{ Mr. Mehta s Trivia Theologica 4 4 Paperback Playback The New Theologian, by Ved Meh- ta. Harper & Row. $5.95. The New Theologian, which origi- nally appeared serially in the New Yorker, purports to be a study of theology today, particularly the "re- ligionless Christianity" or "Chris- tian atheism" movements in Ameri- ca, England and Germany. Its con- cern is not only theology, but also the theologians-the men and their ideas-presented as only Ved Mehta, scholar and wit, can. In fact, an apparently random se- lection of theologians is presented through reports of personal inter- views and quotations from their writings. Both oral and written statements from the theologians are recorded virtually without commen- tary except of an ad hominem na- ture. The connective comments be- tween extensive quotations from Bonhoeffer's Letters and Papers from Prison typify Mr. Mehta's cav- alier treatment of theological argu- ments: "It is somewhat confusing, but one has to remember the cir- cumstances in which Bonhoeffer was writing," or "Two days later, multiplying the paradoxes, (Bon- hoeffer) writes. . . ." Mehta's in- dictment of the so-called Christian radicals for muddle-headedness is s c a r c e ly original. Moreover, it seems to me that his examples of their confusion often reflect his own unfamiliarity with the current philosophical and theological situa- tion. Thus, Mr. Mehta sounds like a man who does not understand nor care to understand the argument; and what he does not know, he does not like-a sort of Gage Park men- tality in intellectual matters. Fundamentally, there are two sources of dissatisfaction with The New Theologian: the one has to do with the study of the men; the oth- er, with the study of their ideas. The first is a problem of distraction, the second, a problem of distinc- tions. In Mr. Mehta's reports of his in- terviews with the theologians, his "portraits" are more distracting than humanizing. It is one thing to characterize a theologian through relevant details of his everyday life; it is quite another to describe every triviality of a visit with one. This Side of Moscow (Continued from Page One) wards, to quote us"), t w i s t s Yevtushenko's social condemnation into a personal whine. W h 1 e Marshall's translations recreate most of the words and im- ages of the originals, they are re- markably sloppy when it comes to form. Key repetitions oftwords and phrases, often building to a power- ful crescendo in the Russian, are likely to be translated differently at each appearance, as if Marshall were trudging along line by line, with no conception of the whole poem. Parallel structures are con- sistently ignored. At one point, for example, we have the words "beret, ushanka (a type of Russian hat), sombrero" followed a few lines lat- er by "absinthe, vodka, chianti." Marshall, indifferent to their con- nection, translates them "shapka (another Russian word for hat). som- brero, beret" and "absinthe, vodka, rum." (As a result, the relation be tween the series is totally lost.) Of course, no matter how ap- propriate the bias or how wide the range, there is yet another factor governing the success of a transla- t i o n -i t s readability. Marshall's translations are simply poor Eng- lish. First, he has a pedantic pen- chant for fancy phrases, most of which obstruct the motion of the poem. Marshall cannot say "we kill o u r s e l v e s" where Yevtushenko does; he insists on proclaiming, "we decree our own deaths." The open- ing of one poem, "Grave, you have been robbed by the fence" becomes, in an ill-fated attempt to recreate the sonic splendor of the Russian, "Grave, you are by graven stones grave-bound." More important, however, is his consistently awkward p h r a s i n g. Marshall often reads like a parody-and the chuckle inspired by a line like ". . . and over (the earth) so much filth is scattered-- that of its own very self it's ashamed . . ." prevents the reader from treating the poem with any serious respect whatever. Occasion- ally the syntax is warped so far be- yond idiomatic English that it is im- possible to understand. (Without re- course to the straightforward origi- nal, one would be hard pressed to interpret Marshall's cryptic "To hi m/slan ted the world's everything" or "Andmaybe ideas (sic) nonobsolescence/bears witness to ideas (sic) debility.") It is clear why the decision was made to print this volume with the originals on al- ternate pages. Critics are parasites who suck the blood of artists for their own self- nourishment, or so we are often told. True as this cliche may be, it applies far better to translators like Marshall. Since there are more crit- ics than translators, a single critic seldom has the power to drain a creative artist completely-if you don't like the critic, you can always patronize his competitors. But a translator has his victim more se- curely in his teeth. Unless another translator and another publisher feel that this particular market is rich enough to justify a competition volume, a number of Yevtushenko poems have been rendered com- pletely inaccessible to a whole gen- eration of English readers. It's more effective even than censor- ship.. Peter Rabinowitz Mr. Rabinowitz is a second-year grad- uate student in the department of Slavic language and literature at the University of Chicago. Though some of Mr. Mehta's ob- servations are witty, many are trite and still others are misleading. Is it portraiture or caricature to epito- mize Bonhoeffer with this line from one of his letters, "'Could I please have some tooth paste and a few coffee beans. ..?"O Distinctions are crucial to the in- telligibility and communication of ideas; they establish the possibli- ties and limits of dialogue as op- posed to "indistinct cries." Mr. Mehta recognizes that the problems of theology today are problems of clarity and conversation; yet his own book demonstrates the same failures. It is difficult to fathom the grounds for Mr. Mehta's selection of these particular theologians- unless it be. their appearance in Time magazine. Certainly, The New Theologian is not a comprehensive report on the contemporary theo- logical scene. Significant persons and movements are wholly neglect- ed, most notably the young and vi- tal group of Whiteheadian or "pro- cess" theologians-this d e s p i t e their appearance in Time last year. Yet it is not really a report on a particular theological movement or mood either. If Mr. Mehta's subject matter is the "Christian radicals," these theologians are presented un- der false pretenses. They are not the only "radicals." Mr. Mehta nei- ther quotes nor interviews Thomas J.J. Altizer, who forms, with Wil- liam Hamilton and Paul Van Buren, the triumvirate of American Chris- tian radicalism. Nor are they all "radicals," whatever that term means. In a sense, the only radical thing about Robinson's Honest to God, the book which initiates Mr. Mehta's inquiry, is its claim to be radical. Its eclectic borrowing from Tillich, Bultmann, and Bonhoeffer (long-established theological greats), together with its typical neo- orthodox dread of naturalistic theo- logies, does not constitute radical theology. It may be radical piety-which is, after all, Bishop Robinson's bailiwick. In any case, the "new theolo- gians" represent a diversity of con- cerns and methodologies. They use the same language ("death of God" and "religionless Christianity")rto mean different things. If they are guilty of muddled thinking, Mr. Mehta's failure to point out the dis- tinctions in their ideas only com- pounds the confusion. If Mr. Mehta's concern is not merely the "Christian radicals" but all theologians concerned with the relationship of the religious and the secular, The New Theologian is a fragmentary account. Paul Tillich emphasizes that theology should serve the needs of both the Chris- tian message and the contemporary situation: "(theology is) the state- ment of the truth of the Christian message and the interpretation of this truth for every new genera- tion." Because Mr. Mehta minimizes this dialectic, his analysis is condu- cive to a false sense of separation between old and new. Yet the conti- nuity of old and new is precisely the ironic assumption of Mehta's ar- gument. He overtly deals with nov- elty (the "new theologian"), but on the equally overt assumption that there is no real novelty; there is only the perennial quest. He does not, however, recognize that the the- ological task is always related to concrete situations and is realized in particular ways which involve elements of both continuity and novelty. Furthermore, because the con- cept of novelty in theology is mean- ingless for him, Mr. Mehta has no basis of his own for selecting the theologians he does. Rather, he de- pends on the "Christian radicals" for his definition of the "new theol- ogy" and his selection of the "new theologians." Thus, ultimately, the grounds for Mehta's selection of these particular theologians seems to be Robinson's epithet, "they speak- to the modern man." One is tempted to ask, "Why not Norman Vincent Peale?" Mehta's use of this criterion only begs the question-there is no such animal as the modern man or the "new theologian." There are many different modern men for whom a variety of new theological formula- tions are illuminating. In this plur- alistic situation distinctions are cru- cial and the failure to make distinc- tions between modern theological positions is unfortunate. Unfortu- nate, yes, but somehow appropriate, for Mr. Mehta's snide characteriza- tion of the modern intellectual fits none of the "new theologians" so well as himself. The author of The New Theologian epitomizes, "a po- lemical bent, a fast and easy pen, and an eye for the hemline in ideas on war and politics, sex and religion . .. Lois Von Gehr Miss Von Gehr is a third-year graduate student in Theology at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. The Midwest Literary Review Editors:........ Edward W. Hearne Bryan R. Dunlap Midwest Editor:....... Liz Wissman DePaul Editor:.... Sandra Lipnitzky Greenville' Editor: .. David Fairbanks Lake Forest Editor: .. Jame Kidney Loyola Editor: ..E :Detlev Von Pritschyns Roosevelt Editor: ... .. Mike Miller Valparaiso Editor: ...Janet Karsten Editorial Staff: ..... Gretchen Wood Mary Sue Leighton Scapegoat:....... Richard L. Snowden The Midwest Literary Review, circulation 45000, is published six times per year. It is distributed by the Chicago Maroon, the DePaulia, the Carenvue Papyrus, the Lake Forest Stentor and the Valparaiso rorch. (Reprint rights have been granted to the Roosevelt Torch and the Loyola News.) Editorial offices: 1212 E. 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637. Subsrip- dom:$2.50 per year. Copyright ® 196 by The Midwest Literary Review. This winter, publishers have come through with a selection of new paperbacks ideal for curling up- with on windy nights. The discern- ing student will also find many use- ful for avoiding or recuperating from exam studying. Recent fiction releases encom- pass the poetic, the classically real- istic, and the macabre. A sparse, surreal tale of World War Two, The Painted Bird, by Jerzy Kosinski (Pocket Books) is a harrowing ex- perience, at once hideous and com- pelling. Perez Galdos' Miau (Pen- guin Classics) depicts in a Spanish setting the struggle of the individu- al against bureaucracy--a theme also explored by Dickens, Balzac and Gogol. Demian, H e r m a n n Hesse's lyrical, introspective novel of youth's groping, has been newly translated, with an introduction by Thomas Mann, in a Bantam edition. Sadists will appreciate John Co- hen's Africa Addio (Balantine), based on the movie-soon to be re- leased in the U.S.-of war and re- bellion in Africa by the makers of "Mondo Cane," and complete with thirty-two pages of photographs of assorted murders, massacres and executions. Fans of camp can feast upon Tom Wolfe's essays in black journalism, T h e Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby (Pocket Books). The startling mem- oirs of a top Soviet espionage agent, The Penkovskiy Papers (Avon), will appeal to those with a relish for scandal and suspense. LSD On Campus by Young and Hisson (Dell), a book which reveals "the shocking truth" about the "psychedelic scene," is an overcute but sometimes informative study. Pelican's Venereal Diseases, by R. S. Morton, surveys with authority, and as much humor as the subject permits, the history ("Syphilis" was originally the name of the shepherd hero of a sixteenth-century Latin medical poem), symptoms and treat- ment ("at first only prayer seemed to have been available") of these ail- ments. In drama, Three Plays by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Strauss' libret- tist, has been published by Wayne State. The playwright's reworking of Electra is powerful. Elder Ol- son's book Tragedy and the Theory of Drama (Wayne State) features a rare combination of literary insight and wit. John Taylor's The Penguin Dictionary of the Theatre is a guide to plays, playwrights and performers past and present. In Literature and the Irrational (Washington Square), anthropologist Wayne Shumaker ex- amines the relationship between primative and creative sensibilities, imagery and ritual. Pamphlets on Gente, Hesse, Hopkins and Kafka have been added to Columbia's Essays on Modern Writers, a usually perceptive series of critiques. Noted critic Frederick Hoffman's large (Continued from Page Four) of the ridiculous, and so delights and relieves us. He says, "Tragedy presupposes guilt, despair, modera- tion, lucidity, vision, a sense of re- sponsibility,"-and o r d e r. In our world today we do not have any of these things in a personal, effective way, and hence, tragedy is almost impossible. But it can be achieved out of comedy-"a frightening mo- ment, an abyss that opens sudden- ly." And so "it is still possible to show man as a courageous being." This philosophy is written boldly in the three plays, each of which has men of courage within whom the lost world-or If Duerre matist, he is thoughts an freshing. H moralist tha sometimes those mired ness of ava ductions, hi: minder tha problems, e more than ' Toilet. Miss Yaeger graduate, is uaedia Britar volume The Mortal No: Death and the Modern Imagination (Princeton) studies, often arcanely and without illuminating anything, "violence and the reconstitution of self . . . against death and time in modern literature." Life Without Living (Westminis- ter) is a pseudo-sociological study, in "fictionalized fact" and poetry, of the usual slum problems. Joseph Fletchers expounds the controver- sial "new morality" in Situation Ethics (Westminster), which upon examination turns out to be a vague sort of relativistic pragmatism. The Gospel of Christian Atheism .by Thomas J. J. Altzier (Westminster) poses the by now familiar proposi- tion that God killed himself to be- come more fully assimilated into the world. For those theology in i The Devil I Ann S. Boy where we I readily adm sion of hell ] and depth o: Dante and A5 Much more t of the Ghetto of church i nity organiz son, Stuhr ered impres their analysi hoods in Cl (published k The Univers IVitere Trousers Co All Books Reviewed In This Issue Of The Chicago Literar Available At The UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOKST( Johann Sebastian Bach by Karl Geiringer 754 Poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko 45 La Maison de Rendez-vous by Alain Robbe-Grillet $1e Ecce Homo by George Grosz ~15.O( An Angel Comes to Babylon and Romulus the Great by Friedrich Durrenmatt $194, The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi and Problems of the Theatre by Friedrich Durrenmatt ;109! The Plebians Rehearse the Uprising by Gunter Grass 45 Vietnam! Vietnam! by Felix Greene $29! On Aggression by Konrad Lorenz s5.7' The New Theologian by Ved Mehta$509 General Book Department University of Chicago Bookstore 5802 ELLIS AVE. Chicago, Illinois L, v . 2 MIDWEST LITERA RY REVIEW * MIDWEST LITERARI