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February 17, 1967 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-17

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Maoists Gain
New Support
In Provinces
Struggles Continue
Among Communists
From Tibet to Peking
TOKYO (P)-Radio Peking said
today Mao Tse-tung's forces had
seized Fukien Province opposite
Formosa after a "fierce struggle"
involving armed clashes. It was
the fifth of China's 21 provinces
claimed by Maoists in their strug-
gle to wrest provincial machinery
from his foes.
Backed by a dissident Red China
army unit, foes of Mao Tse-tung
were reported Friday to have seized
control of the southern tip of in-
dustrialized Manchuria.
Three pro-Mao Red Guards were
killed and many others injured
in clashes, wall papers in Peking
reported. More than 400 of the
Red Guards were, reported under
A Chinese Nationalist report de-
clared fighting had spread from
Tibet-where Maoist forces are
said to be on the defensive-east-
ward to Ezechwan Province. Anti-
Maoists were last reported in con-
trol of most of Szechwan.
Purge Deadline
Foreign Minister Chen Yi told a
Japanese trade group Mao's purge
will be sucessful within 11 months,
the newspaper Asahi reported. He
also told the Japanese the Soviet
leadership would be overthrown
because it is cooperating with U.S.
Radio Peking said Mao's forces
last Saturday crushed "the black
stream of counterrevolutionary
elements in authority" in Fukien
Province, in southeast China
across from the Chinese National-
ist island of Formosa.
The Chinese-language broadcast
said the victory in Fukien pushed
Mao's proletarian cultural revolu-
tian against bourgeois elements
into a "new stage."
It said Han Hsien-chu, military
commander of the area, and Gov.
Wei Chin-shui, who is also provin-
cial purge leader, attended a rally
in Foochow, the provincial capital,
that brought out 150,000 persons.
Officers and men of the People's
Liberation Army, navy and air
force in full combat gear also at-
tended the pro-Mao rally.
Military for Mao,
Han said the army, navy and
air force fully supported the Mao-
ists in their struggle against the
bourgeois opponents and would
continue to support them in line
with Mao's instruction.
Even if Mao's forces have si-
lenced all opposition in Fukien
Province they stil have a long way
to go to rout the followers of
President Liu Shao-chi and party
secretary-general Teng Hsiao-
peng from control of provincial
government and party apparatus.
Maoists also have claimed con-
trol of Kwiechow Province in the
southwest, Shansi in the north,
Shantung in the east and Heilung-
kiang in Manchuria, although op-
position has been reported from
most of these areas.
Resistance Elsewhere
There are 16 other provinces
and five autononjous regions-
Tibet, Sinkiang-uighur in the
northwest, Ningsia-hu in the west,
Inner Mongolia in the north, and
Kwangst-chuang in the south.
Resistance is reported strong to
Mao's forces in nearly all these

regions. Chn Yi's prediction to the
Japanese of definite results in the
purge by next January undoubt-
edly took this long pull into con-
Japanese reports said the army
yesterday arrested "some 400 pro-
Mao Red Guards and revolution-
ary rebels" in Dairen and Port

Bill To Help

Britain Asks for Decrease
In European Defense System

iJ uggests Legal By The Associated Press
Package To Decrease LONDON-Britain called yes-'
terday for a cutback of Commu-I
Hazards of Buying nist and Western forces along theI
Iron Curtain because of easing
WASHINGTON () - President tension in Europe.
Johnson asked Congress yesterday The British government said
to enact a legal package that he inits annual review of de-
sai wold elpprtec Amricnsfense costs and policy "there is
said would help protect Americans little danger of aggression" in
against such hazards as pipeline Europe because of political and
explosions, flammable blankets. economic changes in the Soviet
thieving, pension-fund managers, Union, now threatened by Com-
and gyp land deals. munist China.
Presenting the government white
These were but a few of the con- paper, Defense Secretary Denis
sumer protections Johnson advo- Healey told a news conference:
cated in a 12-point special mes- "The likelihood of a major war

That would mean instant esca- terests of economy and less spend-
lation into a worldwide nuclear ing of vitally needed foreign cur-
conflagration. This doctrine means rency.
in the British view, that conven- Healey told newsmen defense
tional forces can be cut back spending during fiscal 1967-68 will
sharply across Europe leaving only remain below the Labor govern-
"trigger forces" facing each other. ment's pledged $5.6 billion ceiling
Wilson-Kosygin Talks based on 1964 prices. He said
Isavings over the next three years
In~formants said Prime Mini- through 1970 will amount to $2.1
ister Harold Wilson and Soviet billion which could mean a $168
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin had a cut in taxation for every family
discussion last week on the possi- in Britain.

bilities of mutual force reductions
in the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization and the Warsaw Pact
The defense review presented
to Parliament yesterday forecasts
cuts in British military establish-
ments around the globe in the in-

-Associated Press
High speed winds blew chunks of ice from Lake Erie yesterday forming a small glacier in Buffalo,
New York. Much of the eastern part of the country was affected by the Arctic cold front which
produced 80 mph winds in Buffalo and Chicago. Sub-zero temperatures were accompanied by 6-12
inches of snow in many areas.
U.S. Planes Hit Near Hanoi;
Infantry Battles inHighlands

SAIGON (M)-A United States
infantry brigade battled through
the night yesterday against a
strong enemy force in the central
highlands. Bombers blasted Com-
muist sites near Saigon, rattling
the city's windows. Elsewhere Red
gunners downed 13 U.S. helicop-
The week was already the Viet-
namese new year's bloodiest and
losses obviously mounted on both
sides of a war in which an unof-
ficial tabulation showed American
combat casualties-wounded mis-
sing and dead-in South Vietnam
have now passed the 50,000 mark.
50,000 Total Killed
Aside from more than 400 fliers
killed or captured in North Viet-
nam, a total of 50,087-7,353
Americans killed and 42,734
wounded-was reached during the
four-day Tet truce.
The truce was a nominal cease-
fire which was marked by scat-
tered skirmishes until its end Sun-
day and followed by an apparent,
revival of Communist readiness to
risk large units, perhaps newly re-
grouped, against the questing al-
Spokesmen announced that al-
lied forces, while in two cases suf-
fering moderate casualties, had
killed 713 of the enemy in four

major allied operations from Sun- North Jay, Maine, and Sgt. Sam-
day through Wednesday. mie M. Womack of Farmville, Va.
The allied commands' weekly The U.S. mission in Saigon wel-
casualty reports, issued yesterday, comed the Hanoi announcement,
showed little change last week in but expressed "deep concern that
casualties on both sides from those there has been no sign of the two
of the previous week, despite the men although nine days have
fact nearly four days-from 7 a.m. elapsed since the reported date or
Wednesday to midnight Saturday release." It urged "authorities of
--were covered by the lunar new the opponent forces," to confirm
year truce. the men were free and say where
Allied dead totaled 309, down they were turned loose and what
16 from the week of Jan. 29-Feb. arrangements were made to insure
4, and enemy dead were put at their safe return.
1,085, down 224. Crafts, a radio operator, was
The U.S. Command, said 107 reported captured at Binh Gia on
Americans were killed and 1,015eed19a tureation
wounded in combat, compared to Dec. 19, 1964, in the same action
117 killed, 920 wounded and 11 as Sgt. Harold George Bennett
missing or captured in the pre- of Perryville, Ark.
vinis week

In one other controversial area
-possible curbs on sales commis-
sions charged buyers of mutual
fund shares-Johnson did not rec-
ommend any specific course of
action. He said only that recent
recommendations by the Securi-
ties and Exchange Commission
"provide a sound basis" for legis-
As in the past, Johnson backed
"truth-in-lending" bill that
Iwould inform an installment buyer
about "the percentage rate per
year that is being charged on his
Johnson came up with a brand-
new proposal for cracking down
on telephone and mailorder sales
of home sites.
The President's plan would re-
quire land developers who sell]
across state lines to give prospec-
tive buyers a full and accurate
disclosure of the wares they're
The President advocated also a
strengthening and overhaul of
legislation aimed at protecting
workers covered by welfare and
pensions plans.
Among other things, he wants
yearly independent audits of such
plans, more complete disclosure of
their financial activities and other
provisions to discourage conflicts
of interest or thievery by admin-
The legislation would effect
plans involving more than 40 mil-
lion workers and assets of $90 bil-
Johnson called, too, for closing
of loopholes in a 1953 law that has
done much to keep flammable
clothing off the market.
Also on the subject of fire safe-
ty, the President asked for a fed-
eral program of fire safety re-
search and pilot projects to im-
prove the efficiency of the nation's
fire departments.

World News Roundup

NEW DELHI, India-One of
India's four top Hindu holymen
angrily injected yesterday the ex-
plosive issue of cow slaughter into
the middle of this country's fourth
general elections.
The cow slaughter issue has
been relatively quiet in recent
weeks, but the holy man's decla-
ration could whip up emotion in
the remaining five days of voting
around the country.
Reports of violence continued to
come in, with a total of at least
four dead, and dozens injured in
the first two days of voting.
* * *
MIAMI BEACH, Fla.-A labor
leader accused the federal govern-
ment yesterday of turning a minor
waterfront first fight into a major
strike-breaking conspiracy.
Hall charged that the Jusice,
State and Labor departments con-
spired to break a 1963 Great Lakes
strike against a Canadian ship-
ping firm by "fabricating" federal
charges against four union mem-
He said there was a good chance
that either the House Labor Com-
mittee or the House Judiciary
Committee would investigate the
Powell Jr's estranged third wife
testified yesterday that someone
signed her name to 19 government
paychecks totalling about $26,000.
The select committee examining
Powell's qualifications to sit as a
member of the House didn't pur-
sue in yesterday's hearing the
question of who endorsed the
checks. But in a House subcom-
mittee hearing last December,

Louise Maxine Dargans, the chief
clerk of the Education and Labor
Committee, testified she did under
instructions homnPowell.
* * * .
WASHINGTON-Thirteen fed-
eral standards ranging from a
uniform traffic signal to a driver's
test at least once every four years
were submitted to the states yes-
terday for possible inclusion in
their highway safety programs.
The suggestions are for com-
ment and review only, the Com-
merce Department said, and rep-
resent no commitment by the gov-
ernment to their adoption in the
form outlined.
But officials have said they ex-
pect no softening of the highway
safety standards similar to the
toning-down of the auto standards
published last month by the de-
Under law, each state must be
implementing by Dec. 31, 1968, a
highway safety program approved
by the federal government or face
posible loss of 10 per cent of its
federal road construction money.

in Europe is very small indeed,
because it is certain to become
nuclear immediately."

126 Million Cut
In actual figures defense spend-
ing is rising $92.4 million from
$6.174 billion but in 1964 figures
it means a reduction of $126 mil-
lion on the comparable figure for
fiscal 1966-67.
Within minutes of publication
of the white paper, two rank-and-
file Laborite legislators said they
would not support the document
unless further, more drastic cuts
were made in British commitments
and forces in the Middle East and
Far East.
Healey said in his policy review
that east of Suez forces will be
halved to 30,000 by next April,
mainly from bringing home troops
that were fighting in Borneo.
Similar reductions are either
under way or planned in Africa
and the Mediterranean.
U.S. Reaction
The State Department said yes-
terday the United States would be
'glad to see a mutual reduction"
of allied and Communist troops
in Europe.
President Johnson, McCloskey
recalled, spelled out the U.S. posi-
tion on this question last October
in a New York speech. The Pres-
ident then suggested that "chang-
ing circumstances'' in Europe
might permit "a gradual and bal-
anced revision in force levels on
both sides."
This was regarded as a cautious
invitation to the Soviet Union
to consider, together with the
Western allies, the eventual thin-
ning out of forces in the heart
of Europe. American officials re-
ported that there was no reaction
either way from Moscow.

V U~tW eMl . j
The week also was marked by a
rise in American deaths from ac-
cidents, illness and other causes
classified as nonhostile. There
were 36 such cases, increasing
these to 1,663. In all, 8,016 Amer
icans have died in Vietnam.
Return of Captives
U.S. officials still awaited the
return of two American, soldiers
that Radio Hanoi announced
Wednesday had been freed by the
Viet Cong on Feb. 7 for the lunar
new year. They were identified
as Pfc. Charles Earle Crafts of

Other Actionf
In other areas:
t Ten UH1 choppers were shot
down as they shuttled more than
3,000 South Vietnamese troops to
reinforce two ranger companies in
a Mekong River delta battle 110
miles southwest of Saigon. Two
American crewmen were killed and
seven wounded.
* A U.S. Marine H34 was hit
and its pilot was killed on a sup-
ply mission 14 miles south of Da




Fr. Bernard Haring

"The True Christian

FT : 'Pdr.4.*n.s} yywylfl;rWu~a .4 - .SW.fn?:v.y'".'f l r ;+:v C"W . A. . , }t4~liA, .,4 .......S3 r.'"Y""r't~3



NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
International Students, Party, Feb.
17, 8:30-12 p.m., Newman Center, 331
Thompson. Student show and dance.
All students welcome.
Inter-Cooperative Council, Co-op Open
House (for new members), Sun., Feb.
19, 2:30-3:30 p.m., Pickerill Co-op, 923
S. Forest.
Committee to Aid the Vietnamese,
Open meeting for those who signed
List in Fishbowl and anyone else, Wed.,
Feb. 22, 8:30 p.m., Room 3-B, Michi-
gan Union.
* *
Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance
with instruction open to everyone, Fri.,
Feb. 17, 8-11 p.m., Barbour Gym.
* * *
U. of M. Chess Club, Meeting, Feb.
17, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-D, Michigan
* * *
Newman Student Association, Com-
munity mass and supper, Feb. 17, 5
p.m., Newman Center, 331 Thompson.

Newman Student Association, Cath-
olic Voice lecture, Fr. Bernard Haring:
"The True Christian Conscience," Feb.
18, 8 p.m., Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.
Hillel Foundation, Sabbath service,
Feb. 17, 7:15 p.m., 1429 Hill. Dialogue
with the Newman Student Association,
"Where Can Catholics and Jews See
Eye to Eye?"
Hillel Foundation, Feb. 19, 5:30 p.m.,
Theodore Bikel in person, 1429 Hill.
Call 663-4129 for reservations.
Phi Eta Sigma, Freshman men's hon-
or society, members who are graduat-
ing seniors and who plan to work for
graduate degrees may apply for one of
six $300 scholarships by contacting Prof.
John Field 1450S Mason Hall. Local
deadline for applications is Feb. 24.
* * *
Guild, House, Friday noon luncheon,
Rev. Paul Dotson, Protestant Founda-
tion for International Students: "Mass
Communication," Feb. 17, 12-1 p.m.,
Guild House, 802 Monroe.
*I * *
Guild House, Friday evening dinner
and program, Feb. 17, 'dinner at 6
p.m., program at 7:30 p.m., Guild
House, 802 Monroe.

SAE Actives

To a snow football game
in the Mudbowl
On Saturday, February 18, at 10:30 A.M.

Saturday, Feb. 18-8 p.m.
Trueblood, Freize
Reception following at the
Newman Center, 331 Thompson
Pat Keil, 764-7895




Washington correspondent of the SAIGON POST,
and past Charge d'Affaires and Acting
Ambassador of Vietnam to the United States,
will speak on the current political
situation in Southeast Asia.
Friday, February 17, 3 P.M.
Auditorium D, Angell Hall
Sponsored by UAC Contemporary Discussion Committee

1967 .Symposium



G O2G 2Jo/o0Pei-

"the expresso priest"


peakifto9 f99*'(C74OXP Uf



Union Ballroom




February 19
3:00 P.M.

"How Past Problems Perpetuate
Present Problems"

friday, saturday, sunday

A successful advertising executive be-
fore entering the Episcopal priesthood,
Malcolm Boyd, author of ARE YOU
served as campus minister at colorado
University and at Detroit's Wayne
State University. He is one of the

^i r


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