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February 17, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-17

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See editorial page

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Continued colder, chance
of light snow

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Romney May
Name Negro.
Regent Here
Expect Democrat To
Be Appointed; Lawyer
Patrick a Contender
Gov. George Romney is appar-
ently giving serious consideration
to the appointment of a Negro to
the University's Board of Regents
Although the governor has not
decided on a replacement for Re-
gent Allan Sorenson (D-Midland).
Romney's education advisor Char-
les Orlebecke said yesterday that
the governor is thinking about ap-
pointing a Negro.
Oilebecke explained that Rom-
ney is "weighing" the matter be-
cause the University "does not
have a Negro on the board. Frank-
ly this is one type of representa-
tion (Negro) that the governor has
Most other state universities,
such as Wayne State, Western
Michigan, and Eastern Michigan
now have Negro regents.
Leading Contender
While the governor's office de-.
clined to give names, sources in-
dicated that a leading contender
for the post is William Patrick,
'46, a Negro attorney in Detroit,
Patrick, who works for Bell Tele-
phone Co., was formerly a Detroit
city councilman.
If Romney does not appoint a
Negro other Democratic candi-
date include former Regents Don-
ald M.D. -Thurber of Grosse Pointe,
and Irene Murphy of Birmingham.
Another candidate is Robert
Nederlanders of Detroit.
Republican candidates include
Lawrence B. Lindemer of Stock-
bridge, John Feikens of Detroit,
and Mrs. Marcia Strickland of
Bloomfield Hills.
Most / observers expect Romney
to name a Democrat.
Currently there are seven Re-I
publicans on the Board of Re-
gents. "The governor considers bi-
partisan representation very im-
portant," Orlebecke said. "This
has been his general practice."
He added that the governor will
most likely name the new Regent i
during the week of Feb. 27.
"The governor simply hasn't
made up his mind yet," said Orle-
becke. Romney will be on a West-
ern speaking tour until Ftb. 23.
If Romney appoints a Repub-!
lican, it would be the first time
in many years that the board
would be without a Democrat. Two
o Democratic Regents have resign-
ed in the past year and the Re-
publicans won two seats away'
from the Democrats in the No-
vember elections.
Concern has been voiced at thce
University over the delay in ap-
pointing a replacement for Regent
Sorenson who resigned last month
because of overseas business com-
Some critics say that the Uni-
versity needs a full board of Re-
gents to work on finding a suc-
cessor for President Harlan Hatch-
er who retires in December.
But Orlebecke said that he'
didn't think Romney felt the ae-
lay "was crippling the Regents.
He wants to make the, right

Sachar Talks

,Jw m1itiga4 n aijl To Brandeis
NEWS WIRE Protestors.


resolution stating that Cinema Guild is an officially recognized
board of the Council. The motion asserts that "Council is cog-
nizant of the suit Cinema Guild is waging in Federal Court against
certain officials of the city of Ann Arbor. Since this suit is being
fought for the right of free speech and in the interest of aca-
demic freedom, SGC gives its fullest support."
Jerry Dupont, '67L and a candidate for City Council from
the second ward, spoke to SGC and explained some of the major
issues in his campaign; among these are housing, transportation
and the relation between students and city authorities. Dupont
asserted that students have become "scapegoats of the police."
Employe Unionism will be made public today in Lansing by
Gov. George W. Romney. It is expected to recommend that uni-
versities should bargain collectively with their employes under
existing state law. The committee was chaired by Prof. Russell A.
Smith of the law school.
THE PRESIDENT'S COMMISSION on Student Participation
in University Decision-Making yesterday announced the creation
of a central information office at 1008 Rackham (764-4405).
The announcement of the office to deal with questions or
suggestions about the commission's work came at a regular
meeting. Several proposals were brought forward and held over
for later consideration. Among them were the possibility of meet-
ing with various University and related organizations such as
SACUA, the Student Relations Committee of the Senate Assem-
bly, and the Ann Arbor City Council.
The creation of a possible target date for the completion of
the commission's report was discussed. One proposal was that the
commission issue a progress report at the end of the current
semester and a final report to coincide with the arrival of the
new President.
The commission's next meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 23,
from noon to 2 p.m. in Room 3516, Student Activities Building.
This meeting, as are all commission meetings, is open to the
* * * *
guilty yesterday of disturbing a public gathering and sentenced
to six months probation for his protest last November during a
speech by Gen. Earle Wheeler, chairman of the joint chiefs of
David Schwartzman, a Brown doctoral candidate in geology
rushed on the 'stage during Wheeler's concluding remarks fol-
lowed by a number of protestors. Schwartzman was arrested and
freed on bond the day after the incident.
He was brought to trial before the Sixth District Court in
Providence last week in which a conflict of testimony caused a
delay in a verdict:
Schwartzman had considered that if found guilty he would
appeal the court's decision. Yesterday, however, he said he felt
the ruling was "fair" and that he would abide by the decision.
A MARCH ON LANSING to protest Gov. George Romney's
proposed education budget has been scheduled for March 1.
Walter C. Averill Jr., president of the Michigan Association of
School Boards has announced that circulars and petitions are
being prepared by 10 educational groups around the state to ask
the Legislature for "more money for quality education in
Averill has called for all interested citizens to bring these
petitions to Lansing to personally show support for an enlarged
education program. Romney's budget presently calls for $965
million for education.
A BUSINESS ONE-QUARTER OWNED by the University has
sued the operators of Port Huron's municipally owned McMorran
Auditorium, seeking to block the showing of full-length motion
pictures in the 1,200 seat facility.
The suit was filed by Butterfield Theaters, Inc., 25 per cent
of whose stock is owned by the University. It contends the
showing of commercial films to the public in competition with
private enterprise goes beyond the scope of powers granted the
city and authority board which operates the auditorium.

Calls Student Boycott
Unnecessary; Cites
Program of Reform
Special To The Daily
WALTHAM, Mass.-Abram L.Y
Sachar, president of Brandeis
University, addressed a jammed
auditorium of 500 students here
yesterday i epos oatw o-da
boycott of classes protesting over
crowded conditions.
He spoke for 20 minutes and
answered questions for the re-
mainder of an hour. No disciplin-
ary action was mentioned.
Sacher appeared calm and not
evasive in confronting questions
Students afterwards seemed gen-
erally satisfied with his remarks,
although they stressed that the
boycott was necessary to prompt
faculty and administration to acts
on reforms.
Sachar prefaced his policy state
ment by saying that he was "not,
in favor of a boycott as a techni-
que." He claimed it was "no nee- TH E I
essary since so much is already
. being done."
He quickly added that he was, The Children's Community held a
however, "proud of the almost quarters, and pennies that they
unanimous concern it represents reached $700 and still had three
and the dignity and sense of re- -- ---~
sponsibility with which it was im-U
plemented." An estimated 85 per *(
cent of the 1850 undergraduatest

Faculty Hits
Cinema Guild
Unanimously Votes.
To Accept Student
Advisoily Boards
The faculty of the engineering
college yesterday passed a motion
critical of the showing of certain
experimental films on campus.
The motion, presented at a
regularly scheduled faculty meet-
ing by Prof. John E. Powers of
the chemical and metallurgidal
engineering departments, states
that "it appears that persons with-
in the academic community have
indeed exceeded the bounds of
common decency and reason."
Powers, in discussing his motion,
made reference to a description
of the contents of the "Flaming
Creatures" and advertisements for
the films "Harlot". and "Blow
Job," all at Cinema Guild.
Approximately 80 of # the 260
members of the college were pres-
ent at the meeting, and most of
them voted in favor of the mo-
Advisory Boards
The faculty also voted imani-
mously to accept in principle an

bucket drive yesterday and collected so many
haven't finishe: counting them yet. But late
more buckets ft.

nickels, dimes,
last night they

refused to attend classes again
yesterday, distributing leaflets ex-
plaining their action instead.
Sachar gave a short history of
the rapid growth of the university
(established in 1948) and de-
scribed the demands made upon
fli fnrilt dnr rp~rh fnilifip

MeCreath Cites Causes

ze zacui y ana researc zaciutes
alike. U
He pointed to the high faculty -
salary rating Brandeis was re-,
cently accorded by the American By NANCY ALTMAN broken-down family life, and he
entlcco"tends up with an almost immut-E
Association of University Profes- "Crime is a normal fact of social able despair about what he canj
sors, then listed the administra- life," said Reverend David Mc- expect from the world."
tion's response to "the problems Creath as he addressed a small The pattern of crime is ingrain-
you've very properly raised." audience in the UGLI Multipur- ed in the "life-style" of the delin-
Sachar said that General Edu- pose Room last night. quent, he asserted. "For him, crime
cationd RequieUntes(wich dcotr- Reverend McCreath, the first is not a matter of right and wrong;
?respondreUirements)vert be chaplain to youth in the history , what's wrong is getting caught."
bution requirements) were to e of Chicago's Cook County Jail, was The inhabitant of the " ghetto,
relaxed, particularly in the gen- the fourth speaker in this month's "lives in an atmosphere of fear,
eralsciencearea. nse said he had University Activities Center Sym- and rumor," McCreath said. "He
asked ndepames ttoisablish posium on Urban Ghettos. sees the law as an enemy."
more individual tutorials and to "Crime is the product of the , "In the ghetto," lie continued,'
direct more undergraduate these. variable social forces in a society,"' "the policeman is not the man
"We will cut down the number he said, "and it requires that we'Wohlsyucostesre
of graduate students assigned to hsa,'aditrurs htwwho helps you cross the street
ofahi degraduatets, toh interpret it in a social context. when you go to school, he is the
teaching 'undergraduates, though
the number is small. And our pace McCreath classified criminals man who runs you out of the play-
in establishing new graduate areas into two kinds, "psychological de- j ground or chases you away when
will he slower. though" headde linquents," whose criminal behav- you loiter on the street corner."

crime difficult, McCreath said'.
E Society has created the "mytns
,of good and bad guy" and thus
preserves the criminal subcultures.
"Once a person has been branded
a criminal this is irreversible.
"Crime 'is necessary and nor-
mal," McCreath continued, in part
because of our society's stress on
"freedom in individual thought
and action." "If the freedom that
produces art is going to exist, we
must also accept the freedom
which produces crime." Referring
to the civil disobedience of draft
resisters, he said that "criminals"
were often the "leaders of society."
"Crime is normal, reflects change,
and is something we can't avoid,"
McCreath concluded. "We can

An academic community op-
erates best in a spirit of free-
dom of inquiry. Such freedom
must be jealously guarded from
attack both: from those outside
the academic community who
might seek to restrict it and
from those inside who interpret
such freedom as license to go
beyond the bounds of common
decency. On the basis of avail-
able evidence it appears that
persons within the academic
community have indeed exceed-
ed the bounds of common de-
cency and reason and we urge
the administration, faculty and
students to take appropriate
action to regain some accept-
able point of equilibrium.
Engineering Student Council pro-
posal to set up StuTdent Advisory
Board: to faculty committees.
The council reco.mmended to the
faculty that it establish five boards
to "help provide an even better
channel of student participation in
decision making."
The council called for a stand-
ing advisory board, and advisory
boards' .for curriculum, freshman
counseling, placement and pro-

%t 1 7 1lWC , 1VU l 1CiU ,
"we already have 19 and can only
expect three or four more than
the 19 we already have."'
Students addressed sharp quer-
ies to Sachar in the quesiton ses-
sion. One asked why enrollment
was not cut down from the pro-
jected 2000 for 1967-68.j
Sachar agreed that there was.
crowding in upper level courses,
but insisted that teaching loads
within departments were "mal-l
He said "there is no mystique
about the 2000 enrollment figure.;
That number is only tentative. We;
will not sacrifice good teaching.";
Students'insisted that the admin-
istration be more responsible in
the future in notifying students
of policy discussions and more
open in discussing complexities.1

Tran Van Diub Seeks Peace Corps

ior results from some sort of men- Society's response to crime is a only control crime; we're never gram counseling, and suggested
tal aberration and "sociological factor which makes the control of going to get rid of it. that they report to the council
delinquents," whose offenses areevery two week
part of a whole pattern of aliena- Thwouw mdksu.
tionfromsocety.I ~ ~The council made its sugges-
tion from society. tion because, it said, it felt the
Sociological Delinquentsay administration of the college has
"Probably 60 to 65 per cent af demonstrated an interest in ob-
T taining the viewpoint of students,
the inmates of penal institutions d io r ~ices t sug the oad b sep-
are sociological delinquents," he ! an or tact ces
said, identifying "almost all 'con- arate from the engineering coun-
men,' narcotics addicts and alco- cil but responsible to it, and' be
holics as this type of individual. By ROB BEATTIE The association supported its re- filled through petition to an ad
"The sociological criminal is a Student Housing Association quest for an investigation of rent- hoc committee.
'misfit' from the beginning," he chairman Tom Van Lente, '67, last al and maiintenance practices of Student Transcripts
added. "He has a constricted view night called for new University local landlords with charges that In a meeting last night, the
of the world and approaches the housing units and for investiga- students must pay excessive rents, engineering council passed a.res-
social order from an impersonal tions of off-campus housing con- are sometimes unjustifiably denied ouginsring tha t " es
point of view. Society and its in- ditions and the practices of Ann damage deposit refunds, and have olution stating that it "feels that
stitutions are oppressive to him." Arbor landlords. to live in apartments with inade- a student's transcript is the per-
Coming from the ghetto, Mc- Presenting a prospectus of his quate heat, water, furnishings and sonal concern of him, the Univer-
Creath explained, he is the victim organization's goals to Student parking facilities. Landlords "are sity and wnomever the student
of poverty', poor education, and a Government Council Van Lente able to get away with almost any- requests.
proposed that a sizeable number thing," the SHA prospectus as- "Transcripts should not be made
of low cost apartments be built serts. aalbet'bsnsgvrmn
by th" University"*n bot* North t .available to business, government
The report praises the Univer- or anyone else, except by consent
Campus and Central Campus. sity administration for allowing of the student. Therefore, the
These apartments would hope- students to live in 'off-campus council requests that the Record's
#* fully offer low income students housing units and encouraging de- Office obtain the permission of the
e V IS10 better and cheaping housing and velopment of apartments by pri- student before releasing his tran-
(,,f thus force landlords to change vate interests. It notes, however, script."
Rtheir attitudes about rent and that this liberal policy of grant- Norman Scott, associate dean of
maintenance policies by offering ing students permission to live off the engineering college, when con-
students another place to live, campus has contributed to the tacted last night, said he under-
No Restrictions local housing has become so great, stands that it is the present policy
Although the apartments would it says, that students are at the of the college not to release trar-
be built and maintained by the mercy of landlords. scripts without student permission,
University, they would not have - --- -- - - --
any residence hall restrictions at-
tached to them, and the living si-SGC Recognition Sought
tuation would be similar to that C gO O
in a private apartment.
The prospectus also called for yStudent ~Renl~I"~,tl I/Uionbi
changes in the standardized lease B1Y
that the Off Campus Housing
Buieau prepares for student and A Student Rental Union to help ion would seek to influence deci-
landlord use. The proposals ask students achieve short and long sions made concerning apartment
that an eight month rental op- range goals in alleviating housing I design, rent structure and build-
tion be included in every lease. problems is being formed. ing codes, according to the union's
A clause requiring that damage A f three students who founders, Joshua Barler, '67; David
deposists and any rent paid prior e forming the union have drawn Goldstein, '69, and Richard Fire-
to moving into an apartment be up a description of their aims, -tone, '70.
held in escrow by a bank in case and will present them in an out- Tho organization is not connect-
that any question should arise line form at next week's Student, ed with the Student Housing As-
over return of the money would Government Council meeting,i Inu h
---also be included. In addition, theantemtoginficlSG sociation, but it hopes to w ork

By URBAN LEHNER of anti-Communism. "If anti- Tran said that the reality of the
"After this NSA business, it i Communism means fighting any- current Chinese situation lies be-
the responsibility of the American time, anyplace, why not in Russia neath the surface power conflict.
student and the American citizen or China?" he asked''"Why pick "China," he observed, wants to
to save the Peace Corps," Tran on Vietnam?" enjoy the material benefits of a
Van Dinh, former acting South In response to a question from highly-industrialized modern tech-
Vietnamese Ambassador to the the audience Tran charged further nological 'society while bypassing
United States told' a Law Club that U.S. foreign policy is incon- the personal and social dislocation
audience yesterday. sistent with regard to anti-Com- that accompanies such a society."
Tran, now Washington Bureau munism. 'That," said Tran "is why Mao
Chief for the Saigon Post, recom- "Who is bad tin Vietnam) is reintroduced the communes."
mended that the Peace Corp's } relative, he charged. If Commu- '"The Vietnamese people, want
character as a body for peace be nism is the criterion of morality, independence, unity and social
preserved by a program of inter- why is it that America recognizes justice, Tran -said. "Whether they
nationalization. He outlined a the Hungarians-the worst kind of attain these ends under Commu-
plan which would include a rota- Communists in my opinion-but nism or not is. irrelevant."
ting geographical directorship oc- will not shake hands with the The kind of freedom the Viet-
cupied by a different continent Viet Cong?" namese want is not the individual
each year to be supported fmnan- With regard to the Johnson ad- freedom Americans refer to but
cially by nations receiving Peace ministration's recent rejection of he said. "In that respect the Viet-
op eaking on "The Present Cirsis peace feelers. Tran said, "There is namese and Chinese share a com-
nVietnam" Tran said ta much distrust now that peace mon character. Although the
in Vnm~ Tragn saidb th ar ise will only come when the Vietnam- Vietnamese people like and respect


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