Se et y-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS re Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., AN4N ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEwS PHONE: 764-0552 editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: NEAL BRUSS Regents Need Academic Freedom ACADEMIC FREEDOM was at issue once again Friday in the discussion of "Flaming Creatures" in the Regents' reg- ular monthly meeting. But in this in- stance, it was the Regents' academic free- dom which was suppressed, not that of a group of innovators in the arts. Despite the comments of each of the six Regents who attended, the discussion was terse, inhibited and perhaps unsat- isfying to the Regents, although they ap- peared extremely interested in discussing the case and its issues. As members of the University com- munity-they really are members of the University community - the Regents should be able to initiate and participate in free unstructured debate on significant issues both among themselves and with students, faculty and administrators. IT IS LIKELY that the Regents have un- dertaken consultation on "Flaming Creatures" and similar issues in private sessions, but clandestine briefings may not amply reflect existing facts and ideas. One Regent, in fact, had been misin- formed that they were being involved in. a legal suit. Clearly, the information flow could have been better. If closed consultation is inadequate, the monthly public Regents' meetings are worse. The Regents cannot freely discuss important issues, because: -The formality of the meetings makes It necessary for every participant to weigh every statement. -The responsibility of the Regental role usually calls for concrete action and not discussion, therefore, it is difficult for Regents to merely discuss campus af- fairs when action is not in order. -The Regents' concern for the Uni- versity's image gives priority to major off- campus interests when reviewing aca- demic problems. It would be in the Uni- versity's interest for the Regents to con- sider campus interests solely on their own merits. IRONICALLY, the Regents rule a school which had a major role in developing the teach-in, a device for improving com- munications in the academic community. Although the University community has seriously worked to insure discussion of major issues through the teach-in and similar devices, the Regents do not ap- pear to take advantage of them. Be- cause the Regents have the opportunity but do not use it, they lose academic freedom by default. Such discussion would be appropriate to the Regents' job. It would not jeop- ardize their decision-making role, nor weaken the hierarchy of management which the University's administration system has established. It would not change the types of issues the Regents confront, nor deprive them of their au- tonomy. THE REGENTS' private discussion with students on presidential selection is a first step to the spirit of the teach-in, but its formality and secrecy inhibits it from fully embracing that spirit. The dialogue with students is neces- sary in the. presidential selection, since it is the most significant problem facing the Regents., In less significant problems - some of which are certainly more controversial than presidential selection - academic freedom should justify voluntary open discussion. The Regents should unhesi- tatingly join with the other members of the University community in live, spon- taneous, academic discussions of the prob- lems which concern us all. -NEAL BRUSS PERSPECTIVES The Dual -'U' Presidenc I By HARVEY WASSERMAN IF A MAN has a position at the does nt encourage personal con- had to spend a long, crucial ses- bearers usually demand to see the AND THUS, the basic malady head of an educational insti- tact. sion with a few state legislators President. remains. A school too big to be tution and if one works on the who apparently were planning a personal seems too dependent on assumption that education does, in THERE ARE TWO possible ex- witch-hunt of sorts in conjunc- SO THAT'S how Hatcher spends public funds to spare its President fact, involve students, then it fol- planations for that. First, the Pre- tion with the Cinema Guild af- his time. He has a tightroue to for those on campus. And by na- lows that the leader of the insti- sident may not care. Bob Forman, fair. He somehow managed to talk walk just like Clark Kerr had. ture of its ruling powers it remains tution should offer those students writing in the administrative house them out of it. He apparently had But when you ask "where is our too old and unimaginative to let some sort of leadership, excite- organ "The Michigan Alumnus," to talk some of the Regents out of president?" and someone answers the control of campus affairs set- ment, direction, something. recently did an 800-word analysis it as well. "you don't understand the pres- tle with those actually involved. This Harlan Hatcher has not of the University presidency. The This week he has been flooded sures he's under," you are still left done. As head of this University word "faculty" appeared once, the with angry letters and phone calls without a President. IN LIGHT OF all that, the he is rarely met by students. The word "student" twice-both times about a drinking marathon that An attempt to solve the problem structure of the University presi- teas are stilted and generally is- 'student" was followed by some most people on campus hardly was made with the establishment sues of import are met with more derivative of activist." Without a knew about, and that fewer cared of the Vice-President for Academ- dency is unworkable. The forces embarrassment than interest. His power-base, without the inherent about. He is under constant pres- ic Affairs and the Vice-President that define the job demand a me- opening address to incoming prestige of important research sure to 'do something" about The for Student Affairs. The attempt diator, not an educator. freshmen is generally unexciting, and big buildings, the student is Daily and its highly unpopular has failed. That is no longer acceptable. He has given students little in- last on the list of administrative stands. He is under constant and All the two offices have done is The functions must be separated. sight to the University, and lends priorities, and rarely appears in very strong pressure from a Re- move the administration own one If students and faculty want and little excitement to it for them. He the appointment book unless the publican candidate for President level; each vice-president has need leadership and community has made his best speeches-and other priorities are threatened. to keep things like anti-Vietnam functioned in a manner exactly at a university of this size, they there have been some very good But there is another aspect to protests down. analagous to the president. If they are going to have to be in a posi- ones-out of town. the psychology of the President Those are all real pressures have served students and faculty tion to provide it 'themselves, and He is inaccessible to the indi- than not caring, or not having to that must be dealt with in the interests, it has been behind the let someone else take care of the vidual student, teaches no classes, care. Last week President Hatcher name of the University. Their scenes, within the corporation. corporation. Letters: Residential College Out-dated To the Editors: to the public system of the United of University responsibility. What alone. His thinking duplicates that two related questions must be ask- MR. KILLINGSWORTH, in his States but the other 90 per cent of are Michigan's obligations to con- of a polled majority of the Liter- ed. plea last week to salvage the students attending college in duct itself as-an institution of ature, Science, and Arts faculty The first question is what kind the Residential College, took great England receive markedly inferior learning in comparison with its and Snce an rts faulty of control does the State Depart- pains in his editorial to appeal to educations by U.S. standards. In obligations to help the govern- and once again reveals that in nt d the a er "the University community - order for the Residential College ment decide who will be drafted? this University the burden of sig- granting permission to foreign stu- which knows the value of its new to really emulate the Oxbridge nificant protest must be assumed dents to come and study in the idea." I wish to take exception and system it would have to be one of PROFESSOR KELLY. when he by the students themselves. United States? Do foreign stu- call into question both its "new- several elite college units which cannot avoid this question with a dents feel compelled to be silent ness" and its "value." together make up an elite uni- barrage of tangential facts thft -Nicolaus C. Mills about their political views so that First of all, there are many versity. show Selective Service has practi- Assistant Professor they can obtain a visa from the members of the "University com- cal access to student records, ans- of English State Department? Are many for- munity" who disagree with Mr. OUTSIDE OF SIZE, there really wers it with parallelsthat obscure eign students with left-wing poli- Killingsworth. LS&A professors is little grounds to compare the the difference between academic tical affiliations refused permis- do not like the idea of splitting Residential College to the Oxbridge integrity and social accommoda- CIA sion to study in the United States? their time between the Diag and system. Reportedly, Michigan State tion. To the Editor: If so, doesn't this corrupt the Uni- the Residental College and they has residential colleges already In this painstaking confusion AMID THE FUROR over the po- versity's commitment to promote certainly do not want to be con- and I understand they are deplor- Professor Kelly is not, however, litical activities of the CIA, free and unfettered debate? fined solely to the Residential Col- able. lege. Killingsworth's belief in "inher- STUDENTS AT THE University ent drawbacks of size" is, I be- should ask this. Does the State De- COUNCILMEN including Prof. lieve, a tacit admission of failure The Student Prince partment screen foreignstudents Weeks, townspeople, and profes- to meet the new challenges and who come to the University, and sional planners have all been opportunities of today's large does the University administration adamantly against its proposed mass-university. In favoring a play along? location in valuable recreation time-tested solution which is not There is a second question. The land. applicable today, the advocates of s _ CIA, the Defense Department, and Education researchers in both the Residential College turn their 'the State Department have a con- University institutes question its backs on an environment of isola- tinuing need to acquire employees compatability with the present tion by choice for one of isolation with foreign language skills and "core" system. Students do not by design experience in foreign countries. look forward to four years of isola- -Martin Zimmerman tion when such freedom and choice Grad, '68 A&D : THE ODDS ARE overwhelming is available within the present sys- tem. As far as I know, only the - that ex-Peace Corps volunteers are the Daily staff and a few people Kelly not being approached by the CIA, in LS&A have wholeheartedly sup- To the Editor: j-*! ' or the Defense Department, to put ported the idea. IT WAS TO BE hoped that Pro- t their knowledge of foreign socie- Killingsworth eroneously reasons fessor E. Lowell Kelly's articles ties to work for the purposes of that because the Residential Col- on the draft (Feb. 15, 16, 17) gram lege is small, it "recaptures" the would clarify the problem of rank- >, /the CIA. essence of the Oxford system in ing, but they have distoted the \d As soon as a few Peace Corps England. He overlooks the vast question. Professor Kelly argues returnees go to work for the CIA differences in educational systems that because the University gives or the Defense Department, the which operate independently of grades and has on occasion com- total (400-1200 students) size of puted grade point average, it is ingritywof te Peey Crsro- specific college units. perfectly consistent for it to rank gram will be ompletely destroyed. male students in compliance with It may already have happened, OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE the Selective Service System. No- and exposure may be only a mat- are institutions in the medieval thing could be further from the ter of time. sense and continue to cater to a truth. Grading and the kind of I priveleged elite despite their clas- ranking which Michigan has done -Steven H. Johnson sification as public universities. in the past serve a University pur- exhorbitant endowments. Conse- with the Selective Service System LETTERS quently, there is a tutor for every is a totally different procedure, ;-All letters must be typed, four students who personally grad- and to argue that they are equiva- double-spaced and should be no es four papers a week. In addition lent functions is moral blindness. dole-pcand- od be no lecture classes are offered by the That ranking reflects grades longer than 300 words. All let- most noted scholars. and and that grades may reflectothsesect oditing; . those over 300 words will gen- The Oxbridge system gives its a student's academic worth is not ^ erally be shortened. students an education far superior an issue. The issue is the nature . .:.. .:.. ..........:.:. . . .. . :. . .. . . . ..*... . ..*..*. . O.::fan:.:NJn g:.FyO),:saa.:m:.: