7 A Strange Lozenge -Shaped Affair Sauve Qui Peut, by Lawrence Dur- rell. E. P. Dutton & Co. $3.50. Lawrence Durrell's facility with language was obvious from the start. And now that the deification of The Alexandria Quartet is nearly complete, Durrell is free to play. His reputation is secure enough; he is no longer obligated to be pro- found or boring, sexy or "in." This new little book of stories is there- fore striking for its lack of preten- sion. It makes no attempt at Sal- ingerian "sincerity," nor at Goldin- gian "social comment." Its humor is never "black." But is is very funny. And those readers who must find social comment, sex or sincerity in their fiction will find them here- not, however, in the form of a sticky, synthetic frosting. This lily ain't gilt; Nat Hentoff would find it a bore. I can think of no better recommendation. The nine stories are told in the first person by Antrobus-a highly educated caveman He is a carica- ture of the minor official in the British foreign service who has im- peccable manners, the training "to be equal to any emergency almost," the characteristic obtuseness asso- ciated with English butlers in old movies, and no sanity whatever. He is a gentleman. Durrell's technique is to build Antrobus's stories by creating rich patterns of detail. There seem to be few "stories" in the conventional sense of the word, but actually there is a variety of them under' each title. In "Seraglios and Im- broglios," for example, there is no real plot; the story consists of a se- ries of anecdotes, each funnier than the preceding one, and the whole forming a structure which ultimate- ly focuses on a kind of sterile sexu- ality and absurd religion: "like when Polk-Mowbray decided to build a Marxist chapel in the Em- bassy grounds to try and wean everyone from ~Barren Materialism. . . .The style was sort of Primrose Hill Wesleyan." The entire story has something of a mo- saic effect, but it has a greater uni- ty, it is more dazzling, and the pieces interpenetrate. The collec- tion is something like those weirdly exaggerated models of cells at the Museum of Science and Industry-grotesque and beautiful and unbelievable. There is some- thing inherently comic in the style of the things. Everything about these stores- s i t u a t i o n s, names, characters, plots-is improbable. But Durrell succeeds in building a private world of diplomatic nonsense, justified by The Twain Shall Meet (continued from page one) But all these complaints arise from what seems to me to be a cen- t r a 1 "unconsciousness" in Two Views. The details of plot and char- acter are disgorged from rather than assimilated into the living body of the book. Symbols, such as a lost sports-car and the Berlin wall itself, seem to slip, without recogni- tion, through the fingers of the au- thor. Even obvious dualities in the book's structure - two Germanies, two lovers as equal protagonists, the opposition of town and country- side - these are rarely extended to the point of artistry. This same unconsciousness is ex- pressed in the psychology of the central characters - A Pyramis and Thisbe faced with their own "cursed wall." But the Eastern nurse Beate and the Western Pho- tocrapher Dietbert are a most hesi- tant pair of lovers. They have slept together. but not often, and spent remarkably little time together while it was politically permitted. Only when their separation is en- forced do Beate and Dietbert tum- ble into the business of loving one another. It is a love constructed by casting them into the classic roles of masculinity and femininity. She becomes passive, a damsel much distressed, only when the wall is built to surpress her native activity and independence. He, in turn, looks on the Berlin wall as a chival- ric challenge. They are lovers only when a vast "order of things" de- fines them as such. Friends who be- moan the grief Dietbert feels on his separation are the actual cause of his affection. The lovers are "little people," but they are anti-heroes without perception of either the he- roic or the void. There is no scath- ing sense of absurdity which com- pels their action, only a mild dis- comfort. In the end, Beate's escape is accomplished with a healthy sense of functional success, while Dietbert receives a senseless and ineffective punishment for his own sense of impotency. Not until page 180, of this 183 page book, is the narrator revealed as particular and individual. This late introduction of the persona is so clumsy that I wonder if Two Views is based upon "actual experi- ence." The author states Beate's command, "But you must make up everything you write!" To this, the author replies, "It is made up." Per- haps. But it is certainly not "made up" enough. Uwe Johnson has halt- ed along the path of imagination leading to creative fiction, yet has not maintained the artistic indiffer- ence of the cinema verite. Like too much curret American fiction, Two Views is trapped by material detail without a strong commitment to either fiction or fact. Elizabeth Wissman Miss Wissman is a fourth-year student majoring in English at The University of Michigan. the fact that "a dip's life is never as clear cut as the Wars of the Roses," which has a logic of its own. His primary unifying device is the char- acter of Antrobus. And in spite of the fact that Antrobus is a carica- ture, Durrell is able to make him seem real. In the first story, for ex- ample, the Kurdish Embassy (an "up-and-coming little country with a rapidly declining economy") in- vites the British to a "joyful" cir- cumcision ceremony. Antrobus de- scribes their collective response: You can imagine the long slow wail that went up in the Chancery when first this intelligence was brought home to us. Circumcision! Joyfully! Refreshments! "By God, here is a strange lozenge-shaped affa ir" cried De Mandeville, and he was right. Everything is seen through Antro- bus's unlikely eyes; and as he grad- ually comes alive, as detail is added to detail, as his absurdity becomes consistent, the other characters and the events themselves become be- lievable. Not that the character de- scriptions lack much: You remember Drage? Of course you do. Yes, here we are truly in the field of Revealed Religion. All that winter the Visions had been gaining on him, the Voices ad been whispering seditious info. into his faun-like ears . . . . Finally Dragehwas forced to ask for relig- ious help from the leader of his s e c t-a Nonconformist preacher called Fly-Fornication Wilkinson. He was a tall spindly man with a goatee and huge goggles. . . . We could all see that the fellow had a mushroom-shaped p s y c h e. His voice was deep and boomy with an occasional scream like a police whistle on.,the word "sin" which made one sit up and metaphorical- ly spurn the gravel with one's hooves. Durrell's humor in these stories ranges from quiet wit to Chaplines- que slapstick. In "What-ho on the Rialto," Antrobus tells of the effect of a female ambassador (from France of course) on his colleague De Mandeville and on the Italian Head of Chancery, "Bonzo di Por- co": She flattered Bonzo, making him show off his talents where some- one more intelligent might have persuaded him to leave them in the napkin. He played, for ex- ample, the flute better, louder than De Mandeville. His pout was pro- fessional, his puff serene and not wavery like that of his rival. Apart from this, he played a blazing game of shuttlecock. He had ac- tually once had leprosy.... The story reaches its high point in a free-for-all Laurel and Hardy me- lee, complete with swords and cos- tumes. Finally, the lady goes to Russia, where "she liked the place, the people, and the system so much that she had herself nationalized and married a collective farm." It is a complete gas to find a writ- er who is able to continue experi- menting without becoming, at the same time, "w h a t's happening". . .baby. These stories are not great-they were not meant to be-but they are all good. And it is amusing to think that Durrell can write potboilers better than, say, S. J. Perelman's latest pieces in the New Yorker. I imagine Durreil reading all the magazines, and then s e n d i n g them just the right stories-with prices attached. "A Corking Evening," of course, goes to Playboy. "What-ho on the Rial- to," fun for women, goes to Mad- emoiselle, "The Little Affair in Paris," which is about nothing in particular, goes to The Saturday Evening Post. It is as if Pursewar- den, with characteristic absurdity, had outlived his own suicide, changed his name, and set out to write his memoirs. Of course, this is not so much Pursewarden as a sort of diplomaticized version of him, and his motives are not so much lit- erary as they are an extension of the art of diplomacy. The put-on is valued for its own sake; the art of being a gentleman is valued above all others. And a gentleman's first requirement is cash: thus the book. But the book surpasses the quali- ty of magazine comedy, mainly be- cause of a certain feeling of "multi- ple personality" that permeates all of Durrell's work-a feeling which seems to-require a similar multiple response from his readers. Sauve Qui Peut is obviously not Durrell's best work, but it would be a mistake to measure a book of light comedy by the standards of Durrell's most complex novels. And still the book fits rather neatly into an opus which becomes more attractive with each new addition. There may be "plenty more where it came from" as De Mandeville says of his labori- ously gathered morning dew, but that does not make it any less worth having. The book is one of those Jamesian "pleasant hours," which is complete in itself, but is at the same time only part of Durrell's larger and infinitely more important work. Michael I. Miller Mr. Miller is a fourth-year student ma- joring in English at Roosevelt Univer- sity. The Midwest Literary Review PAPERBACK PLAYBACK The midwinter slump is upon paperback publishers, qualitatively if not quantitatively; one wonders who writes, and who reads much of the bus-station trivia churned out. Several books of merit, however, can be gleaned from the generally undistinguished recent offerings. Among the reprints of important novels are John Fowles' strange and obscure The Magus (Dell); In Cold Blood (Signet), the much- touted "non-fiction novel" by Tru- man Capote; The Saddest Summer of Samuel S, by J. P. Donleavy (Dell), which narrates in the manner of The Ginger Man the problems of a writer 'n his fifth year of psychoanal- ysc; and Peter Mattheisen's At Play in th" nields of the Lord (New Amer- qT Library), a sensitive ac- count of missionaries in Africa. Far From the City of Class (Pocket Books) is a collection of bizarrely humorous short stories by Bruce Jay Friedman, author of A Moth- er's Kisses. The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread by Don Robert- son (Fawcett Crest) cutely combines Salinger and suspense in describing All Books Reviewed in This Issue Of The Midwest Literar available At The UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOKST( a day in the life of Morris Bird III, age nine, and Signet has issued in one volume Beatle John Lennon's agile concoctions, In His Own Write and A Spaniard in the Works. In the field of literary criticism, NYU Press has published Erika Ostrovsky's Celine and His Vision, an exploration of the dark and em- bittered psyche of the author of Voyage to the End of Night and Death on the Installment Plan. Can- did critic Susan Sontag's Against Interpretation (Dell) e x a m i n e s camp, contemporary theater and the French intellegentsia. Bantam's Supernatural Horror Series offers nine volumes of har- rowing stories with appropriately hideous covers, including a book of witches, warlocks and werewolves by Rod Serling. Devotees of flam- bovant morbidity will also enjoy their Gothic Novels Series. Sample titles: Wake Up Screaming, Unholy Trinity, Sleep No More. Malcolm X Speaks (Grove) pre- sents the late Muslim's speeches, in- terviews and letters in a companion volume to his a ut obio g ra ph y. Strange Communists I Have Known, by Bertram Wolfe (Ban- tam), studies ten recalcitrant Marx- ists, including Leon Trotsky and Rosa Luxemburg. Relations be- tween the NAACP and the Com- munist Party are analyzed by Wil- liam Record in Race and Radical- ism. Designed to offend whatever original spirits fled thither (and thereby to contribute to commer- cializing the area) is John Gruen's The New Bohemia (Grosset and Dunlap), about the East Village, with photographs. Lu Emily Pear- son discusses the domestic life and attitudes of another cultural group in Elizabethans At Home (Stanford), also with contemporary documenta- tion. Kenneth Keniston's The Un- committed: Alienated Youth in American Society (Dell), relates re- search conducted with Harvard stu- dents in sundry existential dilem- mas. There are several exciting new books of poetry in paperback. Grooks (M.I.T.), the haiku-like verse created by Danish poet Piet Hein, has been translated into English for the first time. Y e v g e n y Yevtushenko's Bratsk Station and Other New Poems (Anchor) contains the title epic and recent lyrics, some bombastic, some sparkling. The Complete Poetry of Cavafy translated by Rae Dalven (Harvest), presents the sensual wisdom of the Poet of Alexandria. The Modern Hebrew Poem Itself, edited by Stan- lev BurnshW Folio), is a the materia tions, and notes. The Thomas HE lected Shor and in Sele duced by Jc Eric Ben general inti tled The I heneum). Holloway "classics" "Amrican Hill's"-Th ton t"planta and Grush Womanr(s Russia.") The late Bruce's Ho fluence Peo timately in ond volume another tor creative, n berg's A Mv chor). Niko cent, tumul has been re tion. These sel typical; mt have been Thousand Ii and Four Your Baby. Editors: ...... . Edward W. Hearne Bryan R. Dunlap Violette Leduc - The Women with the Little Fox Studs Terkel - Division Street: America Etienne Gilson - Forms and Substances in the Arts Marguerite Duras - The Ravishing of Lol Stein Frank Elli - The Riot W. H. Lewis - Letters of C.S. Lewis Arvarh E. Strickland - The Chicago Urban League Kenneth Burke - Language as Symbolic Action $ 49$4 9493.9 . 59$ . 1. Midwest Editor: ...... Liz Wissman Advertising Manager: Wayne Meyer Art Editor .....-.Bob Griess Lake Forest Editor: ..J. Greg Gerdel Loyola Editor: ........ Bill Clohesy Roosevelt Editor: . M Mika Millor Valparaiso Editor: .. Janet Karsten Wooster Editor.Don Kennedy Editorial Staff: Gretchen Wood Mary Sue Leighton Ellen Williams The Midwest Literary Review, circulation 45,000O, is published six times per year. It is distributed by the Michigan Daily, the Chicago Maroon, the Wooster Voice, the Illinois Teacher's College (South Campus) Tempo, the Lake Forest Stentor and the Valparaiso, Torch. Reprint rights have been granted to the Roosevelt Torch and the Loyola News. Editorial offices: 1112 E. 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois 8637. Subscrip- tions: $2.50 per year. Copyright 0 1967 by The Midwest Literary Review. All rights reserved. University of Chicago Bookstore 5802 ELLIS AVE. Chicago, Illinois 2 MIDWEST LITERARY REVIEW " February, 1967 February, 1967 MIDWEST LITERAR'