TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1887 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMEN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAHY a 47AXAL! 1 liiLu p Johnson0 No Alternatives, CHINESE STRIFE: Report New Opposition U.S. to o Bases Move On Hanoi's Operations Prepared To Meet More Than Halfway In Any Negotiations By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press special orresponde WASHINGTON (M-The Uni States resumed the bombing North Vietnam yesterday a President Johnson said "we 1 no alternative" because of Han actions. But the President said age "We are prepared at any time go more than halfway to m any equitable overture for pe from the other side." Johnson charged in the sta ment that North Vietnam's o response to peace moves had be to mount "major resupply effc of their troops in South Vietnar Combat Resumed The end of the 5 -day bomb: suspension was announced by t Pentagon which stated shortly ter 12:30 p.m. EST: _"Coma operations against military targ in North Vietnam have now be resumed." The return of the bombers North Vietnam- followed by a f hours the failure of efforts British Prime Minister Har Wilson and Soviet Premier Ale N. Kosygin to find an immedic means to move the war to the cc ference table. Kosygin returned to Moscow i mediately while Wilson went 1 fore parliament and said, "'I road to solution remains ope despite any immediate disappoir ment. Johnson's statement said, "I door to peace will rema open" but his words also reflect a widespread feeling here that I surge of peace hopes which beg building up in the world t months ago had passed its clim this weekend and has now r ceded. "It had been our hope," Job son said, "that the truce peric connected with Christmas, N Year's and Tet-Vietnamese lur new year-might lead to soi abatement of hostilities and moves toward peace. Unfortunal ly the onlyresponse we have h from the Hanoi government w to use the periods for major r supply efforts of their troops South Vietnam. "Despite our efforts and thc of third parties, no other respor has yet come from Hanoi. "Under these circumstances, fairness to our own troops a: those of our allies, we had no a ternative but to resume full-sca hostilities after the cease-fire." Third Parties The mention of "third partie was clearly a reference to t Kosygin-Wilson diplomacy as w as peace activities of Pope Pa VI, U.N. Secretary-General Thant and various governmer which have been active in co tacts with North Vietnam. The third of the truce perio ended at 6. p.m. Saturday. T United States and South Vietna resumed military operations the South at that time. Johnson, however, ordered continued suspension of bombib and it ran in total for more the 42 hours while Wilson and Kos; gin sought vainly to find some w to get North Vietnam to lo: quickly in efforts to scale down t) war and move toward a conferen table. Since the beginning of the pea offensive period in December the: have been three intervals of tru and diplomats were particular hopeful that the last one la week-centered around the Vie namese lunar new year-mig bring a breakthrough in the sear( for a peace formula. The first reported strike was the southern panhandle of Norl Vietnam where the Communist a: reported to have carried out massive supply buildup during tl four-day new year's truce. The heavy, unimpeded flow ammunition- and other materi for the Viet Cong and North Vie namese to use in South Vietna was a cause for concern to Ame: loan officials during the truce ai one of the reasons the attac] were resumed soon after Kosygi left London. Ends Bombing -Associated Press EXCHANGING FAREWELLS yesterday after a week of discussion in London were British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin at Gatwick Airport. Air Strikes slit Supply Routes n Post-Truce Vietnam Action SAIGON (R)- U.S. jet fighter- bombers resumed the air war on North Vietnam today with post- midnight strikes in the southern panhandle and its network of supply routes into South Vietnam, the U.S. Command reported. It said U.S. Air Force F40 Phantom jets attacked through clouds that prevented an immed- iate assessment of damage. Earlier the U.S. Command had reported a heavy flow of truck traffic in both north and south directions in North Vietnam and sightings of cargo vessels headed south alon its coast. A spokesman said air strikes also were under way elsewhere in North Vietnam but he added de- tails were not available. He said he did not know whether a nor- Ban on Draft Card Burning Upheld by Supreme Court WASHINGTON ()) - The Su- preme Court refused yesterday by vote of 8 to 1 to review a 1965 law that prohibits draft card burning. Its constitutionality was chal- lenged by David J. Miller, 24, a self-described Roman Catholic pa- cifist. The first person indicted unedr the law, Miller was con- victed in February 1965 of burn- ing his card at a protest rally against the war. Only Justice William O. Douglas favored giving Miller a hearing. The approval of four justices is re- quired to get a case before the Su- preme Court. Backed by the New York Civil Liberties Union, Miller claimed the law unconstitutionally abridges free speech rights and that its purpose is to suppress dissent. U.S. Solicitor General Thurgood Marshall defended the law as "an appropriate regulatory measure designed to preserve a document which plays an important role in the administration of the Selective Service System." By this decision the government remains free to prosecute such protesters. However, two other cases pending before the high court challenge the legality of the draft and the war itself The court also served stern no- tice on prosecutors yesterday that. convictions obtained "by the knowing use of false evidence"' cannot stand. With that declaration, the court unanimously threw out the murder conviction of a former taxi driver who once was only seven hours away from the electric chair in Illinois. The prosecution at Lloyd Eldon Miler Jr.'s trial "deliberately mis- represented the truth" by claiming; shorts found about a mile from the murder scene were stained with blood and not with paint,, said Justice Potter Stewart. The Constitution "cannot tol- erate a state criminal conviction obtained by the knowing use of false evidence," Stewart wrote. "There has been no deviation from the established principle. There can be no retreat from the principle here." At the same time the court dis- missed the draft card case, agreed to rule on Maryland's "loyalty oath" law and on a New York law that bars distribution of unsigned political literature. Under Maryland's Ober law, en- acted in 1949, applicants for state government jobs and candidates for public office in the state, must swear they are not trying to over- throw the government "by force or violence." It is being challenged as an in- fringement upon freedom of ex- pression, belief, and association. Howard J. Whitehill Jr., a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University, and the American Civil Liberties Union made the appeal. The New York law banning dis- tribution of unsigned political literature is being challenged by] Sanford Zwickler, who wanted to circulate anonymous leaflets in Brooklyn. He claims the law re- strains First Amendment free ex- pression. mal series of missions would be' ordered immediately. "They won't know what they will be hitting today until they take a good look at the weath," he said. The first post-truce air strike was reported launched in the pan- handle at 1:17 a.m.-12:17 p.m.. EST, yesterday. The new year-Tet-truce be- gan at 7 a.m. last Wednesday- 6 p.m., EST, last Tuesday. It ended at 7 a.m. Sunday-6 p.m., EST, Saturday. Almost immedately, the air war began against Communist posi- tions in South Vietnam. It con- tinued yesterday with strikes by U.S. Air Force B52' bombers against suspected Viet Cong posi- tions 44 and 50 miles north and northeast o fSaigon. The allies reported no signifi- cant ground action yesterday in South Vietnam, although 16 mili- tary operations got under way against the Communists as soon as the truce came to an official end. While air attacks were suspend- ed in North Vietnam, the United States apparently continued re- connaissance flights. The U.S. Command indicated this in its re- ports of the truck and water traf- fic in North Vietnam. It said trucks and water vessels were on the move all night Sunday and into the morning hours yesterday. ause Wilson Sees Peace Road As Still Open Pledges with Kosygin To Keep Trying for End of Vietnam War LONDON ()-Prime Minister Harold Wilson said yesterday the road to a Vietnam peace is still open and he pleged to keep trying with the Soviet Union's Premier Alexei N. Kosygin to end the war. The British leader's statement was made with full knowledge that President Johnson had ordered re- sumption of bombing against North Vietnam. It was to tell Kosygin of John- son's latest thinking on the issue that Wilson, in the early morning hours, called unexepectedly at the Soviet premier's hotel. He did not want the Russian to learn of new American raids through the news- papers. Nonstop Diplomacy After a week of nonstop diplo- macy involving London, Moscow, Washington and Hanoi, Wilson emerged personally convinced that: - Johnson is beoming increas- ingly sure that the Russians want a Vietnam peace -Kosygin is becoming increas- ingly aware of Johnson's political and military difficulties should he order a one-sided military cease- fire. Wilson gave his assessment of peace prospects by telling Parlia- ment: Not Unbridgeable "The gap is not unbridgeable, given a realistic appreciation of political and military factors in- volved, and above all, given a be- lief on each side that the other desires a negotiated settlement. Before Wilson spoke to Parlia- ment, Kosygin flew home to Mos- cow after joining Wilson in a pub- lic promise to keep in close con- tact in search of a Vietnam peace. A communique in the names of the two premiers reaffirmed prin- ciples of the 1954 Geneva agree- ments which offered a basis for a united, independent and neutral Vietnamese state. Agreement Thus they agreed on: -Early negotiations for a trea- ty of friendship and cooperation. A Soviet suggestion to make it a nonaggression pact, too, was ve- toed by Wilson on the grounds it would cut across Britain's alli- ances. -Swift moves to write a long- term trade treaty that would en- able Soviet and British industries to plan together and develop prod- ucts jointly and individually ac- cording to need. -An all-embracing settlement of fiscal and property claims and counterclaims that have arisen since 1939. This took in Baltic bonds and gold held in London andi nvolved assets worth up to about $70 million on both sides. British authorities reported, meanwhile, that lines of diplomatic communication from Washington to Hanoi-via London and Moscow -are still buzzing. With some of the secrecy wraps removed, British authorities were at pains to emphasize that both the content and mood of the top- level encounter exceeded all ex- pectations. Bombing Pause They appeared convinced a new American bombing pause could' come the moment Hanoi signals its readiness to reduce its backing for the Viet Cong. And any such readiness, they believe, will in the end be determined by the measure of Red Chinese influence in Hanoi. Ouster Fails; Sukarno May Leave Before Clash TArIL provocation on the Manchurian- Soviet border. The posters did not say there was an armed clash but claimed a Soviet soldier was cap- tured and released. Quoting Russian dispatches from Peking, Moscow radio in a Japan- ese-language broadcast said clash- es between Mao supporters and their enemies had broken out int the provinces of Hupeh and Hu- nan in central China, in Kwang-, tung Province in the south, Hei- lunkiang Province in Manchurial and in Tibet and Inner Mongolia.- The broadcast said Red Guardst had arrested Sai Futing, chief ad- i ministrator in the Uighur district1 betwee Inner Mongolia and Sink-x iang Province and Ching Kuo- huan, commander of the garrison' in Tibet.1 Moscow said Mao's supporterst faced "a painful battle' in Lhasa,1 capital of Tibet and other citiesf and the Maoists had cabled Pe-k king.for military support. s Nationalist China's Central News A4 A4Ar"Ik'"A't TOKYO W)A - Soviet reports Agency quoted a document from claimed yesterday that bloody Mao's group as saying Tseng fighting had broken out in the Yung-ya, deputy commander in heart of China, and in the hinter- Tibet. and Jen Yi, deputy political lands. A Hong Kong newspaper commissar. were leading the fight said four generals in western in Tibet against the Maoists. The China had agreed to a plan to op- agency reported last. week that pose Mao Tse-tung with peasant anti-Mao forces had seized Lhasa. uprisings and other measures. While giving no details of re- Japanese press dispatches from ported fighting in central and Peking said nothing of either re- south China and in Manchuria, port but quoted wall posters as Moscow radio said headquarters of saying Russian troops staged a LU Iil L111g the Red Guards had been destroy- ed in Inner Mongolia. Peking wall posters have conceded Mao's forces were introuble in Inner Mongolia. Quoting its own sources from inside China, the Hong Kong Star reported four generals of the far west met two weeks ago at Kun- ming, capital of the southwest province of Yunnan, and agreed on unified plans to balk Mao's at- tempt to take over their provinces. World News Roundup JAKARTA, Indonesia (.)-Mili- tary leaders have failed to get President Sukarno to step down, but he may leave the country before a showdown with Congress in March, informed sources said yesterday. Sukarno was said to have of- fered Friday to yield temporarily what powers he has left to Gen. Suharto, Indonesia's strong man, but the leaders of the armed forces turned down the offer. Heads of Congress released a tough questionnaire they expected Sukarno to answer. The questions demand that Sukarno explain his actions during the attempted Com- munist coup Oct. 1, 1965. Witnes- ses at military trials of coup lead- ers have testified he supported the Communists. Informants said Sukarna plans to leave Indonesia near the end of the month, before Congress meets. They reported he plans to go first to Japan, where his Japanese wife Ratna Sari Dewi is expecting their first child soon. Sukarno has re- fused to discuss his plans. In rejecting Sukarno's offer, the armed forces commanders said it was up to Congress to decide Su- karno's fate, the sources said. Con- gress is expected to remove Sukar- no's authority and investigate him in connection with Communist party links. The disclosures of the talks be- tween mlitary leaders and Sukar- na came following three days of conference between Suharto and the armed forces commanders. Military leaders are hoping to avoid a trial of Sukarno, who still T THIS WEEK AT -WEDNESDAY EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM No. 4 WARHOL'S "HARLOT" & "BLOW JOB" -THURS. & FRI. ASHES & DIAMONDS (Andrzej Wajda, 1958) Compelling Film on the Dilemmas of a Polish Resistence Fighter. -SAT. &SUN MODERN TIMES Red Guard Suspends Siege of Embassy MOSCOW W)-Red China eased on phase of its angry confronta- day by calling off the record- breaking 18-dayRed Guard siege of the Russian Embassy in Pe- king, Tass, the Soviet news-agency, reported. For sheer stamina, it was a mark unparalleled in the modern history of this fine old sport and may have aroused grudging ad- miration even in Moscow. Still firmly in Soviet hands, however, are the marks in other categories, including most ink bottles, ball bearings, brickbats and poster poles thrown at an em- bassy during a single demonstra- tion. Earlier, the Foreign Ministry confirmed press reports that China had canceled its week-old order restricting Soviet diplomats to their embassy in Peking. These developments came as Premier Alexei N. Kosygin return- ed from London without any pub- licly visible progress toward ar- ranging peace in Vietnam. Whether the Red Guard siege of the embassy in Peking had been lifted permanently was a matter of speculation. Tass said loudspeakers continued to broadcast anti-Rus- sian propaganda outside the em- bassy but the Red Guards were gone. Safety Insured Red China's Foreign Ministry notified the Soviet Embassy that Russian diplomats can once again leave, with their safety insured. Peking previously had said it could not guarantee the diplomats' safe- ty because of the rioutous demon- strations outside. But the basic hostility of con- flicting national interests, intensi- fied by differing interpretations of the course of communism, in- sured continued Peking-Moscow hostility even 'if the angry em- bassy phase is ending. The war of words between Pe- king and Moscow continued. As press dispatches told of anti-Soviet rallies in various parts of China, Moscow radio accused Peking of wanting to make Hanoi a pawn in Vietnam rather than work for a Communist victory. Peace Dangerous The broadcast said China want- ed to block Soviet aid to Vietnam because "the Peking leaders con- sider the establishment of peace in Vietnam is dangerous. If all as- sistance reached Vietnam smooth- ly, the U.S. aggressors would un- doubtedly be repulsed more smoothly." r commands a wide following in Indonesia. The list of questions released by congressional leaders included a demand to know why Sukarno went to the headquarters of the Communist coup leaders after the attempt. The Congress statement also accused Sukarno of perjuring himself and turning over contra- dictory testimony to Congress. It also asked why Sukarno received a coup leader, Brig. Gen. Supardjo, on the morning of the coup at- tempt. The commander of Indonesia'sI most powerful army division, the Siliwangi, Maj. Gen. H. R. Dhar- sono, said Sukarno was no longer acceptable as head of the nation, Antara news agency reported. He declared Sukarno would lead the nation to destruction if allowed to continue as president. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Johnson will submit a civil rights messae to Congress on Wednes- day, with legislative proposals soon to follow, the White House announced yesterday. Press secretary George Chris- tian made the announcement shortly after the President met with an unidentified group of civil rights leaders and reaffirmed his commitment to seek legislative remedies against racial discrim- ination. * * * NEW YORK-Five years of re- search have prinpointed drugs that cure some types of skin can- cer, without leaving disfiguring scars, a physician said yesterday. Equally important, the studies offer new clues toward eventual control of other human cancers, said Dr. Edmund Klein, derma- tologist of Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. DETROIT - A general strike dubbed a "new tool of protest" in the civil rights movement appar- ently met with little success yes- terday in its first bid for Negro support in Michigan. Spokesmen for Detroit schools, factories and city departments re- ported that attendance was about normal or even better than normal. NEW DELHI, India - Violence broke out in India's general elec- tion campaign again yesterday. A prominent member of the op- position Samyukta Socialist party was attacked by a gang using clubs and spears. Now PROFESSIO TH EATRI PROGRAM I presents r """ FORESTER'S CLUB ANNUAL If You Thfought Paul Bunyan Ball INFORMAL * Square Dancing with Dean Parker 8-10 " Entertainment 10-1 1 We Were Out of Our Minds Last Time; We/l A UOLO EPam.' .: NAL E LEVERN JOYCE HUTCHERSON BRYANTI AVON LONG PORGY AND BESS" MusEic bybrgtto by ERE DuSE HEYWARD DIRECT FROM ACCLAIMED INTER NATIONAL TOURI ,I wt ,,. ', . ". '.+, , '"'*;" 'Rai .ty ,1 Y o I I i I I .. .. - _