
McNamara told newsmen.
Any "apparent divergence of
opinion" between him and Rusk
results from the fact that they are
called upon to explain administra-
tion 'policy before different con-
gressional groups which hold op-
posing views on the, U.S. com-
mitment, the Pentagon chief said.
Explain Policy
McNamara said Rusk often must
justify Vietnam) policy before doves
and therefore has emerged as a
hawk, supporting a strong stand
in Southeast Asia. Much of Rusk's
testimony is before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, some
members of which oppose the
Vietnam war.
On the other hand, McNamara
said he frequently testifies before
groups which favor an escalation,
-he appears before the Senate
and House Armed Service com-
mittees-and finds himself in a
position of explaining why the
United States isn't doing more in
the way of military action.
At the State Department, press
officer Robert J. McCloskey also
disavowed any differents between
Rusk and McNamara about the
Asked whether he knew of any
aparent differences between the
two about bombing North Viet-
nam, the State Department spokes-
man replied "I do not-neither ap-
parent nor real."
McNamara first called reporters
to his office in an attempt to dis-
pel what he considered an untrue
image of division between himself
and Rusk. Later he read a state-
ment before' television cameras ex-
plaining "the apparent divergence
of opinion."
"In one sense," McNamara said,
"this is amusing to me because
in looking back over two years of
recommendations to the President
on military operations in North
Vietnam, I can't recall a single
instance when the secretary of
state and the secretary of de-
fense have differed on bombing
policy and not a single instance
when their recommendations have
differed on particular bombing
Apparently McNamara's volun-
teer statements were an outgrowth
of seeming conflict between his
and Rusk's congressional testi-
mony and public statements about
the bombing campaign.
In testimony given behind closed
doors, in January but released only
Monday, McNamara said he didn't
believe the bombing "has signific-
antly reduced, nor any bombing
that I could contemplate in the
future would significantly reduce"
North Vietnam's infiltration of
men and supplies into South Viet-
Word of this view leaked out
before the testimony was distri-
buted, and McNamara held a Pen-
tagon news conference to declare
that "the implication that I con-

sider the bombing program inef-
fective is not correct."
Earlier, Rusk had defended U.S.
resumption of bombing assaults
on North Vietnam after a six-day
cease-fire by saying, the raids con-
stituted an important part of the
American effort in Southeast
Asia. Rusk said -Hanoi would have
to take 'reciprocal steps of de-es-
calation in the conflict if it want-
ed the bombing stopped.
Notes Difference t
McNamara said he had noticed
references to Rusk as a hawk while
some people were calling him a
dove, with the implication, that
they differ on South Vietnam poli-
"I think the apparent divergence
of opinion is a reflection of the
fact that each of us testifies be-
fore different groups in the Con-
gress and, meets different groups
of the public," he said.
On the other hand, McNamara
said, some groups believe we
should bomb more heavily, while
others believe the raids should be
Each of these differing opinions,
McNamara said, fails to take into
conisideration the United States'
limited objective in South Vietnam
and the way the bombing program
is related to that objective.
McNamara restated the admin-
istration position that the United
States is not seeking to destroy
the government of North Vietnam
nor its people, "nor are we seek-
ing bases from which we can car-
ry out attacks on Red China."
-na* h ,aij4 +1ha TT 8 asm is

-Associated Press
University of Wisconsin students are shown above sitting in at their administration building on the
Madison campus in protest to the arrest of 18 persons during demonstrations Wednesday against
Dow Chemical Corp. recruiters. Dow is a major producer of napalm for use in Vietnam. The local
chapter of the Students for a Democratic Society may lose its registration over the incident.
Pentagon. Says Viet Leaders
Have 'Obvious Lack of Realism'

Ruling Party
Makes Gains
In Election
Seven Lose Cabinet
Positions as India
Has Democratic Vote
NEW DELHI, India () - The
ruling Congress party, bruised
but onbroken, made important
gains yesterday toward winning
a majority in Parliament despite
the loss of seats by seven Cabinet
ministers. A Congress candidate
won an important victory over
leftist ex-Defense Minister V. K.
Krishna Menon.
The Congress party position
improved gradually as returns
flowed in from the northern
states of Uttar Pradesh and Bi-
har, traditional party strongholds
which have a total of 138 seats.
With returns in from 298 of the
520 seats in Parliament, the Con-
gress party had 172, the right-
wing Swatantra 28, independents
26, Hindu Communal Jan Sangh
24 and other parties, including
Socialists, pro-Peking and pro-
Moscow Commuist parties the re-
In Bombay, Krishna Menon
running as an independent, was
beaten by S. G. Barve of the Con-
gress party by 1,2,896 votes.
Never a friend of the United
States, he was fired as defense
minister by Prime Minister Ja-
waharlal Nehru, father of the
present prime minister, in Octo-
ber of 1962. Critics said Menon
had inadequately equipped the
Indian army for war.
Menon quit the Congress party
after it refused to let him run
on its ticket in Bombay. Cam-
paigning as an independent, he
asailed Western policy in Viet-
In the voting for state offices,
coinciding with the week-long'
balloting for Parliament, the Con-
gress party so far has failed to
win a majority in five state as-
semblies, Kerals, Madras, Punjab
Gujarat and West Bengal. There
are 17 states.
In Kerala and Madras oppo-
sition parties gained majorities
and will form new governments.
In the other three, Congress is
still the largest party but would
need a coalition to form a gov-
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi,
asked about the stunning defeat
of party President Kunmaraswami
Kamaraj for a state assembly
seat in Madras, said: "I am dis-
tressed, he was a stalwart.
"But I want to pay a tribute,
to the people of India. We have;
proved to the world we do have
a free and fair election. The
whole idea of having a democ-I
racy is this."
Mrs. Gandhi said she was ig-
noring the resignation of her de-
feated ministers and was asking
them to stay on,, adding: "the
work of the government cannot
stop so they have to continue."

TOKYO (A')-Mao Tse-tung's
leadership was reported shaken
yesterday by opposition in the gov-
ernment, party and army to Mao-
its tactics in Red China's struggle
for power.
Japanese correspondents in Pe-
king reported wall posters spoke
of trouble in Peking and various
provinces and autonomous regions.
They reported these developments
in an attempt to retrench on
Mao's purge of followers of Presi-
dent Liu Shao-chi that has con-
vulsed the nation:
-The Communist party Central
Committee's military commission
ordered a shakeup in the 2.5-mil-
lion-m'an army, where lower ranks
were believed using Mao's purge
against their officers.
-A ban was ordered on Maoist
seizures of power in key party and
government offices. Premier Chou
En-lai has lashed out at Red
Guards and others for such ac-
tions, saying it created chaos. He
is said to have moved in troops to
protect some of his officials.
-The theoretical journal Red
Flag called on the teen-aged Red
Guards, unleashed by Mao to
spearhead his purge, to "seriously
remold their world outlook." It
said in this way "will they grad-
ually mature and be able to tem-
per themselves into successors to
the revolutionary cause."
The military commission's or-
der said the purge of military
units in such key cities as Peking,
Shanghai, the northeast port of
Tientsin and the Dairen and Port
Arthur ports in Manchuria was
being placed in charge of the
Communist party. The order warn-
ed soldiers not to try to seize
power from "military leadership
organs"-officers and political
Army defections have been re-
ported in Manchuria, Inner Mon-

golia, Sinkiang Province in the
northwest, Tibet and in several of
the 21 provinces, including the
breadbasket province of Honan in
north-central China.
The latest orders followed by a
day a series of Red China broad-
casts reporting widespread re-
sponse to Mao's call for the army
and peasants to get on with the
spring sowing. The power struggle
has seriously disrupted production
on the rural communes.
Radio Peking also reported
trouble in Kweichow Province in
the southwest, where Maoistst

claimed victory Feb. 14. A Chi-
nese-language broadcast said "a
handful of persons in authority
taking the capitalist road" were
sabotaging farm production.
A new directive, posted in Pe-
king and reported by Japanese
newsmen, banned Maoist seizures
of power in key party and govern-
ment offices in the capital, and
ordered peasants, workers, stu-
dents and others to return imme-
diately to their posts.
The decree was issued by the
Communist party Central Com-

Congressional Heads Reject
Special CIA Investigation

Mao's Leadership Threatened
By Civilian, Army Opposition

gon accused Hanoi yesterday of
a lack of realism in demanding
an end to U.S. bombing if North
Vietnam. It said this country has
no intention of halting the attacks
"unless something is offered in
Meanwhile, the U.S. Command
announced yesterday that long-
range American artillery based
below the border demilitarized
zone is now supplementing the air
campaign against North Vietnam.
A spokesman said 175 mm guns

hurled shells across the six-mile-
wide buffer territory Wednesday
in the first such attack of the
war, probing for antiaircraft bat-
teries that had shot at a small
U.S. Air Force observation plane.
The self-propelled 175s can fire
200-pound shells up to 20 miles.
Even as this phase was officially
disclpsed, Premier 14guyen Cao Ky
said North Vietnam has massed
three divisions along the zone,
where massive Communist infil-
tration set off some of the biggest

Uncovered in I
WASHINGTON (P)- Consider-
able new material, someof it de-
scribed as potentially explosive,
will be sent to the Justice Depart-
ment by the select'House commit-
tee which investigated Adam Clay-
ton Powell, (D-N.Y.), it was learn-
ed yesterday.
Authoritative sources reported
also that the committee antici-
pates that the Justice Department
will pursue every lead which sug-
gests either indiscretion as a con-
gressman or a violation of . any
Some of the material relates to
the shadowy Bahaman corpora-
tion, Huff Enterprises, Ltd., while
other portions deal with things
that have not previously been re-
ported, such as contracts of the
Committe on Education and Labor
which Powell formerly headed.
"It involves some very serious
matters," one source said, adding
that it would be "really an ex-
plosive situation if it develops."
And another source said' that,
"If any twvo pieces of this had
fallen into place, the whole case
would have blown wide open."
Sources said the special com-
mittee was hampered by its five-
week deadline and also by the dif-'
the Bahamas, where bank records
ficulty of getting material from
can be kept secret.
Powell, meanwhile, remained on
his island retreat of Bimini, de-
clining comment on the commit-
tees recommendation that he be
seated, censured, stripped of all
senority and docked $40,Q00 in
At one point, Powell sent word
to reporters by handwritten note
that he would hold a news con-
ference today. But several hours
later her received a telephone call
at the island's only phone booth
and then said:
"The conference is off. My law-1

[New Evidence
Powell Inquiry
years said I should wait until I
talk to them."
One of the attorneys, Henry
Williams, said in New York that
he and the other lawyers' would
meet to discuss possible legal ac-
tion. Williams said he personally
feels. that, "In stripping him of
seniority and docking his pay,
Congress denied him his consti-
tutional rights."
Meanwhile, scattered signs of
resistance to the committee's rec-
omendations began to pop up. Two
northern Democrats, Reps. Clar-
ence D. Long (D-Md.), and Sam-
uel S. Stratton (D-N.Y.), issued
statements calling for Powell's ex-

battles of 1966. He told newsmen
"I think they still intend to con-
tinue big fighting."
The Pentagon statement came
in response to remarks in Paris'
by the Cambodian chief of state,j
Prince Nordom Sihanouk, who said
North Vietnam has no intention
of de-escalating the war to get
peace talks started.
Sihanouk said he was citing the
views of Mai Van Bo, North Viet-
nam's diplomatic representative in
Paris, who was quoted as calling
for "an unconditional and final
halt" to the bombing.
Sihanouk also said Bo told him,
on the question of a possible de-
escalation of Hanoi's war effort,
"it is impossible for Hanoi to
stop helping their brothers of the
Sihanouk was led into the re-
marks about his conversation with
Bo by a question from a North
Vietnamese newsman, who asked
him to comment on North Viet-
nam's position on opening talks
with the United States.
Sihanouk also charged the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency was
attempting to overthrow his re-
gime by paying Thailanders,
South Vietnamese and "Khmer
Serei"-Free Cambodia-rebels to
launch attacks on his country.
In a rare response to such state-
ments, the Defense Department
accused Hanoi of "demanding a
permanent free pass for its con-
tinued aggression" against South

Executive Council Fills
Seat Vacated by Reuther

WASHINGTON (A--Three lead-
ers of Congress rejected yester-
day any special investigation of
the Central.Intelligence Agency
and its subsidies to private organ-
Officers of a student group that
received such subsidies called for a
thorough investigation to get to
the question of the use of private
organizations to carry out U.S.
foreign policy.
The officers of the National
Student Association called a news
conference to announce the or-
ganization would not "roll over
and play dead" after recent dis-
closures that it had been receiving
up to $200,000 a year from the
NSA President
W. Eugene Groves, president of
NSA, said the NSA had received
about $26,000 from the CIA this
"We will return what remains to

be spent, about $5,000 or $10,000,"
he said.
Groves said the preliminary re-
port Thursday of a panel named
by President Johnson to look into
the CIA funding situation was "a
The report defended CIA activ-
"There should be an indepen-
dent investigation to get to the
question of use of private organ-
izations as instruments of Amer-
ican foreign policy," Groves said.
Overseas Activities
The NSA received CIA funds
through p r i v a t e foundations.
Spokesmen said the money was
for overseas activities.
In Congress, the Republican
leaders, Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of
Illinois and Rep. Gerald R. Ford
of Michigan, told a news confer-
ence that there already is ample
congressional supervision of the
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana told an-
other news conference that the
Senate panel which now supervises
the CIA could oversee it ade-
Groves said that the NSA, oldest
and largest of the country's stu-
dent organizations, is represented
on about 300 campuses.
Schools Question
None of the schools, he said, has
disaffiliated since the disclosure
of the CIA link but about a half-
dozen have questioned what the
association will do.
Right now, he said, the NSA
has about a $35,000 deficit. But
it hopes to get contributions and
is seeking additional support and
"I confidently assure you we can
survive," Groves said.
The student group officers an-
nounced they have received pled-
ges of support from many cam-
puses,, organizations and jndivid-
They said the NSA not only
would continue but would begin
new efforts.

AFL-CIO Executive Council filled
Walter P. Reuther's vacant chair
in the nation's house of labor yes-
terday and President George
Meany said the council worked
better without him.
But Meany said in announcing
the election of Textile Workers
President William Pollock to the
vacant seat that he wished Reu-
ther had not resigned and hoped
the Auto Workers will not with-
draw from the AFL-CIO.
However, Meany said, "It's none
of my business" what course
Reuther and his Auto Workers
Union take.
The replacing of Reuther was
called "hasty" by one council mem-
ber, President Joseph Curran of
the National Maritime Union,
who said it might worsen the split
between the 1.4-million-member
Curran, who advocated leaving
the council seat open, said Reuth-
er was "wrong" in his harsh crit-
icism of Meany's leadership but
"I think we should explore the
extreme limits to bring Walter
"I'm for labor unity," Meany
said at a news conference, but
"when we get a resignation-we
fill it."

Meany and Reuther were the
chief founders of the AFL-CIO 11
years ago.
Reuther attacked Meany's lead-
ership as undemocratic and said
it had led to complacency in AFL-
CIO activities in organizing new
workers, social action, civil rights,
and economic policy.
Meany also announced the
naming of United Steel Workers
President I. W. Abel to replace
Reuther as chairman of the AFL-
CIO Economic Policy Committee.
Meany said this week's Exec-
utive Council meeting was more
productive because of Reuther's
"Some members of the council
seem to be reluctant to talk when
Reuther is there," he said.

World News Roundup

1~ .Y

MUNICH, Germany--Maj. Gen.
Wilhelm Harster, former head of
the German Security service in
Holland, was sentenced to 15 years
imprisonment yesterday for aiding
in the mass murder of Dutch Jews
during World War II.
Hamster, 62, was convicted of
aiding in the murder of 82,854
Jews during his time as head of
the SS in the Netherlands from
1940 to 1943.
Harster's codefendant in the
five-week trial, former SS Maj.
Kilhelm Zoepf, 58, and Zoepf's
aide, Gertrud Slottke, were jailed
for nine and five years respec-
tively. Zoepf was convicted of aid-
ing murder in 54,982 cases and
Miss Slottke in 42,729 cases.
* * *
cretary-General U Thant said in
a report made public yesterday
that 69 of the 72 nations who have

replied to his inquiries have
pledged full compliance with U.N.
Security Council sanctions against
The three who have not done
so, he said, are Malawi, Switzer-
land and Portugal.
Thant's report, issued here after
his departure for a vacation in
his native Burma, comprises a
summary of the steps that have
been taken against the white-min-
ority government of Rhodesia in
line with the Security Council's
resolution of, last Dec. 16.
is studying a possibility of sending
special envoys without diplomatic
status to Communist capitals, the
Vatican press officer, said yester-
The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fausto Val-
lainc told a news conference the

Vatican was not considering es-
tablishing consular-level mission
in Communist countries but said
under consideration was "the con-
cept of sending apostolic dele-
gates with the function of special
envoys to the governments."
HAVANA-Prime Minister Fidel
Castro assailed some government
officials yesterday for seeking too
much publicity. He said that many
times their information was ir-
In a front-page letter in the
Communist party paper Granma,
Castro singled out an announce-
ment Thursday that Cuba was
buying 122,000 tons of fertilizer
from a French firm. He said the
story was partly erroneous and the
bureau in the Foreign Commerce
Ministry credited with conducting
negotiations had little. to do with
the deal.


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