BOMBING THE NORTH: TkUCE SLIDES BYi See editorial page uE Sir i!4la ~E~ait3 LITTLE COOLER Hiigh--38 Low-Z5, Cloudy, a little cooler. chance of snow flurries Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 115 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Ramparts She A1ir1ig aniT Alleges NSA NEWS WIRE Tied to CIA Late World News By The Associated Press rA8HVILLE, Tenn.-Wine,'women and song will be a part of men's dormitory life at Vanderbilt University under a new policy aimed at giving dorm residents treatment equal to that of fraternities. "The trouble is," one youth commented, "is that the wine will be too private and the women too public." And the suspicion often was voiced that fraternity men still will be a little more equal than their unaffiliated brethren. The new policy, announced by officials at the traditionally staid university yesterday, will permit dormitory students to drink previously outlawed liquor in their rooms-and invite pre- viously outlawed women to dormitory lounges on Friday and Saturday nights. At the same time, the officials said, juke boxes and record players will be installed in remodeled recreation facilities in the dormitories-Carmichael Towers and Kissam Hall. Sometimes, even, there may be a combo. Fraternity men have enjoyed these privileges for years under rules which said specifically that liquor would be permitted only in fraternity houses. Women, specifically, have been banned from both men's dormitories-but have long visited fraternity house lounges. Deny 'Intelligence Work; Admit Taking Funds from Agency1 By STEVE BOOKSHESTER Collegiate Press Service In response to an advertisement placed today by Ramparts maga- zine in the New York Times and the Washington Post, the officers of the United StateshNational Students Association (USNSA) last night described their relation- ship with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). "In its March issue," the ad- vertosment said, "Ramparts mag- azine will document how the CIA has infiltrated and subverted the world of American student lead- ers over the past 15 years. It has used students to spy; it has used students to pressure international student organizations into taking cold war positions; and it has in- terfered, in a most shocking man- ner, in the international workings; of the nation's largest and oldest student; organization." The official statement of the association of USNSA ' officersI said: "We do not know the specific allegations of the Ramparts ar- ticle. It is impossible therefore to determine the truth or falsity of specific charges. "It is true that a relationship! between USNSA and the Central Intelligence Agency has existed SACUA Stymied On Daily Inquiry Sends Publications Board Letter To Faculty Assembly for Action By PAT O'DONOHUE The Senate. Advisory Committee on University Affairs de- cided last night to put the question of reviewing The Daily's relationship with the University community before the Fac- ulty Assembly at its meeting next Monday. SACUA debated the question of how to constitute a re- view and how a mechanism for review ought to be set up and operated. They could not reach a decision "even on that," according to Prof. William E. Brown of the Dentistry School, chairman of SACUA. SACUA plans to open the question of reviewing The Daily to the As- sembly and if they agree to a A' & D Faeully review they will be invited to suggest possible methods of re- SCinema Guild SACUA will set up a committee to conduct the review if the As- sembly agrees to it but will first "have to see how the review mech- anism should' operate," according TUNING IN to Timothy Leary last night was a capacity crowd in Hill Auditorium. A $100,000 GIFT to improve student facilities in eering College has been pledged by Whirlpool Corp. the University's $55 million capital fund drive. the Engin- as part of erTurn oi The Benton Harbor, Mich., corporation will contribute $20,000 annually for five years. The first year's gift will be used to refurnish the student lounge in the West Engineering Building ($10,000); to remodel the office of the Michigan Technic, the student-run engineering journal ($4,000)1; and to furnish the study room in the East Engineering Building ($2,000). The remaining $4,000 will be set aside, as will be the annual Whirlpool gift, to provide funds for student offices in the new engineering buildings now being planned for the U-M North Campus. ABOUT 100 UNIVERSITY law school juniors and seniors, are manning a local ',legal aid clinic created to offer help to any- one who can't afford a lawyer. Their cases Include landlord- tenant debt problems. paternity claims, income tax evasion, negligence, and welfare cases. A second office will soon be opened in Ypsilanti. Directed by the Law School and with the support of the Federal Prison Authority, the students also have begun a program of advising prisoners at the Federal Correctional Institution at nearby Milan. Since September, when this service began, the students have talked to more than 50 prisoners and have re- ceived letters from prisoners in Texas, Georgia, and Florida. THE RETURN ENGAGEMENT of "An Evening's Frost" will be presented Sunday, March 12 at 8:30 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater Program. Orders by mail will be accepted immediately. "An Evening's Frost" premiered in Ann Arbor in 1965 as the PTP New Play Project for that year, and was then taken to New where it played a long off-Broadway engagement at the Theatre De Lys. * * * * OVER 500 UNIVERSITY faculty members have signed a letter to President Johnson calling for an "unconditional halt" to the United States bombing raids on North Vietnam. Among these are 15 department chairmen and at least 5 deans. This letter follows a similar message submitted by a group of Yale professors three weeks ago. * * * SEN. HUGH' SCOTT (R-Penn) will speak today in the UGLI Multi-purpose Room at 4:15 p.m Sen. Scott has been in the Senate since 1958 and is cur- rently on the Commerce, the Judiciary, the Rules, and the Small Business Committees. He was the chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1948 and 1949. He also served as an advisor to President Eisenhower. He is the author of "How to Go into Politics" and co- author of "Politics, U.S.A." By KATHIE GLEBE AND DAN SHARE I i t for a considerable. period of time," the statement continues. Sitting in front of a darkened "The exact nature of the rela- Hill Auditorium with a lit candle tionship has been: resting before him, Timothy Leary "1. The officers of the associa- advised a capacity crowd last night tion did know that funds were to "turn on, tune in and drop out."! received which originated from the "We forget that we were meant CIA. to live in a garden of Eden," the "2. Individual employes who ex-Harvard professor said. "We who were officers of the associa- must wake up." tion did not to our knowledge Leary's remarks came minutes serve any 'intelligence function.' after he was detained by immi- No information of a sensitive na- gration officials at the Canadian ture was ever made available to border where he attempted to pass, any government agency.a taped speech over the border to, ". USNSA did on any number a group of University of Toronto of occasion present its views to stering white levis and an "In- the U.S. gover\nment; it insisted .an meditation shirt," Leary strenuously on thee views often to walked on stage carrying a chem- the detriment of its own popular- icalkwhich he identified as "col- ity in government circles" orless, tasteless, odorless and leth-+ The Ramparts advertisement al in large doses, commonly re- said the in the March issue article, ferred to as water." "names are named and dollar But before the Nirvana could amounts cited. begin, a shout from the balcony "It is," the advertisement says, asked him to move back. He rose "the story of how the CIA bends and said: "In this technological so-called independent foundations society it is getting harder and to its clandestine financial pur- harder to be a holy man."+ poses, using them as conduits for Broadcasting from the station espoinage money . . . It is, addi- within his body, "WDNA," Leary tionally the poignant story of the told the audience, "Wake Up. Did recent attempts by student leaders you forget who you are? Don't get to throw off their financial hung up on the current popular, shackles to the CIA, and of the plaster and cardboard TV show. highly-placed liberals in the gov- We were all born in Hollywood ernment who tried-and failed- studios. At five we were sent over to help them" to strangers in a corner of the TV The USNSA officers said that set-drug pushers hanging around they "first learned of the story the primary school-pushing TV: through Michael Wood, a former symbols and words designed to employe of the association, and make us forget we could escape! th~irouh irect approches by the system." By MEREDITH EIKER to Brown. The faculty of the University's College of Architecture and De- Explain Background sign has passed a motion urging SACUA will explain the back- the administration "to support and ground of the request of the Board encourage Cinema Guild in con- in Control of Student Publications tinuing its role in the University to SACUA to undertake an "in- community."*vestigation" of the Daily's policies MThe brief resolution passed last and;practices. Thursday stated: "The Faculty of The Assembly will hear a letter the College of Architecture and sent to SACUA in which the board Design acknowledges the long requested the appointment of a don't want to get too caught up are being taken in by their stage standing value of the Cinema committee to "consider the proper in the sensory, or you won't be craft. Guild Film Series in extending purpose, function and responsibil- able to continue the trip." Ac- "The only way the TV studio will the educational process outside the ity of a student newspaper in this cording to Leary, many never get collapse is if you control your walls of the classroom; deplores University community, to consider past this stage. body. Don't let them touch it. both the intent and the manner whether the existing arrangements The next stage of the trip takes Your body is the key to heaven. of the recent interference with this at the University adequately serve the voyager down through the j We have forgotten that we are recognized educational function these goals, and to recommend body. The body may seem to be a Gods." and urges the University adminis- changes if better alternatives can dark, horrible thing, but Leary TV stations have a right to tration to support and encourage be identified." asked, "Can you name me any warn, but they don't have a right Cinema Guild in continuing its In sending its letter to SACUA form of life that doesn't start in to do anything else, according to role in the University community." last week, the board said it want- a dark, oozy corner?" Leary. "If I want to kill myself I Although the motion was ot ed "an objective review by an out- The third, and last stage of the quickly with cyanide or slowly issung publicly immediately fol- side group uncommitted to the trip is that of the protein mem- wt aes hti ybsns.lwn t asg,~ etrt existing system" of The Daily's oies. In thisAstage therie re- y law which tells you who, what ed yesterday in a statement frompand prcticesy turns to the primitive life of two or when you can do something is Brown said that the issue was billion years ago and finds the a violation of the First Amend- signed by Dean Reginald F. Ma- "complex." secetsof is ncstr an lie.ment to the Constitution and the colmson. secrets of his ancestry and life. r "Yesterday's communique by the Before SACUA commenced de- According to Leary there have UN Charter." Executive Committee to the A & bate, Mark R. Killingsworth, '67, been amino acids for many years, In conclusion, Leary ad vised D faculty was a re-clarification of editor of The Daily, and Bruce and acid heads before man that "each of you go home and the school's official position con- Wasserstein, '67, executive editor evolved." turn on mom and dad. Don't use cerning Cinema Guild. It followed of The Daily, presented their view- "The glory and power of mod- words-just do it." a statement which appeared an- point of the situation. ern man is that he realizes the In a brief press conference after onymously in faculty mailboxes Daily Statement absurdity of what he is doing but his address, Leary commented on early yesterday morning concern- he does it anyway," Leary ad- the trouble he had had with Can- ing the film by Andy Warhol to The spokesmen for the Daily vises everyone who is under the adian officials. The barefoot be shown by Cinema Guild to- 'senior staff said afterwards: "The influence of the "Hollywood set" to "prophet" explained that he had morrow. The Executive Committee Daily has always welcomed com- "drop out of school, politics, so- been invited to speak at the Uni- sought to make clear that the fac- ment, suggestions and criticisms ciety. They are symptoms of the versity of Toronto during their ulty at large was in no way asso- from all members of. the Univer- TV station, and 99.99 per cent recent "psychedelic weekend." ciated with the anonymous letter. sity community through the let- . h din lInn d nor- w Commissioners Face Questions On Role, Plans, Power Theory By REGINA ROGOFF The 15 persons who attended members of the Ramparts staff. "At one point, Ramparts offer- ed USNSA its mailing list for fund raising purposes if its offi- cers 'corroborated' its story, andl threatened 'the destruction of USNSA' if the officers failed to dot so. . . . Many have been asked to 'clear themselves' or suffer per- sonal attack in the article." the open meeting with the P resi- 'That's How We're Made' ;n pnmeuigwiu~erel Howhdo you get out? Find the dent's Commission on Decision- sacrement, turn on. "Everyone Making had one question for its wants to turn on, 'cause that's how members: what they planned to we're made." do. Leary said, "the visionary trip Their first opportunity to con- is a highly regularized psychotic front members of the commission revelation.' The trip begins with a was the general open meeting for heightening of the sensual experi- the University community in the ence. But, Leary warned, "you UGLI Multipurpose Room which THIRD ACADEMIC ASPECT: Workshop Series Researches Teaching Methods By DAVID KNOKE Research and teaching have long been the major academic functions of the college teacher. The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching runs a series of annual faculty workshops to combine both functions into a third academic aspect of the teacher's life-re- search into methods of effective teaching. The' CRLT workshops, held in the fall and spring semesters, con- centrate primarily on the develop- ment by the participating faculty of student-centered programs, nsu- ally of aprogramnied-learning or self-instructional, nature. But, as far as Prof. George Geis, the workshop's director, is concerned, the creation of new classroom materials is incidental to the crea- tion of the new approaches to program has been in existence has been enthusiastic.' Although the five-weekend sessions are limited to a dozen participants, the wait- ing list runs long before the offi- cial word about each new work- shop goes out. "I feel very positive towards the whole thing," says Prof. Martin P. Ristenbatt, of the electrical engineering department, who at- tended a workshop last year. "I. began working on a program for teaching the use of a new tran- sistor curve tracer and I'm now about two-thirds finished. The ex- tensive amount of time in writing and perfecting the program was efficiently spent." Emphasis On Work The emphasis in the workshops is on "work." Participants can ex- pect to spend upwards to a hun- The rest, as Geis puts it, "is basic instructioin in landscape rolling the sleeves and getting' architecture and used an imagin- about the business of meeting ative combination of slide projec- these goals.' The participants are tion and reading material. urged to sample the editors, keep "The workshop was a valuable a log or notebook during the week, exposure to representatives of and spend several Fridays and other disciplines," said Porter, Saturdays developing and refining "and made us discipline ourselves their own programs., in identifying teaching objectives." Students Test Projects . All are not rosey praises, how- An integral part of the develop- ever. One participant, who other- ment of self-instructional mate- wise found the experience greatly rials is testing them on students rewarding, takes issue with the at various stages. Students are CRLT editor's behavioristic ap- present at later workshops to try proach. the programs and give the writer "I wouldn't want to put the feedback on how clearly and ef- same emphasis on control of the ficiently the program transmits its students' behavior that they do," content. Devision and elaboration he says. takes up many hours the faculty Orientation Toward Mediocrity member must sandwich between "They seem to be oriented to- his normnal duties. wards the poorer student, as- Dr. Paul Rondell, of the medical ;I +i + mmm qmst h "Professionally, we aren't very much interested in turning out large quantities of programs on different topics or in creating rote materials for students to give standardized responses," he says. Investigate Processes "We encourage the participant to let the program 'go by the board' and investigate the type of processes he wants the student to engage in and the substance he wants the student to take away from the program. "Self-instruction is not neces- sarily limited to factual material. Research is going on in areas like creativity and problem-solving that would appear impossible to teach in normal circumstances. My feeling is that the major limita- tion is with the skill of the pro- grammer and not the subject he is had been sponsored by the student members. Representing the commission were the four student members and their alternate, Gr'etchen Groth, Grad; Prof. Maurice Sinnott of the chemical engineering depart- inent and William Steude,ddirec- tor of student-community rela- tions. Bruce Kahn, '68, responded that the commission had been estab- lished with a mandate to consider the role of the student within the University, and hopefully to come up with specific suggestions for change, Prof. Sinnott asserted that "there is no question in any fac- ulty man's mind about how he gets things done. "I have direct routes to the Re- gents and I know what they are and use them. The students appar- ently don't know what they are and 'maybe they don't even exist." Roger Leed, '67L. said that the student members of the commis- sion are faced with the problem of serving on the commission both as individual members of the Univer- sity community and as represen- tatives of the student body. According to Leed, it will be necessary for the students to "es- tablish a priority between their role as wise men for the whole University community and their' role as tribunes of the student community." Leed said that the major ob- jective of the commission should be to re-define the meaning of student. He contends that stu- dents have an inferior status to faculty and administration and +I.. n" n++nrnr..' n+ nn - I'.- - advisory capacity is limited or ig- nored. Kahn said that "decisions are made and power reside in how those decisions are accepted, especially by the Regents." Leed outlined what he called an inductive power model that would require a very strong stu- dent institution in order to gath- er information, and formulate opinion. In case the student de- cision was not given weight long term indirect sanctions would be necessary, to the extent that it would be detrimental to the ad- ministration to ignore student opinion. The student commissioners, since their appointment three weeks ago, have met with the Social WorkhCouncil, the Inter-Co-op Council, officers of the Newman Center, the Law Club Board of Directors, and several other stu- dent groups. cers- o-tie-ealor column anc per- sonal contact with the editors "Although our excellence as a newspaper has been attested to by numerous awards and tributes, we do not feel that we are above criticism. 'But we do insist that such crit- icism be initiated and carried Out in a responsible fashion without having a deleterious effect on the basic editorial freedom of The Daily. "We feel that any 'investigation' of the papers editorial policies- the major one being editorial free- dom-in an atmosphere of con- flict and suspicion can jeopardize that freedom. For example, how could Daily staff members criticize SACUA if they are being invest- igated by that very body? "Without editorial freedom-the freedom to pursue news without fear or favor and to write editor- ials grounded in fact-a publica- tion is not a newspaper in its most meaningful sense. "We oppose such jeopardy and we believe that sentiment is shar- ed by every responsible element in the community," the Daily spokesmen concluded. GSC Polls Constituency on Grad Language Demands By ROB BEATTIE In an attempt to get a con- sensus of opinions concerning the University's doctoral language re- quirement, the Graduate Student Council is currently polling grad- uate students on the matter. The poll is in the form of a short - answer questionnaire. It deals with current language re- quirements and suggestions for changes. MR, n,'lmn, # n ' , nr,.-+ m 71rm Some departments in the grad- uate school allow substitute cours- es for meeting the requirement. The executive board is consider- ing changes that would define a minimum uniform requirement for all departments. It Is to facilitate these changes that GSC hopes to present its information. d Questionnaires are being distrib- uted in the various departments of the graduate school by mem- her n flC .Thev ae al soavai1- rl