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February 16, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-16

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Chinese Use Communist Chief's Quotes as


By The Associated Press
HONG KONG-Mao Tse-tung's
quotations-the bible of his at-
tempt to control China's destiny
for years to come-compose a 270-
page handbook, covered in red
plastic and measuring 5 by 3%
Inches. It resembles a prayer book.
Millions of these books have
poured off China's presses to de-
lineate Mao's prescriptions. This
is the book that is seen being held
aloft in many pictures of Red
uard gatherings.
Even in fields where it gives
neither platitudes nor instructions,
Mao's followers credit it with pro-
ducing miracles.
A Chinese woman sharpshooter
while performing in Moscow miss-

ed her target. After consulting the
red book she hit a bullseye.
Chinese table tennis players, the
Chinese Communists say, are the
world's best because they follow
the red book.
It has been serving too as Com-
munist China's answer to the
American credit card-with one
added advantage: no final bill
to pay.
Young Red Guards, armed with
the red booklet, for months were
able to travel free, eat free and
get accommodations free.
Its 3 chapters cover everything
from broad Communist platitudes
to specific instructions, beginning
with the Communist party. Then
come such topics as war and peace,

the people's army, political work,
patriotism and internationalism,
and ideological self-cultivation.
Chapter three, Socialism and
communism, goes back to Mao's
prediction in 1949 of a bitter
power struggle in Red China.
Mao apparently believes a third
world war inevitable and he de-
mands that the Chinese people be
"After the countrywide victory
of the Chinese revolution and the
solution of the land problem, two
basic contraditions will still exist
in China," Mao says, "The first is
internal, that is, the contradiction
between the working class and
the bourgeoise.
"The second is external, that is,

the contradiction between China
and imperialist countries.
"Consequently, after the victory
of the people's democratic revolu-
tion, the state power of the peo-
ple's republic under the leadership
of the working class must not be
weakened but must be strength-
In chapter five, war and peace,
Mao says: "War is the highest
form of struggle for resolving con-
tradictions, between classes, na-
tions, states or political groups
when they have developed to a
certain stage, and it has existed
ever since the emergence of pri-
vate property and of classes.
"We are advocates of the abo-

lition of war, we do not want war;
but war can only be abolished
through war, and in order to get
rid of the gun it is necessary to
take up the gun."
In chapter seven, people's war,
he says:
"Fight no battle unprepared,
fight no battle you are not sure
of winning; make every effort to
be well prepared for each battle,
make every effort to insure victory
in the given set of conditions as
between the enemy and ourselves."
One of most consistently quoted
statements in the present power
struggle among the top Commu-
nist leaders appears in the chapter,
classes and class struggle.
"We should support whatever

the enemy opposes and oppose
whatever the enemy supports."
In one passage that interests
China experts Mao quotes Chinese
President Liu Shao-chi-his main
enemy in the current power
On the surface it appears that
Mao, in that passage, is quoting
him because the Liu is a "com-
rade" and a Communist leader
worthy of praise and study.
But the red book was produced
as a weapon in Mao's cultural
revolution- purge - and many
China specialists believe Mao had
already determined to get rid of
Liu when he started the cultural

The statement was made in 1942 "With this aim, they draw some
and is carried in the chapter on people in, push others out and
"ideological cultivation." resort to boasting, flattery and
"Comrade Liu Shao-chi once touting among the comrades, thus

said of certain people that they
have unusually long arms and are
very clever in looking after their
own interests, of others and of
the party as a whole. 'What is
mnine is mine, and what's yours
is mine too,'" it says,
"What are these people after?
They are after fame and position
and want to be in the limelight.
Whenever they are put in charge
of a branch of work, they assert
their 'independence.'

imposing the vulgar style of the
bourgeois political parties into the
Communist party.
"It is their dishonesty that
causes them to come to grief. I
believe we should do things hon-
estly for without an honest attitude
it is absolutely impossible to ac-
complish anything in this world."
The book also discusses such
things as classes and class struggle,
socialism and communism, leader-
ship of party committees, educa-
tion and the training of troops,
revolutionary heroism and "serv-
ing the people."


Civil Rights
Laws Asked
By Johnson
President Suggests
Legislation To Assure
Equality in Housing
WASHINGTON (RP) - President
Johnson recommended yesterday
civil rights legislation, including
a proposal to ban discrimination
in housing. He proposed that it
become effective in progressive
Noting that his recommenda-
tions were not new, Johnson asked
Congress also to:
-Strengthen, existing federal
criminal laws against interference
with civil rights workers and oth-
ers in exercising their constitu-
tional rights.
--Require that juries in federal
court be selected on a nondis-
criminatory basis and that they
be representative of the communi-
ty in which they serve.
Eliminate all forms of discrim-
ination in the selection of state
court juries.
-Authorize the Equal Employ-
ment Opportunity Commission to
issue enforceable orders against
racial discrimination.
-Extend the life of the Civil
Rghts Commission for an addi-
tional five years.
-Increase from $1.4 million to
$2.7 million the appropriations for
the Community Relations Service.
Proposed Legislation'
Johnson's proposed legislation to
ban discrimination in housing
would work like this:
First, the secretary of housing
and urban development would
carry on education and concilia-
tion measures to seek an end to
discrimination in housing.
'hen,, a flat prohibition against
discrimination in the sale or rental
of housing would become progres-
sively broader over a two-year
Apply Immediately
It would apply immediately to
housing financed or insured by
the federal government--housing
already covered under a presiden-
tial order of November 1962 on
equal opportunities in housing.
During 1968, it would extend to
dwellings sold or rented by some-
one other than the occupants and
to dwellings housing five or more
families. Essentially, this phase
would cover large apartment
houses and real -estate develop-
In 1969 the act would apply to
all housing,


Police block a shoving, jeering crowd of women pickets to keep them from entering the Pentagon.
The pickets, representing the Women Strike for Peace organization, demonstrated at the Pentagon
yesterday in protest of the war in Vietnam.
Hanoi Refuses Peace Talks,
Calls U.S. Ter-ms insolent'

By The Associated Press
TOKYO--The North Vietnamese
Foreign Minister said yesterday
the Hanoi government will not
talk peace under the terms put
forth by the United States.
His statement came after Ko-
rean marines reported they killed
243 North Vietnamese regulars in
a three-hour battle below the
The Foreign Ministry's comment
was carried in a broadcast from
U.S. Terms
Referring to the U.S. extension
of the bombing pause from four
to six days during the lunar new
year truce, the statement said
"obviously that was a U.S. ulti-
matum insolently requiring the
Vietnamese people to accept nego-
tiations under U.S. terms."
' "But the U.S. aggressors are
grossly mistaken. The Vietnamese
people will never submit to force."
The statement called the re-
sumed bombing by U.S. planes "a
very serious challenge to the peo-
ples throughout the world."
Sunny weather was back for the
first time in several weeks and, by

the Soviet news agency account,
U.S. jet pilots "marked the second
day of the . resumption of the
bombings by massive raids on
numerous districts" between the
border and the Communist capi-
Refused to Comment
The U.S. Command refused to
comment. Its announcements of air
operations ordinarily are issued 12
hours or more after they take
place. The Hanoi area had been
unmolested since raids on outly-
ing targets, which the Communist
said killed or wounded 100 persons
within the city, raised an inter-
national outcry in mid-December.
Inl the ground war, the Com-
munist-South Korean fightrwas
the biggest battle in recent
months. A surprise engagement in
rice paddies 340 miles northeast
of Saigon, it pitted two companies
of Korean marines-about 400
men-against two enemy bat-
talions, estimated to outnumber
them 3 to 1. They often fought
hand to hand, a situation for
which the Koreans are trained in
Koreans Pursued
A Korean spokesman said the
North Vietnamese broke after 243
of their number were killed and
the Koreans, with the support of
jet planes and artillery, pursued
them into the night. The Koreans'
casualties were reported to be
Elsewhere in the ebb and flow
of war:
* The Viet Cong scored against
U.S. Navy minesweepers working
on the Long Tau River, Saigon's
main ship channel. Enemy gun-
ners fired on three of the 80-foot

vessels and damaged two, holing
one so severely it had to be push-
ed aground. A Communist mine
sank another. In all, 14 American
crewmen were wounded and one
was missing.
* The Vietnamese military com-
mand announced a task force of
government rangers and infantry-
men killed 56 Viet Cong about
120 miles southwest of Saigon
Tuesday in the ricelands below
the Mekong River. Casualties
among the troops were reported
light. They said they captured
one guerrilla, rounded up nine
suspects and seized some Com-
munist arms and documents.
O U.S. infantry units pushed
ahead with more than a dozen
field operations that were marked
by little contact with the enemy.
B52 jets from Guam, after a Tues-
day night i'aid on a suspected
Communist position in the high-
lands 300 miles north of Saigon,
returned to blast at another 60
miles east of the capital.
r In Saigon American officials
announced U.S. civilians, including
newsmen, "serving with or ac-
companying" U.S. forces in Viet-
nam come under the Uniform
Code of Military Justice and that
military police can apprehend and
detain any of them. The an-
nounce-isued jointly by Col. Ed-
ward W. Haughney, staff judge
advociate, U.S. council Robert A.
Lewis and U.S. mission spokesman
John Stuart-set off a flurry of
discussion at the daily military
briefing. The statement's premise
was that Vietnam "is not in a
formal state of war, but in a time
of war.'

Mao Faces
More Revolt
In Sinkiang
Attempts To Gain
Control of Provinces
In Tibet, Mongolia
TOKYO (MP-Mao Tse-tung faces
further rebellion in the west, sour-
ces indicated yesterday.
Mao's forces were still running
into trouble in efforts to wrest
control from anti-Maoists in Tibet
and Inner Mongolia, said Japancse
pres reports.
Peking is sensitive in Sinkiang
Province because it contairs the
nuclear testing ground, and the
province borders with the Soviet
Union are easily crossed.
Wall Posters
Peking wall posters yesterday
classified Sinkiang on the Soviet
Border as "a front line against
Russian revisionism and imperial-
ism" and said military controls
had been clamped tighter in that
rebellious province.
Without confirmation elsewhere,
the Hong Kong Star said a gen-
eral from Sinkiang was meeting
Rusians in Ulan Bator, the Mon-
golian capital, to discuss possible
Soviet aid against Mao Tse-tung's
forces in Communist China's
power struggle.
The military head in Sinkiang
is Gen. Wang En-mao, denounced
by Maoists as a counter-revolu-
tionary. He is said to be in Sin-
kiang's mountains where troops
sent from Peking seek to crush his
rebellion. He is supported by seven
of eight divisions of ex-soldiers
sent into the province to help in
agriculture, wall posters have said.
The Hong Kong Star said it was
Wang's deputy, Gen. Kwok Pang,
who was conferring with the Rus-
sians in Mongolia, an ally of the
Soviet Union in its quarrel with
Communist C h i n a. Reference
works do not give a general by the
name of Kwok. The Star quoted a
"report from inside China."
And in Peking, Foreign Minis-
ter Chen Yi asserted anti-Chinese
activities by the Soviet Union had
put relations between the two
Communist giants on "the verge
of a rupture."
In other developments, wall
posters said Defense Minister Lin
Piao had accused President Liu
Shao-chi and party general sec-
retary Teng Hsiao-ping of back-
ing a plot against Mao last year.
Other posters claimed Mao's for-
ces had seized complete control in
Kweichow Province in the south-
west, Shantung province in the
east and, with army support, had
smashed a "frenzied attack" by
opponents in Kiangshi Province of
east-central China.
Mao conferred in the Commu-
nist Chinese capital with a gov-
ernment delegation from Mauri-
tania, Radio Peking said, in his
second recent appearance. He was
said to have conferred with an
Albanian military delegation last

JAKARTA, Indonesia (jP)-Pres-
ident Sukarno has decided to fight
to the end of his political power,
authoritative military sources said
After rejecting Tuesday night
the demand by leaders of the
armed forces that he step down,
Sukarno conferred at the presi-
dential palace yesterday with some
leaders of the Nationalist party.
He appeared outwardly confident.
There will be no more approach-
es to Sukarno to give him a chance
to resign gracefully, military in-
formants said.
Gen. Suharto, the nation's strong
man, will listen to any concrete
proposals Sukarno may make but
will no longer go to the palace,
they added.
The sources, close to Suharto,
said Sukarno's rejection of the
armed forces commanders demand
was their last move.
The long-running power strug-
gle in this populous Southeast
Asian nation will now be taken
to Congress, which meets early
next month.
Suharto has been struggling to
overcome Sukarno for more than
a year. He has been stymied by
the poular support that Sukarno
enjoys in much of Indonesia.
Moving too fast against the 65-
year-old president might trigger a
civil war and a split in Suharto's
own military ranks.
If Congress goes ahead as plan-


Sukarno Rejects Demand
To Quit Leadership Post

DALLAS, Tex. (k)--An "under-
ground church" whose members
are concerned with poverty, war
and peace, sex, and race is rapid-
ly spreading across the United
States, a controversial . Episcopal
priest said yesterday.
The Rev. Malcolm Boyd, some-
times called the "espresso priest,"
added that this "religious revolu-
tion" is largely unknown to the
organized church leadership,
"People in this movement are
young and old, rich and poor,
blackgand white," he told an over-
flow audience of several hundred
at a session of National Council
of Churches' annual Christian
education meeting.
"They are 'Jesus people,' and

Moyers Denounces 'Gap'
In President's Credibility

ned to investigate Sukarno in con-
nection with his links with the
Communist coup attempt of Oct. 1,
1965, it could spell deep trouble
for Sukarno.
A congressional investigation
could lead to trial of Sukarno
just what Suharto has been trying
to avoid. By Suharto's reasoning,
this-would be putting Indonesia on
trial for Sukarno has been not

only the leader but the voice of.
the nation for most of its more
than 20 years of independence.
Sukarno has gone out of his
way to indicate he plans to be
here next month, even after Con-
gress meets to discuss his future.
Asked by reporters Tuesday night
about reports he would leave In-
donesia before Congress meets, he
replied: "Just wait and see."

Clergyman Analyzes
Underground' Sect

they include many Jews. God is
not dead for them ,but his name
is out" the Rev. Mr. Boyd said.
He is assistant to the rector of
Washington's Church of the
Atonement and also travels widely
as a chaplain-at-large to the na-
tion's Episcopal college and uni-
versity students. He has made .ev-
eral night club appearances and
wrote a book of prayers entitled,
"Are You Running With Me,
The priest said he had become
aware of the "underground church"
about six months ago and that it
had begun with a "tiny, committed
group of men and women."
Forcing Changes
It is 'now "forcing changes on
the church from. the middle and
the bottom" and cuts through all
denominational lines.
"These people in the movement
are refusing to worship God mere-
ly along denominational lines.
They ignore official structures and
They "have decided simply not
to worry about ecclesiological and
doctrinal differences, which bore
them and seem futile," he said.
Big Issues
"The big issues for them are
poverty, war and peace, sex, and
race. They reject phoniness ...
They are for, Pope Paul and
against Cardinal Spellman" -
where the Pope is calling for peace
now and the cardinal advocates
a U.S. military victory in Viet-
The Rev. Mr. Boyd said mem-
bers of this new group see offi-
cial hierarchies as "the old Wi-
zard-of-Oz type of church leader-
ship, fearfully hiding behind high
He said that most of the stu-
dents he has met recently on cam-
puses are in the movement if they
are involved with religion in any

Former White House press sec-
retary Bill L. Moyers denied yes-
terday that there is "credibility
gap" between the President and
the public and said he does not
believe the government ever "deli-
berately lies."
Moyers, 3,, at a news conference
held as he took over as publisher
of Newsday,! a Long Island daily
newspaper, said: "The so-called
credibility gap, I think, is the dif-
ference between what the Presi-
dent says and what the people
would like him to say, or what
they think he should say."
Moyers also told newsmen he in-
tends to continue his "strong per-
sonal friendship' with President
Johnson but "I plan to be my own
man." Moyers said he had no in-
tention of running for political of-
fice or playing any role in the
Democratic party in New York
He vowed to operate as "a po-
litically independent publisher"
but reminded politicians that he

would offer suggestions and advice
from time to time as he feels it
the duty of his job.
Moyers noted that it has "been
12 years since I've been on this
side of the newspaper desk," and
admitted that "for the first few
months I'm going to be a student
-an apprentice here at Newsday.
"Coming directly out of govern-
ment, I think I need a period of
decompression," Moyers said. "I
need a period of deflation of my
experiences in government."
"I'm greatly in debt to the Presi-
dent for all he has done for me
over a long period of time," Moy-
ers said.
Asked his feelings on William
Manchester's book, "The Death of
a President," Moyers said: "I have
not read the book and I prefer to
withhold evaluation of it until I
have read the entire book."

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Defense
Department will, draft an esti-
mated 25,000 Reservists who are
"unable or unwilling" to partici-
pate in Reserve activities, Secre-
tary of Defense Robert S. McNa-
mara announced yesterday.
McNamara said congressional
authority for the draft was con-
tained in the 1967 Defense
Department Appropriation Act,
which provides that "certain in-
dividual Reservists who are not
satisfactorily fulfilling their ob-
ligation will be eligible for up to
24 months of active duty service."
The Defense Department also
announced the callup of 100 doc-
tors who now hold reserve com-
missions. They will spend two
years on active duty.
A Pentagon statement said the
callup will be made under author-
ity voted by Congress in 1957 that
applies only to physicians and cer-
tain other medical personnel.
PASADENA, Calif.-Lunar Or-
biter 3 returned to earth yesterday
pictures of possible landing sites
on the moon. They showed a rela-

tively smooth surface pocked with
small crators.
No scientific analysis was im-
mediately available as tiny por-
tions of the films were flashed on
a screen at the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administra-
tion's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
* * *
ton Powell's estranged third wife
flew in from Puerto Rico yester-
day and said, "I intend to an-
swer everything I know." She was
summoned to testify today before
a select committee investigating
the Harlem Democrat's right to
be seated in the House.
Chairman Emanuel Celler (D-
NY) said the committee plans to
consider contempt action against
Powell's secretary-traveling com-
panion, Corrine A. Huff, 25, for
not appearing after receiving a
See Kaiser Aluminum's eyeball-
twirling poster on the bulletin
board in the Placement Office.



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