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February 18, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-18

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See editorial page

Sir h


Chance of
brief snow flurries

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXVII, No. 119




Request Reforms of Social Work Student C


By DAVID KNOKE tion in the decision-making pro-
When an Ann Arbor landlord cess of our educational system,"
attempted to evict three students he said. "then we must turn our
from their apartment, social work schools upside down until they
students were in the forefront of do."
an ad hoc group that got the Students in the University's so-
eviction reversed. cial work school last week began
A social action committee form- what they hope is the first step in
ed in the social work school was the process of election of a Union
among the first groups to declare Party slate of candidates to the
unconditional support of the "stu- Social Work Student Organization
dent power movement" last se- (SWSO), the school's student gov-
mester. erning body.
A referendum held last fall also Under the presidency of Willis
supported a strongly-worded state- Bright, Grad, the Union Party is
ment that the , United States beginning the process of trans-
should pull out of Vietnam. forming the week SWSO into an
Alan Haber, Grad, caught the effective organization for dealing
spirit of the social work students' with the administration and fac-
activism in a recent keynote ulty.
speech to a regional conference of The Union Party's first reform
social work schools. "If our schools is the inclusion of classroom rep-
will not allow student representa- resentatives from each of the five

major methods in the school: case according to David Shaprio, Union
work, group work, community or- delegate to Graduate Student
ganization, administration. and Council, will also place ultimate

doctoral candidates.
According to Bright, the repre-
sentatives will sit on committees
which "by involving them in more
than just liaison or messenger
roles will increase their participa-
tion and increase their knowledge
about the total functioning of the
Union structure."
Previously the SWSO represent-
ed only the executive board and
the chairmen of standing com-
mittees and thus could not negoti-
ate with the faculty and admin-
istration as spokesmen from the
student body.
The creation of a committee for
external affairs mandated to go
out to agencies and investigate
"abuses of clients and students,"

decision with the classrooms and
not committee members. "In other
words, the committees are not
delegated but authorized and sanc-
The external affairs committee
began immediately to investigate
three agencies in the area where
students are now placed: Boys
Training School, near Whitmore
Lake, Wayne County Training
School in Plymouth, and Ypsilanti
State Hospital.
"These are just some of the
places where students have felt
poor conditions for clients prevail,"
said Hedda Matza, Union vice-
president. The validity of the com-
plaints will be assessed by the ex-
ternal affairs committee which

will make proposals to the execu- work students," he says. "and groups that protect people already curriculum revisions which, under
tive body. you'll be seeing more direct action in the field. faculty initiative, were begun sev-
"The proposals will then go to taken by students across thecGoun- "With this organization behind eral years ago and are now rapid-
the individual classrooms for ac- try very soon." them, students should be able to ly approaching implementattion.
ceptance or rejection by the stu- One of those actions may be the speak out on issues vital to them, Robert Lasster, Union treasurer
dent body. Trus a few people who creation of a national student their clients and the workers al- said the new structure would al-
feel very strongly that things are union of social work students at a ready in the field. This could in- low students to participate in the
going wrong with the agency won't national conference scheduled to elude sucli things as speaking out classrooms meeting to offer their
be able to move without the stu- take place at St. Louis in mid- on Vietnam, its implications on revisions through the separate
dent body's sanction." j;March. Thirty-five to 40 schools social work education and social views to the faculty.
The grass-roots democracy which will be represented. welfare in this country." Students would like to go bey-
the Union is structuring into its "The national meeting will be a Shapiro said there is strong de- ond mere adaptive therapy for
reorganization will hopefully, in milestone -in social work education, sire that the national union should their clients,,according to Shapiro,
one partisan's words, "become a for the voice students will have include professionals and clients and change the system within
model for student-faculty-admin- not only in the internal function- as well as students. The Union which their clients live. Important
istration relationships for the rest ing of their own schools but in hopes to include clients in its gov- areas of concern are block place-
of the University and for social national issues as well," said erning body in order to gain a ment pass-fail grading for field
work schools around the country." 'Bright.perspective on the things that are work. Students also want to
The social work activism isn't B haffecting them so programs can change the requirement that they
just a local phenomenon, accord- By having representatives from be devised to eliminate these pro- pay for transportation to their
ing to Bright. schools all across the country, we blems. field work jobs several days per
"I think there is a real new can set up a parallel structure to A major internal issue the Union week, at distances often a hun-
breath of life coming into social the professional social workers is confronting are the pending dreo1 miles away.

VUrged EIjIU1'q
To Recognize ILanHatc er
Labor Unions NEWS WIRE
Governor '.,7 Ad-. - - -




l T E7 !'11"@71!

Committee Supports
Collective Bargaining


The Governor's Advisory Com-
mittee nn Public Employe Rela-
tions yesterday urged the Univer-
sity to recognize the right of its
employees to organize labor un-
ions and bargain collectively.
In the report issued yesterday,
the committee recommended that
all the state-supported universities
comply voluntarily with Public Act;
379. The act, which is presently
being challenged by the Univer-
sity in the courts, permits public
employes to form unions for col-
lective bargaining.
University administrators feel
that P.A. 379 infringes upon the
school's autonomy and are trying
to prove that the University as an
autonomous state institution is ex-
empt from the law.
Although the committee gave no
formal opinion as' to how the
courts should consider their up-
coming decisions, the five-man
panel headed by Prof. Russell A.
Smith of the Law School. asked
"that any universities which have
not already done so should adopt
policies in relation to their em-
ployees granting 'rights of unioni-
vate industry to have collective
The committee compared the:
University's challenge to P.A. 379
is similar to earlier attempts by
private industry to have collective
bargaining laws declared uncon-
stitutional, and believes that such'
attempts will fail to exclude the
University from the law.
The report stated, "Today in
Michigan the overwhelming ma-
jority of all employees, public and
private, are guaranteed the right
to. have a voice in determining
their conditions of employment'
through collective bargaining,"
and the commission considered
that the denial of this right to
workers at the University' "is a
course which we believe cannot be
validly defended."
The group considered the pos-
sibility of the unionization of the
academic staff when and if the
University complies with P.A. 379
"as a most unlikely prospect."
The commission asked the gov-
ernor to name a 12 member pub-
lic employment relations panel to
conduct hearings on public em-
ployee labor negotiations and when
necessary, to make formal public

INDIVIDUAL TICKET SALES for the Sesquigras Motown
concert featuring Smoky Robinson and the Miracles and Martha
and the Vandelas will be on sale from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
today and from 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday at
Hill Auditorium.
usually not handed out without the student's explicit permission
Dean Norman Scott of the engineering school said yesterday.
In a confusion between the deans and records office there was
speculation that transcripts were handed to anyone asking for
them without consideration of the student's desires .
The Engineering Council has moved a resolution that will
correct the confusion and state explicitly that transcripts will
not be allowed out of the records office without student permis-
sion. The Council expects adoption of this proposal by next fall.
* * * *
THE YPSILANTI GREEK THEATER, which opened its first
season last year, may have seen its last season. Sponsors of the
theater, the world's first major professional group regularly
producing Greek drama in English, said yesterday they need
pledges totaling $500,000 before March 1 if they are to make
plans for this year.
The theater opened to general critical acclaim last year, but
failed to meet expenses and wound up the season with a debt
of nearly a' quarter of a million dollars. Included among the
creditors is the United States government, which is suing for some
$80,000 in withholding taxes it charges were not collected from
employee paychecks.
* * * *
A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING the appearance of American
Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell at Western Michigan
University was introduced in the State Senate yesterday. The
resolution, introduced by Sen. Gordon Rockwell (R-Mount Mor-
ris), said the Senate members "Vehemently protest the spon-
soring .by the student association) of the appearance of Rock-
well, an admitted hater of the American tradition and the
American form of government and the ideals which American
society stand for."
* *M * *
PHI KAPPA PHIl, one of the world's most highly regarded
honorary societies, initiated 368 students and five faculty mem-
bers at the University of Michigan Thursday evening. James
H. Zumberge, president of Grand Valley State College and former
polar geologist on the University faculty, spoke at the ceremony
in Rackham Lecture Hall. His topic was "The Education of Young
Faculty members to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi were
Prof. Leslie Bassett of the School of Music, Profs. Inis Claude
and William Zimmerman of the political science department,
Prof. William Freehling of the history department, and Assistant
Dean Robert W. Heywood of Flint College.
TWO LAW SCHOOL SENIORS finished first in a field of
21 teams representing 21 law schools in the Detroit regional round
of the National Moot Court Competition. Richard Leukart and
Peter Truebner- advanced to the finals of the contest.
Four juniors in the law school have been chosen to compete
in the final round of the school's annual Henry C. Campbell
Moot Court Competition in March. They are Edmund Carey,
Robert P. Hurlbert, Carl von Ende and Stephen C. Wood.

Arizona State
By Board
Unanimously Refuse
Reconsideration of
Student's Appeal
The Board of Student Publica-
tions at Arizona State University
refused Thursday to reconsider
the Feb. 3 firing of the campus
newspaper's editor. John E. Polich,
former editor of the State Press,
was dismissed for refusing to com-
1ply with the board's policy. He
said yesterday that he would ap-
peal his case further "through es-
tablished channels".
The board, which consists of
three students and five professors,
voted 6-0 in favor of firing Polich.
One student member abstained
, and another was absent.
The board levied numerous
charges against Polich, the fore-
most being that, he had failed to
request permission to hold another
job in addition to his editorship.
Polich at the time also worked as:
a part-time police reporter for
The Arizona Republic.{
The policy prohibiting the edi-
tor, managing editor, and campus
editor from holding othe jobs was
passed a half hour before Polich
was appointed last Jan. 5. The
former editor claimed he had not
been informed of the new regula-
tions until after he had accepted p
his appointment. J
He maintained further that the s
chairman of the board and one A
other member knew about his oth- i
er job when he was first interview- o
ed for the editor's position. A
The board of publications, how-
ever, insisted on killing the editor- g
ial in the interest of freedom of N
the press. n
Other areas of conflict included to
Poileb's attempts at changing w
See ARIZONA, Page 8 ;s

-Daily-Chuck Bockoff
REP. JOHN CONYERS fD-Mich.) addressing an audience at Rackham Aud. on the progress of the
Negro in America.
Conyers Claims Negroes'
Progress s Negligible

l o Act Ul rUrnmbuild Lease

Board Gives
Approval for
Med Center
IU' Joins Consortium
To Construct, Operate
Huge Radio Telescope
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher asked the Board of Re-
gents yesterdayo forestall action
in response to the arrest of four
Cinema Guild officials on ob-
scenity charges for showing "Fla-
ming Creatures," here last month.
However, he said he would re-
turn to the Regents in the future
if he felt rules and regulations
were necessary to govern the
showing of movies by Cinema
"We don't want censorship, but
at the same time there is a feel-
ing that people around the Uni-
versity must show care in choos-
ing their movies," Hatcher said.
"The University is not going off
in an unbridled showing of this
kind of film. I would ask the Re-
gents to bear with us, so we don't
have to write down regulations we
don't want to write," he added.
Hatcher's statement came in a
twenty-five minute impromptu
speech at the end of the meeting.
Although a number of Regents
have expressed concern over the
Cinema Guild crsis, there was no
formal discussion of the matter.
When Hatcher finished his
speech, Regent Paul Goebel, na-
tional chairman of the University's
$55 Million Fund drive commented
that these type of activities on
campus were having a deliterious
effect on fund contributions.
"I spend 75 per cent of mytime
explaining to alumni about these
type of activities. This type of
stuff is going to leave to stop."
Hatcher praised the Cinema
Guild as a "creative and imagina-
tive organization to which the
University is deeply indebted." He
said he saw University resources
as being built for . freedom, for
creativity and service.
"If there can't be positive mold-
ing of creativity here then there is
no place for the University. For
the University then becomes mer-
ely a factory where you come to
get your bucket filled."
He said that while the Uni-
versity should "defend the right
of experimental movies, it does
run into the problem of under-
ground type films like 'Flaming
Creatures,' which go beyond de-
"I haven't had the great exhili-
rating freedom-loving experience
of seeing the movie, bt it pains
me /to see academic freedom en-
tangled in this muddy area."
Hatcher traced a number of his-
torical examples, citing Ibsen's
"The Doll's House" as being equally


Varied Show of Local Art at Union

Artists Against the War," an
exhibition of painting, sculpture,
drawings, prints, and ceramics by
faculty and students of the Uni-
versity, Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity and other "non-associated"j
artists will be held in the Mich-;
igan Union today between 3 p.m.
and midnight,
The show is being sponsored by
the Citizens for New Politics. The
artists have donated their work to
the exhibition with the under-
standing that the proceeds will go

Lady," a 9-inch high, beautifully
constructed torso.
Also included in the exhibition I
is Louis Simpson's "Flag of 1966,"
a mono-print in red and black.
This obviously "American" piece
makes a social comment by "cat-
aloging" in the stars tend the
stripes, various aspects of the pro-
test movement and the war.
Bill Barrett from Eastern Mich-
igan University, shows a stainless
steel varnished sculpture consist-!
ing of complex forms intricately:
balanced and in a muted tone re-


"We have made very, very little
progress," said Negro Congressman
ohn Conyers (D-Mich) with re-
pect to the Negro position in
America. Conyers' speech last
might, in Rackham Aud. was part
f the University's observance of
American Negro History Week.
After an opening address which
ave a brief development of the
Negro struggle in America, Co-
.yers went on to discuss the con-
empory questions of "Where are
we now and where must we go?"
"We're still confronted with the
ame problems we had at the be-
inning," he said. One of the prob-
ems he pointed out was that of
eadership. "The Negro commun-
ty is almost totally void of Negro
olitical leadership." He placed
art of the blame on the political
nachines in the North. "You think
rou.'re electing a leader," he told
te audience. "Youre really just
atifying an appointment."
Detailed Discussion
He then went on to a more de-
ailed discussion of the civil rights
novement. He called the last 10
ears a "preliminary period," one
n which to prepare the people for
hings to come. His picture of the
mmediate results of the move-
nent, however, was somewhat pes-
mistic. "Relatively speaking, the
egro is sliding backward on the
social) scale." He criticized the
oter Rights Bill and said it was


Tran Asks for Probe
By URBAN LEHNER Asked by a member of the aud-
ience who described himself as "a
"American students must set up young Army officer going in in
a committee to investigate this June" what he should do, Tran
NSA-CIA affair and find out why said, "Don't go to Vietnam Don't
it happened," Tran Van Dinh, for- go to Canada. Go to jail. And
mer acting South Vietnamese am- don't complain."
bassador to the United States, told Among Tran's proposals for the
35 law students in an informal dis- economic and social development
cussion yesterday. of Vietnam included the mainten-
Tran said that incidents "like ance of the communal village so-
the NSA-CIA embroglio" and ciety, "selective industrialization,"
Communist charges that the and 'an Asian Common Market
Peace Corps is an arm of the CIA with a federated corporation to
make it very difficult for foreign bargain for and distribute raw
students to believe that efforts by materials purchased from Europe
their American counterparts to and America.
establish channels of communica- Tran branded as "reactionary"

forces which he thought could
help the Negro better fit into our
society: the Negro American him-
self, the intellectual community,
the labor unions, the religious
movement, and the young people
in America. .
He then threw the discussion
open to questions. Several of the
questions concerned Adam Clay-
ton Powell. "The Powell thing,"
he said, "made a lot of members
of Congress realize the hypocrisy
we're caught up in."

When asked about Negro em-
ployment and the progress that's
been made, he replied, "We're in
the tokenism stage. It's 'in' to have
one Negro in every department."
Another question returned the,
discussion to politics and Conyers
remarked that "The traditional
relationship between the Negro
and the Democratic party may be
coming to a screeching halt." He
added that "our future is not in-
separable from the .Democratic
party. The party is immaterial."

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