Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHTIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The CIA: Spreading the Gospel 2 - I-R-IPM Where Opinions Aree, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail' NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: STEPHEN WILDSTROM I The Engineering Faculty: A Defense of Seizure By DAVID KNOKE THE "INVISIBLE government" became painfully visible once again this week. The United States Central Intelligence Agency was discovered secretly funding the ov- erseas activities of the U.S. Na- tional Student Association and ten other student, business and po- litical organizations. In addition to the NSA, other groups linked to the CIA included The Pan American Foundation, connected with the University of Miami in Florida; The Interna- tional Marketing Institute, a pri- vate group that gives seminars at the Harvard Business School; and the American Society of African Culture which provides works by American Negro writers to African universities. And yesterday, Walter Reuther of the United Auto Workers said that the CIA's involvement with the AFL-CIO is a lot bigger story than the'disclosure of CIA sup- port of student groups. The President has'Bordered an investigation into the threat this collusion holds for "the integrity and independence of the educa- tional community." He has ap- pointed a commission headed by HEW Secretary John W. Gardner, Attorney General Nicholas Katz- enbach and CIA Director Richard Helms to formulate new guide- lines for governmental relations with international programs of American educational organiza- tions. Johnson was rumored to have ordered an immedaite cutoff of secret aid programs to student groups, while Sen. Eugene McCar- thy (D-Minn.) advocated the for- mation of a Senate Select Com- mittee to investigate the CIA's re- lationships with all domestic foun- dations. THE CIA WAS created in 1947 under the direction of the Nation- al Security Council to gather and disseminate information and ad- vise the council on "matters of national security." But it ha a history of poking its nose into ordered an immediate cutoff of- ing foreign policy for the U.S. on its own. One of the latest cases was the claim by Singapore Prime Minis- ter Lee Kuan Yew last August that a CIA agent in 1960 had offered him a $3 million bribe to conceal a bungled espionage venture. The charge was first denied and later confirmed by the State Depart- ment. The press began recalling other incidents similar to the Lee af- fair: the abortive Bay of Pigs in- vasion, stuffed ballot boxes in La- os, attempted overthrow of Indo- -nesia's Sukarno, doctored sugar to be shipped by Cuba's Castro to the Soviet Union, and the Domin,- can Republic intervention in 1965: THE CIA's involvement in aca- demice ventures began coming to light last year, at the instigation of Ramparts Magazine. In the May. 1966, issue, the liberal Cali- forria-based magazine charged that a Michigan State University technical assistance program to South Vietnam under the late Ngo Dinh Diem had been infiltrated and used by CIA agents for "coun- ter - intelligence" purposes. Al- though the accusations were de- nied by MSU officials, other uni- versities, including the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, has- tily cancelled their research con- tracts with the CIA. The CIA's relationship with the NSA in particular began in 1952. The Soviet Union, immediately af- ter World War II, had begun to organ'ze and propagandize a world student movement. The Russians financed many congresses and in- ternational student organizations that brought youths from Com- munist and underdeveloped coun- tries together. The NSA student leaders want- ed to counter this trend by carry- ing on international activities of ' their own. Yet the NSA was iden- tified at home as being politically oriented to the left. Major sources of private funds of international activities did not appear. So the CIA stepped in with offers of as- sistance. Secrecy was maintained to prevent Communist charges that the NSA was government controlled. Only the two senior officers of NSA plus top govern- ment and CIA officials were privy to the "supersecret". The amount of assistance, put at $200,000 in the earlier years, tapered off to $50,000 towards the end of the relationship. The 1965 NSA president, Philip Sherburne, began the termination over basic policy differences with the agen- cy s Covert Action Division No. 5, alleged to have been in charge of the student program abroad. The withdrawal was completed under current President Eugene Groves by the beginning of this year. LIBERAL SENATORS have been trying for a dozen years to set up a supervisory committee to main- tain some semblance of control over the CIA's secret activities, but effective opposition from Sen. Richard Russel (D-Ga.), head of the congressional CIA "watchdog" subcommittee, has prevented any such moves. Last year, McCarthy and Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark. tried un- successfully to expand the sub- committee to include several mem- bers of the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee. "It would be more desirable," Russell said, "to abolish the CIA and close it up, lock stock and bar- rel, than to adopt any such the- ory as that all the members of the Congress of the United States are entitled to know the details of all the activiites of this far-flung organization." THE CIA, supposedly an infor- mation-gathering and policy-exe- cuting body, has behaved as though it were a policy-making arm of the government. The crux of the furor against the CIA's entangle- ment in the scholastic groups is the agency's persistence in keeping secret all of its operations, hid- den even from its nominal over- seers. The extent of the activity in which NSA leaders were involved with the CIA may never be as- certained. Ramparts asserts that the agency had an active part in the selection of personnel for NSA's foreign activities. Even if that were not the case, the guilt-by-association has now spun a web reaching back many years to involve and discredit the good intentions of many past NSA rtelations jobs with the Govern- Pt esidents now holding foreign ment. But the issue runs much deeper than the duping of the student organizations, which is after all only one incident in a long his- tory of such maneuverings. Because the existing alterna- tives have led to blatant blunders in the past, Congress may soon be locking to Sen. Russell's "more de- sirable" solution to the problem of CIA autonomv A GROWING united front in defense of the Cinema Guild's right to show "Flaming Creatures" was broken Thurs- day when the faculty of the Engineering College passed a resolution charging that "persons within the academic communi- ty have indeed exceeded the bounds of common decency and reason." Though the statement spelled out plat- itudes on constitutional rights, it urged "the administration, faculty and students to take appropriate action to regain some acceptable point of equilibrium" in the aftermath of Jack Smith's controversial film. IHE TERSE RESOLUTION begins by warning that "freedom of inquiry" must be "jealously guarded from attack both from those outside the academic community who might seek to restrict it and from those inside who interpret such freedom as license to go beyond the bounds of common decency." Apparent- ly, the engineering faculty have become expert legal and film critics by insinuat- ing that outside the academic community the same judgment as theirs might be "restrictive." Furthermore, the resolution's conclu- sion is "on the basis of available evi- dence." Exactly what, one wonders, was that available evidence? Certainly very few of the faculty members could have attended that first-and only-perform- ance. And certainly, if even a few of them were there, it would take superb powers of prohpecy to determine the legality of an hour film from the 10 minutes which were shown. THE ENGINEERING faculty, just like the Ann Arbor police and other self- appointed protectors of the public mor- ality, have passed judgment through hearsay. They have based their decision on advertisements and on descriptions, selectively overlooking such items as a review in The Nation which applauded "Flaming Creatures" as a fine creative work. Perhaps the film was neither fine nor creative; however, neither the engineer- ing facultynor anyone else on the cam- pus was permitted to judge for them- selves, and that is the injustice., THE CHORUS of disapproval which fol- lowed the Cinema Guild seizure has been answered in an attempt to restore the "equilibrium." The engineering fac- ulty's resolution should also restore the realization that even enlightened mem- bers of the University community are willing to judge without evidence in their attempt to "shield" us all from indecency. -ROBERT KLIVANS Letters:UCLA Professor Blasts Reagan Russell's Kangaroo Court WHAT HAD ONCE appeared to be a ser- ious attempt to root out the facts be- hind the effects of U.S. bombing in North Vietnam appears to have degenerated into a theatrical stunt. The "International War Crimes Tribun- al," allegedly organized by 94-year-old Bertrand Russell in England reportedly offered television cameramen passage in- to North Vietnam-for a high fee. Both the National Broadcasting Com- pany and Columbia Broadcasting System flatly refused to pay for the "privilege" of accompanying the investigating com- mittee now cellecting evidence of "war crimes" in the North. The evidence is to' be used in a "Trial of President Johnson," later this year. FACT that this trial has no offi- cial sanction makes the whole event appear to be a stunt planned for the pockets of promoters. Certainly American networks are anx- ious to get cameras into North Vietnam, but it is a good sign that a desire for profit has not outweighed their sense of responsibility as reporters of news. The first investigation team left dur- ing Christmas and returned to Europe several weeks ago. The second team left for Hanoi about Jan. 10 and some of its members are still there. A third group will leave for North Vietnam shortly. But the fact that three investigation teams for the committee have been al- lowed such free access to the North and are able to wield influence to get Ameri- cans into the country smacks of inside dealings with the North Vietnamese gov- ernment. Admittedly, when the teams complete their tours and return to England, they will bring back information important to American interests, A fair-minded ap- praisal of our current policy depends on accurate information on the effect of bombings. Unfortunately, however, the Russell committee seems bent on using this data'to find President Johnson guilty in the trial with as much fanfare as pos- sible. AN INVESTIGATION of this consequence demands official sanction to insure objectivity. In previous instances, United Nations observers have performed the function of visiting countries to deter- mine whether flagrant violations of in- ternational law were being perpetrated. Why doesn't the Russell group present its case before an international body of this type instead of a kangaroo court? -WALLACE IMMEN To the Editor: IN THE BELIEF that the views of a former resident of Ann Ar- bor and U. of M. staff member (1948-1962) (now a resident of the Golden State and a registered Re- publican) may be of interest to your readers, I have prepared the following remarks: The University of California with nine campuses has become the largest university in the coun- try. Of these campuses, the Berke- ley campus is the oldest and most distinguished; some say it is the best university in the land. It has also been afflicted by demonstra- tions and unscheduled student ac- tivities that were exaggerated as riots. In any event, the new Reagan regime promised to "clean up" the Berkeley mess and take care of the assorted beatniks, sexniks, Vietniks and no-good-niks. How this was to be accomplished was not explained before the Novem- ber election. The new regime also called for economy in government, which was to amount to a 10-per- cent-across-the-board cut in budg- et. MEANWHILE the university pri- or to the election, had carried on with its appointed task of educat- ing the youth entrusted to its care, carrying on research, adult education programs, etc. The press, which gleefully reported the do- ings of Mario Savio and his news- worthy associates, buried onaback pages or never mentioned at all the efforts of hundreds of our students who gave up holidays and free time to teach reading, writ- ing and arithmetic to the little Negro children in the ghetto. Press photographers who hap- pily recorded for posterity each filthy beatnik had no film to waste on neat young men and women with little bucketsecollecting nick- els and dimes to send little under- privileged street urchins to sum- mer camps, where they could fill their lungs with fresh air instead of Los Angeles smog. THERE WAS an ever-increasing horde of these young men and women who needed education, much of it of an advanced tech- nical character. The campuses at Berkeley and Los Angeles were jammed to capacity with 27,500 students each, and the new cam- puses at San Diego, Santa Cruz and Irvine were to be expanded as rapidly as possible to take care of university enrollment upwards of 100,000 in a very few years. The state contribution to the budget for 1966-67 had been $243 million. The university regents, a group of dedicated, generally con- servative folks of independent means had asked for $273 million in view of the accelerating de- mand on university services. In late 1966, state officials had sug- gested that this be trimmed to $260 million; the regents are re- ported to have agreed that by slowing down expansion this could be accomplished without harm. THE ESTEEM in which higher education is held by the "creative society" is shown by the fact that' they demanded a state contribu- tion of $192 million instead of $243 million or $260 million pre- pared by the state agency. By the impeccable logic of the creative society this is only a 10 per sent cut! Why? Well you grab some money from the re- gents contingency fund and charge the students higher fees- say $450 on top of an incidental fee of some $200 a year. While state agencies which re- ceived a 10per cent cut were per- mitted to trim their services, the university and the state college system with their huge bites were expected to expand their services and handle more students than be- fore. In the legislature power is so evenly divided between opposing parties that the veto by the gov- ernor could not be overridden. Hence, U-C must face the con- tingency that the "creative socie- ty" budget of $192 million may be rammed through. THE BATTLE CRY of the new regime is: "Let the beneficiary pay for his education. All deserving. hardship cases can be taken care of by loans and scholarships." Unfortunately, the beneficiary often is unable to pay because he does not have the earning capacity until after he gets his education. This often requires graduate work after four years of college. In theory he can borrow the cash for four to eight years of educa- tion. But did you ever try to bor- row money from a bank with no collateral? As for scholarships, they never will suffice to take care of all de- serving candidates. The adminis- tration of such a system would be costly, cumbersome and cursed with red tape. HEAVILY increased fees will not hurt the kids from Bel Air or Pacific Palisades, nor those from depressed areas where few get to college. Those who will be hurt are from families with moderate in- comes who can barely make ends meet at the present time-many of them are Negroes or Mexicans who have worked their way up out of their respective ghettoes. California has always prided it- self on its low-cost public higher education. The regents have al- ways supported this principle. Bonds for higher education drew a heavier "yes" vote than did the "creative society!" Highly sophisticated industries, often working on huge govern- ment contracts have benefitted from a large supply of skilled workers. Does cutting down the source irprove the position of these industries? NOW CALIFORNIA fiscal com- plications are used as an oppor- tunity to take it out on the stu- dents. There is no economic cris- is in the Golden State and at- tempts to compare it to the Mich- igan problems of some year's back are exercises in sophistry and ob- fuscation. The state can, well afford to take as good care of the edu- cation of its youth as it did in the days before the "creative so- ciety." Just come out and examine for yourself the vulgar display of pri- vate opulence-if you can see it through the smog. Ubiquitous, ar- rogant, exhibition of garish luxury casts a curious light on the pre- tense that California cannot pay the cost of educating. those on whom its prosperity so largely de- pends. DURING THE REGIME of Clark Kerr the administrative structure of the University was revamped;. two brand new campuses intend- ed to accommodate 55,000 stu- dents were established, and sev- eral older ones were greatly ex- panded. The student body enroll- ment essentially doubled, and the university achieved enviable dis- tinction. The detestable purge of this con- scientious, able, hardworking man who bitterly opposed running the university as a police state was a tragedy. In fact, the faculty voted not merely to deplore this action but to condemn it. SOME REGARD the distin- guished architect of the "creative society" as a bungler and inept administrator. I do not agree. I believe he knows exactly what he wants to accomplish and how to do it-with speed, dispatch and consummate skill. --Prof. Lawrence H. Aller University of California at Los Angeles q LETTERS All letters must be { typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. U A il .-W 'I<< -1 I Bravo for PTP. SEVERAL WEEKS AGO, subscribers to the .Profestsional Theatre Program's Play of the Month series received an an- nouncement: PTP was changing its plans, submitting "Half a Sixpence" for "Lion in Winter," and "Marat/de Sade" for "Aft- er the Fall." The Daily is a member or the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications, Bond or Stockholders-None. Average press run-10,000. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE 7FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JOHN MEREDIITH....... Associate Managing Editor LEONARD PRATT ........Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER ... Associate Editorial Director ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate Editorial Director BABETTE COHN .................. Personnel Director ROBERT MOORE.................. Magazine Editor CHARLES VETZNER..................Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL...........Associate Sports Editor JAMES LaSOvAGE............Associate Sports Editor GIL SAMBERG..............Associate Sports Editor 'rTOAR _ CI (OPT ........Photowravhv Eidtor Not even an Ann Arbor audience, ac- customed as it is to the regular superla- tive fare provided by PTP's theatrical entrepreneurs, can fail to take apprecia- tive note of the coup involved in bringing "Marat/de Sade" here. "Marat/de Sade" (actually, "The Per- secution and Assassination of Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum Charenton under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade") is unique-the kind of theatre event which occurs once every decade. It has prompted rare excitement throughout the theatre world. The play isn't making any other Mich- igan appearance on its national tour. The PTP is presenting it next Monday and Tuesday. Capturing "Marat" for Ann Ar- bor is thus a fine accomplishment for a program whose great accomplishments are usually taken for granted. -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editor Donner Honor 'H E UNIVERSITY'S Annual Business Leadership Award will be given to FrTehiti e Gnonner h nord chnirman nd .v a \ 'R 196? TM. .4~t ,, r r ii i i; i l , q , 4, : a ; , , : . r i d I I i1 I --,"---- I I V' I "Only four weeks ? ? . .. It took ME four years to get a credibility gap this wide . ." "... Let's re-shoot that last scene . . ." . .........::...................*.... **.**....**. ... ......................,.... ....................,........................................,........................................:{......,....................r...... ... .. .. n r r . a . U.S. Shoul Follow Kosygin Formul1a HAROLD WILSON, speaking of his talks with Alexei Kosygin, has just said that last weekend peace in Vietnam "was almost in our grasp . . . One simple act of trust could have achieved it." What might such an act of trust have been? Presumably it would have been a statement or an action by Hanoi which signi- fied that it would halt the flow of men and materials to the South. That would have been ac- companied by an American order halting the bombing of North Viet- nam. by a reduction of Hanoi of its military action on the ground. Thus, military reciprocity is not now a workable formula for pro- ducing the negotiations which, the President has so often insisted, is the immediate objective of our military actions. The question then arises whether military reciprocity is the only, the best or even the most practical and realistic for- mula to use in these preliminary discussions. I THINK it is not. I believe that true reciprocity can be had only Today ra i ( 1021 OI TOW rnd T omorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN world last week that if there were a cease-fire in the air over North Vietnam "the way would be clear- ed to the negotiating table . . . to seek a way to a political settle- ment of the Vietnam problem." THEEEFORE, in my view, we should take Kosygin at his word and should reply that we will sus- pend the bombing on the under- standing that the Soviet Union in- tends to promote a conference. This would be not only promis- ing, but widely acceptable at home and abroad. It would also be a very strong position forthe gov- ernment to take. It rests on the assumption that, unless the con- trary is proved, Kosygin is not de- ceiving us when in effect he prom- ises a conference if the bombing in the North is suspended. er and tougher than in fact It Is. For it is almost impossible to de- fine nilitary reciprocity when you have to compare guerrilla forces and highly organized professional forces. One of the essential character- istics of this war is that the great majority of the fighting forces on the other side can disappear and reappear without our being able to keep close watch on them. What could be watched, what can be kept track of is bombing and gun- fire: a violation of a cease-fire