WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'P'ALM TTMV.W W E N S A , F B U A Y 1 , 16_H E M C I A A L rPsEIV 'rbvu I Britain, Russia F 'Secret Accord on ormulate Viet War AT LHASA: Anti-Maoists Battle, Declare Martial Law in Tibetan Capital TOKYO (P) - Bloody fighting ers of the Inner Mongolia and ment newspaper Izvestia contend- between supporters and foes of Sinkiang military districts. ed that the Kremlin's "decisive Mao Tse-tung has broken out in -Chiang Ching, Mao's third position" and "the staunch and Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and wife who has come to the fore as courageous behavior of Soviet peo- anti-Maoists have declared mar- a leader of the cultural revolution, ple in Peking" had forced Red tial law in the city, Japanese dis- has been named chairman of a China to relax its 18-day seige of patches from Peking said yester- new committee to promote Mao's the Soviet Embassy. But Izvestia day. purge in central party and gov- added that the "anti-Soviet cam- Wall posters in Jeking said op- ernment organizations, a post paign in China is not weakened." ponents of Mao clashed with arm- likely to give her new power. Pre- Japanese correspondents reported ed Maoists forces last Friday and mier Chou En-lai was named to Tuesday that Red Guard demon- seized control of Lhasa's security the committee as her adviser. strations in front of the Soviet agency, the police office, the Mu- In Moscow, the Soviet govern- Embassy had ceased. nicipal party headquarters and the offices of the Peoples Com- !R f s s/ mittee, the reports said.So The dispatches, in the Tokyo newspaper Yomiuri and the Kyodo news service,said the dissidentsArrestTrial PossibleResult inflicted scores of casualties and stTri l oss bl R e ul Wilson Says Latest Truce Lacked Trust Plan Could Involve Halt in U. S. Attacks, j N. Viet Supp'ly Line LONDON (R)-Prime Minister Harold Wilson told Parliament yesterday he had reached a secret agreement with the Soviet Union on a plan to end the war in Viet- nam. He said one "very small move" is needed to launch it. The British leader, reporting on his hectic week-long effort with Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin to start the peace program, held back details. But informants said "the very small move" would require North Vietnam to cut off arms and men -though not food or other non- lethal supplies-from its estimated 10q,000 troops fighting in South Vietnam. Halt in U.S. Attacks This move would be synchron- ized with a U.S. military halt in attacks against dommunist North Vietnam. The two moves together would clear the way for talks be- tween the main contenders to ar- range a peace conference, the sources said. For the second successive day Wilson proclaimed "the road to a solution remains open." But he said that during the lunar new year truce in Vietnam a massive southward movement; of North Vietnamese troops and sup- plies on a scale far greater than in any previous cease-fire "threat- ened to create a severe military unbalance." Credibility This. Wilson said, made it hard- er for President Johnson to be- lieve North Vietnam "wished to use the truce for an effort to peace rather than for war." Dollar Drain For '66 Hits $1.42 Billionl Fowler Calls Deficit 'Respectable' in Light Of Vietnam War Cost i (] I 1 took more than 10 prisoners. The anti-Maoists were led by JAKARTA, Indoneisa ()-Presi-: WASHINGTON(1) - The U.S., Gen. Chang Kuo-hua, one of the dent Sukarno turned down yester-: dollar drain deteriorated slightly most powerful men in western day a last proposal from Indone- last year to $1.424 billion, but China, the reporots said. He led sia's military leaders that he step Secretary of the Treasury Henry the Red Chinese army into Tibet down gracefully from the post he H. Fowler called this a "respect- in 1959, forcing the Dalai Lama has held since the end of World able performance" considering the to seek refuge in India, and has War II. war in Vietnam. been there since as commander of Military informants said the re- The 1966 deficit in the U.S. bal- the Tibet military district and jectiot means Sukarno could be ance of payments was $87 million first secretary of the Communist brought to trial in connection with more than the deficit of a year party organization there. a Communist attempt to seize pow- earlier, but about half that of 1964. These other developments were er in October 1965. "Further progress," Fowler said, reported in the turmoil on the , "depends mainly on trade and Chinese mainland: b Gndonesnas governo nt is u- Vietnam." -Peking wall posters, also re- rn Vietnam War ported in the Japanese press, I kano is a figurehead. His old re- He said the Vietnam war had pointed to a sweeping purge of top last March, and a purge of Cam- added $685 extra million to the military men in an effort to elim- munists ensued. dollar drain during 1966 and the mate supporters of President Liu Of the old order which brought entire buildup which began in Shao-chi, a leading foe of Mao. A Ofnte told orr tii ith R d 1965 meant an increased deficit correspondent for the Japanese Indonesia ino close es wt e of $950 million through last Dec. newspaper Sankei said 25 military China, only Sukarno is left. 31. leaders are under attack, includ- Suharto and civilian members 7r o t ta u nh u ~ded U sao ofhis Cabinet have ben appeal- Foler also cited a trade sur- ing Deputy Defense Minister Sstoosuanoto quitte presi- n ,,7 ; ,d, u Ching-kuang and the command- ingtoSkrooquthepsi1 -Associated Press BRITISH PRIME MINISTER Harold Wilson told Parliament and later the British people via tele- vision that he had'reached secret agreement with the U.S.S.RI on a plan to end the Vietnam war. Wilson held back details but said that the plan "could bring peace tomorrow" and requires one "small move" to launch it. Pentagon DeClares Possibility Hanoi Buildup in Truce WASHINGTON () - Hanoi probably planned for weeks in ad- vance to transport thousands of tons of war materials toward South Vietnam during the lunar new year bombing pause, Penta- gon spokesmen said yesterday. The result was a logistics op- eration staged without fear of at-. tack. The move involved 2,770 trucks and vessels transporting at least 25,000 tons of ammunition and supplies. An unspecified amount already has filtered into South Vietnam ammunition and equipment to- ward South Vietnam during the 96-hour bombing pause that start- ed last Wednesday. The total, de- scribed as more than they had moved in any previous 30-day per-i iod, was calculated as sufficient to support a 10,000-man division in combat for 250 days. Administration spokesmen have acknowledged that the United States also used the truce to re- supply its forces, but have given no details: Scene of the major activity was between North Viet Nam's 19th Parallel which roughly marks the north-south boundary. The bulk of the supplies was moved during the first 48 hours of the truce. Aerial sportters describ- ed the province just north of the demilitarized zone as crowded with trucks and the mouths of four rivers between them and South Vietnam were said to have been jammed with powered junks and sampans. The Pentagon said vessel traffic slackened during the last two days of the truce "partly due to bad weather and also because the North Vietnamese were undoubt- edly dispersing and hiding their boats in anticipation of resump- tion of air strikes." Plus 01, only X3,.7 illiion-tne low- est since 1959-as the second main reason for the continued balance of payments deficit last year. This was $1.1 billion lower than the 1965 trade surplus. But Fowler said a slight increase in the trade surplus during the fourth quarter of 1966 was "mo- destly encouraging." Overseas This country runs a deficit in its balance of payments when it spends more in other countries than foreigners spend here. The Johnson administration is trying to end this drain to retain confi- dence and stability in the dollar. Each dollar going overseas re- presents a potential drain on U.S. gold since the United States guar- antees conversion into gold of the dollar holdings of foreign central banks. Latest Moon Shot To Film Possible Landing Spots Wilson said both sides have yet I but most is still enroute, and U.S. to trust each other's sincerity in wanting a settlement. Wilson himself personally ac- cepted "100 per cent American sincerity to negotiate for peace" and North Vietnam's genuine wish for a settlement. But he recog- nized Hanoi's concern about leav- ing its troops in South Vietnam "denuded of necessary supplies." Wilson's account won the back- ing of Edward Heath's opposition conservatives but failed to satis- fy, leftwing members of his own Labor party. Condemn U.S. Bombing About one-third of the govern- ment's members in the House of Commons signed a motion con- demning renewed U.S. bombing of North Vietnam. It called on, the Wilson. government to dissociate Britain from the action. The leftwingers sent a deputa- tion with a protest to the U.S. Embassy. At one point 56 mei- bers offered to make the "protest march," but in the end only 14 went. Wilson declined to reveal details of his exchanges either with Kosy- gin or President Johnson over Vietnam. He' spoke of his "tragic disap- pointment" that peace talks had not been arranged, especially since there were moments when success had been very near. A Conservative, Lord Balniel, asked Wilson if Kosygin had made clear the Soviet Union still con- siders as valid its share role with Britain as co-chairmen of the Indochinese peacemaking ma- chine. military planners are preparing for stepped-up air attacks to in- hibit the traffic flow. Thus far, sources said, air mis- sions have been severely limited by bad weather over the southern panhandle of North Vietnam. Monsoon clouds have shrouded targets, and a number of missions have been cancelled because of poor visibility. Foul weather has also slowed, the assessment of bomb 'damage inflicted through renewed U.S. air raids on North Vietnam's supply lines and the munitions reportedly hustled south during the truce. A U.S. spokesman forecast last month that the northeast mon- soons would create poor flying conditions over North Vietnam through February. In the strikes yesterday, the first since the truce for the lunar new year, breaks in the overcast were few. Strikes could be made, however, with radar guidance. Railway facilities in a half doz- en areas of North Vietnam were 'reported among targets of theh raiders, unleashed by President, Johnson's order about 42 hours after expiration of the truce. With Ho Chi Minh's regime spurning the idea of putting any check on its own war effort, John- son said, "in fairness to our own troops and those of our allies, we had no alternative but to resume full-scale hostilities." In Washington, the Pentagon announced the North Vietnamese used 2,200 trucks andd 1,572 ves- sels to rush at least 25,000 tons of NAok trivii X \ ) AJ4LI II SeV It SilSlil Exceed Average Service Rates WASHINGTON (m)-Negro en- listed men make up about 11 per cent of the total fighting force in South Vietnam but accounted for 17.8 per cent of the over-all com- bat deaths through 11 months of last year, statistics showed yester- day. This means that Negroes were being killed last year at a rate about 60 per cent higher than their proportion of servicemen in the Southeast Asian country-in comparison to those of other races. The Defense Department statis- tics also indicated that propor- tionally more Negroes died last year in Vietnam than in previous year. No precise comparisons can be made because of lack of data. March But last March the Pentagon released figures showing that about 12 per cent of the total en- listed fighting force in Vietnam between 1961 and 1965 was Negro and the Negro enlisted death rate in those years was 18.6 per cent. This means that Negroes were being killed those years at a rate about 55 per cent higher than their incidence in Vietnam. Negroes comprise about 10 per cent of the U.S. population. The Pentagon statistics made available to an inquiring news- man, but not distributed by the Defense Department. Asked about this, one official explained, "that's the way we always do it." Defense Department officials, in interviews yesterday gave these reasons for the hight proportion of Negroes in the front lines: -Educational deficiencies. One official said that "Negroes bring educational deficiencies into the service," and this drastcally limits the number and type of jobs that are available to their. More than 20 per cent of the combat infan- trymen are Negro, the official said, and added: "No one has ever claimed that a combat, infantry- man has to be a brain." -Re-enlistments. Officials noted that first-term Negro soldiers are re-enlisting at nearly three times the rate of other races. This means, one source said, when you look at a Vietnam combat unit the middle NCO non-commission- ed officer grades-the cadres- are going to have a higher per- centage of Negroes, up to 25 per cent in some units.". -Volunteers. Officials also said Negroes generally volunteer for elite units such as special forces or the Army's two airborne divi- sions because of the added prestige and the added pay these units offer. Negroes reportedly comprise up to 25 per cent of the total per- sonnel in the airborne divisions. The statistics also showed the Negro officers are dying at pro- portionally lower rates than other races. Through Dec. 1 of last year, two Negro officers were killed in action. There were 740 other of- ficer casualties. PASADENA, Calif VP) - Lunar Orbiter 3 is set to snap its first pictures of possible astronaut landing sites-covering a relative- ly smooth area in the dry Sea of Tranquility-at 5 a.m. EST today. If all goes well the pictures will be radioed three hours later to a tracking station at Madrid, Spain, where prints will be released as soon as possible. Other views of the site, one of 12 photographic targets along the moon's equator, are scheduled to be radioed when the earth's rota- tion brings the space-cruising pho- to lab in range of another track- ing station at nearby Goldstone, Calif., at 4 p.m. Prints Prints of photographs received at Goldstone would be released about 9 p.m. at Jet Propulsion La- boratory here, center of a world-I wide tracking network. These will be analyzed by Natural Aeronau- tics and Space Administration sci- entists at a news conference Thursday at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The area also was covered by Lunar Orbiters 1 and 2 last year. Comparison of photographs taken by the three identcal craft is ex- pected to enable scientists to pick the safest sites for manned land- ings in the Apollo program. Site No. 1 is a dark area near a low volcanic dome south of the crater Maskelyne F in the south- eastern part of the Sea of Tran- quility, near the eastern edge of the lunar disk. Earlier pictures indicate there are relatively few craters in this region and the lar- ger ones have been smoothed out by volcanic material. Target Sites Lunar Orbiter 3 snaps its pic- tures at the low point of its 33 by 1,146 mile orbit as it passes over the lunar equator. The target sites World News Roundup shift to the left along a 200 by 1,700 mile landing zone as the moon revolves beneath the orbit- ing vehicle. A total of 212 wide-angle and 212 closeup pictures are to be tak- en by Feb. 23, covering the 12 landing sites and possibly some areas on the hidden back side of the moon. The pictures are to be processed and stored aboard the aircraft and radioed to earth on command, with the last to be re- ceived early next month. T h e 850 - pound spacecraft, launched from Cape Kennedy, Fla., Feb. 4, swung into orbit around the moon four days later. Photo- graphy will start on its 44th 3V2- hour orbit, a spokesman said. i i I dency and leave the country be- fore he is dragged down. The appeals apparently went ig- nored and in one final gesture Suharto submitted a signed state- ment to Sukarno. It proposed that Sukarno turn over complete pow- ers to Suharto and quit the coun- try. Sukarno rejected this and of- fered a counterproposal but the informants said this was rejected by the military. In complex proceedings at Su- karno's whitewashed palace,, Su- karno said he would only approve the executive powers Suharto re- ceived in March 1966. What this meant, sources said, is that Sukarno hoped to give the powers on a temporary basis and take them back if an opportunity came. The sources said Sukarno's final rejection of the offer to step down from power meant Congress would go through with an investigation in March into Sukarno's links with the Communist party. Congress has been pressured by students and Parliament to dis- miss Sukarno and appoint an act- ing president. Investigation When Congress completes its investigation--and Congress lead- ers already have accused Sukarno of being 'fully involved in the abortive Communist coup-there will be no choice but to bring Su- karno to trial, the sources said. Other military sources added, however, that Suharto remains very reluctant to try Sukarno since it would put the entire In- donesian nation on trial. Further compromise moves could still be offered, they said. Sukarno remained outwardly confident, however, during the pal- ace ceremonies and stressed to newsmen he would still be in pow- er next month. NEW DELHI, India (A) -- India is starting its fourth general elec- tion today. The balloting will last for a week. yAbout 250 million people, 75 percent of them illiterate, are eli- gible to choose 520 members of Parliament and 3,383 legislators who will run therfederal and state governments for the next five years. Voting will be delayed by a couple of months, however, in snowbound areas in the higher Himalayas. None will take place in extreme eastern and southern, Assam State, where the govern- ment is at war with rebellious Na- ga and Mizo tribesmen. Because of military rule in the northeast frontier agency, where, Indian soldiers are on guard against the Communist Chinese, President Sarvepalli Radhakrish- nan will nominate one man toi Parliament as the. area represen- tative. s . WASHINGT(P)-Rep. Adam Clayton Powell and a former bea- uty queen took at least 10 trips together from Miami to Bimini after government-paid flights to Florida and in 1965 and 1966, House investigators were told yes- terday. Government auditors also pro- duced records to indicate that in all of these cases the name of Miss Corrine A. 'Huff, Powell's secretary and traveling companion int re- cent years, did not appear on flight coupons to Miami. Miss Huff, 25, abeauty contest winner, did not respond yester- day when called to tes4ify before the select House committee in- quiring into Powell's qualifications for his House seat. She was served with a committee subjoena in Bi- mini last Saturday. , j i #il/el Starting Its National Tour in Ann Arbor! I "SUPERIOR OFF-BEAT, AND ORIGINALl*-N.Y..TIMES ~Oll M3O NaEgLNS DR ,SMa 0N [ & oSCY R Dae SUGGESTED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES Wednesday 7, 9 PROFESSION TH EATRE PROGRAM presents PDI % liD 4AL LEVERN JOYCE HUTCHERSO BRYANT AVON LONG "PORGYN BESS" GEORGE GERSHWIf DUIOSE HEY WARD DIRECT FROM ACCLAIMED INTERNATIONAL TOUR! K ,y SABBATH SERVICE FRIDAY at 7:15 P.M. Group Dialogue* with The Newman Student Association "Where Can The Jewis and Catholics See EYE to EYE?" John Planer, Cantor and the Hillel Choir, directed by Steven Orvitsky will chant the Service. Joan Spitzer is the Organist. "BEST PLAY OF 1966" "A Superb Dramatic Work of Art!" -Watts, N.Y. Post N.Y. DRAMA CRITICS PRIZE "ZIA f & TONY AWARD WINNER MONDAY and TUESDAY February 20-21 8:30 P.M. HILL AUDITORIUM ' $ " li " I I i i ;l E 1' E 1' E in t __ .__ - _ __. __ __ __ _ __ __ i