SATURDAY,, FEBRUARY .18, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T tEV SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE eking ~Pe6g Sends Forces To Crush Resistance in Tibet, Mao's Purge Opposed In' Capital City Peking Supporters Ousted, Lhasa Placed Under Martial Law TOKYO (A) - Severe fighting broke out in Tibet yesterday, spreading from the capital of Lhasa to near the eastern border and leaving 100 or more persons dead, according to Peking wall posters. Forces opposing Mao Tse-tung and his purge were reported led by Gen. Chang Kuo-hua, 'Tibet's military commander since the Himalayan land was seized by the Chinese Communists in 1951. If there was any truth in the wall posters, part of their news was stale. They said Chang had declared martial law in Lhasa, ousted Maoists from their strong- holds and taken over security, po- lice and party headquarters. A Lhasa broadcast heard in In- dia yesterday called on the people to rally to Mao's support and said three army divisions had been sent from China proper to "crush the revisionists." One of the divisions came from Peking, Lhasa radio added. In Mao's campaign to roll up the provinces held by supporters of President Liu Shao-chi and par- ty Secretary-General Teng Hsia- oping, Maoists asserted they seized Kansu Province in the northwest. Again claiming victory in Fukien Province opposite Formosa, Pe- king's official People's Daily said anti-Maoists had launched "a new counterattack" in Foochow, the provincial capital. Kansu and Fukien would make six of China's 21 provinces that have now been claimed by Mao, although opposition has been re- ported persisting in most of them. The others are Shansi in the north, Kweicho win the southwest, Shantung in the east and Hei- lungkiang in Manchuria. Japanese correspondents said Red Guard wall posters reported the fighting in Tibet spread from Lhasa in the south-central part to Chamdo, 390 miles to the east. Chamdo is on the main eastwest highway less than 100 miles west of the Szechwan Province border. The Peking correspondent of the newspaper Yomiuri said 20 persons were killed and scores injured in a clash Jan. 20 at Chamdo. Some of the victims were Mao's teen-age militants, the Red Guards.. Maoists also now control Cham- do, said the Lhasa broadcast heard in Darjeeling, India, by Tibetan refugees. Lhasa raido said Tu Tha-chen, a' local Chinese leader, addressing an army rally in Chamdo, urged troops to back Mao and "destroy all elements who ojipose the So- cialist path and the cultural rev- olution." Japanese correspondents and Chinese Nationalist intelligence re- ports from Formosa said clashes between pro- and anti-Mao forces broke out in Lhasa Feb. 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12. Wall posters said that during some of these calshes, 400 pro- Maoist revolutionary rebels had been trapped inside their barracks. No casualty figures were given for these clashes, and wall pos- ters showed only an overall fig- ure for Tibet. F Yomiuri said another Red Guard poster reported all telephone and telegraph communications to the outside had been cut at Huhehot, capital of Inner Mongolia. Ulanfu, boss of Inner Mongolia, leads the revolt against Mao there. Mao purged him as deputy premier. Yesterday it was learned that Fukien Province opposite Formosa was probably seized after a "fierce struggle" by Mao's forces. Kennedy To Speak On Policy Views Projected Opposition To Administration May Split Party Line SYOSSET, N.Y. (i) - Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, D-N.Y., said yesterday he has a major Vietnam policy speech in the works. And he again voiced serious reserva- tions about the bombing of North Vietnam. "The war should be settled in South Vietnam at the peace ta- ble," Kennedy told a group of Sy- osset High School students, after a majority of them had expressed approval of increased bombing of the north. There had been speculation that Kennedy plans to take the Senate floor for a dissent from the John-! son administration's Vietnam poli- 'Every SINCE 1952: Aware of CIA Subsidy WASHINGTON M-)-"Every ad- ministration" since 1952 has known of the CIA's subsidy of the National Student Association, a special House subcommittee an- nounced yesterday. The House Armed Services CIA subcommittee issued the statement as reports whipped through the capital over who knew and who didn't knnow about the politically hot CIA undercover payments to the nation's biggest college student organization. One source confirmed that the! Senate group which supervises CIA activities had known about the payments for some time. Press Transfers dent magazine "The Moderator" who is acting as a press liaison man for the NSA supervisory board, told newsmen: "The CIA has intimidated them by means of threats ranging from character assassination to putting pressure upon 'the establishment' to reject them from a responsible role in American society. While Werdell was denouncing the CIA, the House subcommittee was praising the big intelligence agency in a statement after ques- tioning CIA Director Richard Helms. It said the CIA aid was given at the students' request "to coun- ter Communist attempts to take over foreign student organizations by making it possible for Amer- ican students holding independent views to participate in .interna- tional meetings." "The program of financial as- sistance to the National Student Asociation has been known to every administration since 1952," the statement added. After the CIA-NSA disclosure, President Johnson ordered a top- level inquiry into activities by the CIA or other government agencies that could endanger the integrity and independence of the educa- tional community. That survery has begun, State Department press officer Robert J. McCloseky said yesterday. Administration' cies, even at the risk of an open This Senate committee reported- break which could split the Demo- ly has been pressing CIA officials cratic party, to transfer some other expend- -Associated Press John Diefenbaker, right, former Canadian prime minister, speaking at a Miami University convoca- tion, suggested yesterday "that bombing of North Vietnam be restricted to travel routes and stopped in populated areas." At left is Lloyd O'harra, a Miami University trustee. Viet Cong Defection Rate Hits Newuvs Record, Fatalities High Confirms Plans However, in confirming to news-' men that he plans a major policy speech, Kennedy said: "It is pre- mature to characterize it one .ayv or the other." Kennedy said he probably would deliver the speech in the Senate! within the next several weeks, The Globe Dispatch quoted Kennedy as saying in an interview that he has apprised the Johnson administiation of his intention. Regrets Resumptionj Kennedy said last Monday that he regretted the resumption of U S. bombing after the lunar new .Year's truce. The Globe quoted Kennedy as saying he refrained from taking a stronger stand at the time be- cause, "I thought it best not to make any statement that could eidanger prospects for peace dur- ing what Mr. Walt Rostow called a delicate phas,' of preliminary rnoves toward negotiations" Earlier thws week, the junior senator from New York said he' regretted resumption of U.S. bomb- ing in North Vietnam followeing the lunar new year truce. During a visIt, to Long Island yesterday, a stow of hands by 2,- 000 Syosset High School students showed most of them in favor of increasing thy bombing in Nortb V ttnam. Kennedy put a similar que- tion earner to 200 students at Fiends A tA emy in Locust Val- ley, and the sentiment there aioE favored increased bombing. A.. terwards, Kennedy told the Syv set students that he has "ser- ious reservations about the m';- tary effectivInesr of the bombing of North Vietnam." A year ago, Kennedy became in- volved in' a controversy with the ad'inistratior when he spoke of inclusion in piy post-war govern- ment of South Vietnam Commun.. 1ts. itures to departments where they would show up in the public bud- get-and avoid embarrassing dis- closures such as the CIA-NSA fi- nancial link. Included in these are CIA funds being used in pacification and re- habilitation programs in South Vietnam. NSA Overseas The group is considering giving up its overseas activities in the be- lief that its representatives will be viewed henceforth as spies. The 10-man supervisory board abruptly shifted its meeting from one Washington hotel room to an- Dther down the hall after fears were expressed that the first room was bugged. An informant said the NSA of- ficers were convinced the original meeting room was rigged with sec- ret listening devices. One student leader accused the CIA of using threats of "char- acter assassination" in an effort to keep NSA leaders from ac- knowledging that the organization. had been receiving CIA funds since 1952. Philp Werdell, editor of the stu- DzenzelCriticizes GovenrsTax Plan' LANSING OP) - Gov. George the Senate might come up with its Romney's proposed tax package own tax program "if we are pin- "wouldn't get a single Democrat ned to the wall." vote in the Senate the way it is "We've been told for 12 years now," Senate Minority Leader we need more taxes," Dzendzel Raymond Dzendzel, D-Detroit, said. "We're still operating with- said yesterday. out them." "Under the governor's program," Dzendzel is leader of the 18- Dendzel complained at a news member Democratic bloc in the conference, "only five percent of Senate. Republicans have a ma- the additional revenues would jority in the upper chamber with come from corporations, while 95 percent would be paid for by in- dividuals and families. Shifts Tax Burden "This does not strike a blow for equity," Dzendzel said, "but con- tinues to shift the tax burden fur- ther on the average income fam- ily." Dzendzel said Democrats in the Senate had no tax program of their own ready to submit at this time. He said the minority party in SAIGON (A) -Major engage- ments alone have accounted for 916 Communist dead since the Tet truce ended Sunday and Viet Cong are defecting at a record rate of more than 500 a week, allied au- thorities said yesterday. The war's tempo was up. Capping a string of bloody opera- tions in the wake of the truce, South Vietnamese armored troops shot up a column of Communists apparently retreating from battle Wednesday with Korean marines near the central coast. -They re- ported killing 100. The Vietnamese, serving as a blocking force for Koreans and U.S. Marines in a drive called Operation-Rio Grande, reported they suffered no losses. 128 Dead Across the country, a brigade of the U.S. 4th Infantry Division counted 128 enemy dead from a two-day battle in the central high- lands near Cambodia's frontier. One of the American companies suffered heavy casualtiesk how- ever. and another was reported hit moderately Thursday by Commu- nist mortar and automatic wea- pons fire. U.S. B52 jets from Guam flew a record seven missions over a single 24-hour period and five of these were in support of the Amer- icans in the highlands battle. The Stratorfortresses returned Friday for two strikes at Commu- nist targets near the coast, one 120 miles and the other 250 miles northeast of Saigon. Action dwindled in the high- lands, where the 4th Infantry Di- vision brigade keeps watch for Red infiltration from Cambodia on routes about 230 miles north of Saigon. Though fighting often centers near the frontier, Cam- bodia denies the Communist are using its soil as either a spring board or a sanctuary. The U.S. company that suffered heavy casualties presumably would need replacements to continue as an effective fighting force. Such a company ordinarily would have 175 to 200 men. Just how many wert hit was not disclosed. South Vietnamese have reported killing 411 enemy troops, the Americans 261 and Korans 243 in heavy clashes this week. The dozens of minor actions that reg- ularly dot the countryside push the total by Saturday midnight well above the normal weekly run of 1,200 or so. The U.S. mission in Saigon an- nounced psychological warfare operations geared to the Tet fest- ival for the lunar new year at- tracted 3,456 Viet Cong turncoats from Jan. 1 thruugh Feb. 11. This gave up in the same six-week per- was nearly double the 1,822 who iod last year. Wooed by leaflets, broadcasts and traveling theatrical groups, the defectors were wel- comed by South Vietnamese of- ficials under the government's open arms program. Cloudy weather persisted over North Vietnam and American fighter-bombers were limited to 64 missions Thursday. Most of these were flown against railroads, highways, storage and staging areas in the southern panhandle. Pilots of two U.S. Air Force F105 Thunderchiefs reported sight- ing two Communist MIG jets, but no exchange of fire. T UT7 7 7 7% Romney Starts Speech Tour, Calls Himself Noncana~diate W orl iews iouau LANSING, Mich. (P) - Gov. George W. Romney, one of the most widely traveled non-candi- dates of the year, set out yester- day on a seven-day Western swing still insisting he had not made up his mind about his political fu- ture. Romney told a news conference ihe trip was a result "of the nat- iral invitations you get as a re- sult of Lincoln Day." He descrlbed hims"U as a non-candidate who had bF.rn placed in a unique posi- tion. However, Democrats have label- ed it a campaign tour to help the 59-year-old former automaker se- cure the 1968 Republican presi- dential .nomination. Republicans have said such a trip is recessary to give Romney opportunity to state his position on national issues and to give him exposure recessary to secure dele- gate sappurt at the 1968. GOP Na- tional Convention. "A lot of people expect me to deal w'.h national issues as if I were in a national campaign,' Romney told newsmen. "I'm not in a national campaign." The third-term Michigan gover- nor said the national attention focused on him has placed him in a situation never before faced 'by anybody in the position I am in at this time " Press Responsible Romney said he felt the press was gr,.catly responsible for this and aided tnat Theodore H. White in his book "The Making of a President, 1964," tended to indicate things set in motion the year before the convention. Asked if he was unhappy with the sltuhtion, Romney commented. "There is noth ng I can do except recognize it exists." "It's a new situation," he said, "It does confiont a person in my position with problems which nev- er have had to be dealt with be- fore." Asked if he intended to mHake any policy statements on the Viet- nam war, Romney said, 'It might be interesting to wait and see. "I rnive a very heavy sche-dule and will be a eked a lot of ques- tions on domestic and other mat- ters," he said. "I expect to deal with them as I go along." 20 votes. Dzendzel particularly complain- ed that industry is not paying a fair share under Romney's tax package. Lobbyist Romney "Since he, Romney, has been governor, industry has been given many tax reductions," Dzendzel observed. "Years ago, he was a lobbyist for. the big auto compan- ies. .Maybe it's paying off now. "We recognize the need for big industry in Michigan, but it should pay its fair share of taxes." Dzendzel said more tax relief is needed for families in the lower income brackets. Under any state income tax, he said, some relief must be given citizens who al- ready pay a city income tax. Democratic Goals Dzendzel outlined what he said was a partial list of the 1967 Sen- ate Democratic legislative goals. Education, health and welfare. will be dealt with as separate it- ems later on, he said, because they are of enough importance to war- rant individual handling. Among the Democratic goals listed were: -Control of air and water pol- lution. -An increase in the minimum wage law and higher payments for disabled workers. --Repeal of the present two- year voter registration law and a return to the more liberal four- year registration plan. --A revision of state insurance' laws, particularly to eliminate ge- ographic differentials for prem- iums. -A stronger hospital licensing and control law. -Uniform assessment of pro- perty, based on ability to pay. --Continuance of an agressive tr4ffic safety program. -Refinancing of the Mackinac Bridge and a reduction of bridge tolls, Cal Regents Face Hard Fight To Prevent.Budget Slashes By The Associated Press JAKARTA, Indonesia - Con-I gress yesterday called for a meet- ing March 7 to consider removing President Sukarno, a decision that some Indonesians fear will touch off another bloodbath. Congress Vice President Me- lanthon Siregar said Sukarno's ouster already had been approved "in spirit," noting that Parliament had submitted to Congress a re- solution demanding the President's dismissal. Military and civilian leaders have been trying to get him to step down without a fuss. They know Sukarno still commands widespread support in this teem- ing island nation, particularly in parts of the main island of Java. NEW DELHI, India-An 18- year-old girl out on bail after being charged with election vio- lations burned herself to death yesterday at Madras and scattered election week violence was report- ed elsewhere in India. The voting goes on through next Tuesday and tallies are expectedt by Friday. WASHINGTON-A clear major- ity of the House committee in-j vestigating Adam Clayton Pow- ell Jr. was reported yesterday to favor seating him with a stiff censure motion, probably including a fine or withholding some of his pay. Although these thoughts have not wholly crystallized, most mem- bers of the select committee are understood to believe this is the most severe action it is practical for the House to take. A money penalty against Powell would be to cover government funds he al- legedly converted to his own use. SANTA BARBARA, Calif.-The University of California Board of Regents is "in for' one hell of a fight" to get even a compromise $255-million, 1967-68 budget, As- sembly Speaker Jesse M. Unruh said yesterday. Earlier, Theodore R. Meyer, board chairman, said the regents would continue to press for a $264- million appropriation from the state, as originally proposed. The board voted Thursday in favor of the $264 million figure but at the same time hold the uni- versity administration to recruit faculty and enroll students on the assumption of getting only $255 million. "The regents are not prepared to settled for $255 million," Meyer said. "We will exert our best ef- forts to get $264 million." The compromise figure of $255 million is $23 million less than the original request but $40 mil- lion morebthan the amount rec- omended by Gov. Ronald Reagan from general funds. The decision to press for $264 million also was defended Friday by William E. Forber of Los An- geles, a regent, who told the board that surveys showed it still is "worthy economically" to invest even more in higher education. Approval Fails Reagan failed Thursday to win from the regents approval of his budget figure or establishment of tuition.hThe regentsnvoted to con- tinue the 99-year, no-tuition pol- icy at least through the 1968 spring quarter. Unruh said it was "very im- portant' for the board to set forth a broad statement of purpose for the university. " Especially after all the beating around the mulberry bush they did before coming to grips with the real problem," he 'added. The regents, Unruh said; should state short- and long-term goals because the university is "on the point ofndemoralization inside the state, and is the object of ridicule "Cybernetic Challenge in the University" PROFESSION THEATRE PROGRAM C AL E RN JOYCE IHUTCERSON BRYA NT ON LONG presents West German Action Threatens NATO Crisis "STUDENTS SEE that in spite of all the pseudo-democratic rhetoric indulged in by the deans of students, no shreds of power will come to them."-Weiss DW JOHN WEISS Asst. Prof. of European History of Wayne State Univ. LONDON (P) - West Germany's government has withdrawn a six- month-old offer to help pay for the upkeep of Britain's Rhine ar- my, diplomatic sources disclosed yesterday. The unannounced move by Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger's coalition government threatens a major crisis for the North Atlan- tic Treaty Organization, with big will discuss rll the issues in Lon- don on Feb. 27 and 28. But auth- orities ,here are forecasting a col- lapse of the negotiations unless West Germany shifts position. The Bonn government's with- drawal of an $88-million offer of arms purchases was conveyed in- formally to the British last week. So far it has been kept secret. The move seems certain serious- f 4 46 p r PORGYAN DBESS" mtm---r- MsicGEORE ER i~N UBLibretto by anER R N DUSE HEYWARD DIRECT FROM -- aACCLAIMED INTERNATIONAL __UTOUR! 1 "Wanted: A Society for the Prevention Ii A I I of Cruelty to Undergraduates" "THE SOCIAL ROLE of the, American college helps to ex- plain the brutal fact that ultimate authority is vested in men who are quite ignorant of education."-Weiss a i _ "1' _ t 1 ....:...,. CV KAY/drt 1 /d