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February 14, 1967 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-14

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(Continued from Page 2) I
Feb. 28. These requirments include the'
teacher's oath, the health statement,
the social security number and the
Bureau of Appointments material. The
oath should be taken as soon as pos-
sible in Room 1431 UES. The office is
open from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5, Monday
through Friday.
Doctoral Candidates: Who expect to
receive degrees in April, 1967 should
turn in two bound and one unbound
copies of their dissertations to the
recorder of the Graduate School by
March 13. The report of the doctoral
committee on the final oral examina-
tion must be filed with the recorder
of the Graduate School, together with
two copies of the dissertation-ready in
all respects for publication-not later
than Mon., April 10.
All Students in the School of Educa-
tion (Undergraduate): Preclassification
for the Fall Term (I) 1967 is in prog-
ress. It will end on April 10. This ma-
terial may be obtained in Room 1431
UES. Students should register early.
Botany Seminar: Harry A. Douthit, Jr.
from University of Wisconsin, "Satel-
lite DNA's from Bacillus," Wed., Feb. 15,
4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Bldg.
Summer Program of Graduate Student
Research Fund Grants: Is now open for
In preparing his application, of which
15 copies should be submitted to the
Graduate School, the student should
present a clear statement concerning
the nature of his research problem and
the estimated cost of the specific items
of expenditure. The application should
be accompanied by a supporting letter
of which there should also be 15 cop-
Les, from the chairman of his doctoral
For information and proposal guide-
lines, contact departmental chairmen
or Room 1014 Rackham. Deadline for
submission of application is Thurs.,
March 16.
Doctoral Examination for Sheldon
Norman Salinger, Electrical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Simulation and Analysis
of the Low-Voltage Arc Mode in Plasma
Diodes," Tues., Feb. 14, Room 1075 East
Engineering Bldg., 1 p.m. Chairman,
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors
programmed through the Office of For-
eign Visitor Programs, who will be on

campus this week on the dates indi- Engl., Hist., Math, Philo. and Psych.
cated. Program arrangements are being for Mgmt. Trng.
made by Mrs. Suzanne Meyer, acting New York Daily News (News Syndi-
coordinator, Foreign Visitors Programe sate.Co., Inc.), N.Y.C.-BA/adv. degrees
office, 764-2148. Econ., Engl., Fine Arts, Gen. Lib. Arts,
Miss Foongfuang Kruatrachue, chair- Rist., Journ., Libr. Sci., Math & Poll,
man, Division of English and Litera- Sci. for Mgmt. Trng., Sales, Writing,
ture, Department of Humanities and Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.
Social Sciences, the College of Edu- -BA/adv. degrees Econ., Math, Philo.,
cation, Patumwan, Bangkok, Thailand, Physics, Chem. for Sales and Data
Feb. 20-21. Processing Trainees.
Mrs. Nartchaleo Sumawong, chairman, United States Office of Education,
Psychology and Guidance Division, De- Wash., D.C.-BA/adv. degrees Econ., Ed-
partment of Education, the College ucation, Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist.,
of Education, Prasarnmit Road, Bang- Math, Poli. Sci., Phych., Soc., for Mgmt.
kok, Thailand, Feb. 20-21. Trng., Publin Admin., Educational Spe-
Miss Nina Devons, member of fac- cialists and other.
ulty of the English Department of the Burroughs Corp., Jackson, Mich.-BA
Hebrew University, -Jerusalem, Israel, any field, with 1 Jar o ac.-a
Feb. 20-22. nY pitin year of acctg. Sales
Fabio Fulgencia Peixoto, dental stu- lrng. posi onrocessinmktguipmplete
dent from Minas Gerais, Brazil, Feb. 21. le daosg u n

764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
Lufthansa Applications-For work in
Germany due in Detroit Feb. 15. Ap-
plications at Summer Placement Service.
FEB. 15-
Camp Tamarack, Mich.-Coed. Inter-
view Feb. 15, a.m. & p.m. Counselors,
supervisors and specialists in arts &
crafts, waterfront, nature, drama, mu-
sic. Truck-Bus driver, kitchen mgr. and
FEB. 16--
Camp Charlevoix, Mich,-Boys. Inter-
view Feb. 16. 10-12 & 1-5. Head coun-
selor, waterfront, sailing, tennis, na-
ture & handicraft.

Hupp Corp. Gibson Refrigerator Div.
Johnson Service Co.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Trans World Airlines.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music pre-
sents a concert by The Baroque
Trio in Rackham Lecture Hall.

Benefit Art Show and Sale
(partial list)



J. T. Abernathy
Barry Avedon
Fred Bauer
Pat Bauer
Ruth Chodorkoff
Milton Cohen
Wyn Cortes
Ruth Weisberg

Michele Doner
Bill Hayes
Daniel Higgins
Lois Kojola
Cynthia Liddell
Al Loving
George Manupelli
Michael Zahratka

Albert Mullen
Hope Palmer
Carol Ross
Denah Schuman
Mark Sedgeman
Lewis Simpson
Albert Webe r

Pilacemen t
Special Interview at Engineering
Placement: Chevron Research Co. oft
Richmond, Calif., interviewing women
for position in Engrg. Res. Group Feb.
14-17. BS/MS Chem., ChE, Phys. with
trng. or exper. in Lib. Set. Call Mr.
Ravicz at Engineering Placement, 764-
8483 for interview appointment.
ates and seniors make appointments by1
4 p.m. of the day preceding the visits
by the following companies. All em-
ployers expect to see your file before
the interview Please return forms and
update your files as soon as possible.'
Call 764-7460, General Division Desk.
THURS., FEB. 16-
R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co., Chica-
go, Ill.-BA/adv. degrees Econ., Engl.,
Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Math, Poll. Set.,
Psych., & Soc. for Mgmt. Trng., Produc-
tion, Purchasing and Sales.
Household Finance Corp., Southfield,
Mich.-BA Fine Arts, Gen. Lib. Arts,
Psych. & Soc. for Banking, Mglnt.
Trng., Public Admin.
International Business Machines Corp.,
Dearborn, Mich.-BA/adv. degrees Math
& Phys. Chem. for Computing, Prod.,
Sales and Syst. Engrs.
National Castings (Div. of Midland-
Ross Corp.), Cleveland, Ohio-p.m. only,
BA Econ. & Gen. Lib. Arts for Mgmt.
Trng., Personnel, Product, Sales.
University of Rochester, Rochester,
N.Y.--Any degree or major for Biol.,
Library, Sec., Social Work, Health Ca-
reers. Employment with the university
FRI., FEB. 17--
Port of New York Authority, N.Y.
- BA/adv. degrees Architect., Econ.,

State of Illinois, Department of Per-
sonnel, . Springfield, Ill.-The depart-
ment would consider arranging to give
the Ill. Professional Career Entry Exam
on this campus in coordination with
this office. We request that any inter-
ested persons contact us as soon as
possible so we may arrange for the
exam before students leave campus.
Contact Mrs. Davis, 764-7460. Brochures
describing careers available at Bureau.
Berkeley School, N.Y.C.-12 week sec-
retarial program for college grads. Ap-
ply early, address at Bureau.
Local Organization-Director, Head
Start Project, admin. exper., familiar
with Washtenaw County; knowledge of
elem. ed. and exper. in working with
poor. Length of program, April 1-
Aug. 25.
Elyria Memorial Hospital, Elyria, Ohio
-Biochemist, Med. Tech., Pharmacist,
Occup. Therap., Physical Therap., Pro-
fessional Nurse needed.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadel-
phia, Pa.-Institutional Research Spe-
cialist, studying future univ. require-
ments for academic and physical mas-
ter plan.
Fo* * a
For more information please call

S * *
Applications and details at Summer 8:30 p.m.-School of Music pre-
Placement Service, 212 SAB, Lower Level. sents a recital by students of the
tuba in the school's Recital Hall.
VIEWS: Make interview appointments
at Room 128-H, West Engineering Bldg. 3:00 p.m.-David Halberstam,
FEB. 20- foreign correspondent for the New
Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. York Times will give a lecture in
American Oil Co.-Research & Dev.
Corning Glass Works, journalism, "An American Cor-
Dana Corp. respondent Behind the Iron Cur-
Daverman Associates, Inc. tain" in Kellogg Auditorium.
W. R. Grace-Dewey & Almy Chemi- 7 and 9:05 p.m.-Cinema Guild
clCo. .7ad90 ~.Cnm ul
Kelsey-Hayes. presents its Experimental Series
Mitts & Merrill, Inc.}Prgram in the Architecture Aud.
Ohio State Highway Dept. 8:30 in-th o Msictpre-
Texaco, Inc. :30 p.m.-School of Music pre-
TRW, Inc.-Michigan Division. sents a concert, "Contemporary
U.S. Govt.-Army Materiel Command. Directions" in Hill Aud.
U.S. Govt.-Maritime Administration. _
FEB. 21- _
American Electric Power Service Corp.
American Oil Co.-Research & Devel-
Amphenol-Borg Electronics Corp.
Continental Oil Co.-
Diamond Chai Co., Inc.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.-Aero
space & Atomic Corp.
H. K. Ferguson Co.
Harnischfeger Corp. Sports Staff
Hazeltine Corp.


3 P.M.-Midnight
Michigan Union-Rm. 3-KLMN


ponsored by.

Citizens for New Politics

. ._ _ __ ...___ _ . . _ _. _ ali i


Join The Daily Sports Staff



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NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
Russky Kruzhok, Tea and Russian
conversation, Tuesdays, 3-5 p.m., 3050
Frieze Bldg.
* * *
Russian Circle, An evening of poetry,
recitation and comedy featuring "The
Boor" by A. P. Chekov, Thurs., Feb. 16,
8 p.m., 2065 Frieze Bldg.
Scottish Country Folk Dance Club,
Dancing, Wed., Feb. 15, 8-10 p.m.,

Women's Athletic Bldg. Step instruc-
tion and practice, 8-8:30 p.m. only.
*. * *
Deutscher Verein, Tues., Feb. 14, Kaf-
feestunde, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* e *
U. of M. Rifle Club, Election of offi-
cers, Feb. 15, 7 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range.
* * *
Phi Eta Sigma, Freshman men's hon-
nor society. All members who are grad-
uating seniors and who plan to work
for graduate degrees may apply for
one of six $300 scholarships by contact-
ing Prof. John V. Field, 14500 Mason
Hall. Local deadline for applications
is Feb. 24.


electrical engineers
mechanical engineers
industrial engineers
These are professionally rewarding careers with a company which has
been an established leader in electronics research, development and
manufacturing since 1924. Our projects encompass advanced work in
such areas as electronic detection and identification, data
processing and display systems for the Armed Forces, NASA, FAA
and the aerospace industry.
Openings for June graduates in:
" Research - EE: all levels
" Development and Design - BS/MS in EE or ME
" Test Engineering - BS in EE
* Field Engineering - BS in EE
* Publications Engineering - BS in EE or ME
" Project Administration - BS in EE, ME or IE
*"Manufacturing Engineering - BS in IE or ME
Assignments in Long Island, New York, and suburban
Boston, Massachusetts.
For details, see our brochure, "Electronics at Hazeltine," at your
Placement Office and arrange an appointment now.
interviews on campus
Little Neck, New York 11362
An Equal Opportunity Employer
A Plans for Progress Company







will interview graduate students in all
liberal arts fields at the placement office
for the 135 secondary schools, colleges,
universities, and schools of theology of
The Methodist Church.


Bureau of Appointments

Excellent opportunity for recent graduates
or experienced individuals.
A rewarding challenge in new Industrial
Engineering department of the Northern
Pacific Railway organization to probe the
many facets of operation, construction
and maintenance.
Positions available at headquarters in St.
Paul, Minn., and at locations between the
Twin Cities and the Pacific Northwest.



be darned!
Youth isn't wasted on the young. And the young don't
waste their time at Celanese.
Our top people are never old-fashioned about any new
idea, whether it comes from middle management or
from our youngest college grad. We have a master plan
and the vitality to-make it work. Marketing is way-out
and zeroed right in. Finance knows that we have better
things to do with our money than let it grow barnacles...
shelled out $465 million in capital expenditures
over the last 3 years. In the scientific department, we
combine technical insight with an unusual grasp of
marketing dynamics.
Thinking young explains how we chalked-up one of the
most impressive corporate rebuilding jobs in recent
history. How we turned what was basically a one-product
business into a.solid and diverse international corporation
dealing in chemicals, miracle fibers, plastics, paints,
petroleum and forest products. How we multiplied sales
5 fold in 10 years. How we now have 100 plants in the
U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Possibly we could afford to relax a little. But success
makes young blood run even faster.
Which means that the ambitious college grad couldn't
find a more provocative opportunity anywhere else in
American industry.
Accountants, Chemists, ChEs, MEs, Physicists, MBAs
Our representative will be on your campus soon.
Contact your placement director to make an interview
appointment. Or write for a brochure outlining more
specific areas of job opportunity to Mr. J. B. Kuhn,.
Manager of University Recruitment, Celanese
Corporation, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y, 10036.

- A")

Mr. G. M. deLambert
Director of Personnel
Northern Pacific
Railway Building
St. Paul, Minn. 55101

"The Railroad with Young Ideas."
An equal opportunity employer.

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