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February 25, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-25

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See editorial page

j [17, C

Si1 tr ti9an


Low- -5
Partly sunny;
partly cloudy

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
DepartmentCairmen ace acult.hor
By WALLACE IMMEN of their vacancies under current were said to be "just about nor- higher than the University can of- now, we will not be able to get versity is not engaging in a heavy facul
At the peak of the "hunting budget allocations. mal." The degree to which the fer feasible for a large number, all the people we need and will recruitment program for next year, pond
season," a number of literary col- A nationwide shortage of profes- other departments were experien- of schools. However, many avail- have to drop as many as five "There isn't a year in which de- giona
lege departments are encounter- sors has beset a number of fields, other de areswreaxeen- able professors were said to be courses currently listed in the time partments don't make a number also1
ing acute difficulties in recruiting intensified by the lure of lucra- ing difficulties varied greatly. still "shopping around," playing schedule." of bids that are turned down," he tact.
new faculty members for next fall. tive jobs in private professions. It While some department chair- one salary offer against another. William Haber, dean of the liter- said. "Our recruiting remains high- Th
"This is the first year I can was found to be most severe at men in the other departments This solution leaves more than ary college, cautioned that even ly selective." sor i
remember in which all the bids the associate professor level. thought they could get by with 60 openings for next year still un- though "the talent niarket has Recruiting procedures are dete- criter
we sent out for assistant profes- The only notable exceptions to only minor adjustments, several confirmed. Created by professors never been tighter, it has been so mined on a departmental basis and thors
sors were refused," reported Prof. be found in this trend were in the others reported that in order to on leave, resignations, deaths and for several years." and
Wilbert McKeachie, chairman of mathematics and physics depart- maintain the quality of their fac- course additions, these vacancies "Many schools now operate on requirements and methods of han- calle
the psychology department. "We ments in which there were said to ulties they will have to offer in- were found to be distributed with a 'star system'," Haber explained. dling vary widely. Recruiting is In
need five or six PhD's for next be "a good number of people will- creased salaries to lure new men, three or four in each of the 12 "They offer high salaries and fast heaviest for the new PhD for as- and
fall, but the way it looks now ing to teach," and a scarcity of compensating for these with cuts departments. Even with increased promotion to key people in order sociate professorships, and most such
we may not get any." available positions. This was at- in departmental operating expens- recruiting activities, chairmen fear to have an important intellectual have made a definite commitment in re
While this is the extreme case, tributed to a slow-down in govern- es. that many of these vacancies can- ornament on their otherwise aver- by mid-March. thec
faculty shortages due to increas- ment sponsorship of research pro- "We find that if our salary offers not be filled. age staff." "Once in a while, people are so depar
ing competition for available grams, employing fewer research- are equivalent to those bid by "We usually have to list some "So far," Haber continued, "few anxious to work at the Universi- noted
teaching personnel are envisioned ers and making teaching more at- other schools, we can compete quite courses on blind faith," reports University people have responded ty that they will turn things up- often
by the chairmen of 15 of 18 de- tractive to those men in science- effectively," noted Prof. Joseph E. to calls from these schools. With side down' to work here," Prof. a yea
partments contacted by The Daily. oriented fields. Kallenbach of the political science Prof. Richard Brandt, chairman of a few exceptions we are not aware Brandt claimed. But the most com- Th
In several specialties, competi- The other exception was the department. But the departmental the philosophy department. "Our of any resignations of distinguish- mon method which departments talen
tion was said to be so keen that it astronomy department, another spokesmen claimed that recent problem then is to find people ed people from the faculty whom use to locate new faculty is per- ownc
has already keen conceded that it science field in which problems grant assists to bolster faculties at who are available and qualified to we really wish to retain." sonal contact, instituted either whom
will be impossible to fill a number are being encountered, but they smaller colleges have made bids teach these courses. As it looks Haber emphasized that the Uni- through recommendation from a partm

ty member or from corres-
ence with other schools. Re-
il department conventions are
prime locations for such con-
e, published work of a profes-
s the next most widely used
ion. References from an au-
department are requested
the prospective professor is
c for an interview.
some fields, such as geology
physics, specializer ability,
as interest and proficiency
search is a major 'concern of
department In the geology
tment, for instance, it was
that staff possibilities are
being processed more than
r in advance.
e University's prime source of
t is within the departments
doctoral candidates many of
receive bids from the de-
rent the.year they graduate.

Donner Says Social Goals
Hinge on Healthy System


The achievement of the social
goals of our country depends up-
on the continuing growth of a
competitive business economy,
said General Motors Board Chair-
mand Frederic G. Donner in a
speech last night in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Donner listed the reduction of
poverty and juvenile delinquency,
rehabilitation of urban areas, and
improvement of life for all citi-
zens as three of these goals.
'f hDonner was here to receive the
1967 Business Leadership Award
-Daily-Thomas R. Copt which was presented to him by
the University's Graduate School
of Business Administration.
LIGHTS SESQUIGRAS Ihige euctiDon nas labeled
higher education as "a growth
industry in this country." He
pointed out the rapidly increas-
ing number of college graduates
and emphasized their importance
to business. The business which
seeks to perform effectively must
1Wtizes COJH p 1 have "first-rate individuals" and
sxthe skills and the disciolined
imagination of many college and
university - trained people," the
GM executive explained.
n He went on to stress the close
C U ti 50 flu jt interrelationship that exists be-
tween education and business. "A
changing world imposes contin-
The money coming from the anything, we have increased the ually new and enlarged demands-
state is intended only to cover the j number of faculty members in re- on the content of education," Don-
cost of producing student credit lation to students in the last five ner said. "Similarly, the question-
hours. The decreased percentage years." ing and probing of the college


OIR Report Drai
Nature of Eda
By LUCY KENNEDY ward the direct costs of instruc-
It costs about 17 per cent more tion. This figure does not neces-
to produce a credit hour now than sarily demonstrate that there is+
it did to produce a credit hour at a decreasing emphasis on instruc-

ing education. "Most success4ul The GM executive praised con- the life of the businessman in a
inen and women never stop learn- putors and other advanced tech- large corporation. "A career in big
ing," he said. niques for their ability to process business is as vibrant and vital as
Beyond this he observed two quantitative data rapidly and give life .itself," said the corporate
"strong ties" which relate educa- "management a deeper insight in- head. "A large company must
tion in business to formal univer- to the complex decision-making keep abreast of the kaleidoscopic
sity. programs. "The fi'st is the process." However, he added that economic changes on a world-
recognition of the need for getting in the end businessmen must make wide basis. Never in its history has
and analyzing the facts. The see- the judgment and live with the business faced greater opportuni-
ond is the over-riding importance risk, ties and a more demanding, all-
of people." Donner then elaborated upon encompassing, array of challenges.
Never have there been so many at-
tractive alternatives for the con-
sumer's dollar, and never in his-
tory has competition place as high
-:>a premium on management to run
ahead of the pack."
Donner cited these challenges as
advantages to the young men of
today. They present the oppor-
tunity for young executives to
"flex their muscles, to use their
talents constructively and to en-
large their own horizons. The per-
son who has the capacity and the
:--desire to make the most of these
opportunities has every assurance
of a long and stimulating career
in business."
A career in business, Donner
concluded, "is an open invitation
to a life-long education in busi-
ness. It is an education that Is
available as a member of many
highly skilled and professional
business teams, large or small,
that are making a contribution In
the world today. It is an education
in which the challenge will grow
as rapidly as the individual's
abilities. It is an education that
demands full participation -- ac-
tively and purposefully - in the
work of the world."
At the end of his speech, Don-
ner was presented with a gold
:<> medal and a scroll which con-
stitute the Business Leadership
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi Award. The award is presented
FREDERIC G. DONNER, shown above addressing an audience each year to a prominent business-
last night in Rackham Lecture Hall, was awarded the 1967 man who has shown an interest in
Business Leadership Award. Donner is chairman of theboard of standing of the responsibilities of
General Motors. business to society.

the University in 1960 according tion. It shows the enormous that the state contributes to the "Competition, Hays said, "is as classroom
to an Office of Institutional Re- amount of "support" activities- University budget may reflect in- much of a thr;eat to our student- change ar
search report on student credit clerical work, libraries, etc.-that, creasing emphasis on activities faculty ratio as money. We have ness. It is
hours and direct costs. The report go into production of a student that cannot be directly related to! an increasingly difficult time find- interaction
also indicated that it costs about credit hour. instruction such as research ing enough assistant professors al- of educatio
7 times as much to produce a doc- In addition, there is a large grants. though we have been able to hold cation in b
toral candidate credit hour as it amount of University expense that Paul F. Merins of the Office of our own. "The gr
does to produce an undergraduate cannot be directly tide to instruc- Institutional Research commented,, "At least so far," Hays added, he continu
credit hour. tion-such as new research grants.'"We get a much smaller propor- eur student-faculty ratio has ciplines y
The report dramatizes, perhaps, These "instructional periphera" tion of our money from the state eoodSomeofta us or
the increasing complexity of edu- contribute to the production of a than other institutions in the state bu I think we can compare fav- However
cation at the University. Only student credit hour by attracting devoted to instruction only. Per- b Iby tin we can cop e v- tHoweve
about 30 per cent of the total top-notch faculty and providing haps the smaller percentage the concluded.scoi wt
Conclded.also view I
University budget is channeled to- research facilities for students. University receives from the state _
_--- is some indication of the character
_____1of education here. Money devoted COMPLETED BY 1968:

and research lab spark
nd innovation in busi-
out of this continuing
that .the full potentials
on for business and edu-
business are realized.
eat thing in business,"
ed, "is to apply the dis-
ou've learned in highI
college to problems in
Donner was careful to:
hat the individual must
his future as a continu-

WASHINGTON-Republican congressional leaders
Dirksen and Gerald R. Ford yesterday in a news conf
dorsed Central Intelligence Agency subsidization o
groups and other private foundations as necessary.
Dirksen said that criticism of CIA's financial s
private international organizations 'amounts to "littlen
a Roman holiday."
Ford, the House GOP leaders, added that in at lea
the eight years he served on a House "CIA watchdog'
tee, the chairman and ranking Republican members
such expenditures.
highest accumulative grade-point average in the histo

to expenditures otner than tnose
related directly to instruction (mo-
ney we get from sources other'
=than the state) has become an in-
creasingly important part of the
educational process - especially
James E. Lesch, administrative
assistant to the Vice President of
Academic Affairs said that it is
difficult to measure the quality
-Er-~ - of education at an institution
through cost per student credit
Everett M. hour.
erence en- "Our average cost per student
f student credit hour here (about $40) is
perhaps lower than a comparable
upport of figure at a private institution such
as Harvard, but our average fa,--
more than ulty scale is the highest or second
highest of all other public-sup-'
ast two of ported institutions," Lesch con-
commit- tinued.
approved "If we were to increase our ex-
penditures per student credit hour.
we would not necessarily have
higher quality education here.
ored their There are too many factors. or
example, we could all allocae
ry of the mon o iDn nav for90 newfar 1fv

Old 'U' Administration Building To Get New Faces

Early in 1968, the Salmon Loaf
will be vacated by its present
occupants, the executive officers of
the University, in favor of the
new, air-conditioned office build-
ing currently being built directly
across the way. The Salmon Loaf
is an endearing term for that mod-
el of early 1950 architecture pres-
ently used as an Administration
Building. You know, the place
where you wait in line for Win-
dow A.
The faculty of the literary col-t
lege will then move into the space
vacated by President Hatcher and
company. The move is designed to
ease the severe overcrowding of
office space in the Angell Hall
According to James Lesch, ad-
ministrative assistant to the vice-
nresident for academie affairs, the

': tho rnrnrntnt oitn it nnneirinrr nff_

!hv n rlitricinrn of f1-in TT"i[7nNai4,wfle I

the presensi te, is uuusiueleu o- uy ay uivisiuni oWite uuiversity s
campus and less accessible to the public relations office. In addi-
students than the present building. tion, WUOM will remain on the
Exactly which departments will fifth floor due to the specialized
move and just how much space nature of the equipment the radio
each will receive in the present station uses.
Administration Building is still a The Regents will meet in a lo-
matter of negotiation within the cation in the new building. The
dean's office of the literary col- Regents Room, presently on the
lege. In all probability the fac- second floor, is slated to be con-
ulty of the social sciences will verted into a departmental meet-
move into office space on the sec- ing room. The Administrative
ond, third and fourth floors of the Dean's Room, directly adjoining
building. In this case the build- !the Regents Room, will be used
ng would be renamed the Social by the literary college as a sem-
Science Building. inar room for doctoral examina-
tions and related activities.
These plans, and the floor plan j Some office space in the Ad-
of the new Administration Build- ministration Building is already
ing will not be finalized for at being used by the literary col-
least two months. lege for departmental offices. The
The exact nature of the plans geography department occupies
for the old Administration Build- officeand laboratory space on the
ing will hinge, to a great extent, I fourth floor, and the political sci-
on the amount of funds which can anra cr - ,n t -r

space from a greatly enlarged fac- the crowded conditions. As Lesch
ulty. put it, "When a professor comes
Lesch indicated that the office from a school in the East where
situation is beginning to hurt the he had a private office, and sees
University in attracting new pro- he will have to share one here;
fessors. Some prospective faculty the position suddenly becomes less
members are disenchanted with attractive."

. } ... .

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