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February 19, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-19

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See editorial page



Continued cloudy;
light winds

SeventySix Years of Editorial Freedom


College Viet
Parley Nears
Compromise Likely on
Blast of War Policy.; I
Walkout Averted
Debate continued late into last
night on resolutions to be pre-
sented in the final session of the
first National Student Conference
on Vietnam at Cornell University.
The session was scheduled to end
Two main groups among the 45
Eastern college and university
delegations represented were back-
ing opposing resolutions on gov-
ernment policy in Vietnam. As
formal presentations bogged down
in parliamentary points a con..
promise resolution appeared in-
creasingly imminent between the
majority favoring censure of the
government and a minority de-
fending Administration policy.
Marcus Raskin, co-director of
the Institute for Policy Studies in
Washington, spoke to the confer-
ence yesterday afternoon, calling
for the formation of a new na-
tional student union to replace the
National S t u d e n t Association.
M Raskin, a critic of the Vietnam
war, pointed out the irony of the
deception in a society that sup-
ports the war but decries Infiltra-
tion of student organizations by
the Central Intelligence Agency.
Walkout Averted
A walkout by approximately 20
of the 140 delegates who were
sponsoring the motion to support
U.S. policy was averted Friday
when the minority group was as-
sured of a fair hearing of its reso-
lution. The delegations of Ford-
ham University and St. John's
University, Brooklyn had charged
that the conference, advertised as
the "first attempt at sober, un-
emotional campus dialogue on
Southeast Asian policies," was in
reality "stacked" by critics hos-
tile to American policy.
The most probable resolution to
be passed at tonight's final session
is one calling for peace moves, im-
mediate cessation of bombing and
a firm commitment of the U.S. to
withdraw its military forces from
Vietnam. Main supporters of this
resolution are Columbia, Pennsyl-
vania and Colgate universities,
Barnard, Smith Mount Holyoke
4 and Harper colleges.
The harassment and jeering of
a State Department spokesman.
Daniel Davidson, on the opening
lecture Wednesday drew com-
plaints from some of the students.
Fair Speaker Balance
Mark Belnick, a Cornell student
chairing the conference, said an
attempt had been made to obtain
a fair balancebofspeakers but that
supporters of the Administration
position had been "scarce and also
expensive." Of the 11 guest speak-
ers, only three were considered
favorable to the Vietnam policy:
M of the government. They were
Davidson, Prof. Wesley Fishel of
Michigan State University who
spoke last night, and Prof. Milton
I. Sacks of Brandeis University'
The pro-Administration resolu-
tion introduced read: "We say
with President Kennedy: 'The
United States like the Republic
of Vietnam, remain devotedto the
cause of peace -and our primary!
purpose is to help maintain
(South Vietnam's) independence.'
If the Communist authorities in
North Vietnam will stop their
campaign to destroy the Republic
of Vietnam, the measures we are
taking to assist . . . defense efforts
will no longer be necessary."

m m I

. - _

Agencies Aid


/ ItC-4 nW 'atl In Subletting
NEWS WIRE For Summer

m'u -!'Ww - m u

PRINCETON, N.J. (AP)-Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer died
yesterday at his home, a spokesman for Princeton hospital said.
Oppenheimer was 62.
The spokesman said an autopsy probably would be held today.
According to the spokesman, Opbenheimer died at his home,
but was attended by a member of the hospital staff.
Oppenheimer pioneered in the development of the first
American atomic bomb.
THE SAN DIEGO Evening Tribune said yesterday that the
University of California Board of Regents has voted to return
Dr. Clark Kerr to the payroll as full professor of economics and
industrial relations, the Assodiated Press reported yesterday.
In its copyright story, the Tribune said the action was taken
Thursday night at a secret meeting in Santa Barbara.
Kerr served as president of the University from 1958 until
Jan. 20 when he was dismissed by the regents.
The Tribune said that Kerr's new salary of $20,800 a year
will be retroactive to Jan. 20 and that the regents agreed to
continue until July 1 a $4,000-a-year rental subsidy and a
$1,000-a-year maintenance allowance on his private home.
Kerr had lived .in his own home rather than the home pro-
vided for the president on the Berkeley campus.
PROF. JOHN WEISS of Wayne State University will speak
at 2:30 p.m. in Angell Hall, Aud. A on "Wanted: A Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Undergraduates."
Weiss is a well-known critic of multi-versity education. His
speech is part of the Challenge Lecture Series put on by the
Honors Student Steering Committee and the American Student
Culture Association.
MARIO SAVIO OF BERKELEY will address University stu-
dents tonight via a tape made last week in Berkeley. The tape,
made for WCBN, will be broadcast over that station at 7:30.
Savio will discuss the specific problems of students at the Uni-
versity, and the role of the Presidential Commissions. Accord-
ing to WCBN, Savio will tell University students that if the com-
missions do not work out they have no right to demonstrate,
because they accepted the commissions in the first place.
* * * *
nam will conduct public hearings at Wayne State University be-
tween April 8 and 15 on the complicity of the Dow Chemical
Company, the Selective Service System and the Wayne State
administration in war crimes. The hearings co-incide with inter-
national Vietnam Week. A tribunal will examine subpoenaed
witnesses, weigh evidence and present conclusions which will be
forwarded to the International War Crimes Tribunal in Paris.
PETITIONING IS NOW OPEN for the Literary College
Steering Committee. Interested undergraduates in the literary
college should fill out their petitions to 1220 Angell Hall before
Wednesday, March 11.
THE FACULTY LETTER to President Johnson calling for
"unconditional halt" to United States bombing raids on North
Vietnam will be released on Monday.
Publication has been delayed for a week since the draftees
failed to obtain from each signer written permission to use their
ANN ARBOR PUBLIC LIBRARY and the Friends of the Li-
brary will present a series of six talks about timely and important
books on Wednesdays from 12:13 to 12:48 p.m. in the meeting
room of the public library.
SIXTEEN PER CENT of the University Law School fresh-
man class scored in the top one per cent of a nationwide law
school admission test.
On the same test the 362 students in the class, as a whole,
scored in the top 10 per cent.
The current freshman class reflects the highly selective ad-
missions policy of the Law School. The number of qualified
applicants has increased over the past four years while the num-
ber of students admitted has remained approximately the same.
PI' KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY has just re-established
its Beta Tau Chapter on the campus of the University. The Beta
Tau Chapter was on campus from 1922 until 1936 when it left
campus due to financial consequences. Pi Kappa Alpha is a na-
tional social college fraternity with over 70,000 initiates and over
135 chapters throughout the nation.

Provide Advertising,
Rental Information
To Interested Tenants
The game of subletting summer
apartments is now being played by
many University students. During
the next two months severalathou-
sand tenants will make an at-
tempt to sublet their apartment in
a market that is flooded beyond
Several sublet services which
try to match apartments with
summer tenants are presently
' available to students. The opera-
tion of these services follows a
simple basic pattern.
The winter tenant fills out a
card describing his apartment and
files it with the sublet service.
The prospective summer renter,
then searches through a long list-
ing of apartments which the serv-
ice has compiled in an attemptI
to find one which suits his needs.
Newest Service
The newest service for helping
summer subletters is provided byj
the Market, the buying and selling'
service operated by the University
Activities Center. Services of the
Market are provided without
charge to both the present and
prospective tenant. Unfortunately,
response to the service has been
far greater by those trying toj
sublet than by those trying to
rent. A spokesman for the Market
claims that there are well over 100
apartments listed with the service,
and points out that demand for
summer sublets will become great-
er as the summer draws nearer.
There is a similar service run
by the Student Rental Service, a
privately owned enterprise. This

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
Michigan's Craig Dill battles Ohio State's Bill Hosket for an invisible jump ball during the Wolver-
ines' 97-85 pasting by OSU yesterday. Dill and Hosket, two of the outstanding centers in the Big Ten,
starred for their respective teams, netting 31 and 23 points respectively, including 12 out of 12 free
throws for Dill. Mike Swain (42) and Bruce Schnabel (31) look on for the Buckeyes. Loss was the
third in four games for the Wolverines and left them with a 2-6 mark in Big Ten play, 8-10 overall.
Educational Conferen1"Ice
Plans AcademTic Reforms

NSA Agrees
To Inquiry
Link Newspaper Guild
To Philadelphia Fund
Called CIA Front
J By The Associated Press
Top officials of the National
Student Association concurred last
night with demands for a full-
scale investigation of the relation-
ship of the Central Intelligence
Agency with private groups.
Some members of Congress and
students associated with NSA have
called for such an investigation
following disclosures of CIA In-
volvement with several founda-
tions and student groups.
These revelations have led to
the questioning of possible CIA
involvement with other groups, in
particular the American News-
paper Guild. Officers of the Guild
said yesterday the union has re-
ceived over $1 million from various
foundations for overseas activi-
ties, but to its knowledge, none of
it has come from the CIA.
Published reports have said that
the Guild receives funds from
foundations which do not list their
incomes. One of the foundations
named, the Andrew Hamilton
Fund of Philadelphia, was report-
ed by the Washington Post as
"identified yesterday by govern-
ment officials as a CIA front."
The Guild said it would investi-
;gate its relationship with all
foundations, and "will immediate-
ly terminate its relationship with
any found' linked to the CIA."
Meanwhile, NSA officials .said
they will turn over their organi-
zation's records to the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee, pend-
ing an official inquiry.
Eugene Groves, president of
NSA. announcing the decision of
the NSA supervisory board to re-
lease the records, said he hoped
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee "will be able to con-
duct 'a full investigation."
At a news conference Friday
night, NSA leaders told of an
"ethical trap for young men of
great integrity" that brought the
NSA into a relationship with the
They claimed the CIA used
money; draft deferments and the
threat of jail forced them to ac-
cept and not reveal CIA involve-
"You should know the .agony
this caused. That is the real hor-
ror of the CIA," said one NSA
In other developments, Internal
Revnue Service offices in Wash-
Iington and Austin, Texas, have
offered conflicting stories about
the existence of a fund named as
a money pipeline from the CIA to
the NSA. Ramparts magazine list-
ed the San Jacinto fund of Hous-
ton as one of five foundations
that dispensed CIA money.
IRS officials in Washington were
reported as denying the existence
of the fund, but the district of-
fice in Austin said the Washington
office had declared it tax-exempt
two years ago.
Also, an official at the Univer-
1sity of Oregon said yesterday the
CIA was the largest employerof
graduates from his school last
year. Eugene Dils, director of Ore-
gon's placement service, said he
gets notes from the CIA recruiter
on students he should stop trying
to place in jobs. He estimated the
CIA hires 20 or more Oregon grad-
uates a year.

service operates in essentially the By NANCY SHAW port the attitude of 'Let the ad- cess of active engagement, he said.
same manner as the Market, but A group of about 50 students ministrators decide and execute,'" Felheim claimed that notes that'
charges a graduated fee depending and faculty met yesterday in the Paper said. He expressed hope for another takes for you are usually
on the number of tenants trying second annual University Activi- action going beyond the con-?an oversimplification of t h e
to sublet an apartment. The mini- ties Center Academic Conference ference. thoughts behind them, and also
mum fee is $25. to discuss current educational Areas considered at the confer- ignore the professor's personality.
According to Archie Allen, man- issues. ence were: He suggested as alternatives:
ager of the operation, the service The conference intends to im- 0 "Phi Bet Notes," a plan for ' taping the lectures for later usel
was highly successful in subletting plement serious consideration of selling lecture notes taken by ex- by groups of students, more semi-
apartments last year. He claims four specific areas of academic cellent students in order to relieve nays, with or without instructors,
his office was successful in sublet- reform. Last year's conference the burden of factual note-tak-'and greater use of handout mate-
ting almost all of the 400 apart- helped bring about the pass-fail ing: rials as lecture aids. These could
ments that were listed with them. option which was enacted. this 0 Possible revision of the for- 'be outlines of the material, topics
Allen expects to handle a larger year. eign language requirement; for possible papers, or questions
number of apartments this year. The conference, headed by Lew 0 Revision of the credit hourIthe instructor feels the student
Off-Campus Housing Bureau Paper, '68, academic chairman of ,system for more equity with work'should be able to answer as a re-
UAC, and Kathie DeMare, '68, demands; sult of the lecture.
} Students can also list their consisted of four discussion groups 9 Extension of the "Outreach" Tu e ofoteg lecture.
apartments with the Off-Campuswhc covndatrakyoepoiaofilwi'tousdef The foreign language commit-
Housing Bureau for summer sub- which convened after a keynote program of ieldwork to oute tee, headed by Prof. James W.
letting. The bureau recommendsadrsbyPp.Heskdfrhesyhogdprmn. Shaw, chairman of Junior-senior
lettng.The ureu reommndscompletely accounting for all opin- At the meeting after the discus-Sh.caimn fjuorsir
that tenants check with their counseling, recommended not only
landord befre ttemtin toions, so that the proposals to be sions, Prof. Marvin Felheim of the!cuslnrcmeddntol
landlords before attempting to made would merit serious official English department, chairman of that the present requirement be
sublet their apartments to see if consideration. the "Phi Bet" committee, called kept, but that two years of lan-
there areanyrestrictions on sub- "We cannot cry for absolute the proposed system unsatisfac- guage in highschoo] be made an
leasing the particular apartment. student power, nor can we sup- tory. Note-taking should be a pro- entrance requirement. If the stu-
ffThe apartment should be checked dent could not meet this, he would
for any damages before subletting take non-credit remedial courses.
to protect the tenants from a The committee felt that foreign
damage deposit loss for which they anaislanguage proficiency and familiar-
trr rrnnibla ity with other cultures is impor-

'were not respospe
Sublet leases are available in the
0 ff-Campus Housing Bureau of-
fice. The Student Rental Service
will prepare a lease for people
using their office, but other serv-

System Gains Pride

ices do no other work than just. By LUCY KENNEDY to drink in the residence halls--
matching apartments and tenants. "Probably my biggest objective sorority girls would also be allow-
According to the Off-Campus this year has been to get Panhel- ed the privilege unless it was of-
HousingBureau, students gen- lenic President's Council to take fensive to other girls in the
erally take a five or ten dollar per pr'ide in itself-and I think I've house.
month loss in rent when they succeeded," says Martha Cook, '67, "Another big criticism of soror-
sublet, but the office recommends retiring president of Panhel. New ities that I think we've at least
that students try to get the full Panhel officers will be elected to- admitted and tried to solve is the
amount of rent and then try to morrow. status problem. There is a great
negotiate. A summer damage de- "For a long time girls within the feeling that girls pledge .a sorority
posit should be included in the system have had complaints-they forastatus and I think fall rush
sublet lease to protect those sub- haven't been able to take real has done a lot to solve this
letting the apartment. pride in being part of the sorority'problem."
- system," Miss Cook says.
She points to the membership
tin ste be innn f ahl' Ies earch ~er
committee (to prevent discrimina
battempts to face problems. "This
v es L.att fn 0 willingness to look our problemsst
' in the eye" is exemplified by "the M ostj Ii I~
r T____7 resolution on recommends we

tant to a liberal education. The
committee is also recommending
better training for language in-
Sam Chafetz, '68, who chaired
the committee on credit revision,
urged that each department re-
consider the relation between work
demands and credits given. Re-
vision from three to four hours
per course should especially be
considered, he said. Curricular de-
mands of non-majors should be
given serious consideration. Most
importantly, each school and col-
lege is urged to reconsider its
ground rules for assignment of

NU Administrator Says No


rs Prove Sugar Pill
ble 'Memory' Drug

I waAd-, EIY

passed two weeks ago."

ratwor t(

Associate Dean Richard J. Don-
ey of Northwestern University's
College of Arts and Sciences de-
nied last night the Daily North-
western's charge that he was lead-
ing an investigation of the stu-
dent newspaper.
Doney said after a week of si-
lence following the passage of a
faculty resolution calling for the
probe that, "There is no investi-
gation of the Daily Northwest-
ern." Doney was reported to have
been placed in charge of an in-

I. jI. I/ I..r I I'rl ro ue -I r ci cti if yI v (u 'That resolution invoved min By RICHARD HERSTEIN another drug, dextroamphetamine
crossing the path of the powerful In a recently completed study, (Dexedrine), a stimulant, learned
sorority nationals, for it question- University researchers found that slower than those who had been
Dean J. Lyndon Shanley, brought Daily Northwestern editor Joan have done nothing." He said there ed "how much nationals should a sugar pill packs just as much given a pill containing only sugar.
immediate concern to Daily North- Schumann appeared Thursday on was no investigation or study, control membership selection." learning power as magnesium For many years, scientists have
western editors who were worried Chicago television and reinterated that he was very annoyed over the "I don't think the fact that penoline, a member of the new sought to unlock the secrets of
about the wording of the resolu- her concern that the administra- situation and the constant attempt Panhellenic Council resolved they 'breed of "memory' drugs. memory learning. Recent studies
tion. Although not speaking with tive move may have been an at- by reporters to see him. He said wanted less national control is as Although the drug reportedly centered on whether memory or
Doney, the student editors spoke tempt to indirectly censor the that the "whole story is complete- significant as the fact that the aids learning and memory in the learning could be improved by in-
with professors who had voted in paper. ly blown up!" resolution was entirely initiated by rat, this appeared not to be true creasing the brain's production of
favor of the resolution. After Miss Schumann in recent editor- When asked about the claim President's Council," Miss Cook for human subjects. RNA (ribonucleic acid). RNA and
stating their position and discuss- ials cited the fact that the author- that Daily Northwestern editors added. The experiments with the drug, a related nucleotide, DNA (deoxy-
ing the issue several of the pro- ship of the resolution, the moving feared censorship, he replied,. This year Panhel has also pass-- conducted by a research team at ribonucleic acid), are responsible
fessors reversed their positions say- and seconding of it during the fac- "God no! Who in this day and ed resolutions supporting the 18- the Mental Health Research In- for coding the heredity patterns
ing the resolution was a "mistake" ulty meeting, and the initiating age would consider censorship!" year-old vote, the writer-in-resi- stitute, indicated that the memo- of living oranisms.
and should have been given more of the "investigation" were all Criticize Administration dence, the draft referendum, a ries of young male college students In the University study, psycho-
scrutiny than had been given it done by administrative deans or For the past several weeks paper fairly autonomous sorority judic, were not improved after the ad- logists used 30 male student volun-
initially. assistants. She said that at no editorials have criticized severely and has made a stand on sopho- ministration of the drug. In fact, teers, all 'intellectually above av-
Irresponsible Action : time did faculty members take administration positions on liquor 'more hours. Panhel resolved last it was found that those subjects erage." The subjects faced a row

Dexedrine; three groups were
given pills with 25, 12%/, or 6/2
milligrams of Cylert, and one
group was given pills containing
only sugar.
The results of the experiment
showed the following:
* The learning rate was fastest
under the' sugar pill.
* The learning rate decreased
under Cylert as doses increased.
0 The learning rate was slight-
ly but significantly slower under
Dexedrine than under Cylert.
"Our results are in agreement
with what is known to date about
the behavioral effects of Cylert in
animals," said Dr. Burns. "Higher

s :.
" i.
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