Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN' UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS I PERSPECTIVES The Restoration of the OSA SBy HARVEY WASSERMAN ,;:- - --rrn, t Vhee pinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth W0iAYARDSTPANrARORaMCH NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Edtorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all rePrints. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: MEREDITH EIKER Report on the Draft: Half a Loaf . T HE VICE-PRESIDENCY for Student Affairs as presently constituted should no longer exist. As presently structured, the stated job of the vice-president is two-fold: 1 To handle the administrative details of student life on cam- pus. This involves, among other things, handling the paperwork of student housing, organization and government. O To represent the interests of the student body to the adminis- tration and the Regents. The first function is handled sufficiently well under the pres- ent system. The second, however, has been reversed, and because of this reversal student life on cam- pus has suffered severely. IN EFFECT, the stresses of the University over these past few years have placed the vice-presi- dent for student affairs in a po- sition where he has come to rep- resent the Regents and adminis- tration to the students, but not vice-versa. Indeed, the basic feeling among the student body, which in turn became a prime cause of the dis- ruptive student movement last se- mester, is that the vice-president not only represents the powers of the University, he enforces their will. This is doubly destructive be- cause the office was originally meant to increase student voice, The Reed report recommended the establishment of the Office of Stu- dent Affairs under a full vice- president as a means of effecting more student participation in de- cision-making. BUT IN PRACTICE the paper legitimacy afforded that office has now had the result of forcing students to exert even more ener- gy to meet and talk with the real powers of the University. For example, the effecting of last year's sit-in ban, which caus- ed Student Government Council to break its OSA ties, was done in a manner which denied the legiti- macy of the student voice which the OSA had been established to foster. The rule came from the administration - the OSA was merely used to enact it. And when it became evident that discussions about the rule would be necessary, it also be- came evident that meaningful in- terchange could not take place in the OSA. That office may or may not have been primarily responsi- ble for enacting the rule; but once it was enacted, the OSA was no longer politically capable of re- tracting it. And in that situation, meaning- ful communication was impossi- ble. 'The OSA was merely dead weight between the two parties whose interests were actually, at stake. BECAUSE THE MAN at the top, no matter who he is, is most in contact with and, in fact, owes his very job to, the administration and Regents, he can never serve as a viable channel in time of student- administrator conflict. The ultimate authority in the Office of Student Affairs must lie with an elected student. IF ONE THOROUGHLY exam- ines the situation, the only battle is a psychological one. Anyone who feels that OSA operations would differ signifi- cantly with a student rather than an administrator in ultimate au- thority is mistaken. The students who generally gravitate toward student government are the con- servative, not the radical elements, as anyone closely examining even this year's Student Government Council can easily see. At radical Antioch, for exam- ple, where the entire campus is run democratically by students and faculty, the president has been continually frustrated by a stu- dent representation far more con- servative than he. Students do not "run wild" when put in charge of their own af- fairs. How, in fact, has an inde- pendent SGC operated? What is of the key, probably the only, significance is the basic perspective of the situation. Is it such a big deal to give students a chance to try it on their own? I IT APPEARS THAT the long-awaited re- port of the National Commission on Selective Service, to be presented to Pres- ident Johnson next week, will call for sweeping reform of the draft. However, if early indications are correct, the commis- sion's recommendations clearly will not go far enough. The commission reportedly will ask that the present labrynth of classifica- tions be replaced by a lottery and that pri- orities be changed to draft youngest men first. BOTH OF THESE proposals are of great merit. A lottery will do much to elimi- nate the economic discrimination inher- ent in the present system of deferments. Under current selective service proced- ures, a young man's chances of being drafted are almost inversely proportional to the socio-economic status of his fam- ily. For deferments are based largely on education and the availability of educa- tion is-based on the ability to pay. As long as military manpower needs require that only a fraction of all eligi- ble men be drafted, a random lottery seems to be the only equitable way to choose who shall serve. The second recommendation-to draft the youngest men first-will remove much of the uncertainty of the draft. Drafting men at 19 is much less likely to interrupt a career than drafting them at 22 or 25, and will likely make for a better army. though there are indications that the commission will ask for the gradual phas- ing-out of student deferments, it is not yet clear how the commission will clear up the general thicket of deferments. In addition to students, deferments are now given to men working in vital occupa- tions (notably teachers and workers in defense industries) and to farmers. Pow- erful groups have an interest in protect- ing these deferments and a thorough eval- uation must be made of whether or not they are in the national interest. There is also no indication that the commission has grappled seriously with the possibility of drafting women for either non-combatant military, or non- military service. A MORE SERIOUS problem is the appar- ent failure of the commission to pro- vide any suggestions on a non-military national service alternative to the draft. There is a clear need for such an al- ternative, and a viable plan which would both meet the manpower needs of the armed forces and efficiently mobilize manpower for meeting non-military na- tional needs can certainly be devised. HOPEFULLY, the report of the National Selective Service Commission will go beyond these early indications. If not, the commission, while making a promis- ing start, will have largely failed in its task. -STEVE WILDSTROM Letters: Letter-Writer Reviews Letter-Writers I To the Editor: PEADING The Daily letter col- umn fairly regularly, I become obsessed with an urge to "review" the letters to the editor. You know, like reviewing books or movies-a form of criticism we might dub "letterary" had we the wit. Be that as it were, I note that the letters column of Feb. 1 po- sesses a remarkable coherency in diction and tone. There are rep- resented an administrator, a grad- uate student, an alumnus, and an English instructor, among others. What they all agree on to a tee is that students are babies. The administrator notes that "student journalism ... is caused by inex- perience and immaturity" (ellipsis mine); the graduate student coun- sels the "boys and girls" to "tran- scend self-deception," the voguery of being young rebels; Mr. Alum- nus asks The Daily editors if they can "be persuaded to pass puber- ty" (apparently a pass-fail op- tion); and the English instructor accuses a Daily reviewer of being "sophomoric" and having spit in his eyes which connotes a lack of maturity. ASIDE from the fact that we can't really expect sophomores to be anything but sophomoric and adolescents to be anything but pubescent (or, for that matter, alumni to be anything but alum- niac), how can the poor youthful take heart and look upon society with the benign eyes of nutless Babbitts when all they receive is spite in the form of condescension because they are young and the Babbitts are not? Which is not to say that the letter-writers un- der review are Babbitts. But what are pot-smoking, spit- eyed girls and boys supposed to think of "maturity" when its pro- fessed practitioners say things like "the Ann Arbor police were not and are not . . . willing to waive their concern for the law in this case, 'Flaming Creatures,' or any other" (if they were really con- cerned for the law they'd enforce the probable Sunday anti-forni- cation statute or gather incrim- inatory evidence with regard to le- gally-defined sodomy-e.g., female on top); "I'm against poison"; "any musician who cannot hear without pot should stop trying to fool himself and the public and go sell shoes" (which is probably what he does anyway); "fair- minded liberal-thinking people everywhere"; "freedom is not li- cense"; "you abuse your editor- ial power to the University's detri- ment?" THE AGED and infirm (22 and up) should recall that youth is a precious possession because it is marketable. Once it has been sold it is gone, replaced by a green thing which is, to a degree. less metaphorical (but more symboli- cal) than the green of youth. There are very few perenially 'young and they are almost al- urge others to do something sim- ilar: Dear Mr. President: The treaty among nations to preserve peace in outer space is a welcome step toward peace through international law and disarma- ment. It comes at a time when we have many reasons for despair; international conflicts and inac- tivity for peace are taking man- kind into a losing race against the proliferation of ultimate weap- ons. You, and two preceding Presi- dents have urged that we must make haste to interdict the cer- tain and horrible dangers of pro- liferation. Two popes, Secetary U Thant and other statesmen have given us grave warnings. Prof. George Kennan just expressed our fears that a nuclear war in this century seems likely. We support this treaty and urge you to do your utmost to make our United States a leader in co- operation among the United Na- tions toward non-proliferation and disarmament. --Leslie Kish Professor of Sociology Democracy To the Editor: AFTER HAVING endured the torments of the Second World War while still a child residing in Holland, I vowed that I would never again allow myself to con- done or be subjected to the con- stant harassment and perturba- tion which dastardly wars inflict upon those who are unfortunately born in the wrong place. Seeking sanctuary in this dem- ocratic country, I hoped to be- come part of that heritage which not only guarantees the freedom of speech, but also endorses the value and integrity of every liv- ing human being. Two recent actions in Ann Ar- bor make me doubt the wisdom of my naturalization. Seizure of "Flaming Creatures," regardless of its artistic merits, denied the ar- tist the right to defend himself, since he was rudely interrupted in the middle of his presentation. IN A SIMILAR fashion, Ann Ar- bor City Council's silencing of the referendum on the war in Viet- decided by their constituents, and not by them. If this is the type of reaction which representative government provides on the local level, what can we expect from Washington? If even our own councilmen would rather talk than reason, how can we argue with those "who are far away and whose ears are stuffed with credibility jargon? DALLAS, three years after the fact, is still raging, even though numerous attempts have been made to silence those who doubt the gospel of our protectors. Ann Arbor, the research cen- ter of the midwest, bludgeoned by the cacophony of our city fath- er, must yell louder still, since we are forced to overcome the roar of the planes and the bombs which imprint our might on the nations of the world. -Ralph Berets, Grad Appreciation To the Edlitor: WAS DISAPPOINTED when so much fuss was made over Mr. Fiedler, as many of the professors in our own English department could have done the same thing. I see now, though, that there is an author's party for our Radi- cal in Residence Mike Zweig. I guess I just didn't appreciate a good thing when I had one. -Alan M. Kaplan, '67 LETTERS All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subje t to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. I 4 HOWEVER, will have THE REPORT apparently some serious failings. Al- Space RFK on Foreign Policy ways middle-aged. No,.I Bernard Shaw. And do this fool letter up into pa the way you do, children. -Charles Silverma ROBERT F. KENNEDY'S speech on for- eign policy at the University of Chi- cago earlier this week sounds like the statement of a man who is warming up for a presidential race. Although the speech concentrated on China and Southeast Asia, it contained the basic outline for the senator's gener- al position on U.S. foreign policy. Further- more, the statement comes at a time - a year before the primaries-when people might begin looking for the positions of possible candidates. BUT WHATEVER Kennedy's rationale for releasing the speech at this time, there is much merit to what he advocates, and considerable significance in the mere fact that he made it. The main tenets of his speech echoed the philosophy of the realistic interna- tional experts who have recently testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee--a philosophy that calls for an end to policy decisions based on "sweep- ing statements, pious hopes, and gran- dious commitments... and advocates de- The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications, Bond or Stockholders-None. Average press run-8100. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FPANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JOHN MEREDIITH...... Associate Managing Editor LEONARD PRATT......Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER ... Associate Editorial Director ROBERT CARNEY.......Associate Editorial Director BABETTE COHN .................. Personnel Director ROBERT MOORE .... ........ ,. ...Magazine Editor CnARLES VETZNER................Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL...........Associate Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE ..........Associate Sports Editor GIL SAMBERG............. Associate Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS-MeredithBiker, Michael Hefer, Robert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rappoport, Susan Schnepp, Neil Shister. DAY EDITORS-Robert Bendelow, Neal Bruss, Wallace Immen, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia O'Dono- hue, Stephen Wildstrom. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS-'David Duboff, Ronald Klempner, Dan Okrent, Deborah Reaven, Jennifer Rhea, Betsy Turner. ASSISTANT DAY EDITORS-Michael Dover, Steve Firsheim. Aviva Kemoner. Lyn Killin. Carolyn Mie- cisions "based on the reality and diver- sity of today's world, and on a discrimin- ating evaluation of our own interests, capabilities, and limitations." IN RELATION to China, Kennedy stated that, "we must see that every exten- sion of Chinese influence does not men- ace us." He feels that we need a careful re-evaluation of our relationship to China and China's relationship to Asia and the rest of the world.. While recognizing that current strug- gles won't alter China's position as a hos- tile power, Kennedy doesn't discount the possibility of initiating trade and other avenues of contact with the Chinese. He also condemns our policy toward Nationalist China. U.S. policy there, he asserts, is based on realities of two dec- ades ago, no longer applicable to today's world. OBVIOUSLY THE POLICY Kennedy es- pouses is nothing new. So-called "aca- demic experts" have supported this real- istic approach for years. The signifi- cance of his Chicago speech lies in the fact that he, a respected senator and poli- tician, made it. -RONALD KLEMPNER Recognition for GSC' RECENT DEVELOPMENTS indicate that the Regents may formally recognize the Graduate Student Council, and thus elevate GSC to a position similar to Stu- dent Government Council's. The move would not be a mere formal- ity. Rather, it represents a significant improvement in the representation of the graduate community. GSC was formed 15 years ago and has functioned as a representative of the Uni- versity's 15,000 graduate students since then. Without regental recognition, how- ever, it has lacked the credibility SGC en- joys, especially in the eyes of the admin- istration and the Regents. TE KNAUSS REPORT on the role of the student presented a plan that would give the graduate student commu- nity a voice equal to that of the under- graduates. The leaders of GSC have been working for the implementation of this balanced To the Editor: T HE TREATY to outl ons from outer space more attention from new I sent the following le V.f I ']< .i,. - .t YY(rC t paSN SK AY BRAT EVER Go TO BED ?, I am not To the Editor: n't break T IS INTERESTING to note how aragraphs our space race with Soviet Russia has demonstrated the in- n, Grad accuracy of much of the propa- ganda with which we are unceas- T reaty ingly bombarded. For example, we've been assured for years that a Communist di- aw weap- rected "slave labor state" neces- deserves sarily suffers from a lack of im- us media: agination and inventiveness. Yet, atter and despite this presumed character- istic of Soviet society, the Rus- sians have been rather consistent winners in the competition to de- velop techniques to promote ex- tra terrestrial exploration. Of course, our propaganda ma- chine broadcast the explanation that their "firsts" were accom- plished because we, having a con- cern which their cold blooded sys- tem lacked for the value and dig- nity of individual human beings, were held back by our more thor- ough testing procedures which rep- resented the premium demand of maximum safety insurance. HOW THEN do we explain or rationalize away our having taken the risk of employing a pure oxy- gen environment in a spacecraft which resulted in the death of three astronauts? Any normally bright science stu- dent would be aware of the dan- ger involved so the explanation has been made that this decision represented a calculated risk to save time by cutting down weight because the Soviets still have the advantage of superior thrust in their rocket engines. Are we so desperate to surpass the achievements of a nation our propaganda has labeled inferior in science and technology that we now elect to gamble recklessly? If so, what has happened to our alleged greater deference for the worth of human personality? -R. F.Burlingame nam denied the citizenry of this community the right to express itself on the most vital issue of our time. This issue is not of local im- portance, yet penetrates every- thing and makes all other dis- cussion meaningless, since this war might lead to our eventual in- volvement in a nuclear holocaust. Instead of examining their own conscience on the issues involved, the councilmen might have been wiser if they had voted on the motion, rather than on the refer- endum, itself, which was to be a -a t . °I I "Liu's on first?" "No, Liu's on second, Chou's on first." "If Chou's on first and Liu's on third?" "No, Lin's on second and Mao's on third." "Then if .. I NewaGermany Moves Toward eunifiction, WILLY BRANDT, who is now in Washington, has often been here before. But previously he has come as lord mayor of West Ber- lin; now he is here as vice-chan- cellor of the Federal Republic and its foreign minister. The change in his position coin- cides with an epoch-making change in European affairs. On his previous visits he has been the living symbol of German re- sistance in the cold war with the Soviet Union. Now he is the for- eign minister of a new West Ger- man government which is com- mitted to the liquidation of the nn lur r,, who took refuge in Norway and wore the uniform of Hitler's ene-, mies. That these two men should be the joint leaders of a German government today illustrates vivid- ly the historic fact that the Ger- mans have outlived and outgrown the terrible issues of the twenties and thirties. THE NEW COALITION in Bonn, having passed beyond the old passions, has proceeded to revise the fundamental attitudes and pol- icies of the postwar period. It has scrapped the whole package of cold war doctrine. Tod av and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN non-Communist Europe up to the Iron Curtain. This conceptual apparatus, which was held sacrosanct for 20 years after 1945, has now been scrap- ped. It has been scrapped in Bonn. It has been scrapped in Washing- iously headed toward the end of German partition. Happily, the Johnson adminis- tration has had the prescience and the wisdom not to regard the scrapping of our old positions as an affront to the United States. Thanks, in part it may be, to the preoccupation with Vietnam, the President has been following a policy of masterly inactivity in Europe. It has been the right pol- icy. THERE ARE two great ques- tions which overhang the Kiesing- er government. The first is wheth- er the progress toward pacification Germany have been securely laid. For a resumption of party warfare for seats in the parliament and jobs in the government and fav- ors to minorities and palliatives for special interests would blast the promise which now presents itself to the German people and Ten years ago party warfare was quite compatible with the as- sumptions of the cold war. The real leaders of the cold war never believed in the reunification of Germany. They believed that the frontiers of Western civilization were on the Elbe River and that "Germany" was. in fact. Western