S.fitr igan
Seventy-Six Years
of Editorial Freedom
* *
* *
* *
* Rapoport
- i Considered
e Vie Unacceptable
Says 'No Emergency'
Present; Wants More
Time to Study Issue
The Faculty Senate Assembly
yesterday refused to act on .the
request of the Board in Control
of Student Publications to the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs for an "in-
vestigation" of the Board's policies
regarding The Daily.
The resolutions will not be acted
upon until the next Assembly
meeting on March 20, if then,
according to Prof. James G. Wen-
del of the mathematics depart-
ment, vice-chairman of SACUA.
"The likelihood of any special
meeting is small," Wendel contin-
ued. "The Assembly as a matter
of routine expects SACUA to bring
any major proposals to it before
acting on them."
The Assembly tabled two resolu-
tions on the matter, which said:
--"Although we recognize that
certain needs of communication
within the University community
will continue to need attention for
a long time, we do not feel that
an investigation of The Daily
would meet these needs or serve I
the community at this time."
-"Resolved, that it be the
sense of the Assembly that SACUA
not proceed with the establish-
ment of a committee to review,
the functions of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications."
The discussion of the resolution
followed three major trends in
debate Wendel reported.
-A group of Assembly members
feel that any "investigation" of
Board policies should be held
either by the Board itself or by
SACUA, after a "more specific
request" from the Board.
-Another group believes that'
the faculty should seek a greater
voice and responsibility in Uni-
versity affairs and feels that by'
not acting on the Board's request.
faculty members are "not ac-
cepting the challenge."
-A third group of Assembly
members said at the meeting that
The Daily's editorial freedom
should not be limited by an in-
vestigation. They added that a
study of all campus news media
migh be desirable.
Wendel termed Killingsworth's
remarks "good." It is The Daily
editor's "responsibility to be sen-
sitive to editorial freedom, but
perhaps he was more sensitive than
he had to be," Wendel added.
;01 4 Atrigau Batty
By The Associated Press
wound up its final session at 4:30 a.m. Sunday morning at Cor-
nell University by passing a resolution harshly critical of the
United States' policy in Vietnam.
The resolution called for a halt to the bombing, a ceasefire,
withdrawal of troops, and recognition of the National Liberation
The conference, attended by ,140 delegates from 45 eastern
colleges and universities, saw a walkout of 9 delegates from Ford-
ham, St. John's (Brooklyn), Rutgers, and Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology, who charged that invited speakers had not
preserved a fair pro-con balance and that Administration sup-
porters had been heckled and hissed.
* * * *
ANN ARBOR POLICE checked into a scene of "Marat/de
Sade" on the basis of a telephoned comment last night. Police
Chief Walter E. Krasny said his department can find no cause
for legal action.
The play, which ran last night and tonight, was described
by a Professional Theatre Program spokesman as a serious drama
with provacative material. Krasny said the questioned scene is
arousing no objection from police.
* * * *
versity's zoology department for 34 years died Sunday afternoon
at the age of 78 at Whitehall Convalescent Home in Pittsfield
Township. He retired in 1959.
Specializing in the field of parasitology, Woodhead develop-
ed a micro-movie device to film the penetration of parasites like
flatworms or trematodes in host bodies.
* * * *
A TALK BY MARK LANE, originally scheduled for Friday
afternoon, has been canceled. Lane, the lawyer who investigated
the assissination of John F. Kennedy for the mother of Lee
Harvey Oswald, was to have spoken as part of the Sesquigras
Weekend. The Sesquigras Committee is attempting to find an-
other speaker.
Activities for the weekend will begin with two Motown con-
certs Feb. 23 in Hill Aud. Friday night, Booth Night, will be
highlighted by 21 booths made by fraternities, sororities and
residence hall units. On Saturday there will be a musical chairs
game on the diag at 10:30 a.m. and a pie-eating contest with 600
pies at Wines Field at 1 p.m. The final event will be a concert by
Judy Collins on Feb. 25.
,* * * *
PROF. HERMAN MERTE, of the mechanical engineering
department has been awarded a National Science Foundation
senior postdoctoral fellowship for advanced research in Germany.
Merte will leave for Munich in August for study the use of
laser light in determining the characteristics and properties of
solid surfaces, employing one of the world's few gas laser inter-
Board Refuses to
Discuss Rejection
With Senior Editors
The Board in Control of Student
Publications refused to accept The
Daily Senior editor's unanimous
recommendations for next year's
Daily editors early this morning.
The Board rejected the slate by
a 7-4 vote because of the recom-
mendation of Roger Rapoport, '68,
as editor. The Board created rio
alternate slate of editors and will
meet Thursday for further delib-
"We were unable to accept the
slate of recommendations with
Rapoport as editor," explained
Board Chairman Prof. Luke C.
Cooperrider of the law school.
Cooperrider told the senior editors
that the Board found "Rapoport
unacceptable as editor."
The Board has overturned a
slate of Daily editors only once
in twenty-five years. No alternate
slate of editors were created.
The Daily's editors released a
statement following the meeting
which said:
"The senior editorial staff has
met and has considered the
Board's statement. It believes
strongly and unanimously that
Roger Rapoport is the .pest can-
didate for editor and he alone de-
serves the post. We will not put
him in another post. We cannot
and will not consider substituting
another candidate. The senior and
junior sports staff, the senior and
business staffs and the junior
editorial staff fully concur In this
At the conclusion of the meet-
ing, Cooperrider issued a state-
"After very serious deliberati'n
we found we were unable to ac-
cept the recommendations. Ac-
cording to normal board procedure
they ask the Seniors to submit a
new slate of recommendations.
The Seniors have refused to con-
sider revising the recommenda-
tions. The Board then scheduled
another meeting for Thursday to
discuss the statement of the Sen-
iors and have further delibera-
Cooperrider said he hoped The
Daily staff would continue to pub-
lish the paper in the interim.
The Board is a panel composed
of faculty, administration, stu-
dents and alumni and is charged
with overseeing the function: of
student publications at the Uni-
versity. It recently requested the
Senate Advisory Committee on
UniversitydAffairs to conduct an
investigation into the relationship
between the Board and the Daily's
Cooperider added that although
the recommendations of the senior
staff are given great weight by the
Board, "it is clear that the final
responsibility in regard to senior
appointments rests with the
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler and Vice-
President for University Relations,
M~ichael Raddock, both members
of the board, would not comment
on the proceedings. ..
Steven Schwartz, '67, an elected
student menber of the Board said,
"I did not vote in the majority
opinion of the Board in rejecting
the slate for Senior editorial posi-
tions submitted by- the outgoing
Senior staff.'I found the proposed
slate both desirable and in the
best interests of The Daily."
Stephen Berkowitz, another stun
dent member of the Board, said
"I feel I must disassociate myself
strongly from the action of the
Board. I feel that this action Is
not in the spirit of editorial free-
dom which The Daily has enjoyed
in the past."
Kenneth Winter, Grad, the third
student member of the Board, said
he thought the Board action was
a big *mistake.
"I don't think the members who
vnm , a ir renA Pihp* . n-
Daily Senior
Editors Recommend
Successors for
The professor is in charge
named to chairmanship
Prof. Guy Mermier will
Jean Carunder will head
in the
the see
Feidhamp, Wins in. 1
Denies Rumored Re
By GREG ZIEREN sity is my business and profes-
John V., Feldkamp, Director of sional opportunity." He comment-
of University Housing, squeaked ed, that City Council positions
through a narrow victory over his were unpaid and as such City
opponent, Patrick J. Pulte, in yes- Council members were compeled
terday's primary contest for the to remain at their present posi-
Republican nomination for City tions in the community.
Council candidate in the Third Feldkamp indicated that he
District. sought the Council seat out of a
Vote totals were so close that desire to serve the community and
Pulte's campaign manager indi- the University. He saw a "very
cated that there was the "possi- solid relationship between the two
bility of a recount." Final vote units" and said that his election
tallies were Feldkamp with 884 could firmly cement the two in-
votes to Pulte's 854. terests.
.In the only other primary elec- Feldkamp levelled criticism at
tion other than the race for the his oononent in the conduct of the
Republican nomination in the primary campaign. "There was no
Third .Ward, Ross Campbell, Rod- doubt that a substantial part of
ney E. Hutchinson and William E. my opponent's campaign was
of the University Heat Transfer By DAVID KNOKE Krauss, who lives in Detroit, "The business staff will main- from Brooklyn, moves into the
seirreplaces Susan Perlstadt, ;67. tain The Daily's tradition of fi- newly-created city editor post and
Last night The Daily seniorreahss nancial independence," s a i d will work with Miss Eiker in co-
editors recommended Roger Rapo- "I am sure Bill and his staff Krauss. "We will at the same time ordinating the news .content of
ESSORS of French have been port, '68 for editor. William will handle all their responsibili- promote the size and circulation The Daily.
Modern Language Association. Krauss, '68, was recommended for ties very well," said Miss Perl- of the paper." Klivans, an honors history ma-
the medieval section and Prof. business manager. stadt. "I would also like to thank Miss Eiker, an English major,
ction on the 20th century. Recommended for the senior edi- my senior staff for their coopera- from Shaker Heights, Ohio, is the jor from Youngstown, Ohio, said,
torial staff positions were: Mere- .tion this year; without their help first woman to occupy the manag-"
dith Eiker, managing editor; Mich- The Daily would not have been the ing editor spot on The Daily in to be a forum and voice of student
ael Heffer, city editor; Robert financial success it was." 20 years. Heffer, a history major See SENIOR, Page 2
Klivans, editorial director; Neil
Shister, magazine editor; Susan
Schnepp, personnel director;
1, R a ce, Assistant managing editors, Su-
san Elan and Laurence Medow;
* assistant editorial directors, Steph-
en Firshein and Ronald Klempner;
assistant magazine editors, Carole
Kaplan and Lissa Matross.
Recommended to the senior bus-
will be city finance and traffic iness staff were: Erica Keeps, as-'
problems, he said last night sociate business manager; Steve
Observers saw the up-coming Wechsler, advertising; Jean Ros-.
battle for the City Council seat inski, personnel; Dianne Smaller, --
in the Third District as a "tight finance; Sam Offen, circulation}
one." The district is traditt mally and summer business manager, andx
a swing district electing, alter- Phyliss Levinson, freshman supple--
nately. a Republican and a Demo- ment.
crat in the last two elections. Rapouort, who replaces outgoing'
Feldkamp would not weigh his Daily editor Mark R. Killings-
chances against Wilson but cow,- worth, '67, is a journalism major
mented that he was "]poking for- from Schenectady, New York. He '
ward" to the race and saw it as'worked as a reporter for the Wall
an "opportunity to express my Street Journal last summer ands
views a little more widely." has published in McCall's, The
New Renublic. and The Nation.
In the County race for Probate Killingsworth commented, "Rap- ; ,";
Co rt. Ross Campbell led the vot-
ing all night, winding up t~t h oport has an outstanding record as,
369 votes t RodnE. Huti- a perceptive, able, mature journal-
ist. I have every confidence in