T l MI l EA 11 IF1lAJIV
Big Ten Hands Down
Scandal Ultimatum
Dye Named NU Director
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Big Ten athletic
directors yesterday called for Illi-
nois to dismiss football coach Pete
Elliott, basketball coach Harry
Combers and assistant basketball
coach Howard Braun, or show
cause why the school's member-
ship in the conference should not
be suspended or terminated.
Illinois has five days to decade
whether to appeal the ruling in
its athletic slush fund scandal to
faculty representatives.
In Violation
The athletic directors, sitting as
a jury in trying the Illini's self-
acknowledged financial aid irreg-
ularities, said that Elliott, Combes
and Braun "have been in violation
of certain conference rules and
regulations relating to financial
assistance to athletes and to the
source and uses of funds in the
recruiting of athletes."
The directors voted unanimously
to invoke the penalty prescribed
in this conference rule:.
"Any member university which
employs or retains on its athletic
staff anyone who has violated, or
Ilni Reply
Due Today
By The Associated Press
hr CHAMPAIGN - The president
of the University of Illinois said
last night he will issue a state-
ment "no later than tomorrow"
on the Big Ten athletic directors'
demand that the school show
cause why three Illinois coaches
should not be dismissed.
Dr. David D. Henry said he
would await a full report by
James Costello, his special assist-
ant and personal representative,
who attended the athletic direc-
tors' meeting in Chicago yesterday.
"I'm sure we'll have something.
to release on the subject and it
won't be later than tomorrow,"
said Dr. Henry, adding: "It's not
a very pleasant situation, that s
for certain.".
No Comment
Head football coach Pete Elliott,
reached by radio station WSOY of
Decatur, and basketball coach
Harry Combes, from his home
here, both declined comment and
said any statement would have to
come fron President Henry.
Elliott appeared stunned when
Sid Rotz, WSOY sports director,
read him an account of the Big
Ten directors' ultimatum. He ask-
ed that the story be read to him
three times, then said:
"Any statement would have to
come through the offic als of the
Combes, reached by the Asso-
ciated Press, said, "No comment.
Prof. Henry will make any neces-
sary statement and that's it."
who has been a party to a viola-
tion of the provisions of this rule
recruiting regulation, or who en-
courages others to violate this rule
shall be required to show cause
why its membership in the confer-
ence should not be suspended or
Appeal is open, not only to the
university, but also to the affect-
ed staff members.
Illinois Gets the Dirty Work
In the absence of any appeal,
the recommended penalty will
necesarrily be referred to the fac-
ulty represent)tives for imple-
mentation since only that gr )up
can act upon membership status,"
said Commissioner Bill Reed.
The athletic directors also re-
ferred to the faculty representa-
tives the fina! determination of
eligibility of 12 Illinois football
and basketball players, who re-
ceived unauthci ized financial as-
Reed said the athletic diretors
to protect the rights of appeal,
agreed that they would make no
further comment at this time and
directed Reed to do likewise.
Either Or...
Reed added that Illinois' mem-
bership in the conference hinges
on whether or not the coachesare
The Illini scandal, involving
only $21,000 in an off-campus
fund administered by alumni, ex-
ploded early last December in the
midst of the school's search for
an athletic director to replace
Doug Mills, who resigned earlier.
On Dec. 23, Illinois indefinitely
suspended seven footbail players
and five basketball players who
benefitted with 17 former Illini
athletes from the unauthorized
fund over the past five yeqrs.
The school also placed Elliott.
and Combes on one year proba-
tion, banning both from personal
contact recruiting.
There will be a power weight-
lifting contest tonight at 7:30.
Anyone interested may attend
and participate in the event,
which is to Abe held in the IM
The Michigan Judo Club will
hold a meet at 7 tonight in the
Wrestling Room of the IM Build-
ing. The opponent is Eastern
Michigan and admission is free.
Pete Elliott:
CHAMPAIGN (P)-Threat of
dismisal at Illinois hit head foot-
ball coach Pete Elliott at a time
things appeared to be on upswing
for his Fighting Illini.
The Illini dipped to a -4-6 over-
al record last season, but Elliott
effectively brought along a solid
sophomore crop which had some
experts tabbing the team as a
strong 1967 Big Ten contender.
At that, the 1966 Illini finished
in a third-place tie with Michigan
at 4-3, following a rollercoaster
pattern Pete had since his arrival
from California in 1960.
Elliott, with a freshly-scrubbed
All-America boy look, is a veteran
of 18 years of major college coach-
ing. He grew up in Bloomington,
50 miles from the Illini campus,
and won all-state quarterback
honors in high school there. He
also starred in basketball and
He joined the Navy Air Force
after high school, spent one year
at Park College in Missouri and
then transferred to Michigan. He
became the only 12-letterman in
Michigan history.
He was a quarterback on the
1947 Michigan team that romped
over Southern California 49-0 in
the Rose Bowl and the 1948 Big
Ten and national championship
He become the third Illinois
head coach since 1913 when he
took over the Illini in 1960. Bob
Zuppke and Ray Eliot had pre-
ceded him. He and brother Bump
became the only head coaching
brother act in Big Ten history.
Two of Elliott's greatest stars
were linebacker Dick Butkus, 1963-
64, and fullback Jim Grabowski,
r His seven year record at Illinois{
was 31-34-1.
Harry Combes:
Cage Coach
CHAMPAIGN(,')-Only the latej
Bob Zuppke, for 29 seasons the
football wizard of Illinois, has had
a longer Illini head coaching ca-
reer than Harry Combes, the dis-
missed - threatened basketball
This was the 20th season for the
thin, solemn-faced Combes but no
sooner had it started than the
school uncovered financial aid ir-
regularities which brought on a
Big Ten investigation and stripped
Combes of five players, including
two stars.
The scandal broke Dec. 23 and
scoring leader Rich Jones and star
center Ron Dunlap, along with
two reserves and a freshman were
suspended indefinitely.
Combes' immediate offer to quit
was rejected by the school.
Combes graduated from Illinois
in 1937 and joined Champaign
High School as an assistant coach
in basketball and football and
head baseball coach.
Combes was named Illinois' head
basketball coach in 1948 and in
the next 19 years he produced
four Big Ten champions and ony
one of his teams finished under
.500 for the season.
Last year Combes reached the
300th victory plateau and No. 300
was a 99-93 triumph over Mich-
igan's eventual champions at Ann
By The Associated Press
EVANSTON-Tippy Dye, a little
chap with a big personality,
switched as athletic director yes-
terday from Nebraska, a Big Eight
football power, to Northwestern
University. the Big Ten's smallest
and only private school.
Dye, 51, paid his second luter-
view visit here Tuesday and made
an overnight decision at Lincoln,'
Neb., to accept the Northwestern
athletic directorship vacated Dec.
1 by Stu Holcomb.
Holcomb, like Dye a former,
Ohio State star athlete, resigned
to become general manager of the
Chicago Mustangs in the new
North America Soccer League.
No Contract
As a Northwestern administra-
tor, also appointed a professor in
the department of athletics in the
college of arts and sciences, Dye
will serve without a contract at
the pleasure of the school presi-
dent, Dr J. Roscoe Miller.
His salary is estimated at be-
tween $20,000 and $25,000 an-
"I made the decision with mix-
ed emotions, leaving Nebraska is
not an easy thing to do," said Dye,
a brilliant all-around athlete at
5-foot-7 and 140 pounds.
He graduated to basketball
coaching jobs at, Ohio State and
Washington and athletic director-
ships at Wichita and Nebraska.
"We have a fine athletic pro-
gram at Nebraska, made possible
by a splendid staff and the won-
derfu cooperation of thehpeople
of the state.
Hired Devaney
"A t the same time, I feel it is
a great honor and a challenge to
accept the Northwestern position.
I also look forward to renewing
my associations with the Big Ten."
Dye came to Nebraska in 1961
after the Cornhuskers had six
losing football seasons. He hired
Bob Devaney, his likely successor
as athletic director, who zoomed
Nebraska to national prominence
with an over-all 44-8 record.
Contrasted with Nebraska's Big
Eight dominance last season,
Northwestern's Wildcats under
Alex Agase finished seventh in
the Big Ten with 2-4-1.
The Wildcats haven't had a
winning season since Ara Parsegh-I
ian posted 5-4 in 1963 before hex
switched to a highly-successful re-
gime at Notre Dame.
At Northwestern, Dye will over-
see athletic fortunes at a school
with an undergraduate enrollment
of 6000, high tuition, high en-
trance requirements and tough re-
cruiting against the other state-
supported Big Ten members and
Notre Dame.
Reportedly, Dye was receiving
$20,000 annually at Nebraska
where he also hired Joe Cipriano,
one of his old Washington cagers,
and perked up the caliber of Husk-
er basketball in recent seasons.
President Miller commented,
"We look forward to Tippy Dye's
continued success at Northwest-
ern, which recognizes the value of
intercollegiate athletics but places
paramount importance on the uni-
versity's high standards of ad-
mission, scholarship and re-
As an Ohio State athlete, Dye
quarterbacked the Buckeyes' 1936
Big Ten championship football
team and twice won all-confer-
ence honors in basketball.
"I haven't stayed anywhere very
long-nine years at Washington
the most--and at 51 this probably
is my last move," said Dye.
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