SUNDAY',,' FEBRUARY 19, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PANE TIMER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA(~R 'FTU~W .w raX&A 1 11I GI] #j% Panel Declares U.S. Crime Can Be Controlled By WALTER R. MEARS WASHINGTON (P) - President Johnson's crime commission de-. clared yesterday that America can control lawlessness, but said it will take money, manpower, drastic reforms and "an unremitting na- tional effort for social justice" in city slums. Reporting that the nation's crime rate may be three times as high as had been estimated, the commission proposed a vast out- lay of federal funds to help cities and states overhaul their courts, police departments and prison systems-and plan new control and correction programs for the years ahead. Its chairman, Undersecretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach, said he could not estimate the sum it would take to enact the more than 200 recommendations the panel produced. The commission said, for exam- ple, that every defendant facing the loss of his liberty should have a lawyer, that the lowest tier of criminal courts metes out "as- sembly line justice" and should be eliminated; that the bail system is a failure and should be re- formed. It urged a stepped-up effort to eliminate school segregation-even if that means sending suburban children to replace Negroes in troubled slum schools. "America must translate its well- founded alarm about crime into social action that will prevent crime," the panel said. It called on lawmen and all Americans to join in that effort -to eliminate slums and ghettoes, improve education, provide jobs. Eighteen months of preparation and some $2 million went into the commissions'. blueprint for a war on crime. Its budget was $1.1 mil- lion. The rest of the expenditure represents cooperative research projects financed by the Office of Law Enforcement Assistance. Time and again, the commis- sion's 291-page report turned to the ills of the big city slums and the ghettoes, "the conditions in which most crime breeds." "More broadly and most im- portantly, every effort to improve life in America's inner cities is an effort against crime," it said. "A communty's most enduring protec- tion against crime is to right the wrongs and cure the illnesses that bor " The commission reported the crime rate among Negroes is higher than that of white Amer- icans. It blamed poor housing, low incomes and unemployment. "If conditions of equal oppor- tunity prevailed, the large differ- ences now found between the Ne- gro and white arrest rates would disappear," the report said. Johnson received a typed draft of the report on Jan. 23 and sent his crime-fighting proposals to Congress on Feb. 6. He recom- mended a $50 million federal aid program for the year ahead to help finance state and city plan- ning, research and innovation in crime-fighting. Two days later, Johnson pro- posed a $25 million assistance plan to help combat juvenile delin- quency by improving courts and corrections systems. Katzenbach, former attorney general, said those measures will help bring the state and local ac- tion the commission recom- mended. The panel--offically, the Presi- dent's Commission on Law En- forcement and Administration of Justice-was created by Johnson on July 26, 1965, with a mandate to seek daring, revolutionary ideas for a campaign against crime. Its blue-bound report, entitled "The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society," sells for $2.25. There are seven more volumes to follow, each dealing in depth with a single aspect of ,crime control and law enforcement. In proposing new federal aid to spur state and local reform and innovation in crime fighting, the commission said "several hundrect million dollars annually could be profitable spent over the next decade. The commission said increased states and city spending is going to be vital, too. "Governmental action will not be enough," it added. "Crime is a social problem that is interwoven with almost every aspect of Amer- ican life. Controlling crime is the business of every American." "Before this nation can hope to reduce crime significantly or last- ingly, it must mount and maintain a massive attack against the con- ditions of life that underlie it," the commission said. In that effort, it advocated: -Steps to reduce unemployment --creating public service jobs where there is no work to be had. -Development of methods to provide "minimum family income," and revisions of welfare rules to keep families together. -Improved housing and recrea- tion facilities. , -Family planning assistance. -Stepped up efforts to "combat school segregation along racial and economic lines, and the housing segrgeation that underlies it." -Improved slum schools to make sure that children there "re- ceive the best, rather than the worst education in the nation." Dealing with big city riots, the commission said: "The only en- during guarantee that riots will not occur is to answer the cry of 'help' that Negroes have been ut- tering for many years and that can be clearly heard even amid the destruction and bloodshed of a riot. To provide that answer, the re- port said, "America must move far more rapidliy than it has so far done." These were among the commis- sion's major proposals: -A reorganization of police forces, with college-trained police agents in charge of the most de- manding jobs, police officers handling emergencies, patrols and preliminary investigations, and youthful, uniformed community service officers serving as ap- prentices. Police recruits would be able to begin their service at any of the three levels, depending on their qualifications. -Creation of community rela- tions units to improve police rela- tions with Negroes and other min- ority groups; of investigative branches to deal with brutality or corruption; and of procedures for dealing with citizen complaints against any public official. -Establisment of youth service bureaus to deal with young of- fenders outside the criminal sys- tem whenever possible. s -Improvements in police com- muncations, law-enforcement or- ganization and crime research to take advantage of scientific and technical advances. --Merger of felony and mis- demeanor courts, to do away with the "assembly-lie justice" the com- mission said it found in the lower courts. -Bail reforms, designed to per- mit the release without cash bond of any defendant who could be safely set free to await trial. -A program of federal aid totaling perhaps "several hundred million dollars a year," to en- courage state and local planning, research and reform. -Elimination of drunkenness as a criminal offense. -Creation of small, community- based correctional centers to re- 'place fortress-style prisons for most offenders. -An "unremitting national ef-, fort for social justice" to improve the conditions of life in city slums -conditions, the commission said, which breed crime. --More manpower to enforce the narcotics laws and revised sentencing laws to provide flex- ibility in dealing with offenders. --Provision for legal counsel, if the defendant cannot afford a lawyer, in all criminal cases in- volving the possible loss of liberty. -State gun-control legislation, with federal action later if nec- essary, to restrict mail-order sales and require registration to that lawmen will know where every gun is and who owns it. -A recommendation that con- gress should adopt legislation on wire-tapping-but did not say what its terms should be. A ma- jority held that the law should carefully limit authority for elec- tronic surveillance by law enforce- ment officers. The creation of specialized unite in states and cities to fight organ- ized crime. It proposed the estab- lishment of a permanent congres- sional committee on the problem, and suggested annual grand jury investigation in areas where the crime syndicate known as Cosa Notra is known to be operating. PLAN NO EXPULSION: Prolonged Power Conflict 'Republican Leaders Consent I . __LDtiAmd 11 io Uvne IYIUz Ire-iity 1U1o I.uwu3L Threatens to Split China i I l I I By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated PressSpecial Correspondent An AP News Analysis If Peking's own reports are to be believed, the confusion reigning in much of Communist China threatens prolonged strife, possible dismemberment and a block to the nation's nuclear weapons program. Propaganda from Peking for the past six weeks suggests that the "great proletarian cultural revolu- tion" is splitting a Communist party built by Mao Tse-tung in four decades of revolutionary struggle. The unfolding picture shows -a struggle for an aging leader's power and a clash of philosophies. Those behind Mao seek constant revolution in austerity until the achievement of a distant dream of some sort of Chinese communism. The opposition represents the party's entrenched bureaucracy. To it, revolution is a thing of the past. It seeks nation-building and perhaps a more rational approach to transforming China into a ma-I jor world power. The bureaucracy-the far-flung apparatus of party control over the nation-was built by men like ous regions and a large number of President Liu Sho-chi and party cities. Secretary General Teng Hsiao- A number of veteran military ping. They personify the opposi- men and much of the old hardcore tion to Mao and his chief lieu- party apparatus familiar with tenant, Defense Minister Lin Piao, techniques of political power ap- and appear to have a good deal of pear to be in the anti-Mao, anti- fight left. Lin camp. The struggle thus could continue President Liu and Secretary for months, bringing an already General Teng, villified in the wall poor nation to the brink of eco- posters of Mao's young Red nomic disaster and mass strava- Guards, may seem to be neutral- tion. , ized, but they still may command Peking reports tell of turmoil considerable support in the prov- in at least 13 of China's 21 prov- inces' bureaucracy and the ranks inces, three of the five autonom- of industrial workers whose "un- ions" they created. Three important military fig- ures seem to be in the anti-Mao essfu l:k camp, threatening both China'sf mander and party chief of the Sinkiang-Uighur nomous region, is a possibility. Wang, too, has been denounced in Peking as an opponent of Mao. In his vast area of 630,000 square miles, 90 per cent of the 6 million people are non- Chinese. Another powerful leader de- nounced in Peking is Ulanfu, mil- itary commander and party chief of Inner Mongolia, an autonom- ous region of 320,000 square miles outside the Great Wall and bor- dering the pro-Soviet Outer Mon- golian People's Republic. Ulanfu, a fiery leader, has seem- ed as much nationalist as Com- munist, and is credited with the slogan "Mongolia for the Mon- golians." He has been a vice pre- mier of Communist China and member of the National Defense Council. The opposition to Mao includes party leaders in many provincial and city party committees around, the country, according to Peking's own outlets. Mao and Lin may by now be shaken by the possibility of im- minent disaster. WASHINGTON OP ) - The Re- publican leadership, which played the key role in denying Adam Clayton Powell his house seat last month, was reported yesterday to have accepted the plan to seat Powell but censure him severely and dock some of his pay. Republican leaders are under- stood to have agreed with the four Republicans on the select com- mittee studying the Powell matter that this is the most severe yet practical' punishment that can be dealt the Harlem Democrat. Four of the five Democrats on the committee are also tending to- ward this view. Rep. Claude D. Pepper of Florida is keeping an open mind on possible alternatives, although he is understood to lean toward a penalty that includes re- moval of Powell from the House. Dirksen To Support Embassy Treaty Everyone connected with the Powell investigation emphasizes that the situation could still change when the committee re- sumes deliberations tomorrow, but the outlines of a consensus have emerged. Republicans generally are con- sidered to hold the key to Powell's fate in the House where most Northern Democrats tend toward some plan that would avoid Powell's expulsion and m o s t Southern Democrats favor ousting the Negro leader. If the Republicans can line up most of their 187 members behind the censure plan, the House prob- ably will go along with it. The key to the debate would be to avoid the. direct vote of expulsion by blocking amendments to the reso- lution seating and censuring Powell. Once this was done, the resolution itself probably would win approval. Republican members of the com- mittee told GOP leaders at a long conference Friday that to expel Powell would only make him a martyr. In addition, they argued, it might bring the entire matter back before the House within months if Powell, as expected, won the special election that would be called for his vacated seat. Anti-Mao Forces Succ Score VBloo dy Clashes TOKYO (M)-Foes of Mao Tse- tung were reported yesterday to have scored partial victories in battles at key points ranging from the frozen Mongolian frontier to the Himalayan border in western China. Radio Moscow, in a Japanese- language broadcast, said anti-Mao forces, after a series of bloody clashes, had seized "nearly full control" of Inner Mongolia, a strategic autonomous region in Red China's northeast. Other reports told of gains by opponents of Mao's great cultural revolution-or purge-in Hupeh, Shantung and Szechwan Provinces and trouble for the Maoists in the Port Arthur-Dairen area of Man- churia. Moving Successfully Bu tin Darjeeling, India, Tibetan exiles monitoring Radio Lhasa said. there were indications that pro-Mao forces were moving suc- cessfully against anti-Maoist in an effort to regain control of, Tibet. In Peking, a public statement by Foreign Minister Chen Yi gave no hint of any slackening in Mao's purge. Sporadic fighting has been re- ported in Inner Mongolia recently, and Japanese reports Friday said telephone and telegraph: commu- nications with Inner Mongolia's capital, Huhehot, had been dis- rupted. World NEW ORLEANS - Dist. Att. Jim Garrision said yesterday a plan was developed in New Or- leans which culminated in the as- sassination of President John F. Kennedy. He added, "Arrests will be made." "We already have the names of the people in the initial planning," Garrison told the Associated Press. 'We are not wasting our time and we will prove it. Arrests will be made. Charges will be filed and convictions will be obtained." * * * WASHINGTON-Michigan Gov. George W. Romney took another step toward an active campaign for the 1968 Republican presiden- tial nomination Sunday by ap- proving the establishment of The Moscow broadcast said three divisions of the People's Libera- tion Army had been ordered by the Mao leadership to move from Peking into Inner Mongolia to aid pro-Mao leadership to move from Peking into Inner Mongolia to help pro-Mao revolutionary rebels. In Taipei, Formosa, the official Central News Agency, quoting Na- tionalist Chinese intelligence sour- ces, said Chinese Communist troops in Hupeh and Szechwan Provinces had revolted against Mao and that many supporters of Mao and his defense minister, Lin Piao, had been arrested and executed. In Tibet, where reports Friday told of 100 or more persons killed in fighting between supporters and opponents of Mao's purge, three pro-Mao army divisions were re- ported moving in to put down forces commanded by Chang Kuo- hua. China-Soviet Border A correspondent for the Japa- nese newspaper Mainichi, in a dispatch from Khabarovsk, Si- beria, said the Chinese Communist. had stationed about 500,000 troops along the northeast China-Soviet border. Across the frozen Amur River, the bounary between China and the Soviet Union, the Mainichi said, the Russians are believed to have a force about a third that of the Chinese. SNews Rot the race" was accepted as the usual political window dressing by many who believe the Michigan governor already is running hard. * * * . DETROIT - Two major auto workers producers have announced that production cutback plans for the next few weeks will idle some 7,800 workers. Chrysler Corp. disclosed a cut- PIANO PLAYERS openings NOW with Rich Bloch and the Chen, Yi, in his statement pledged that the cultural revolu- tion would not change China's policies toward Afro-Asian nations and said Peking would continue to support "revolutionary strug- gles." territorial unity and nuclear weapons program. One is Ho Lung, a marshall be- bore Lin Piao abolished ranks in 1965 and a former vice premier who fell from Mao-Lin favor. Pe- king reports quoting Red Guard posters appear to confirm a belief that Ho was behind an attempted coup that had China near civil war last July. An alliance between Ho and Wang En-mao, military com- WASHINGTON A)-Sen. Ever- ett M. Dirksen (R-Ill), has come around to supporting the U.S.- Soviet consular treaty, apparently assuring the Johnson administra- tion its first foreign policy victory in the new Congress. Dirksen, the Senate Republican leader,, is maintaining publicly that he has not made up his mind about the treaty. He has criticized it in the past but now is telling friends his doubts have been re- solved and he will support it. This probably means a sub- stantial majority.of the Senate's 34 Republicans will follow his lead and back the treaty. Their support is vital since a two-thirds major- ity of those voting is needed for ratification. Lay Guidelinesy clause, only 11 show any interest in setting up new consulates and 9 of these are Latin American. Czechoslovakia and P o 1 a n d, have shown some interest, but any additional consulates would have to be negotiated individually be- tween the United States and the' countries concerned Action on the treaty is expected early in March when opposition to the President's Vietnam policies probably will be rising again in the Senate. Premature Ballot Counting Stopped by Indian Officials MEANY AIDES WORRIED: UAW Split Could Jeo AFL-CIO Nation wide MIAMI BEACH (M-AFL-CIO become victims of Reuther's feud leaders expressed fear yesterday with Meany. that the swiftly growing alienation Meany, however, reportedly sees of Walter P. Reuther's Auto Work- no way to conciliate Reuther and ers Union would jeopardize many plans to replace him on the AFL- of organized labor's nationwide CIO's top-level Executive Council1 goals, next week. Reuther resigned from Top aides of AFL-CIO President the conuncil early this month, pro- George Meany viewed the Auto testing what he called Meany's Worker's withdrawal from the fed- failures in leadership. eration's Chicago branch as an- The Auto Workers action in other step toward a probable total Chicago Friday night, withdraw- break with with the giant labor ing some 20,000 of their members federation. from the federation's city organ-. AFL-CIO officials are worried ization, brought the Reuther- that their new national programs Meany battle down to the local to' enforce the recent federal mini- level for the 'first time. mum wage hike and to press for The Auto Workers also are con-, hefty Social Security increases will sidering breaking with the federa- tion's state organization in Illi- nois. The state and city AFL-CIO ' / ' /bodies are vital links in imple- P menting top policy and programs Withdrawal of the Auto Work- back in operations at three De- other unions fur top posts in the troit-area plants will result in ers would set off a scramble among 5,800 workers being laid off, while city and state organizations, and Ford said it will put 2,000 workers Meany aides fear this would lead out of jobs. to a rash of politicking among General Motors said it had no unions instead of pushing labor production plans to release at this programs. time. GM, world's largest auto- Reuther's union is also expected maker, cut deeply into its original to decide in April whether to break production schedules in both De- all ties with the AFL-CIO, with- cember and January. drawing some 1.4 million Auto inardize S1The treaty would lay down the i guidelines under which adminis- tration officials say one addi- tional Soviet consulate could be opened in this country and one ad- ditional American diplomatic of- Workers from the 13.5-million- fice in the Soviet Union. member federation. Meany's partisans deny Reu- Opponents have contended this ther's charges that AFL-CIO lead- would invite an expansion of So- ership is "complacent" and ac- viet espionage in the United States cuse the Auto Workers' president and in Latin American countries. of acting out of pique because he Supporters have denied this, say- wants Meany's job ing that it would build an addi- While he joked with associates tional East-West bridge and give about Reuther's attacks, Meany Ameircans traveling in the Soviet is obviously angered at Reuther's Union legal protection they do not biter criticism against the AFL- now enjoy. CIOr Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Meany recently announced a (R-Iowa), has 'complained that 'nationwide program to insure en- other countries could invoke the forcement of new federal mini- most-favored-nation c 1 a u s e of mum-wage hikes for some five trade agreements and seek ad- million workers and asked all city ditional consulates of their own. and state AFL-CIO organizations Show Interest to take an active part. A State Department survey Series of Rallies furnished senators indicates that He also announced here a series of 33 countries eligible under this of rallies around the country next month to support President John- son's proposal to raise Social Sec- UBJECTS utybenefits by 20 per cent. programs thatAFL-CIO leaders WANTED fear will suffer from the Reuther- Meany dispute. Ifor simple experiment involving NEW DELHI, India (M - The Indian government ordered a halt yesterday to premature counting of ballots by officials in distant eastern Manipur Territory along the Burmese border, in the na- tion's week of general election. Because of fear that early pub-' lication of results might affect' voting in states where balloting has not yet taken place, the Elec- tion Commission sent an urgent communication to Manipur's chief electoral officer telling him to make sure the counting of votes, was stopped at once. Officials in Imphal, the terri- torial capital 1,100 miles east of New Delhi, released results of four races for the 30-member State Assembly Friday night.' An Election Commission spokes- man in New Delhi voiced fear that because of poor communications within the hilly and heavily for- ested state, even more results might be announced before the central government's message was received. The elections, to choose 520 members of Parliament and fill 3,560 state assembly seats, are staggered over a week because there are not enough trained poll- ing personnel and police to handle the total eligibile electorate of 250 million in a shorter time. Although counting will be started across the country after the last polling stations close Tuesday night, fairly complete re- turns are not expected before next weekend. CHALLENGE "Cypernetic Challenge in the University" "STUDENTS SEE that in spite of all the pseudo-democratic rhetoric indulged in by the deans of students, no shreds of power will come to them."--Weiss DR. JOHN WEISS Asst. Prof. of European History of Wayne State University "WANTED: A society for the prevention of cruelty to undergraduates." II II GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe =1 17 U A MUSKET '67 C COLE PORTER'S ANYTHING GOES sensitization to a chemical. No drugs or shots; drops of the chemical are put on the skin. Chemistry students not eligible. Must be 21 or over, and plan to be in town for at least 3 months. Male subjects only at this time. HIGH PAY: $15-$50 for a series of 5-minute visits. (Depend- ing on length of series) "THE SOCIAL ROLE of the American college helps to explain the brutal fact that ultimate authority is vested in men who are quite I i I I. I I . r r _ t 1At_"__ 1