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January 08, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-08

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See editorial page


47I a itjb

sWindy with
snow flurries

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
AuthorSays Kennedy Urged Not To Go to


AP Special Correspondent
NEW YORK UP-Five promi-
nent Democrats strongly urged
President John F. Kennedy to
omit Dallas from the itinerary of
his fateful tour of Texas in No-
vember, 1963, because they feared
the highly charged atmosphere of
antagonism to him in the city.
"Dallas is a very dangerous
place," Sen. J. W. Fulbright, D.-
.Ark., was quoted as -telling the
President. "I wouldn't go there.
Don't you go."
Four other men expressed grave
anxieties about Kennedy's inten-
tion to visit Dallas, William Man-
chester reports in his controversial
book, "The Death of a President "

Manchester writes that Kennedy Kennedy and Vice President Lvn- !nedy heard "raised
himself regarded the entire Texas don B. Johnson prior to, and dur- ho- - room to which1
tour, undertaken for political pur- ing, the Texas trip, Manchester saumnoned Johnson.
poses, as "vexatious and unappe- vrole: son--did not aefinet

voices' in a
Kennedy had
the nature of

' , _.t .,.., ....,. . .. . ....... .......... r. i.. I


an imposition."
Look Installment


Look magazine will issue T'uc s-
day the first installment of a fo'ir-
part, 60,000 word serialization of
Manchester's book. Mrs. John F.
Kennedy withdrew her objections
wnen revisions were made but did
not approve or endorse the arti-
cles. A spokesman for Look quoted
Gardner Cowles, editorial chair-
r ian, as saying the changes en-
tas ed only 1,600 words acnd "in rio
way affected the historical accur-
acy or completeness of the book."
Regarding the relations between


"Politically, he, Johnson, had the discussion," Manchester wrote.
occome a cipher because he lacked 'Prec.,ely what was said is Un-
a power base. Mrs. Johnson had know.n .. Johnson contr2lle his
never seen the inside of the fam- celebrated temper in his chief's
ous presidential plane, Air Force presence, but in the words of one
One. If Johnson wanted to use a man on duty outside, 'He left that
plane, he had to apply to the Pre- suite like a pistol'." Another -d,
sident's Air Force aide, Brig Gen "He looked furious."
Godfrey McHugh, and sonictimes Mrs. E itnedy, the boot says,
-mortifying to a man of his ex- asked, "what was that all about'
treme sensitivity-the request was l HF sounded mad."
der ed. Moreover, LBJ had now lHer husband replied, "}ha's just
become aware of groundless but L mdon . . but he's in troube.'"
persistent rumors that he might be Th fim rcinstallment of Ma.-
dopped from the 1964 ticxet." cneser's book shows that mist of
Ana in San Antonio-Mrs. Ken- his information came from Pre:,i-

der! I.,,eedy's admirers. Ti"c- Reached by Radio Station WI- President's itinerary did not in- Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of
f. re it is subject to tneir hner CC, Attwood said: "Maybe other lude Dallas." Minnesota and Ambassador Adlai
pretation o: events which took histories will be written about Skelton felt so strongly about it E. Stevenson also harbored mis-
place under great emotional stress. this period," the editor in chief of that he flew to Washington and givings about the Dallas stop for
Some soui ces said that, 'because Cowles Publications said, "but I talked with Democratic National Kennedy.
it deals in considerable d',.,I with think this is the best one so far. Chairman John Bailey and Jerry 'In Dallas itself, there was gen-
some of the emotional eveat' There'll be other histories, other Brano of the National Committee. unine alarm," Manchester writes.
qucting iarious individuas, it c-in- evidences brought to light, but I the book says, adding that Skel- "Both newspapers ran editorials
not be taken as a definitive history think this is the most complete ton's efforts caine to "an enormous calling for restraint. Police Chief
of the assassination. and objective record that I know zero." Jesse Curry publicly put Dallas on
In Was-,ington, the White House of." The book quotes House Whip notice that his department would
declined comment on any pa:t f' Warns Against Dallas Hale Boggs of Louisiana as saying, take. 'immediate action to block
the installment. Manchester reports that Texas "Mr. President, you are.going into any improper conduct.' He drew
In New Canaan, Conn., William Democratic Chairman Byron Skel- a hornet's nest." on every available reserve."
Atwood, former speech writer for ton was among those who coun- Kennedy replied, "Well that al- The book discloses that Kenne-
President Kennedy said today he selled against the decision to bring ways creates interesting crowds." dy's motorcade might never have
felt that Manchester's book was the President to Dallas. Skelton He said the thought that a presi- passed the Texas Book Depository
the "most complete record of the wrote the President's brother, dent of the United States could Building-where Lee Harvey Os-
period surrounding the assassina- Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy, not go into any American city was wald was lurking-but for what
tion." that he would "feel better if the totally unacceptable to him. See MANCHESTER, Page 2

AP Strike
Talks Still
Negotiations Extended_
Past Late Deadlines;
Services To Continue
NEW YORK OP) - The Associ-
ated Press and the Americani
Newspaper Guild continued nego-
tiations early this morning for a
new contract and federal medi-
ator George Papp with talks con-
tinuing past midnight, the time
when the present contract had
The negotiators re-closeted with
the mediator but there was no
statement on what progress had
been made beyond the announce-
ment that talks would continue
past the midnight deadline.
Wire Service Guild Local 22 of
the AFL-CIO Union has an-
nounced that its negotiating com-
mittee had been authorized to call
a strike 'when and if deemed nec-!
essary." The Guild represents news
and business office employes in
the United States.
A similar contract deadline thel
night of Dec. 31 was extended aI
week with negotiations continu-
ing under federal mediator George

ABOUT 50 STUDENTS met yesterday and set up a bureau
that will send speakers to all campus housing units, to discuss
specific student complaints and the broader issue of 'student
power. The speakers will try to relate °problems such as high
housing costs, poor meals, dress and hour regulations with the
general lack of student participation in decision making at the
University. Further plans for the speaker's bureau will be made
at a meeting next Saturday at 2 p.m. in the S.A.B.
A meeting of people interested in working on plans for a
student union will be held Monday at 8 p.m. in the Union
THE INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL Research, scarcely settled in
its new Thompson Street headquarters, will occupy an addi-
tional 8,000 square feet of space in the City Center Building. The
business and industry group of the Center for Research on the
Utilization of Scientific Knowledge (CRUSK) and members of
the Cooperative Education Program will occupy the fourth floor
In addition, 20 members of the ISR Political Behavior Pro-
gram will move into the City Center basement. Both moves are
to be completed by Jan. 13.
FORMER REGENT EUGENE B. POWER has pledged $200.-
000 in response to an appeal to save a British literary treasure.
At stake was a manuscript of the first nine books of William
Caxton's translations of Ovid's "Metamorphoses." Caxton was
the first man to introduce printing to England.

CIA Parley
To Include
Director To Brief
Watchdog Committee


Level of Draft Dodging
Down from World War

By The Associated Press figure is for the calendar year- ice violations in fiscal year 1944-
In Closed Sessions WASHINGTON - Justice De- January through December. And July through June-was 4,609. The
partment figures indicate that it is nearly double the 262 convic- figure was 1,427 in 1942 and 3,950
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Cen- proportionately fewer young men tions of 1965., . in 1943. It dropped to 2,890 in
tral Intelligence Agency is to give are trying illegally to avoid mili- 1945.
a congressional watchdog subcom- tary service now than _ at the Annual Report During the Korean War, the
mittee a top-secret appraisal of height of World War II. These figures were listed in the number of convictions hit a high
A comparison yesterday of fig- FBI's recent annual year end re- of 434 in fiscal year 1954.
the war in Vietnam tomorrow.ures for 1944 and 1966 shows that port to the attorney general. FBI Proportion
Sitting in will be the chairman with about four times the number Director J. Edgar Hoover attri- Crspdr thon
of the Senate Foreign Relations of men in uniform during the butes the rise to the increase in Considering the number of
Committee, Sen. J. W. Fulbright. World War II year there were U.S. military commitments. Other convicted draft dodgers in 1966
about 10 times the number of con- officials blame it partly on larger r
The Arkansas Democrat con- victed draft violators. draft calls and partly on strength- represents a smaller proportion
firmed that he had been invited to During 1966, according to an ened draft laws enacted in 1965. than the number in World WarIh
Ittn ae reporeto oher meesn FBI report, 450 persons were con- But Justice Department files United States h1ad 3,326,491 troops
of Fubright's committee also have victed of violating provisions of disclose that the number of per- under arms. On Nov. 30, 1954 the
have been invited, the Selective Service Act. This sons convicted for Selective Serv- figure was 2,803,459. This is about
The inmvito to-Fubi- one-quarter the 11,451,719 men in
The invitation to Fulbright was. S uniform on June 30, 1944 and
sell (D.-Ga.) chairman of the spe- . about a third the 1943 figure of
cial Senate CIA watchdog com- with 12,123,435.
mittee and chairman of the Sen- C 11 Ewth23,dr5.
ate Armed Services Committee. XCea nE1 Ytrs convicted in 1966 was only
Richard Hels, director of the toaiouoeonvn the number rafvon-
CIA, is to give the watchdog com- about one-tenth the number con-
!mittee a briefing on the war in By The Associated Press '-Objectives considered essential victed in the peak wartime years.
Vietnam the day before Congress WASHINGTON - Twenty perorvery important were helping 1954 Peak
convenes, cent of freshmen in a representa- Iothers in difficulty-69 per cent; In 1954, with 3.3 million men in
.tivesap. ng t....i.s.,,..beng.n-torty in on -n- nl f~ I _._ __, __s e's ,zthearmedfrces,_ t1_i..e..numoer... o


LSA Faculty
To Continue
Draft Debate
Questions of Ranking,
Deferment on Agenda
For Regular Meeting
At their regular monthly meet-
ing tonorrow, the literary college
faculty wil continue their discus-
sion on the questions of student
deferments and class ranking and
possibly prepare a formal state-
ment of their position on these is-
On the table from last month's
meeting are two separate resolu-
tions on ranking presented by
Prof. Daniel Katz of the psycho-
logy department and Prof. Rich-
ard Beardsley of the anthropology
In the interim between meet-
ings, however, Prof. E. Lowell
Kelly of the psychology depart-
ment prepared substitute state-
ments on both the student defer-
ment and class ranking issues.
The portion of Kelly's statement
concerned with student deferment
was asubstitute resolution for an
earlier proposal presented by Prof.
Edward S. Bordin and Prof. John
French of the psychology depart-
ment. Kelly's resolution, "A Sub-
stitute Resolution on Student De-
ferment," clarified Bordin and
French's resolution and was signed
by Kelly and Bordin and five other
literary college professors: Donald
R. Brown and Daniel Katz of
psychology and Frank Grace, Nor-
man Thomas, and Robert Ward of
the political science department.
The portion of Kelly's statement
concerned with class ranking sug-
gests that perhaps a "straw poll
of the literary college faculty
would be better and more instruc-
tive than a formal resolution on
the ranking issue. The poll would
ask essentially what form aca-
demic information on a student
should take (transcript, rank, etc.)
and to whom the information
should be sent (local draft board
or other).
In his 11 page statement, Kelly
rejects the possibility that the
compilation and submission of
class rank is a separate issue for
the literary college faculty to take
a stand on.
Beardsley said yesterday that
his resolution on ranking will
probably remain tabled since Kel-
ly's statement (resolution and
poll) cover the issue more tho-
roughly. Neither Katz nor Beards-
ley, however, are planning to for-
mally withdrawn their resolutions
in view of the Kelly statement.

Helms to Testify



Newsgathering Organization The manuscripts had been sold to an American book dealer.
The Associated Press, the world's L. D. Feldman. However the British government had prevented Hlms' tesinyligeced
largest newsgathering organiza- Feldman from taking the Caxton books out of the country on evaluation of the impact of U.S.
tion, supplies news and pictures' the grounds that they were a national treasure. Feldman then bombing on North Vietnam
to 8,500 newspapers and broad- agreed to sell the books back. The presence of Fulbright at the
cast stations in 106 countries The government then gave Magdalene College until Jan. 6 watchdog committee session may
around the globe. to raise the needed amount to recover the manuscripts. After be a compromise move on Sen.'
The news service said its .na-
tiona nd internatioal o a- several attempts had failed, Power came to the rescue by send- Russell's part.,
tions would continue in event of a ing a check for $200,000 which arrived Wednesday, two days Last July, the Senate debatedj
strike, before the deadline. in closed session a resolution to,
S:..............................add three members of the For-
'}"":r:^{"} ^: : .. . .., ,.. .eign Relations Committee to the
seven man group which supervises
the CIA. The watchdog committee'
PERSONALITY includes senior members of .the
Armed Services and Appropria-
tions committees. After the closed,
3% -hour debate last year, the'
Senate opened its doors and voted
.... ........ ..«. ra" a".v: s .. :...;'ryafii ..r,....,,...r:... . . i...........:. 61 to 28 in support of Sen. Rus-
sell's proposal that the resolution
By NEIL SHISTER 4:: :> ; be referred to Russell's Senate
In a left-handed way Time Armed Service Committee.
Magazine picked the subject of ': Russell said at the time he
this year's first profile for their would make no promise as to when
Man of the Year when theyn{t
named he's everybody under 25. he would report the resolutIon out
The average student qualifies. of his committee.
At the first Hill Aud. teach- Sen. Fulbright was chief backer
in, the one with floodlights of of the resolution. He had told the
television cameras, a speaker closed' session of the Senate that
got up in the first balcony and the director of th'e CIA once ap-
spoke directly to the national peared before his committee and
audience. "told us that under the regula-
"I want to make sure that tions he could not tell certain sig-
everybody knows that the peOa nificant foreign policy information
e here do represent the to the Committee on Foreign Rela-
aera re student- Most of the _ I tions"

The finding is included in a
survey of 206,865 current freshmen'
at 251 colleges and universities re-
leased last night by the American
Council on Education, -the prmn-
cipal coordinating agency for
higher education in the nation.
About 20 per cent of all first-
year students this fall were asked
to fill out questionnaires delving
into everything from how they
plan to 'finance their education
to whether they partaken of a
dietary formula--16 per cent had
-or beer-54 per cent-in the past
The cheating figure was 24 per,
cent for men and 16.5 per cent
for women but was relatively uni-
form among the various publicl
and private, two-year and four-
year colleges and universities.
Other findings included:
--b22 per cent of the students
felt like "numbers in a book" at
their schools with the highest
figure being 40 per cent at public
universities anid the lowest, 6 per
cent at private nonsectarian four-
year colleges.
-16 per cent said they had par-
ticipated in organized demonstra-
tions in the past year.
-5 per cent were Negroes with
the highest figure being 13 per
cent at private, nonsectarian,
four-year colleges.

own business-53: being well off
financially - 44; and obtaining
recognition from peers-43.
-The most popular major fields
of study planned were business-
14 per cent; education-11, and
-Nearly half indicated plans
to obtain a graduate or profes-
sional degree.
-Major sources of financial
support during the freshman year
were listed as parental aid-58 per
cent of students; summer earn-
ings - 28; personal savings -16;
scholarships-i5; and federal gov-

tine sampling at America's colleges being an authority in one's field 1
and universities admit to cribbing -66; keeping up with politicalr
on an examination in the past affairs-58; succeeding in one's ;

the armed forces, the number of
draft violation convictions reached
a peak of 44. It was 362 in 1953
when the armed. forces had about
3.5 million men.
In the years after the Korean
War the number of draft violators
dropped-as it did following World
War II, The figures for fiscal years
1954 through 1965 were generally
in 150-250 range.
Justice Department figures show
the department.is winning a ma-
jority of the cases it sets out to
prosecute. Figures for recent fiscal
years show: in 1963, of 323 persons
indicted, 228 were convicted. In
1964, of 316 indicted, 251 were
convicted, and in 1965 there were
369 indictments and 243 convicted.


To Our Readers
The first issue of the "Midwest Literary Review" appears
as a supplement in today's Daily. In this Inter-collegiate pub-
lication, the Daily joins the University of Chicago and such
scattered institutions as Loyola, Valparaiso, and Lake Vorest.
The review will be published cooperatively each month and
distributed to colleges and universities throughout the Mid-West.
All types of contemporary writing will be investigated by
the Review, along with the many-horned dilemmas of modernj
publishing. The Review will function as a relevant voice on the
published fiction and fact which engulfs every college student.
Also, the "syndication" of the Review will provide a channel
for the wider exchange of student thought. Persons interested
in contributing to the Midwest Literary Review may contact
Elizabeth Wissman at the Daily Offices: 764-0562.

a#v ige awul. II , 1U
student body is in favor of the
draft ranking and are not in
4 favor of protests. So when you
produce your program make
sure you say that this isn't rep-
Then who is this mystical
average student?
For a starter, he is real. Per-
haps most people would violent-
ly rebel at the idea of being
pegged average, but like it or
not they exist. When asked to
describe toe "average student,"
one bearded student replied:
"too prevalent."
We finally located our aver-
age student walking across the
Diag a couple of days ago. He
was staring intensely at a pretty
girl coming the other way, but
with a blank expression on his
face so she couldn't really be
"Hey you, you average stu-

Reagan's Tuition Suggestion Precipitates
New Crises; Kerr To Remain as President


think about campus politics?"
"I don't really follow them
too closely. Most of the trouble
being caused is by a bunch of
long-haired radicals who will
never be satisfied anyway. I'm
just hear to get grades, not get
confused by politics."
"What bugs you?"
"It's rougrh to sav exacily.

a materialist or anything but
I like the good life--cars and
trips and nice clothes. That
doesn't mean I'm crass, mind
you. Just realistic.
"I suppose I'll be a lawyo'r or
something, end up in business.
Maxine thinks I have a flair for
leadership. My mother thinks
so too, and so did my high

BERKELEY, Calif.-The Uni-
versity of California has been hit
by a new crisis stemming from a
suggestion by Gov. Ronald Reagan
that a century-old tradition of
free tuition be abandoned and that
students be required to pay a part
of the school's operational costs.
Meanwhile, Dr. Clark Kerr,
{president of the nine campus uni-

to consider the financial demands
being made on the institution by
Gov. Reagan and his financial
Kerr has vigorously resisted
suggestions in the past that some
tuition charge be paid by students.
He said recently:
"Generations of Californians
have benefited from tuition-free

their support of him at a special
Since that crisis, it has seemed
to observers that he has strength-
ened his position with the regents,
that Berkeley's Chancellor Roger
W. Heyns has instituted a measure
of control of the campus, and that
the faculty has become less prone
to criticize the university admin-
istration than it was before.

was present for some of the dis-
cussion. However, he is not ex-
pected to attend the Monday re-
gents' meeting.
Instead Reagen and his staff
ordered a cut below this year's'
appropriation and they also pro-
posed the tuition charges. It was
calculated that this would raise
$32 million. Half of this would be
set aside for scholarships for

The net effect Would be that the
university would have only $196
million appropriated from the
legislature. Even after the.money
from tuition and the special funds
sources were included, it would
have $234 million in place of the
state's $240 million this year.
About 87,000 students are en-
rolled in the nine campuses of the
university. At least 10,000 more
are expected .next fall in the period


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