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February 12, 1967 - Image 1

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Ink i!3aut


Mostly fair and
continued cold

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXVII, No. 114




Study uies or

Those Who Don't Like

To Read


By HENRY GRIX issue Saturday, Feb. 18, at the text, glossary and picture book of ment "unconsciously" constructs ground in a subject Huch often signments from the College Out-
League. most of Shakespeare's plays, his exams so that a student can- sugests use of Littlefield Notes, line Series. The guides. Clark con-
sfar as er enc Breacer Teachers fear student creativ- New companies regularly join not get a good mark if he relies beludes, are "tools" whose worth
sity is stifled by use of study the field. Hornback recently re- solely on study aids. y depends on their use in a par-
knows "La Femme Savant" cold. guides. Prof. Bert Hornback of ceived an offer for a new series Prof. Marvin Felheim of the ''reputable scholars." But Huch ticular situation, by a particular
Miss Brown came through with a the English department says "the "complete with display rack" that English department realizes stu- fears that about one-third of his person.
flat A in a recent exam on the 1watered down masterplots are promised 50 per cent profit to dents can manage to get a 'C' by class probably use notes in place Likewise. Felheim says that
French novel. crutches, not study guides. They're the retailer. readig study guides, but he is of the text. anything that helps with self-
Only thing is Miss Brown never just things to learn facts from." Hornback says the study guides confident that, by the nature of McNamara "p i t i e s" students education is good." While the
bothered to read the book in He thinks a better university at- reflect "an absurd insistence on his assignments, he outsmarts the who spend money on courses and notes are "superficial per se," Fel-
French. Instead she simply read mosphere would be created if research" which "destroys the goal notes. 'History 101 and 102 teach- then buy notes to "do their think- heim cannot and will not "police"
an English "pony" version. money spent on study guides are of the university." ing fellow Ronald Huch said essay ing for them." Of study guides he his students. On their own, stu-
Miss Brown reflects a long- spent on "beer and pizza" for a But a junior coed laments, "It's exams limited the advantages that states simply, "I wish there weren't dents must find out that the guides
standing college tradition that has bull session. the only way" to manage work, a purely factual study outline any." oversimplify complex works of art.
suddenly come of age. At campus- Nonetheless bookstores here do Linda Lott, '68. complains that in could provide. On the other hand, Asst. Prof. He contends that study guides are
es across the country a growing a flourishing trade on the study history "you don't get an over- The reliability of factual mate- Walter Clark of the English de- "set up on the premise that the
number of students are plunking guides. One store alone stocks 350 view when you have to read ten rial presented in study guides is partment feels it is somewhat student is not bright." The bright
down $1 to $3 for study guides on study guides under eight major paperbacks a semester." without also questioned. Since the notes "comic" for a student to cheat student, "except under pressure."
everything from Falstaff to Sym- titles. The review notes are "con- some outline to follow. One fresh- are often written by grad students himself by using a study guide will not accept study guides.
bolic Logic.- tinuous good sellers" says a spokes- man honors student uses the notes for small fees, the information is independently of the text and pre- As Felheim indicates many stu-
While local book merchants are man for Wahr's bookstore. exclusively in Great Books 192 sometimes inadequate or inaccu- tend he is getting away with dents never consider using notes.
ecstatic about the trend, teachers One of the largest companies in and feels he is able to do at least rate. Rather than see students use something. Tom Shuck. '67E, prefers to follow
here view the matter with alarm. the field, Monarch Press Inc. sold as well, if not better than, the Study Masters or Cliff's Notes, Clark thinks that "more pres- his own study plan and use
The study guide issue has gen- five million study guides and students who read the texts. which he feels are inadequate, sure to produce" and the "eco- Schaum physics notes for ref-
erated so much campus contro- grossed over '$3 million last year. However, many courses are be- Hornback recommends 15-cent nomics of time" drive many stu- erence.
versy that the University Activi- To uphold their claim that ing structured to decrease the pos- Classics Illustrated comic books. dents to use such study aids. He Adds one sophomore coed, "I
ties Center is sponsoring a faculty- "Shakespeare was never easier," sibility of this occurring. Prof. L. For a "quick, factual reference" sees an innate value in study never use review notes. Unfor-
student panel discussion of this Cliff's Notes offers a $1 summary, McNamara of the English depart- for a student with a poor back- guides. and sometimes gives as- tunately I like to read."

--Daily-Andy Sacks

"So I don't like to read."

Deny Charge
Of Faking'
Increased Student
Participation on 'U'
Departmental Level
Researchers at the University
plead innocent to a California bio-
chemist's charge that there is
widespread faking of data on
scientific reports at colleges across
the country.
Prof. Paul Saltman, a Univer-
sity of Southern California bio-
chemist says in the current issue
of Harper's magazine that the
drive of young scientists "to per-
form in the center ring of the
circus" leads to faking of themes
and research papers.
University scientists here coun-
ter that the charges are baseless.
They contend the would-be faker
can be discovered easily.
"If a person wants to take up a
life of crime, he'd be better off
robbing a bank-it's safer," says
Prof. H. M. Crane, chairman of
the physics department.
"The chances of exposure in
science are greater than in any
other form of skullduggery. If
any important conclusion is reach-
ed, it will be checked by somebody
Prof. John M. Allen, chairman
of the zoology department called
Saltman's charges "ridiculous. It's
contrary to the process of science
for a person to do this and think
he couldn't be found out."
Spokesmen at the University
agree with Saltman, however, that
scientists are under increasing
pressure to "perform in the cen-
ter ring," but emphasize that
ethics of, scientists here generally;
remain high.
Prof. Arthur G. Johnson of the
microbiology department s a y s,
"Perhaps there is more pressure
on the East coast where the state
legislatures provide very little sup-
port for science students and they
must compete for what is avail-
able. My experience with students
at New York University, Colum-
bia, Harvard, as well as many
other colleges, indicates that
scientific honesty at these institu-
tions is top-notch."
Robert E. Burroughs of the Of-
fice of Research Administration
says he knows of no faking prob-
lem. "Nothing of this has gotten
back to our office. Although we
are not in a position to judge the
substantive content of studies, re-
search sponsors are and no cases
of faking have been reported.
There are always some isolated


UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA coed Pamela Brewer, found
guilty by a faculty board of misconduct for posing in the nude,
insisted yesterday she did nothing wrong.
The penalty against the 18-year-old dramatics student from
Springfield; Va., is to be announced Tuesday by the Faculty
Disciplinary Committee. It could be almost anything from a
lecture to expulsion.
During a lengthy hearing Friday night, the committee ruled
Miss Brewer's action amounted to "indiscreet and inappropriate
Her nude photograph had appeared in an off-campus humor
Her attorney, Selig Goldin, said he would wait until advised
of the penalty before deciding whether to appeal to the Board
of Regents.
* * *
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY has not yet taken disciplinary
action against six students arrested in Detroit Jan. 24 for
violation of the state narcotics law.
The students, who have not been suspended by Wayne, face
a pre-trial examination March 1-3. A non-academic committee
formed to consider possible discipline is concentrating on a fact-
finding investigation of the arrests. The university has not yet
started a planned LSD-narcotics information program for stu-
PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING journalist David Halberstam
of the New York Times will deliver a University Lecture in
Journalism at 3 p.m. Wednesday Feb. 15 in the Kellogg. Audi-
torium of the Dental School.
He will speak on "American Correspondents Behind the
Iron Curtain."*
UNIVERSITY graduate students interested in teaching in
Southern Negro colleges may now apply for the Southern Teach-
ing Program.
The program recruits and places qualified graduate students
and teachers in predominantly Negro colleges. It includes both
summer and full-time teaching opportunities.
DR. TIMOTHY LEARY, the king of the psychedelic under-
ground, will lecture in Hill Auditorium tomorrow night at 8:00.
His lecture is co-sponsored by the Honors Steering Committee
and the Program in American Culture. Admission is free.
A NEW SERIES OF TELEVISION shows based on the book
"The Making of Michigan" by Prof. Howard Peckham, director
of the Clements Library, opens at noon today on WWJ-TV, De-
troit, Channel 4.
The series is entitled "U-M: 150" in honor of the University's
Sesquicentennial. celebration this year and is produced by the
University's Television Center.
THE UNIVERSITY'S ANNUAL Business Leadership Award
will be given to Frederic G. Donner, board chairman and chief
executive officer of General Motors Corp. The Graduate School
of Business Administration will present the award Feb. 24 in
Rackham Lecture Hall following an honors banquet. Presenta-
tion is made to an outstanding businessman who has shown an
understanding of the responsibility of business to society and
an interest in business education. Selection of the recipient is
made jointly by the students and faculty of the business school.

-Daily--Thomas R. copi
Twelve University students have been staging a marathon drink-in at the Fraser's Pub since Jan. 4. One of the students must drink
a 12 oz. beer every half hour that the tavern is open. They will hit 600 hours today, and plan to keep going to 1,000 hours to ward off
competition from a University of Wisconsin group. The beer has cost them $800 so far.


Researchers Attack Cancer
Varied Lab, Clinical Fronts

Contend Cheating
Easily Discovered
Prior to Publishing
With encouragement from the
Literary College steering commit-
tee a growing number of students
are forming academic advisory
committees at the departmental
The anthropology and psycho-
logy departments 'now have stu-
dent advisory committee function-
ing. And the sociology department
is considering formation of a sim-
ilar group.
"Eventually the literary school
steering committee would like to
see an academic advisory commit-
tee in every department of the
college," says Robert Golden, '67,
a member of the steering commit-
"But it is up to the faculty of
each department as to whether
they are allowed to set up the
committee and to define the role
the committees will play."
Dean William Haber of the liter-
ary college stressed that the in-
volvement of students at the de-
partmental level is very useful, but
it is also limited.
"There are many areas in which
students can be helpful, such as
advisors to the curriculum com-
mittee, the admissions committee
and .the administrative board,"
Haber said. "Btu one must re-
member that many students are
very busy and the amount of time
and energy they can devote is
"The students must select the
topics of discussion carefully; the
areas should be those in which
student's intuition will be help-
ful," he added.
Most active of the new advisory
committees is the undergraduate
psychology advisory committee
(UPAC). Organized by a group of
several hundreds students inte-
rested in psychology, UPAC has
expanded its functions to include
Their programs include:
-A student-run seminar pro-
gram in which informal meetings
between faculty and students are
arranged to discuss topics of the
students' choosing.
-A counseling program run by
seniors in psychology for the bene-
fit of all students taking psychol-
-A student-run library con-
taining graduate school catalogs
and applications.
Mitchel Rose, '67, a member of
UPAC, says he "is plaesed with the
rapport that exists between the
students and the faculty of the
psychology department."
The honors steering committee
deals almost exclusively with hon-
ors courses and some of its mem-
bers sit in on executive and honors
council meetings.
Si Benninga, '69, cites problems
with the liimted advisory role of
the honors committee: 'Anyone
on this campus who attempts to
involve a large number of students
in academic affairs is headed no-
where. j.t's fruitless. By and large
acdemnic affairs is dull stuff, such

Cancer, one of the leading caus-
es of death in America, is being at-
~~~Ui h nit~~i. from a

many different forms of the dis- eventual control of gene function
ease. Lung cancer receives the most is the major aim of the cancer
publicity-but also under scrutiny researcher in this field. At the
are the stomach, breast, skin and molecular level scientists apply the


tremeatndos n e of diecit genital varieties, techniques of the physical sci-
tremendous number of directions Ciia eerhi iiei ences to an ultimate aim of cur-
by researchers in many fields. Clinical research is limited, in ene oa imtaiofcr
y sa sense, since vaccines and tumor ing disease."
Investigations are being con- transfusions cannot be given to -Vaccines and chemotherapy.
ogists, biochemists, anatomists and human beings because of the high Dr. Louise Paradise, of the micro-
epidemiologmists-ec tackling a vi-risks involved. Instead, mice, ham- biology department, is trying to
tal aspects of the dread disease. - sters and occasionally rats are obtain a serum to cure a form of
Dr. Bsuto L Bhedrd caimas used as substitutes to approximate skin cancer appearing in mice. She
Dr. Burton L. Baker, chairman human responses to various chem- has developed a vaccine contain-
search Institute, says that during ical and radiological treatments. ing antibodies of a previously ex-
the past year over $100,000 hasi The sophisticated techniques of tracted malignant mouse tumor.
been obtained from the American electron microscopy, isotope trac- She then injects the potion into
Cancer Society for allocation to er analysis and tissue culture a cancerous mouse, and has been
various projects. growth are utilized in the lab to 60 per cent successful in eliminat-
In addition to CRI sponsored probe deep into the cells that un- ing the disease. Dr. Paradise says
work, University faculty members dergo cancerous growth.
have obtained thousands of dol- In addition, the tools of the "
lars from the National Cancer In- psychologist-statistics and popu- C G en(
stitute, a division of the National lation study-are coming into wid-
Institutes of Health, and from the er use on other cancer fronts.
state Legislature. Most cancers are characterized
It is misleading to speak of by abnormal, rapidly dividing cells
cancer per se, since there are so that eventually impinge on the
neighboring healthy cells. For ex- The coming generation of pow-
ample,' a mass of these "malig- erful decision-makers will contain
nant" cells may burst through a an unusual number of authori-
blood vessel, break off in clusters tiarians who are highly likely to
" eand hitch a ride through the ar- make bad decisions.
e P rices a teries and veins until they get This was the prediction of Prof.
lodged in important organs. Most Kenneth E. Boulding of the eco-
commonly attacked are the heart, nomics department in an address
hours, purchasing only a cup oflr kidneyendovaries.These this week at the Crowell Collier
coffee or a ,hamburger. organs are rendered incapable of
performing their metabolic tasks Institute of Continuing Education.
Another expense is petty thieve- nd the person dies from "metast- In his talk to business execu-
ry. The Mug is the tadtoav-anthpesnisfrm" ts-
ry.TheMugis he radtioal ic-asis ' Alternatively tumors grow tives, Boulding said the people in
tim of theft by Ann Arbor apart- iein size and rob other parts of the the middle classes were raised
ment dwellers. Last year the Grill body of precious nourishment from when a theory of rigid child-rear-
and Cafeteria lost between 1500 the blood stream. This starvation ing was fashionable.
and 2000 dollars in stolen silver- of the normal cells-"cachexia" Feeding was "every four hours

that "in the field of vaccine de-
velopment, the main problem has
been the tendency of serums to
impair healthy cells, in addition
to the cancerous cells aimed at."
Dr. William Murphy, also of the
microbiology department, has had
considerable success in his studies
on mouse leukemia-cancer of the
blood-and has collected sufficient
evidence to show the link between
the blood disease and a particular
virus. He has also shown that
cancer immunity, which may be
resistance to the virus, is trans-

mtted from parent to offspring.
Dr. Pierce has been conducting
mrat tonCalled
Hi, IllAdvised


Expenses Force MUG To IaiS1
By NANCY ALTMAN for University employees to $1.40 modeling and expansion of the!
an hour. The increase necessitated Mug as additional expenses which
Even the Union is selling out. a shift upward in the entire wage are reflected in the price increase.
Once the last holdout for a ten- scale, he added. The Mug rennovation of 1962 and
cent cup of coffee, the Michigan In addition, Zulauf cited recent the remodeling of the Heritage
Union Grill (MUG) recently raised increases in University employee Room two years ago are two such
the price of coffee to 15c. benefits as contributing to the rise 1 projects. At present, the Union is

learning under changing circum-
stances and therefore are highly
likely to make bad decisions," lie
- Adding that these predictions
are highly speculative and unsup-
ported by any solid research,
Boulding said it "is surprising in-
deed that this research has not
been done."
"In the system of formal edu-
cation, if the capacity to learn
in the future is injured by the
process through which we force
people to learn in the present,
the whole operation can have dis-

The rise in the price of coffee3

in labor costs. He added that com-

planning the addition of a new

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