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February 15, 1967 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-15

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Dui. l u r.



ew Hll
insights and insults





- By BOB McFARLAND gram to deteriorate into the pres-
The diagnosis was completed ent state.
The pinnacle of emphasis on
some time ago, with not one of the recreation was reached in the late
entire staff of specialists dissent- 1920's when the Sports Building
ing from the group opinion, and Women's Athletic Building
It was clear that the patient was were completed to serve a student
dying. Of course, many people body of 9000 students. Since that
had seen the obvious symptoms time, only one indoor facility,
earlier, but they found it too easy Margaret Bell Pool, has been fin-
to shake their heads and exclaim, ished. Intramural officials now
"Isn't that too bad?" face the difficult problem of
Time had almost run out. But stretching the overtaxed space in
a dedicated team of doctors were an attempt to provide recreation
still attempting desperately to for the current study body of

Spewing Forth,
After the Feast.

Sports Editor's note: The following is not a column. It is the
speech which I delivered at the Daily banquet last week. If the
text sounds pompous, you are free to assume that it appears in
print for the benefit of those who turned down their invitation
to the banquet.
So here goes. . . .
I don't think I'm supposed to make a speech tonight.
Daily banquets, like the rest of the University have a certain tra-
dition which isn't to be tampered with. The Business staff acknowl-
edges everyone in the department especially; the ones who refused to
answer the phones all year:
The editor presents an inciteful speech analyzing crises facing
the University. And of course his remarks are repeated verbatum on
the editorial page for the benefit of people who turned down their
invitation to the banquet.
And the sports editor? Well, he's there to serve as jester and
remind people what a pleasant diversion sports is. This format
is most understandable. If sports is a peaceful trivial diversion,
it is only right that a sports editor's speech should be one too.
Nothing can prevent me from being a trivial gabber, but this
doesn't make athletics meaningless. It's difficult for me to accept the
idea that sports are outside the realm of significant happenings. It's
difficult when the Supreme Court must decide which city a base-
ball team will play in; it's difficult when Congress finds it necessary
to investigate a new football marger; it's difficult when the Soviet
Union cancels a track meet; it's difficult when resolutions are being
introduced all over the country to ban a sport because it is too
brutal, and it's difficult when the endorsements of a popular golfer
make up a major business corporation.
I'm not saying sports has been infested by a disease which it
must try to eradicate. I'm simply trying to dispell a few myths. Sports
is no longer a simple war of the home team against bad guys. Now-
adays wou can't even tell who the home team is. And if you don't
believe me, try to watch a baseball game in Milwaukee. The most
exciting thing about the Super Bowl (the name must have been
created by Sesquicentennial PR men) wasn't the first meeting between
the two leagues. Par more enthralling was the fact that the game
took place in the first place.
There was a contest all right-between football interests and
monopoly laws. It was as good as Standard Oil vs. Ida Tarbeil.
That has to beat Green Bay vs. Kansas City. And if you don't
believe that, who stil remember the score of the alleged greatest
sporting event of the century?
I could discuss the recent ticket increase at Michigan. It violates
the basic ideals of college athletics. But I'm-.not trying to prove that
sports is a business. Though it is. And it's entertainment too. If I
were to classify sports as a "thing," I'd call it part of the art since
both mirror culture of the time.
Back in the 1920's sports had a different flavor. Life was as
American as apple pie and Babe Ruth. But everything else was pretty
simple too; folks saw sports as an he-man world far more engrossing
than the banalities of life. s x
Nowadays it's a little different. Some people have a deep-seeded
disdain for athletics. What football lover hasn't met with nagging
to quit wasting time and shut off the TV?
S There, are times when I too feel the whole affair is a bit
silly and think literature and roller coasters are far better forms
of amusement. But if one sees sports as what goes into the game
and not just who wins it, the issue is different.
I'm not really jaded after four year on the Daily, and I don't
think I've blown up athletics into something they're not. Certainly
sports, are not crucial, essential, or the key to world peace. But when
people get tired of what is crucial, essential and looking for the key
toJ world peace, they want sports as an elixer. They want a good
basketball game to equal a weekend in the country. And perhaps it is
unfortunate that sports can no longer fit the bill. If sports is still
apple pie and the Babe, those apples are getting pretty rotten.
/I remember when I used to read kid's sports books. It was great
fun. Recently I've come across two "adult" sports novels, and they
illustrate the current status of athletics.
One is "The Natural. The author, Bernard Malamud satirizes
contemporary society with its false hopes and ideals. The main char-
acter in this allegory is a baseball star who relives the role of Joe
Jackson, .the villain of the Black Sox scandal.
Even more explicit is a novel dealing with colleges football. It's
the story of a team captain and his love for the campus beauty queen
who is a'tramp. And of course the captain is also taking bribes to
shave points. The title of this little ditty is "The Hero." He wasn't
much of a hero, but there aren't too many left nowadays ... .
As'Sports Editor's P.S. Possibly this is an age when the sports
writer thinks he is more heroic than his subject. I can't subjugate
all my egotism.
Yet even the sports writer finds a time when he has to lock
up his typewriter and retire. That time has come for me, though
new writers will fill my column well.

bring about the miracle that would
save the patient's life.
The results of their strenuous
efforts will be known Friday, when
reliable sources have reported that
proposals concerning the ever-
worsening "patient," the student
recreational facilitiesat Michigan,
will come before the Board of
One of the first indications that
the Regents had begun considera-
tion of the intramural and rec-
reational needs came at their meet-
ing early last month, when they
announced that student tuition
monies might be a possible source
of funds for a recreational project,
along with a University Theatre
and Faculty Center.r 4y1
The text of the report issued
then said that "the financial needs
for recreational facilities including
replacements for Barbour and
Waternan Gymnasiums, and con-
struction of facilities such as ice
rinks, tennis courts, swimming
Pools, etc., will range from $3,000,-
000 to $6,000,000 or more."
Debt service for a 30-year loan
at five per cent interest would
range from $240,000 a year for
the lower figure to $480,000 a year
for the upper figure.
Another development related to
the field is the inclusion of an in-
tercollegiate and intramural sports
building in the 1967 edition of
Buildings; Under Study. The fig-
ure listed in this booklet is $6,-
000,000, enough to finance a con-
struction in the 200,000 square.
feet range. The current Sports
Building has an area of approxi-
mately 110,000 square feet.'
Unfortunately, the time table;
envisioned for completion of these
structures places a new intra-
mural building in the third and
lowest priority group, or sometime,
after the 1971-72 academic year.
A history of student recreation
at the University would uncover
the story of a situation which hasI
ranged from excellent to weefully
inadequate. Although quick toI
recognize the worth of such facili-]
ties in earlier years, this same In-:
stitution allowed its showcase pro-r

Outdoors, the health of the pro-

gram is little better. Since the largely as a result of the street
'20's, the Board in Control of In- widening which knocked out two
tercollegiate Athletics has managed fields used by 52 teams a week.
to make two additions. Wines Field By tradition, the athletic board
was purchased by the Board in has carried the brunt of the in-
1956 for $125,000, while the Ferry tramural financing. Whenever sur-
Field tennis courts were resur- plus funds resulted from the inter-
faced for $120,000 in 1966. collegiate a t h 1 e t i c s operations,
Because of the expansion of these were pumped into new facil-
Stadium Boulevard to meet traf- ities and land acquisitions.
fic demands resulting from the As athletics on the collegiate
soon- to-be-completed University level expanded into a multi-mil-
Events Building, space for outdoor lion dollar program, the board
recreational needs has actually saw the appearance of far fewer
been decreased. The softball pro- surpluses. Then, with the incur-
gram was eliminated this year, rence of a $6.7 million commit-
ment for the Events Building
which is to be repaid by the board
over a 30-year period, chances for
help from the direction of the
athletic department were eliminat-
ed entirely.
Meanwhile, other Big Ten in-
stitutions continue to make head-
way toward the construction of.
excellent s t u d e n t recreational
plants, leaving their former lead-
Michigan State, Illinois, and
Iowa have either finished or are
in the process. of constructing
units in the $6,000,000 range. Min-
nesota has a building program
Sunderway which involves three
separate campuses. The Western
} Conference trend is reflected
throughout the country, with
UCLA and Tennessee among the
Sinstitutions who recently complet-
ed facilities.
v .;.>:.::....:.:::' ........': :: , hether an immediate transfu-
sion of funds is provided for the
THlE SPACE GONE? desperately ill patient could de-
l for the University Events Building termine the future of student rec-
reation at the University.



A 1963 view of land now being used

Iowa Upsets
IOWA CITY (JP) - Iowa con-1
tained Northwestern's awesome
offense last night and scored an
80-75 victory that threw the Big
Ten race into a four-way tie for
first place.
The triumph gave the Hawkeyes
a 5-2 league record, the same as
that of Northwestern, Michigan
State and Indiana heading into
the last half of one of the wildest
scrambles for the title in years.
The Wildcats managed to hit
only 32 per cent of their shots
from the floor in the first half as
Iowa took a 39-29 lead, and fin-
ished with only 39 per cent for
the game.
Iowa's S am Williams, the
league's leading scorer, took game+
honors with 24 and Jones added
22. Jim Burns topped the Wildcats
with 21 and Waver had 13.,

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This Week in Sports
Gymnastics-Michigan State at Yost Fieldhouse 4 p.m.
Hockey-Minnesota (Duluth Branch) at the Coliseum 8 p m.
Wrestling-Michigan at Illinois
Basketball-Ohio State at Yost Fieldhouse 1:30 p.m.
Swimming-Ohio State at Matt Mann Pool 3:30 p.m.
Hockey-Minnesota (Duluth Branch) at the Coliseum 8 p.m.
Track-Michigan at Notre Dame-Dual Meet
Wrestling-Michigan at Purdue
Gymnastics-Michigan and Wisconsin at Minnesota

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Boston 6, Detroit 3
North Carolina 77, No. Carolina Sa. 60
West Virginia 83, Penn State 67
Kansas State 82, Missouri 67
Boston College 81, Rhode Island 71
Providence 87, St. Joseph's (Pa) 74
Clemson 73, Duke 68

for information call
Tickets are available
at Travel Bureaus or
the Michigan Union

for the
A group of undergraduates in the

Should you drink beer
straig ht from the bottle?
If you're on a fishing trip or
something, carrying along a
glass is pretty clumsy. But
p when it's convenient, we think
it's a shame not to use one.
Keeping Budweiser inside the bottle or
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Those tiny bubbles getting organized
at the top of your glass have a lot to do
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Not Budweiser. We go to a barrel of
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ite rary

College advising Dean

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and also establishing a summer

create its own bubbles with the natural
carbonation of Beechwood Ageing. So
you really can't blame us for wanting
you to get it at its best, can you?

... ...........

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