PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 PAGE- SiX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 Submit 4-Page Articles for a booklet on STUDENTS AND UNIVERSITY DECISION MAKING UNANIMOUS VOTE: Committee Agrees To Seat Powell Study Group Urges Price Control Board +I To: Guild House 802 Monroe 662-5189 ART FILM: Ingmar Bergman's VIRGIN SPRING Sat., Feb. 25 NEWMAN CENTER 331 Thompson 7& 9 P.M. WASHINGTON 0P) - A select House committee reached unani- mous agreement late yesterday on a recommendation that Adam Clayton Powell be seated, cen- sured and docked a portion of his pay. Although Chairman Emanuel Celler (D-N.Y.), told reporters after another long day's meeting that "we are still deliberating this matter," it was learned" that all but a few minor details had been agreed on., The principal punishment the group plans to recommend to the House is that Powell be forced to pay back government funds he allegedly converted to his own use. This is expected to be in the neighborhood of $35,000. Rep. Claude D. Pepper (D-Fla) , still proclaiming he favors Pow- ell's expulsion 'from the House, told reporters he plans to sign the report recommending Powell be seated and censured. "As the report will be written I am going to sign it but that de- pends on how it is written," Pep- per said as he left the meeting at midafternoon en route to a Flor- ida speaking engagement. Celler confirmed that the com- mittee's recommendations will bc unanimous. "Every member will sign the report," he said. The re- port is expected to contain a sec- tion spelling out Pepper's conten- tion that the controversia' Harlem Democrat be expelled. Pepper said the report will take I 50c admission note of "differences of opinion" within the committee, assigned to consider allegations of official misconduct against Powell and recommend a course of action. The nine-member special com- mittee planned to meet again this morning to review a final draft of its report and to sign the docu- ment formally for submission to the House later in the day. The group will hold a news conference this afternoon to detail its rec- ommendations. .House action is expectedI next Tuesday or Wednesday. In working out its final report the committee omitted a proposal that Powell lose the power to hire and fire m nmbeibsof his personal staff. Stiffer Punishment Likewise, the committee appar- ently decided not to recommend some of the stiffer punishments suggested, such as taking away all of Powell's congressional senior- ity and forcing him to give up his plush Rayburn Building office suite. The recommendation to dock part of, Powell's $30,000-a-year salary is based on a law permit ting Congress to withhold pay from members to satisfy claims by the government. The bulk of the money Powell al- legedly owes stems from approxi- mately $30,000 paid in salary to his wife after passage of a law in July 1965, that staff members work either in Washington or the congressman's home state. Mrs. Powell, who lives in Puerto The rest of the money the con- Rico, testified she received only mittee claims Powell owes is based two pay checks during this period on a number of plane trips to Mi- before being dropped from the ami by Powell and staff members House payroll last month. She of the. Committee on Education and the congressman are es- and Labor en route to Powell's tranged. fishing retreat on the Bahamas Testimony before an earlier in- isle of Bimini. vestigation of Powell's activities Powell formerly headed the La- indicated the money had been bor Committee but was stripped of banked in Powell's House account the chairmanship by House Dem- by a staff member at the con- ocrats at the start of the current gressman's direction. Congress. GHETTO EXPERIENCE: Father B0yd SayTs Negro RiosUeu WASHINGTON (IR-Congress is being urged to create a board that could move in with some authority when wage or price increases threaten to fan inflation. The latest suggestions come from Walter P. Reuther, presi- dent of the United Auto Workers and from the National Planning Association, a privately financed economic study group. They were aired at Senate- House Economic Committee hear- ings on President Johnson's annu- al report on the economy, at a time when the government is pon- dering what to do about a penny- a-gallon increase in gasoline prices. Outstanding Feature An outstanding feature of John- son's economic report is some- thing that isn't there: a specific percentage guide for labor and management to keep increases in line with rising productivity. During 1966 the administration had suggested 3.2 per cent as a general guide. Organized labor, by and large, did not accept the fig- ure and some major collective bargaining settlements ignored it. Undersecretary of the Interior Charles F. Luce noted in discuss- ing the gasoline price increase with a reporter Tuesday that the government now has no specific price control authority. He said , Uncle Russ presents a Benefit Dance Concert for the GRETA GARBO HOME FOR WAYWARD PARENTS Here's your chance to help Parents have some good clean fun without topless or Go-go girls--at the'Grande. Turn on Moat and Dad and hang up your hang-ups together. Love! ' Fri. nite: Scott Richard Case The Vpillage Beaus Sat. nite: Jagged Edge The D.S.R. ran4e Rafto0m Grand River at Beverly 1 block South of Joy Road *You must be 17 and prove it Birth Certificates and driver's licenses only. Parents admitted free when accompanied by a minor. By JIM HECKl "Demonstrations serve no pur- pose, but riots work," Father Mal- colm Boyd told a Sunday after- noon crowd of 500 in the Uniont Ballroom. Father Boyd, an Episcopalian priest speaking in UAC's sympos- ium series on "The Urban Ghet- to in America," has learned the problems of the urban poor first- hand. Although Boyd has lived in ghettos in all the major U.S. cities he said he could "only present personal experience-no solutions." Father Boyd spoke mainly about the Watts riot. He quoted a Negro leader as saying, "We're all just fed up." Father Boyd claimed the riots were not initiated by "hood- lums" and "criminals." "Social workers had been treat- ing people like animals," he re- marked. "Stores gave inferior mer- chandise. Day-old bread was 15' cents more in Watts than in Bev- erly Hills." Proposition 14 of the City Council had just been passed, which said in effect that Negroes couldn't live next to whites in Watts. He commented that one Negro1 boy he talked with was told by' his high school teacher, "All you need is a shop course." Father Boyd said that demon- strations serve no purpose, but that "riots get through." He said after the riots, Watts got 80 per cent of the poverty money alloted for that section of California. He said that Negroes have no figurehead, now, and are discon- tended with Martin Luther King. He quoted one Negro as saying, "King talking to Negroes sounds like Johnson talking to the U.S." "You all know, there is no black power," he said putting down, his notes. "There is no male Negro figurehead anymore." "And yet, whites have reacted violently to 'black power.'" Father Boyd said he was dis- guested with all the talk about non-violence since, "the only vio- lence is white violence." At one point Father Boyd con- tended, "You come to a Univer- sity that doesn't train you for the outside world." The audience re- sponded by clapping and cheering, and he followed up his comment by saying he believes there are "many unintellectuals, here." Increase in imports with a view to discouraging higher prices. Johnson's 1967 economic report, while not suggesting any specific guideline figure, reasserts the principle of keeping increases in line with productivity. Presumably, as economist Ger- hard Colm told the Senate-House committee, the intention is to continue the present practice by which the President or his princi- pal economic adviser tries to talk business and labor spokesmen Into observing a standard. But Colm asked, "Does the Pres- ident believe that the present ne- cessarily vague formulation will really have an effect on any busi- ness decision or union demand? He also questioned whether the at- tempt to formulate guides for specific industries might not take up an inordinate amount of the time of the Council of Economic Advisers. Productivity Board He proposed setting up, perhaps in the projected combined Com- merce-Labor Department, a price- wage - productivity board. The President could refer to it the problem of industries he would specify as crucial for economic growth and price stability. The board then would establish special committees to spell out guidelines for these industries. The President could pass the reports to Congress which, in extreme cases, could take legislative action. Reuther's proposal for a price wage review board was even more detailed. If established by law, he said, such a board could have au- thority to hold hearings and pow- er to subpoena witnesses and rec- ords. rdCorporation Requirement Corporations in a position of price leadership in a key industry would be required to give the board 60 days' notice of any in- tended price increases. The board could then conduct hearings and make determinations which, how- ever, would not be binding on the corporation, but would rely on public opinion to bring about com- pliance. He envisioned also the post of consumer counsel to represent the interests of consumers at review board proceedings. Corporations subject to the procedure could plead that price rises were forced by union, demands, in which erase the union as well as the corpora- tion would be summoned to the hearing. Reuther sugested a similar procedure could be worked out on a voluntary basis, using existing agencies, even without legislation. jI i one action being considered is an U', Ii /111/lel SABBATH ,SERVICE Tomorrow at 7:15 JOHN PLANER, Cantor and The HillelChoir directed by STEVEN OVITSKY will chant the Service. JOAN SPITZER, organist After tomorrow, Sabbath Services will resume March 10 Across Campus, THURSDAY, FEB.23 7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild presents Carl Dreyer's-"Ordet" in the Architecture Aud. 8 p.m. - The School of Music presents Gounod's opera "Faust" in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. FRIDAY, FEB. 24 7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild presents Carl Dreyer's "Ordet" in in the Architecture Aud. 8 p.m. -- The School of Music presents Gounod's*opera "Faust" in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 8:30 p.m.-The School of Music presents a flute recital by Alex- ander Le Seur in the North Cam- pus Recital Hall. SATURDAY, FEB. 25 7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild presents experimental dance films in the Architecture Aud. 8 p.m. - The School of Music presents Gounod's opera "Faust" in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre., THE INDIVIDUAL AND HIS RELIGION (A PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION) TONIGHT: THE NATURE OF FAITH GUILD HOUSE, 802 Monroe Street, 7:30 P.M. A seminar in religion, led by Lloyd W. Putnam, and open to all students. I Subscribe to The Michiran. Daily 1429 Hill Street All Welcome Sponsored by: 2282 SAB The Office of Reliigous Affairs 764-7442 Pr/ ----t-. i---- - . L -.I . -- - - . a N 1- - . - I r I. I 4< ^?_X# 4.,... ..~.niC A~x~ .Ev eaYS L _._6&5 TN >aS w w3 a....4?' f 8. R. . x ' Y tti ._./L) S a.Y&r"1. 4:°R ~%~eLSi ' r ~ fk o. y1R6M.YJf. Y . :".'+a ' .+., . '".".'f,."{J'.'+j"{Y4 ?ti'v}":: 5'P," P& f,.. Sc. *4,. .'AYR y44 3..,, 4@ h' h1 r Y l "i' ab.. , ":+:.r .h" .Raw, a4.a . P.". a.. ..a.. r.. wf{v. '{" "r .C":.{l... .e. :: V.".o.".".'."naaor: asaocavr:.":.:. ". v.4.G."." a".v.". "ada". iaa G ,"T: raK a@ ?,aw:{{aC4 rn S }:fi :h's:":. r. '.",Z'.aar if.{ e FnaaS >=}}isa{."::.aaa2"C::y."rA. i.