-1 Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF-BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS .............. ". .......~....nh..~..... . .... .. . ..,. ..ttv',r:;. .. .... ........ .. .. . . . . . . . . . POWHER POETR Te Courage To Serve' POETRYby MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH .;...: .: a:: a:.:: :rv vr: r~rh :xv..:^...^r...........::..........,...r::::r.:....................... :.:...... .. .n;...: :::: ...:a.:, v:F,: ...F. .F. .f 'x: i. . .. .r r . .Mv....S...... _..>_.. . . I Wbere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICIi. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKEI Chicago Ranking.Revision: Who's Kidding Whom? UNIVERSITY administrators around the countrr should take a lesson from those running the University of Chicago. For it seems that a group of admini- trators has finally found a means of cir- cumventing student demands which threaten to upset traditional lines of uni- versity authority. The idea, of course, is to make students think they're getting something they want while in truth they're not receiving any- thing at all. Chicago students had been agitating for months for abolition of class rank there. Last May, they tied up the admin- istration building for several days to pro- test the school's cooperation with the Se- lective Service System. The sit-in un- doubtedly caused a great deal of embar- rassment for university officials, and something had to be done. THEREFORE, on Tuesday, Chicago Pres- ident George W. Beadle announced that the university would no longer sup- ply local boards with class-rank lists of male students. Ostensibly, this signaled the end of Chicago's present policy on the draft. But a closer study of the situation re- veals that very little was, in fact, altered. Class ranking was not abolished-the spe- cial ranking of males alone was ended. A composite class rank of both male and female Chicago students will be compiled, and this rank will still be available to draft boards. The Selective Service will be satisfied, and hopefully-for the admin- istration-students will be too. IT SEEMS STRANGE that other univer- sity administrators beset 'by anti-rank sentiment have not thought of this rath- er simple, clever solution to the problem. Just think of the hassle that might have been prevented here last semester. -SUE REDFERN H AD I BEEN told on Feb. 11, 1961, what I would witness in the coming year I not only would not have believed it but also would not have undertstood it. If the 1965-1966 school year was strange, the 1966-1967 year nearly defies comprehension. WE ARE ALL TOO raw emo- tionally, too involved, too sensi- tive to what has gone on to hope to understand the year objective- ly. It is thus dangerous to try now to draw a moral from the tangled, chaotic web of the year's events. But it is important to try, for perhaps some conclusions about the past will offer some guidance for the future. Perhaps the central unifying factor in the year's miseries and mistakes-the element which un- derlies all the others-is a fear of freedom, a fear of what freedom is and what it means to our lives. The Daily is an example. THE DAILY has freedom: its staff has the editorial freedom to print "all the news that's fit to print, regardless of class, favor, sect or interest;" the freedom to print any editorial it feels is based on fact and rational expression: the freedomto make decisions and accept or ignore advice on their own terms. That freedom has never been pleasing to many outside the Stu- dent Publications Building. Edi- torial freedom means the freedom to condemn the University's com- pliance with HUAC; to urge a greater student voice in Univer- sity decisions; to print the text of a secret Defense Department document saying the University is "known as one basically for rich white students;" to print that Roger Heyns is "seriously inter- ested" in the University presi- dency; to print the secret financ- ing plans for the residential col- lege and the theatre. BUT POSSESSING that free- dom has not always been pleasing to Daily staffers .themselves-for the exercise of that freedom al- most always brings criticism and antagonism. A case in point is The Daily's report yesterday that President Hatcher tried-unsuccessfully-to pressure Board Chairman Luke Cooperrider into torpedoing the appointment of Roger Rapoport as The Daily's next editor. The opposition to Rapoport re- flects antagonism towards his hard-hitting,accurate brand of journalism. And it also reflects antagonism towards The Daily it- self, for Rapoport exemplifies at its best the fearless, responsible exercise of editorial freedom which makes The Daily great. HATUIILR EXPRESSES those antagonioms, and so do Vice Pres- idents Cutler and Radock, who have done their best to defe4t both Raoport and The Daily. They neatly succeeded on Mon- day, when the Board vc.; a 7-4 against accepting Rapoport as next year's editor. The Daily senior editors have been well aware of that kind of antagonism. They were well aware that their appointments recom- mendations would engender con- flict, conflict which might be de- leterious or even fatal to The Daily. But we were, and are, also aware that the slate we offered to the Board is by far the best, and that Rapoport is clearly the first and only choice for editor. IN A SENSE The Daily was faced with the question which the rest of the community faces on similar issues: Should the freedom (not license) to which one is un- deniably justified be curtailed in an attempt to protect that free- dom~? hould we "save"the paper from conflict by not recommend- ing Rapoport? The Daily answered those ques- Lions in the negative. When editors -or human beings-do not exer- cise treedoni for fear of losing it, they do not thereby protect tY at freedom. They have already lost it. To suppose that The Daily-or tho Univers;ty community :n gen- eral, or any element in it from Cinema Guild to the Regents- should protect its freedom from others by stifling that freedom on its own is an illusion. THE EXERCISE of freedom is not merely a right; it is a moral necessity as well. For if a man has abandoned his freedom to make peace with the world, he has lost his own soul. That is the heart of the Uni- versity's own crisis: not a lack of knowledge, not a lack of wisdom, but a lack of "the courage to serve" - to serve one's self and one's fellows by the exercise of freedom, which requires great courage. The University's greatness de- rives in large part because men have had this freedom: the free- dom to think, to dare and to do. The University is now in crisis because. that treedom is under question-not simply from with- out, but also from within. THUS, PRESIDENT ; Hatcher worked courageously to persuade legislators from "investigating" the University and its freedom. He has fought consistently (though at times mistakenly) on issues, he feels imperil our autonomy. In short, he and others have tried to protect the University's freedom. But he and others have also denied and sacrificed and failed to fulfill that freedom - in the University's administration's de- plorable compliance with HUAC (a decision in which Hatcher avoided even participation); its resistance to consulting seriously with students and faculty; its at- tempt to control The Daily; its crackdown in C i n e m a Guild (which is said to include its pos- sible abolishment). THOSE OF US who work on The Daily believe in our freedom, and we believe the University, too, should fight for its freedom-not just when it is popular, but when it is unpopular as well. And ulti- mately we would rather sacrifice our existence than purchase it at the price of our freedom. That is why The Daily senior editors recommended Rapnport despite the consequences. Because, as the old saying goes, it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. 4 Letters: Reasons Behind Board's Action Unclear Indonesia Needs Rebuilding IN A MOVE long overdue, Indonesian President Sukarno has finally turned over the rest of his administrative power to General Suharto. Sukarno, who has led the island nation since 1945, has failed miserably in pro- moting the interests of the people. He avoided developing the country's vast economic potential-untapped resources of minerals and petroleum are located on all the islands, but their exploitation has been stifled. In the meantime, most of the country's 100 million inhabitants remain illiterate subsistence level farm- ers. Sukarno easily captured the passions of the populace 20 years ago with his charismatic leadership and has dominat- ed ever since. The nation was willing to follow him blindly in his aspirations. But while he could have easily initiated economic reforms in the 1950's, his pro- pensity for self-glorification led him to concentrate on building up a powerful army at the expense of needed internal improvements at the village level. HCE SOUGHT and received military aid from both sides of the ideological fence, accumulating big debts from China, Russia and the United States. Unfortunately, in mobilizing, he contin- ued to ignore the economy which sank into hopeless insolvency. He formed no economic-aid alliances and the people's plight deteriorated, while his series of frantic nationalistic moves against Ma- laysia, the United States and "colonial- ists," further drained the initiative of the people. IN SHORT, what Indonesia needs now is full-scale economic assistance and Suharto seems ready to take this major task upon himself. He has made the first move by developing a neutralist stance for the country. With Indonesia back on friendly terms with the United States, he also appears willing to attempt the de- velopment of new trade links with several European countries. For the future, it is the job of the Su- harto government to initiate a radical shift of, both the policies and the views of the people of Indonesia. Without such action, the incessant economic decline, already described as "hopeless," will con- tinue and starvations will increase. Su- harto will probably take up the task of reform and coordination as his first or- der of business. BUT SUKARNO, who retains his title as a figurehead president, is an impor- tant factor as well. He may well have had a change of heart, declaring he wants to fight "for the sake of the people and country." With his popularity among the masses, Sukarno must see his responsibil- ity as an effective agent to persuade the country's conservative masses to accept necessary reforms. -WALLACE IMMEN To the Editor: WE BELIEVE the public-and certainly the student body pub- lic-has a right to be informed why the unanimous selection of the senior editors of The Michigan Daily has been refused by the Board in Control without a single hint of reason given. Is there not a public to be served? Adamant administrative decision against student opinion has perplexed this campus at rhythmic intervals for the past few months and this lat- est incident almost suggests a kind of conspiratorial zeroing-in to thwart the university student com- munity. We are frankly amazed, especially in light of what ap- pears to be an earnest searching on the part of student leadership for reasonable, constructive rela- tionships in the area of Univer- sity decision-making. We believe that the administration has been mainly responsible for stirring the brew, first the SGC, then partially with the Cinema Guild and now with The Daily. Are the powers now going to search for the witch- es? The Daily has long held nation- al acclaim as an outstanding stu- dent newspaper. In our opinion Roger Rapoport has made signifi- cant contributions through that paper beginning even from his freshman year. We have noticed that repeatedly Rapoport has di- rected us to a genuine soul-search- ing. His perception and analysis have been relevant and timely. WE BELIEVE that student or- ganizations such as The Daily and Cinema Guild deserve autono- my; the excellent record of both organizations has fully earned it. The Board in Control has already done significant and irreversible damage by its recent actions. The inevitable side effects are going to be a sort of pervasive pre-censor- ship is this what they want in the Sesquicentennial year? We suggestthat the faculty commit- tee, instead of disengaging them- selves from the issue, should in- vestigate the board and the moti- vating forces behind this irra- tional and absurd move. We also urge the students to play it cool. If The Daily staff decides to strike and if the administration insists upon a showdown, we will mobilize ... in March, April, May ... till Hell freezes over, till two demands are met: (a) The combeback of a new and powerful Daily, and (b) the submission of the Board in Control to the wishes of the edi- tors. -Marjorie Eichmann -Louise Hartung -Ben Hoffman -James Jones -Robert Olson -Henry Wallace Members, Guild House Guild Council, The Soul of Wit To the Editor: THE FRONT PAGE story in Tuesday's Daily on the meeting of the Senate Assembly is mislead- ing. It refers to a "debate" on the question of an investigation of The Daily and, near the end, to "remarks" by Mr. Killingsworth. As one who was present I can testify that Messrs. Killingsworth and Wasserstein were courteously invited to speak at the meeting. Both produced prepared manu- scripts and proceeded to speak for a total of about one hour. This action effectively ruined a mean- ingful debate. Since their "re- marks" were all about editorial freedom and freedom of speech,. I find it noteworthy that they were presented at such length as to deny that freedom to others. A "highly placed" member of the University has told me that the Daily reporter who prepared the story was informed of the length of the speeches of the two Daily editors and that she then com- mented, "But of course they would never let me print that." THE "NEW YORK TIMES of college newspapers?" -Wilfred Kaplan Professor of Mathematics (Our reporter informs me that the remark was made in jest. Prof. Kaplan apparently believes it was made in serious- ness. In either circumstance I apologize for our verbosity and trust any inaccuracies have been corrected.-M.R.K.) 'Irresponsible' To the Editor: AS CHAIRMAN of an ad hoc board to regulate the policies of the Regents and administration, I find that they are unacceptable and must be replaced. But unlike other boards on campus, I am willing to give my reasons. First, one of the Regents can't seem to read, even ads in large print, and I think functional illiteracy should disqualify one from managing a university. Second, the whole group seems to suffer from precarious hearing and poor memory-almost total lack of recall in fact, which borders on the phenomenal. Third, they have to spend so much time running "in and out" to the tele- phone that I'm sure they can't be bothered with University affairs. Whether or not these people are as dumb and fidgety as they seem, they still create a bad image for the University which I have to spend all my time explaining to outraged alumnae. MR. HATCHER is an examnple. I find him "irresponsible" and an "unacceptable candidate" for pres- ident, and certainly not very sweet or lovable. My committee suggests that we replace the Regents, which have made us an academic laughing stock, with a group which has brought us some measure of renown, one which is able to read and remember overnight what it heard at meetings, one which has some respect for truth and open discussion. In short, my committee recommends Roger Rapoport and The Daily staff to run the Uni- versity.. --Gorman Beauchamp, Grad Independence To the Editor: THE ACTION of the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions in not accepting the pro-, posed slate of Daily -editors has resulted in the present crisis. To my mind, however, it also points up a related issue-the desirabil- ity of having a truly independent student newspaper at the Univer- sity. ) _I- . 7 . , + f ., L :-., 1 , i 1 __ x woo" / .r t=. At Cornell and Harvard, for ex- ample, the student papers are au- tonomous corporations operating without university control or re- view (or subsidy), responsible for their actions in the same way as is any newspaper. There is no reason that The Michigan Daily could not operate as an independ- ent entity, and there are many reasons why they should; however, there are some aspects of its present status which could im- pede its attaining this goal. AMONG the various paths to independence are capitalizing and starting a new paper, or having the present Daily break away from the University. This second alter- native raises the question of ex- actly how, and by whom, The Daily is owned. The masthead lists the Board in Control of Student Publications as owners; what then is the board's exact connection with the University, and/or the Regents? One may ask as well whether full time employes (such as lino- type operators and pressmen) work for TheDaily, the board, or the University, and what arrangements are made by The Daily for its space in the Student Publications Building. Finally, to what, extent has the Daily been self-support- ing, captitalizing and financing its own operations, and to what ex- tent has the University provided support? THE ANSWERS to such ques- tions as these will help determine just how (or if) The Daily could equitably break its ties with the University. If the facts indicate that The Daily has been self-sup- porting, and that its growth has been financed by its own profits, then a simple secession may be all that is necessary. If, on the other hand, the University's subsidy has been significant, then some form of payment may well be in order. -Mark Kritz, Grad LETTERS All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. A I Greek Theatre Lacks Funds A "WE MUST PATRONIZE the arts." So says one of the characters in "The Birds," a satirical comedy written by Aris- tophanes for the play festivals of ancient Greece. Last summer, this work, plus the tragedy "Oresteia" by Aeschylus, was performed at the Ypsilanti Greek Theatre, and received tremendous critical acclaim. Unfortunately this artistic success has been clouded by a $450,000 debt incurred during the theatre's opening season. Even widespread support by local residents has not proved enough to insure the survival of the project--the world's first major professional group regularly producing Greek drama in English. People connected with the theatre have not given up, and are considering sev- eral plans for raising funds before March 1. Luckily the federal government is al- lowing the group to make delinquent pay- ments on employe withholding taxes. Any contributions from the public at this time would alleviate some of the financial strain, and would help guaran- tee the appearance of the programs in 1967. Checks should be addressed to: Ypsi- lanti Greek Theatre, 130 Huron Street, Ypsilanti, Mich. --AVIVA KEMPNER - '1 TINt'. MAYS- , WHJEP, &C-1 QL . :At&MME~t t ..... .......................................... ......... .. ":'..".:A . .,..... 4, .trt. r: .. {4 AV..' . ,'} ...? :.".. . . .h... . . . .... .... .... . . . . : 1.., ...................................r..................,........... . . ..................................................................... ... ...f.. .1.... , ..... ......1..... 4... .. ..........1 r .,.....:...A... .,"A............... CIA Disclosures Bring Public Outcry .4 Theology and The Senator SENATOR EVERETT McKinley Dirksen (R-Ill), has got this thing about mari- golds and public prayer. He has vowed to make that glorious plant the national flower. And last week he again proposed that Congress initiate an amendment to the Constitution that would legalize pray- er in the public schools. He is seeking to negate the 1964 Su- preme Court decision which banned pray- er in public schools. Dirksen has tried and failed every year since the decision was made. Speculation is that he will fail again this year. In fact, national press reports paint Dirksen as not serious about pressing for' congressional acceptance this time. THE SENATOR will be getting support from absolutely nowhere. Sentiment is against the senator's proposal. Along with the normal flood of anti-prayer letters, Dirksen will be receiving pressure from the National Council of Churches to dis- card the amendment. The general board of the NCC has tak- en an overwhelming stand against the senator. Churchmen now feel that the country's political framework allows max- (c), 1967, The Washington Post Co. THE NOISES you hear around the CIA announce the Big Thaw which has been under way in Europe for several years and has now reachedAmerica. Thedice of the cold war is breaking up, and, as the climate is changing, the landscape is changing, too. The older and more permanent features of the American scene are reappearing. Thus, only a year ago in April, 1966, the New York Times publish- ed a series of articles on the CIA. They exposed more systematically than Ramparts Magazine has to- day the elaborate infiltration of American institutions by the CIA. Yet there was no general outcry. Now there is a tremendous out- cry, and the CIA operation has Sixties is now taking place here. The gap which has existed for some years between European and American thinking, the gap which has caused so much misunder- standing and dislike, is closing. In Europe this phenomenon has man- ifested itself in an almost total loss of interest in NATO and the other institutions of the cold war. Here the change first manifested itself in our acceptance of the changes in Europe. It manifests itself today in a revulsion against the enorm- ity of the corruption which has resulted from the cold war. THE ENORMITY OF the cor- ruption stems from the secret use of government funds to deceive the world-to deceive the Com- munists, to deceive our friends and allies and to deceive ourselves. Today an ( Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN event shows that, while a free country like the United States can, if it is sufficiently frightened, imitate the methods of a totalita- rian state, once the fear is relaxed, the more enduring tradition and spirit cannot be kept down. In the last analysis a free sys- tem like ours can be manipulated; only if there is enough panic and fear. The old and real character' of the people will not stay sup- rets of rival powers, with calcula- ting their capabilities and esti- mating their intentions. For the present outcry is due to the fact that the U.S. govern- ment has compromised professions and institutions on whose purity the hopes of American freedom depends. Why did the CIA, with the full responsibility of the Presidents above it, do this? Why did the government not subsidize openly the students and professors who were to go abroad to argue the American case against the Com- munists? They did not do it because they believed that deception was a practical necessity. If the students and professors went only on gov- ernment expense accounts neutral o~nin~ion abroad would nlner munist right, the McCarthys, Mundts and the like, to appropri- ate public money for American leftists. Therefore, everybody had to be deceived. AS WE ARE recovering our senses. no longer entirely blinded by our fears, we need to examine our consciences and search our souls. We have seen the enormous deception crumble, and the true lesson is the sovereign rule of a people: to yourselves be true. It is not easy to do this when fear and panic are in the air. Men are irrational and beside themselves when they are part of a frightened herd. As we are ourselves again it be- comes self-evident that we cannot play international games as if we were a totalitarian society. For the men who carried out the operation 24