: ; 4 4 'f * * 4 4 I * SUPPL SUNDAY, J/ Ten Sixty-Six and All This THE MID1V S T 4 The Norman Conquest: Its Setting and Impact, by Dorothy Whitelock, David C. Douglas, Lt.-Co. Charles H. Lemmon, Frank Barlow. Compil- ed by the Battle and District His- torical Society. Charles Scribner's Sons. $4.50. In the year 1066 occurred the other memorable date in English History, viz. William the Con- queror, Ten Sixty-Six. This is also called The Battle of Hastings, and was when William 1 (1066) conquered England at the Battle of Senlac (Ten Sixty-six). That, say the authors of 1066 and All That, is what Englishmen re- member about the last foreign con- quest of England. It is suggestive that even those frivolous commenta- tors grant to the Conquest one of the two "memorable" English dates. Since the eleventh century, the Nor- man Conquest has been considered a turning-point of sorts in English history; the nature of the change in English society has been the matter of innumerable scholarly discus- sions and the focal point of much research. Even amid the welter of anniversaries (won't some fire de- partment bring out a book comme- morating the Great Fire of London, 1666?) the Conquest is worth re- membering. To celebrate its nine- hundredth anniversary the local so- ciety concerned with the history of the Hastings area has compiled a short and lively collection of essays by distinguished experts in Anglo- Saxon and Anglo-Norman history. The Norman Conquest: Its Set- ting and Impact is in effect a struc- tured series of excellent lectures on the background, history and effects of William the Conqueror's cam- paign. Although the authors dis- agree in interpretation and empha- sis, the story they jointly tell is co- herent and c o m p 1 e t e. Dorothy Whitelock discusses the Anglo- Saxon achievement of six centuries; David Douglas writes a perceptive political biography of the Conquer- or himself; Colonel Charles H. Lem- mon, chairman of the Battle Society and a military historian, describes the strategy and tactics of the con- quest; and Frank Barlow's conclud- ing essay analyzes the effects of Norman role on eleventh- and ear- ly twelfth-century English govern- ment and society. Professor Whitelock's summary of Anglo-Saxon civilization is bril- liant. Her style is lucid and allusive, if occasionally coy. Her organiza- tion is clear and her interpretations perceptive. The essay is nonetheless disappointing. Professor W h i t e- lock's major concern seems to be proving precisely that which she maintains needs no proof: that the Anglo-Saxons had an exceedingly rich culture and a tradition of six centuries of development which could not but compare favorably with the achievement of the upstart Normans. She details in profusion the literary and scholarly wealth of Anglo-Saxon civilization-but activ- ity in these areas was slight during the eleventh century. Anglo-Saxon monastic fervor had been great and productive in the eight and tenth centuries. Anglo- Saxon unification had been thor- ough and the power of the English king was great-but the mid- eleventh century saw the growth of strong earldoms to rival that power (Professor Whitelock's implied sug- gestion that royal redistribution of the earls' territory was counteract- ing this tendency is not entirely convincing). In short, Professor Whitelock reminds the reader that Anglo-Saxon civiilzation had been a flourishing one, but she uninten- tionally leaves the impression that the eleventh century was a period more influenced by memory of achievement than by achievement itself. Certainly the development of English kingship in the eleventh century is worth specific attention (that development may be attribut- ed in part to Scandinavian influence which Professor Whitelock all but omits from her discussion). And a point-by-point analysis of the specif- ic condition of eleventh-century England seems in order in any book concerned primarily with the Con- quest. Professor Whitelock's discus- sion of the eleventh-century church of "royal priests" is very persua- sive. She might also have discussed such specific problems as feudaliza- tion, agricultural organization and land-holding in pre-Conquest Eng- land, all of which are mentioned in most discussions of Anglo-Norman society. Professor Whitelock also has an annoying tendency to expect either too much prior ignorance or too much prior information from her readers. It is difficult for me to be- lieve that any reader familiar with the careers of Boniface, Dunstan and King Offa of Mercia would be completely ignorant of the plot of Beowulf. Professor Douglas' summary of the Conqueror's career is more sat- isfying. It is his thesis that Wil- liam's experience in strengthening the ducal power in Normandy in- fluenced greatly the methods used by William to unite England under his rule. In Normandy William had utilized the rise of a new aristocra- cy and a movement for ecclesiasti- cial reform to weld nobles, church and ducal power into an cohesive structure capable of giving real uni- fied strength to Normandy and its ruler. The .union of Norman Eng- land was achieved through the de- velopment of interdependent aristo- cratic, ecclesiastical, and royal pow- er. And throughout his career Wil- liam stayed almost constantly at war. Neither achievement would have been possible had not William possessed enormous personal mag- netism and an amazing ability to command the loyalty of his follow- ers and subordinates, as well as a genius for adapting existing custom to his own ends. Professor Douglas' essay is a tightly argued interpretation of William's accomplishments. It is perhaps most inadequate in its sug- gestion regarding William's motive for conquering England: I doubt the Conquest can best be explained as part of a Norman "self-asserted Christian mission," although ;Wil- liam's campaign cannot be separat- ed from Norman- e x p an s i o n throughout the rest of the medieval Mediterranean world. Colonel Lemmon's description of the conquest's purely military as- pects is lively and refreshing. His examination of the ground of the campaign, his familiarity with mod- emn buildings and roads on the site of the decisive battle, his detailed account of movements before, dur- ing and after the battle-enlivened by descriptions of relevant portions of the Bayeux Tapestry-all provide a coherent, believeable and interest- ing story. And Colonel Lemmon provides the reader with that most invaluable of aids, a clear map of the battlefield. S o m e of Lemmon's statistical techniques, however, seem ques- tionable to me. I fail to see why losses in a reportedly b 1 o o d y medieval battle must be of the same o r d e r (after adjustments are made for the lack of firearms, the long duration of the fighting, and the combatants' armor) as the losses of two bloody modern battles. Colonel Lemmon also uses the in- genious - device of a "spoliation unit" (the difference between the value of certain manors at the death of Edward the Confessor and their value at the time of the Domesday survey) to trace troop movements after Hastings. While he is probably right about the general path taken by William's armies, his precise classification of major and minor troop movements by degrees of spo- liation seems to leave other factors out of account. . The last of the four essays, Pro- fessor Barlow's considered evalua- tion of the effects of the Conquest, is a brilliant summary of an ex- traordinarily c o mpl e x problem. Barlow is in agreement with Profes- sors Whitelock and Douglas that the Anglo-Norman creation of William and his sons draws heavily upon Anglo-Saxon methods of govern. ment and on Anglo-Saxon law, cus toms and culture. "The parvenu Normans were appropriating Old English history," he says in his as- sessment of Anglo-Norman king- ship. He firmly asserts that the Nor- mans did not merely impose Nor- man custom on English society, but created institutions according to English circumstances benefiting from rather than repeating the du.- cal achievement in Normandy. The 'Norman Conquest: Its Set- ting and Impact would be of im- mense value to any reader unfamil- iar with the history and historiogra- phy of William's conquest of Eng- land. The four essayists briefly and intelligently discuss in one way or another most of the problems of his- torical interpretation of the Con- quest within the context of a well- written consecutive (and varied) survey of the background, events, and aftermath of William's expedi- tion. There is, appended also a brief list of basic books in the field. The scholar will find little new in the book, but the general reader will be stimulated by its concise and enjoy- able account of the Conquest. Rosalind C. Hays Mrs. Has is assistant professor of History at Rosary College. The Censor This Side of Moscow Yevtushenko Poems, by Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Bilingual E d i t i o n, translated by Herbert Marshall. E. P. Dutton and Company. $4.50. Any good poem unites so many elements that it is impossible for a translator to convey them all. A translation, therefore, can never be "complete," and any critical judge- ment of its success must include an evaluation of its incompleteness. At least two related qualities need to be assessed-the translation's bias and range. A translator is always selective, for at every point he is forced to decide which elements are to be kept and which disregarded. Bias, then, is the translator's decision concerning the relative importance of these elements-that rhythm is more i m p o r t a n t than syntactic structure, for example, or that sym- bolism is to be rendered even at the expense of rhythm. The bias of a translator, of course, may vary with the poet and the poem-perhaps even within a poem. But one meas- ure of the aptness of a translation will be the suitability of the bias to the particular work. Depending on his skill, the trans- lator will also be able to convey a certain number of what he consid- ers "secondary" elements: this de- fines a translation's range. Given the bias, the greater the range. the more complete the translation. The work of a translator biased in favor of rhythm, for example, will be im- proved if he is able to transmit the imagery as well. With respect to both these fac- tors, Herbert Marshall's new trans- lation of Yevtushenko's poems clear- ly fails. To begin with, his bias----a commitment to preserve rhyme--is inadequate for three reasons. First, rhyme is by nature un- translatable. Words have "equiva- lents" to the extent that there are words in other languages with simi- lar meanings. But rhyme is a rela- t i o n s h i p of sound, not of meaning-and there are no such sound equivalents. Marshall, who feels obliged to toss in a rhyme (any rhyme) more or less wherever Yevtushenko puts one (although he frequently distorts the patterns of the original), assumes that all rhymes are equal-that a Russian rhyme can be translated by no mat- ter what English rhyme. This be- trays fundamental insensitivity to the purely sonic elI e m e n t s of poetry-as if there were no differ- ence between the rhymes of Shake- speare, Pushkin and Ogden Nash. /Q -4- The second objection to Mar- shall's bias is that rhyme is not the primary feature of Yevtushenko's poetry. True, in the introduction to the present volume, the poet men- tions that rhyme is the most consist- ent characteristic of his art-but this is hardly reason to think it the most important. Yevtushenko ex- plains that he uses rhyme primarily as a self-imposed check on the free- dom of his verse, and as an aid in memorization. But since Marshall already has well-defined limits to his freedom (that is, the original poems), and since no one is likely to want to memorize his translations, neither of these arguments applies to him. Finally, as a poet Marshall has virtually no sense of rhyme. In the poem which he calls "A Russian Toy--Roly-Poly", you stub your ears on the following odd couples: arrows/morose, extinct/sick, recal- led/at all, order/horses, and felled/ unskilled. Compared with disso- nances such as this, even his rhyme of "down" with "down" rings out as a stroke of verbal genius. Oddly enough, the inadequacy of Marshall's range is just the opposite of what one expects of a rhyming translation. Most such attempts are 1g~s my e "the rail,/ knot. misle bol o: Su their spirit becat One in ti Yevti force while prais poen order As ir sage mosp Mars glorif sent ing I Fe .-Ari Bel C ITERABY IL VIE' EBTymeHKO so constricted by the rigid pattern to which they must adhere that vast portions of the original-often whole lines at a time-remain unin- corporated in the translation. Mar- shall avoids this problem by making his versions so much longer than Yevtushenko's that, even with the relative verbosity of English, he has ample room to maneuver. As a re- sult, there are very few words or images in the Yevtushenko poems which are not represented by an English equivalent. Unfortunately, he always has too much room left over; and padding gives his translations their greatest inaccuracy., One expects a fair num- ber of uninvited "quites," "thuses" and "indeeds" to show up, but Mar- shall, perhaps a frustrated poet himself, is unable to restrict him- self simply to filler words-he ex- pands images, often elaborating Yevtushenko's sparse verse to the point where it becomes unrecogniz- able. It is bad enough that "waves" becomes, in Marshall's rendition, "white waves," or that a simple "she whispered" is raped, filling out into a poetically pregnant "she whispered tumultant." But Marshall also creates totally new visual pic- tures: "The storekeeper pressing fat De r A T T Ero A T T] Fitt L D L M, His A He Pap Poe The Th 12 * MIDWEST LITERARY REVIEW