PAM TIMEE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 THE MICHIGA1%T flAllY PAEW 'I'WUU'W a .a asa aaawa. G Veteran General LAI KHE,-South Vietnam ()- There are two main schools of thought on how to win the war in Vietnam. One is that you have to win the hearts and minds of the peo- ple with good works and fine ex- ample, the dove-like approach. This is difficult in Vietnam, where the enemy is highly motivated, in- herently cunning and deeply en- trenched. The other way to win is to blast the enemy into surrender or into eternity with the biggest barrage of explosives possible, the hawk- like approach. Of the two, Maj. Gen. William E. DePuy prefers the second. He it the fighter who guided the U.S. Indo 1st Infantry Division, the "Big Red One," with dynamic drive for a long year. "Just unload the biggest, the loudest poundage of bombs and artillery on a given area," DePuy would say. "Then watch the Viet Cong run out into your arms." The two-star general, from Jamestown, N.D., completed his Vietnam tour of duty two weeks ago but left his mark on the countryside. The landscape north of Saigon is slashed and scarred where Army bulldozers carved away mile after mile of Viet Cong forest hideouts and base camps.' Blackened patches indicate where suspect enemy villages once stood. The people were resettled in gov- ernment-held areas, their former homes burned. Thousands of bomb and artil- lery shell craters pit paddyfields and jungles as though smallpox had raged across the face of the earth. The single-mindedness with which DePuy pursued his scorched earth solution might have made him something of a legend in other wars, where victory and de- feat were more easily discernible. DePuy's dash on the battlefield and his hair-raising flights into fire fights by helicopter gave him the image of something like a latter day Gen. George S. Patton of World War II fame. avor But Vietnam is not World War' II. Generals come and go. DePuy drew criticism in U.S. civilian agencies in Vietnam. They considered he had a light regard for the concepts of pacification. High civilian officials professed to be appalled at his demands for more and more artillery and faster fighterbomber response. They characterized the slim, 47- year-old feneral, a veteran of the Normany invasion, as a man seek- ing a purely military end to what they viewed as an essentially po- litical struggle. DePuy shrugged off the civilian complaints. He ruthlessly pruned his division of officers he felt lacking in his 'lasting requirements. He wanted youth, areas and possible future ones. above-avearage ability, stamina, audacity. Hit hatchet man was Brig. Gen. James F. Hollingsworth, a colorful armored officer of World War II fame. Together they reshaped the devision, supervising every action, investigating every fire fight. De- Puy spent most of his time at for- ward command posts. He was usually airborne as the sun rose each day out of the South China Sea and flicked its rays into the tangled jungles of the Iron Triangle and War Zones C and D, all between Saigon and the cen- tral highlands. From his helicopter, he made' minute inspections of past battle He would point with satisfaction at a river bank blackened by artil- lery fire and napalm and com- ment, "We hammered Charlie there." Or he would nod grimly at a bend in a highway where his men had been hit and say, "We won't repeat that mistake again." DePuy wasn't always identified for his reliance on heavy firepower. For nearly two years he was Gen. William C. Westmoreland's opera- tions chief at U.S. military head- quarters in Saigon. He arrived at a time when counterinsurgency, with its dependence more on small troop actions than big guns, was in vogue. DePuy says he became convinced Viet E of his military theories Aug. 25, 1966, when his troops engaged the Viet Cong's entrenched Phu Loi Battalion. The Americans tried to overrun the enemy positions. Solid concrete held them up. DePuy's orders from then on were for his troops to pull back when they made contact with the enemy and let air and artillery do the rest. He perfected a cloverleaf tech- nique of patrolling. A unit moves forward as a whole, then estab- lishes a base and searches out the enemy to the right and left be- fore moving forward again. This considerably limits the chances of significant ambush. E His division has used a big share of the million artillery shells ex- pended each month by allied for- ces in Vietnam. He advocates the use of more 750-pound bombs. These, he said, when fitted for a delayed explo- sion, will penetrate into the lower levels of Viet Cong tunnels, goug- ing craters 20 feet deep. "Some of my ideas have changed," he said in a recent in- terview. "But I feel that I have succeeded." DePuy was not happy to leave Vietnam. "My heart is here," he said. He asked to stay on, but many U.S. major generals are looking for divisions to command in Viet- nam, and LePuy has had his turn. nemy iesian President Ruling Party FORCES GM LAYOFF: Loses SeatsE Surrenders Powers Retains Title; Gen. Suharto Takes Over Sukarno May Have Resigned To Avoid Trial for Treason JAKARTA, Indonesia 0) - President Sukarno ended an era yesterday by surrendering his re- maining presidential powers, pos- sibly to avoid being tried as a traitor to the country he led to independence. In a statement, Sukarno said he handed over all presidential power to Gen. Suharto, the Indonesian strong man, "for the sake of the people and the country." But he kept the now empty title of presi- dent. Political and military sources said the action yesterday came after Suharto agreed that Su- karno would not be brought to trial on charges of complicity in the Indonesian Communist coup that failed Oct. 1, 1965. In two weeks of intense military pressure, Suharto had warned Sukarno he might be tried. Keep Title, Presumably, Suharto preferred to let Sukarno keep his title to head off trouble among the masses of the 109 million Indonesians, many of whom still regard the president as a god-like figure. "I the president of Indonesia and supreme commander of the armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia, effective today, sur- render executive power," said Su- karno's statement. Sukarno has been president and one-man ruler for most of the 21 past years beginning in the days when he was fighting the Dutch for independence. And his action, forced by the military, may have spared the nation a bloodbath. After Showdown The statement was dated Mon- day, the day after Suharto and the armed forces commanders had a showdown, meeting with Sukar- no. Actually, Suharto took over most presidential powers last March and Sukarno long since ceased to be armed armed forces commander in chief. Sukarno appealed "to all the people, leaders, government ap- paratus and armed forces to con- tinue to intensify the unity of the country and maintain and strengthen the revolution." He expressed hope "that the Almighty God will previal over the Indone- sian people in their aspirations to establish a prosperous society." Sukarno said Suharto would re- port to him regularly on how he was using the presidential powers, but informants said the president now stands alone with- out a political future and this was regarded as a face-saving gesture. -Associated Press INDONESIAN PRESIDENT SUKARNO (left) announced yesterday that he was giving up his executive powers to General Suharto. The move was seen as an attempt to remove all of Sukarno's authority, leaving him in a figurehead role. FOOD SHORTAGES FEARED: Mao .Asks Army To Aid Farms In Ujpcoming Spring Pantin In India Communists' Front, Rightist Group Reduce Government Majority NEW DELHI, India ()- Woes built up for the ruling Congress party last night as returns flowed in from the national elections. Two Cabinet minister lost Parlia- ment seats, and the head of the party was reported to have lost a state legislative post in Madras. In addition, two other members of the Cabinet were trailing. All this came on the heels of a worse then expected defeat at the hands of a Communist front that seized control of the legis- lature in the southern state of Kerala. Retain Seat . Routed in an attempt to retain his parliamentary seat in New Delhi was Housing Minister Mehr Chand Khanna. The rightist Jan Sangh party, which led national agitation against the slaughter of India's sacred cows, won six of seven Parliament seats in New Delhi, including Khanna's. M. L. Sondhi a former foreign service officer, won Khanna's seat. The only member of the Congress party to win his seat in New Delhi was Brahm Per Kash. The Maharaja of Bharatpur hung a stinging defeat on Infor- mation Minister Raj Bahadur. The maharaja campaigned for Parlia- ment as an independent at Bha- ratpur, 100 miles south of New Delhi. Despite early setbacks, the Con- gres party is expected to be in control of Parliament when the voting count from the weeklong elections ends Friday or Saturday. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's parliamentary majority of 361 seats is expected to be sharply re- duced, however. Parliament has . 520 seats. In one closely watched person- ality contest, however, the Con-. gress was doing well. S. G. Barve, a retired civil servant, jumped to a 2-1 lead over leftist former De- fense Minister V. K. Krishna Me- non who is standing as an inde- pendent from Bombay. End Career Should Menon lose, it would probably end his long and con-; troversial political career, which' began a downward slide in 1962; when Jawaharlal Nehru ousted, him as defense minister following, Indian army reverses at the hands, of Communist Chinese troops . Menon angrily quit Congress this' election after the party asked him1 to stand for Parliament somewhere besides his traditional Bombay seat. , Railways Minister S. K. Patil,; who is standing from South Bom- bay, is trailing slightly behnd labor union leader George Fernandes of the Socialist party in early re- turns. The other trailing Cabinet mem- ber is Finance Minister Sachindra Chaudhuri, who appears to be in trouble in Calcutta. He has felt the aftermath of public opinion against the devaluation of India's rupee last year. Also in Calcutta, Atulya Ghosh; treasurer of the Congress party, is trailing 17,000 votes behind a1 Communist. Ghosh is a guiding' figure in the Congress syndicate. On the basis of unofficial re- turns, Congress party President K. Kamaraj failed to win election to1 the state legislature in Madras. These returns indicated he was beaten by 2,000 votes by P. Srini- vasan, a student leader. DETROIT ({P)-The United Auto Workers Union summoned rebel- lious leaders of an Ohio local to Detroit yesterday for a showdown hearing into a wildcat strike that has crippled General Motors, the nation's No. 1 automaker. A GM spokesman said the dis- pute would force the layoff of 133,250 workers at 57 plants in 14 states by the end of second- shift operations last night. This included 12 assembly plants and 45 related plants. Leaders of the defiant Mans- field, Ohio, Local 549, arrived at UAW Solidarity House headquar- ters in late afternoon and were called into an immediate closed- door session. The eight-member delegation was headed by the local union president. Robert Hall. In ordering the Ohio leaders on the carpet, the UAW said the ac- tions of the local's officers may be jeopardizing the success of the inion's 1967 major contract nego- tiations, which will open this sum- mer. Emil Mazey, UAW secretary- treasurer, said in a telegram that conditions in Mansfield "threaten the continuation of the local union." elude the "refusal and defiance" of the local leadership is not coin- plying with an earlier union tele- gram ordering an end to the strike. Louis Seaton, GM vice president strike could force a layoff of all of BM's 240,000 production work- ers, at a daily loss in wages of $6.24 million. He said the average pay is ,$26 a day. Automobile Worker's Strike Jeopardizes UAW Contracts South Vietnamese Premier Fears Sabotage of Elections By The Associated Press BIEN HOA, South Vietnam- Viet Cong efforts to sabotage vil- lage and hamlet elections must be crushed if there is not to "be seven or 10 or 15 more years of var," Premier Nguyen Cao Ky said yesterday. Ky said Communists will do whatever they can to wreck the elections, to be held in late March and April. His remarks came hours after four U.S. tanks sprayed each other with machine gun fire to wash out a predawn attack by Communist suicide squads who swarmed over Assassination Plot Suspect the tanks in the Pleiku sector of, the central highlands. Ky addressed a seminar of pro- vincial chiefs, their American ad- visers and revolutionary develop- ment cadres at the 3rd Corps mili- tary headquarters in Bien Hoa, 25 miles northeast of Saigon. A few miles from the Pleiku region, mortars inflicted heavy casualties on a 178-man company of the U.S. 4th Infantry Division as the company was setting up a base camp facing the Cambodian frontier. In the jungle War Zone C to the south, reputed general head- quarters of the Viet Cong, P52 jet bombers staged four saturation raids between midnight and dawn. Targets were suspected base camps and fortified positions that sur- vived Operation Gadsden, the latest allied ground sweep in that border area northwest of Saigon. In announcing the end of Oper- ation Gadsden, the U.S. Command said it had accounted for 161 Communist dead since it was launched Feb. 2. Political and military develop- ments mingled elsewhere: Field dispatches told of brisk skirmishes in several sectors,'in which 160 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops were killed. U.S. pilots struck again at Com- munist transport in raids on North Vietnam Tuesday, flying 70 mis- sions. They said they knocked out 17 more supply trucks at the Mu Gia Pass, boosting the two-day total on that gateway to the Ho Chi Minh trail to 103 destroyed or damaged. These conditions, he said, in- I in charge of personnel, said the TOKYO (A')-China's Commu- nist party Central Committee has called on the army to help in spring planting and ordered cul- tural and art workers to help out in farms and factories, reports from Peking said yesterday. This indicated that party chair- man Mao Tse-tung was gravely concerned over what his struggle for power with President Liu Shao- chi has done tQ production goals. The official New China News Agency saida letter from the Cen- tral Committee declared: "Units of the people's liberation army, stationed locally and the military organizations at all levels, should exert every effort to support and help with the work of spring cul- tivation." The letter promised forgiveness to opponents of Mao who are will- ing to work, indicating there has been sabotage among party cadres responsible for production by the nation's 500 million peasants. "Those comrades who have made mistakes should also make energetic efforts in the spring cul- tivation so as to make amends for their mistakes by good deeds." Radio Peking told of sabotage on the farms, saying Mao's foes arbitrarily distributed food grains and induced commune members to leave their jobs. It reported "a new scheme" to destroy pig breed- ing in the communes near Shang- hai. In addition to all this, armed resistance to Mao has been re- ported from all parts of China, including the strategic, border areas of Sinkiang and Tibet in the west, Inner Mongolia in the north and Manchuria in the northeast. If true, this would add to eco- nomic chaos by interrupting work on farms and in factories. Some of the dissidents in Sinkiang, for exanple, have been soldiers de- mobilized to work on farms. The Japanese newspaper Asahi in a dispatch from Peking said the order to cultural and art work- ers was dated Feb. 17 and was dis- tributed yesterday in the Chinese capital. Signed by the party Central Committee, it called on members of cultural and art troupes to go to rural areas to help in people's communes and factories. It or- dered them to stop running around the country to exchange experi- ences on the cultural revolution. Found Dead iir NEW ORLEANS, La. YP)--David' W. Ferrie, a central figure in Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison's current in- vestigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, was found dead in his bed yesterday. He was nude, and a bedsheet was pulled over his head. Only last Saturday Ferrie had! told the New Orleans Statesmen that the district attorney was in- vestigating him because "sup- posedly I have been pegged as the getaway pilot in an elaborate plot to kill Kennedy." Ferrie called Garrison's probe "a big joke." Police said it was not immedi- ately determined whether Ferrie's death was murder, suicide or re- sulted from natural causes. They said a quantity of pills was found near the body. , A Florida county solicitor was also asked yesterday to exhume the body of a man whose brother said he believed was being harass- ed by "agents" following the as- sassination of Kennedy. The man, Thomas Henry Kil-' lam, died March 17, 1964, amid shattered glass on a downtown Pensacola street. The Pensacola News-Journal said Killam was married to a i New Orleans stripper who worked for Jack Ruby in Dallas. The paper also said that Killam worked as a house painter with a man named Jack Carter, who had roomed in Dallas at one time with Lee Har- vey Oswald. Killam's brother, Earl, asked the solicitor to exhume the body to determine the cause of death. Detectives yesterday questioned a youth who reportedly found Fer- rie's body. He appeared to be about 23, with sandy blond hair combed long, with full sideburns. A police- man said the youth was a friend of Ferrie and one of his coworkers. ... Soviet Official Says Missile Defense Still Not Possible Beth Israel Congregation will be interviewing appli- cants for teaching positions in its Religious and Hebrew Schools on March 8th and March 9th and March 16th from 7:30 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Appli- cants should submit summaries of educational back- ground and teaching experience to the synagogue office, 1429 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, before March 1st. Interview appointments will be established accordingly. Please include telephone number and address. MOSCOW (MP)-The head of So- viet civil defense contradicted a general yesterday by saying the Soviet Union'sdefenses areenot capable of knocking out every hostile plane and missile in the event of war. Marshal Vasily I. Chuikov's warning came on the heels of re- marks by a Soviet general who implied that any missiles fired at the Soviet Union would not reach their targets. The United States is currently seeking to head off a Soviet-U.S. race to develop antiballistic missile systems. Soviet military chiefs have said previously that many attacking missiles could be destroyed by the Soviet defense system, but not all. "Unfortunately," said Chuikov, in a television address, "there are no means yet which would guar- antee complete security of our twns and most important objects from the blows of the enemy's weapons of mass destruction." Chuikov said that "in practice it is impossible to intercept com- pletely all modern planes, even more so rockets launched through space. A certain number of them may reach the target." His warning contrasted with the claims made by the men on active military duty responsible for the nation's defenses. Marshal Andrei A. Grechko, a first deputy defense minister, wrote yesterday in the government paper Izvestia on the official posi- tion. He repeated a statement made last April by the defense minister, Marshal Rodion Y. Malinovsky, that "modern means of antiair- craft defense of the country pro- vide for reliable destruction of many planes and many rockets of the adversary." On Monday, Gen. Pavel G. Kurochkin, head of the nation's leading military academy, told a news conference that missiles fired at the Soviet Union would not reach their targets. "Detecting missiles in time and destroying them in flight is no problem," Kurochkin claimed. .......... World News Roundup MUSKET '67 You Can't Get In Without A TICKET! t- * BLOCK SALES Februa ry 22 * INDIVIDUAL SALES Sta rt February 23 FIRST FLOOR MICHIGAN LEAGUE Gabriel, All Seats $2.50 DCDCI~ AUALr.#~ By The Associated Press CAIRO -President Gamal Ab- el Nasser blasted the United States Yesterday as "the guide of of all reactionary forces indthe Middle East." In one of the most sweeping indictments of U.S. policy since he told the Americans to "jump in the lake" in 1964, Nasser de- clared in his 2 % hour speech that which peace terms to consider. WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Dean Rusk said yesterday he expects economic integration of Latin America to be the prime sub- ject for a summit conference of hemisphere presidents in early spring. POETRY READING Toniaht by U] 'I III 11 II