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February 10, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-10

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North Viets
For Violation
Extension 'of Truce,
Peace Negotiations
Appear Doubtful
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary'
of State Dean Rusk rejected yes-
terday Hanoi's call for an uncon-
ditional halt to U.S. bombing. He
accused the Communists of viola-
ting the cease-fire and intending
to resume fighting afterwards.
Rusk's Vietnam report, at a
news conference broadcast by ra-
dio and television, put a pessi-
mistic note on prospects for ex-
tending the four-day lunar new
year truce and starting peace
Referring to Hanoi's hint that
negotiations "could" be possible if
U.S. planes stop hitting the north,
Rusk billed this as a Communist
propaganda drive to end an im-
portant U.S. military action with-
out calling off any Communist at-
tacks against the south.
Probes Failed
"You can't stop this war simply
by stopping half of it," Rusk de-
clared-and he said repeated di-
plomatic probes have failed to get
any response from North Vietnam
on what it would do in return for
a halt in the bombing.
On the allied-proclaimed Feb.
8-12 cease-fire, the secretary of
state did not flatly rule out ex-
tending the truce three more days
-as proposed by the' Viet Cong-
or longer.
He said there had been "a dis-
turbing number" of Communist
violations already-Saigon reports
N listed 128 incidents in the first 40
hours of-the truce.
And 'there have been a "large
number of boats and other vessels
dashing south' to resupply Com-
munist forces in South Vietnam
and the demilitarized zone be-
tween the north and south, he
Intend to Continue
"This indicates," Rusk said,
"that they intend to continue their
operations" after the cease-fire
and that they are not particularly
interested in observing the truce.
Rusk's news conference was an-
nounced by the White House Wed-
nesday, rather than by the State
Department as is the usual proce-
dure. This led to speculation that
there might be an important an-
nouncement on Vietnam.
Rusk doubted that Soviet Pre-
mier Alexei N. Kosygin's skeptic-
ism regarding American moves
for a freeze on the buildup of
antiballistic missiles was the last
word on this subject. The United
States, Rusk added, is willing to
talk with the Soviet Union about
limiting both offenive and defen-
sive systems.
Johnson Watched
At the White House, President
Johnson watched portions of Ko-
sygin's conference, which was
beamed to U.S. networks via

transatlantic television.
Press secretary George Christian
gave this as Johnson's reaction:
"Mr. Kosygin commented on the
military action the United States
should take in scaling down the
Vietnam war but made no mention
of military action the other side
should take."
Rusk noted that President John-
son had told Pope Paul VI that
the United States is prepared $ o
talk at any time and place but
not to reduce military action un-
less the other side will do the
Rusk said the U.S. aim has al-
ways been a limited one, "This
and this alone is our objective-
to enable the South Vietnamese to
determine their own future."
Rusk insisted there must be "re-
"They must not expect us to
stop our military action by bomb-
ing while they continue their mili-
tary action by invasion," he said.
In exchange for the possibility
of formless talks, Rusk said, the
United States is being asked to
take a grave military risk.
Asked to give an idea of the
rate of infiltration by the North,
Rusk said, "There is some time lag
in our information on exact num-
But men and trucks continue to
move south, he said. And from
captured prisoners and other
sources rather accurate figures
areP available.


Hanoi s




UAW Wants Reconstruction,
Elimination of Meany Tactics










China's Lunar New Year Bare
As Mao Pushes Austerity Plan

TOKYO () - The usually joy-
ous lunar new year holiday in
China began yesterday in auster-
ity imposed by Mao Tse-tung amid
reports his backers were in trouble
in some eastern and central prov-
Desertion of soldiers in Anhwei
was disclosed by a radio broadcast
from Hofei, capital of that eastern
Chinese province.
Next door in Hupeh Province
of central China, the Wuhon ra-
dio called on Maoists to'"utterly
destroy the Black Hupeh Provin-
cial party committee and the
Black Wuhan Municipal party
committee and seize all their
Peking Article
An article in Peking's official
People's Daily indicated Maoists
may have been captured after they
had left Tsingtao to seize the
Shantung provincial capital of
Tsinan; said to be held by Mao's
foes. Shantung is in east China.
The three-day lunar new year
has been an important annual
festival in China, but Mao, the
narty chairman, banned any ob-
servance as part of the austerity
he wants to impose on China under
his "proletarian cultural revolu-
Since millions of people nor-
mally make pilgrimages to their
ancestral homes and graves during
the holiday, Mao also probably
feared a greater disruption in farm
and factory work.
Demonstrations Continue
While some children in Peking
touched off the traditional fire-
crackers, Red Guards, workers and
students celebrated the lunar year
by continuing their noisy demon-
strations outside the Soviet Em-

bassy, Japanese press reports said.
The'demonstrations were touch-
ed off by a skirmish between Rus-
sian and Chinese students- in Mos-
cow's Red Square Jan. 25 and are
now in their 14th day.
Commenting on the Russians,
People's Daily said: Recent events
"all point up the same fact. The
Soviet revisionist leading group
are notorious traitors of the rev-
olutionary people and kneeling
vassals and pawns of imperialism."
Desertions Disclosed
The desertions in Anhwei Prov-
ince where disclosed by an an-
nouncement by the Anhwei mili-
tary district headquarters. The
Hofei broadcast said on Jan. 29
headquarters sent out this appeal:
"Those comrades who have left
their units should return to their
units immediately, plunge them-
selves into the mighty current of
the great cultural revolution."

Other reports told of some suc-
cess by Maoists against the fol-
lowers of President Liu Shao-chi
in the southwest, where Mao's
forces have complained "black re-
actionaries following the capitalist
road" are in power. The southwest
is made up of Yunnah, Szechwan
and Kwangsi provinces.
A broadcast from Kunming,
Yunnan capital, said Maoists had
"risen in rebellion against the
Yunnan provincial committee" but
it did not claim capture of the
Wall posters in Peking, whose
truth could not be verified, as-
serted that party officials were
seized, denounced as anti-Maoists,
and dragged about Chengtu, capi-
tal of Szechwan Province. Among
those labeled anti-Maoist was Li
Ching-chuan, first secretary of
the party Central Committee's
southwest bureau.

Hostile Soviet Crowds Jeer
Chinese Envoys in Moscow

MOSCOW (;P) - Thousands of
jeering Russians swarmed around
Chinese diplomats yesterday in
Moscow's biggest and wildest show
of anti-Peking hostility. Many
threw snowballs and garbage at
the Chinese.
A crowd broke through police
lines at Moscow's Yaroslav rail-
way station and surrounded a car
and two buses from the Chinese
Chinese diplomats were trying
to leave after seeing off another
group of students being sent home

U.S. Says 354 Men Held
Prisoner by North Viets

SAIGON 0P)-A Viet Cong am-
bush that inflicted moderate casu-
alties on a company of 120 Amer-
ican paratroopers stood out yes-
terday among a mounting flurry
of shooting incidents marring the
Tet truce. Each side blamed the
Guerrillas in trees and entrench-
ments opened up with hand gren-
ades, small arms and automatic
weapons on a company of the U.S.
173rd Airborne Brigade moving
back to its base Wednesday from
operations in the war Zone D
jungle north of Saigon, a spokes-
man said. That touched off a sev-
en-hour fight.
Attending the Vietnamese holi-
days for the lunar new year was
an announcement of a net increase
of 6,000 men last week in the
American forces in Vietnam, boost-
ing the total to 410,000.
American Deaths
The U.S. Command said 117
Americans were killed, 920 wound-
ed and 11 missing or captured in
action last week. There were 10
deaths from accidents and other
nonhostile causes. In all 8,873
Americans have perished in six
years of war in Vietnam, 7,246 in
combat and 1,627 behind the lines.
Marring U.S. air operations was
a Navy plane's flight, officially'
described as the unintentional re-

sult of a navigational error, over
Communist China's Hainan Is-
land. Apparently hoping to fore-
stall a Peking protest against this
violation of Chinese air space,
Navy officers in both Saigon and
Washington announced the in-
The U.S. Command here called
in newsmen for this statement:
Navigational Error
"Due to a navigational error,
an unarmed propeller-driven U.S.
naval aircraft inadvertently over-
flew a portion of Hainan Island
Thursday, Saigon time. The pilot
returned safely to his carrier. The
circumstances are being investi-
Allied authorities listed 128 in-
cidents, large or small, through
the first 40 hours of the current
truce. This compared with 122 for
a 48-hour cease-fire last Christ-
mas. The record for the 48-hour
New Year's weekend truce was
Against American claims that
the Communists were responsible,
the Viet Cong declared in a state-
ment broadcast from Hanoi that
their forces have "strictly imple-
mented -the cease-fire order, but
have stood ready to punish any
U.S. aggressors who would violate
the order." The guerrillas said
they killed five Americans in one
incident Wednesday in Tay Ninh

from study abroad to take part in
Mao Tse-tung's "great cultural
Russians shouted abuse of Mao
and China as the diplomats sat
impassively inside their Russian-
made car, its windows closed.
Blocked Traffic
The riotous scene lasted 30 min-
utes and blocked traffic in Kom-
somolskaya Square before the Chi-
nese drove away.
The diplomats, who had smiled
blandly on the railway platform
when Russians threw snowballs
and refuse at them, seemed to ag-
gravate the new incident by stop-
ping their vehicles repeatedly, al-
lowing the crowds to overtake
The Soviet government, in a
note delivered to the Chinese Em-
bassy, demanded an immediate
end to harassment of its embassy
in Peking. The note charged that
harassment was making it im-
possible for the Soviet Embassy
to get Soviet aid through China
to Communists in Vietnam.
The note said that unless the
demands are met "the Soviet side
reserves the right to take neces-
sary reply mesaures." These were
not spelled out. A similar threat
of measures was made in an offi-
cial statement by the Soviet Union
last Saturday.
The Chinese government on
Monday said it could no longer
guarantee the safety of Soviet
diplomats in Peking.
Soviet authorities earlier ac-
cused Peking of trying to drive
this country to a break in diplo-
matic relations.
A Soviet source said the Rus-
sians might close their embassy
in Peking, under seige for 14 days
by riotous Red Guards, but em-
phasized this would not mean a
break in relations. Instead, the
Russians would leave in the hope
of returning when conditions are

Soviet Head
Lists World
Policy Views
Warns China Against
Forcing Split; Insists
U.S. End Viet Action
LONDON () - Prime Minister
Alexei N. Kosygin fired off a dual
warning last night-to Communist
China against forcing a diplomatic
break with the Soviet Union and
to the Americans against continued
bombing of North Vietnam.
And for good measure the vis-
isting Soviet leader aimed a
broadside at the West Germans:
Whether they like it or not a
treaty will be signed soon stopping
the spread of nuclear weapons.
In a question-and-answer ses-
sion with 520 newsmen he offered
it as his view that the current up-
heaval insidesChina stems from
"an internal strugle probably un-
der the influence of various set-
backs in foreign and defense poli-
cies." He spurned a suggestion that
it might spark "an armed conflict"
between the giant Communist
Later, addressing British law-
makers, Kosygin disclosed total
disagreement with Prime Minister
Harold Wilson in their top-secret
talks on the causes of the Vietnam
war and ways of ending it. He put
all the blame on the Americans.
Wilson said it was the fault of
the Communists.
The Russian argued that Wash-
ington could begin peace talks
with Hanoi if the United States
stops all military action against
the Communist North. Wilson in-
sisted there must be a prior guar-
antee of a North Vietnamese re-
sponse to such an American ac-
A He voiced Sovietrskepticism
at American moves for a mora-
torium with the Soviet Union on
the buildup of antiballistic missile
systems. The best way of ending
the nuclear arms r'ace he said, is
to destroy. all nuclear weapons.
He called for a treaty of peace,
nonaggression and friendship be-
tween the Soviet Union and Brit-
ain which should not be "spear-
headed against third countries."
The Russians denounced one such
pact, they signed with Britain in
1961 after Britain agreed to the
rearmament of West Germany.
" He urged disbanding of the
North Atlantic and Warsaw treaty
organizations because he said sec-
urity cannot be built up on the
basis of a Europe divided into po-
litical and military groupings.
* He served notice the Soviet
Union has "no intention of ever
allowing the Federal Republic of
Germany to attain access to nu-
clear weapons." And he insisted
the West Germans must abandon
"all ideas of revenge" or of
changing their existing frontiers.
He came out publicly for the
third successive day in favor of
all-Europe economic cooperation-
even to the point of proposing a
common market tiat allowed all
the states of the Continent into it
"on an equal footing."
" He made a big pitch for the
recognition of Communist East
Germany, arguing it is one of
Europe's biggest states, that to
ignore it would not strengthen
European security and to destroy
it would not assure European sec-
urity. I

DEROIT (P-Reconstruction of'
the AFL-CIO was a price set yes-
terday by the United Auto Work-
ers for its continuance in the
It expressed "deep concern the
labor movement is vegetating" un-
der George's Meany's leadership,
and accused the 73-year-old AFL-
CIO president of violating con-
stitutional and convention man-
dates which fail to meet his "per-
sonal pleasure."
Declaring there is urgent need
"for a vital, vibrant, dynamic so-
cially progressive labor move-
ment," the UAW outlined an in-
dependent program it proposes to
pursue outside the AFL-CIO struc-
Its 1.4 million making up the
largest union within the 13.5-mil-
lion member federation, the UAW
said its withdrawal threat is aimed
at getting "the American labor
movement off dead center."
Massive Crusade
It stressed what it said was a
need for a massive organizing
crusade, social action and help for
struggling unions.
There was no immediate re-
joinder from Meany or other AFL-
CIO leaders, who had ignored,
publicly at least, the UAW's with-
drawal threat since its first was
disclosed last week.
In Washington, an AFL-CIO
spokesman said there would be no
comment on the Auto Workers'
demand for internal reform" un-
til the manifesto containing it
is received there.
The 26-member UAW Inter-
national Executive Board last week
unanimously ordered the union's
59-year-old president, Walter P.
Reuther, and its other three top*
officers to sever all connections.
with the ruling AFL-CIO Execu-
tive Council.

At the same time it directed,
the agenda for an April 20-22 UAW
convention be expanded to include
a discussion of relationships with
the parent AFL-CIO and a pro-
posal that the Executive Board
be authorized to take whatever
action it deems necessary in this
Action could come first, how-
ever, from the AFL-CIO Executive
Council. It meets next week in
Miami Beach.
The old American Federation of
Labor expelled John L. Lewis's
United Mine Workers and others
in the 1930s when they refused
to drop a campaign of organizing
industrywide - including skilled,
semiskilled and unskilled in a
single union. The AFL was built
on unions of various crafts.

Johnson Asks $3.1 Billion
For Foreign Aid Programns

WASHINGTON () - President
Johnson urged an economy mind-
ed Congress yesterday to provide
$3.1 billion for economy and mihi-
tary assistance to 70 count'ies "to
reduce the chances of future Viet-
Calling this a minimum contri-
bution to the security and develop-
ment of Asian, African and Latin-
American countries, the President's
foreign aid message said
"To do less would endanger all
we have accomplished in the past
two decades."
Anticipating congressional op-
position, Johnson acknowledged
that some persons want to give up
the foreign aid program because
of U.S. domestic needs and costs
of the Vietnam war.
"Nothing could be more short-

Democratic leadership was cele-1
brating its first legislative victory1
of the new Congress yesterday,
but a check of the vote to boost
the debt limit shows the admin-
istration's troubles may just be
Strong support from conservative
Souithern Democrats tipped theE
scales Wednesday night as the1
House voted 215 to 199, over al-
most solid Republican opposition,
to increase the debt ceiling from
$330 billion to $336 billion.c
WASHINGTON - An unarmed{
propeller-driven Navy plane acci-
dentally violated Red Chinese ter-e
ritory yesterday and flew over'
parts of Hainan Island in the Gulf
of Tonkin, -the Defense Depart-
ment reported.
The plane returned safely to its
The terse announcement ob-
viously was aimed at preventing
or limiting any Chinese protest.
No protest was immediately forth-
coming from Peking.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Despite slip-
ping economic indicators else-
where, the Labor Department re.
ported yesterday that the number
of jobholders last month totaled
72 million, a record high for Janu-
The report said the only weak-
ness in the employment picture
was in auto production, where
layoffs reduced the number of
jobs more than usual for January.
Arthur M. Ross, commissioner
of the Bureau of Labor Statistics,
noted that the unemployment rate
remained at 3.7 per cent last

month and he said this indicates
that "people have been drawn in-
to the labor force" by brightened
job prospects.
* * *
WASHINGTON - C o n g r e s s
should pass PresidentiJohnson's
bill for a six per cent income tax
surcharge effective July 1, Fed-
eral Reserve Chairman William
McChesneyMartin said yesterday.
The nation's money and credit
chief, testifying before the Senate-
House Economic Committee, show-
ed little sympathy for arguments
that the lawmakers should hold
of f as long as, possible to see
whether the economy might slip:
enough to make a tax rise unwise.

world News Roundup

It was from that expulsion that
the Congress of Industrial Organ-
izations grew, gaining unstopped
momentum 30 years ago next Sat-
urday when the UAW won bar-
gaining recognition from General
Motors at the end of a three-
month sitdown strike.
Reuther, then president of the
CIO, and Meany, president of the
AFL, merged the two in Decem-
ber 1955.
To quit the federation, the UAW
first must approve at its April con-
vention a constitutional" require-
ment which stipulates it shall
operate within the federation.
Then the Executive Board could
pull the union out, assuming dele-
gates grant the authority. Reuther
is considered powerful enough to
get what he asks.

sighted and self-defeating," he as-
serted. "This country-the wealth-
iest in human history-can well-
afford to devote less than seven-
tenths of 1 per cent of its national
income to reduce the chances of
future Vietnams."
The presidential request for aid
funds came within $18 million of
the amount he requested last year
when Congress lopped off $450.
million and gave the administra-
tion $2.9 billion.
For the fiscal year starting July
1, the administration asked for
$2.53 billion in economic assistance
and $596, million in military as-
sistance excluding Vietnam, Laos,
Thailand and some North Atlantic
T r e a t y Organization expenses.
White House aides said an addi-
tional $242 million is being asked
for military assistance to Laos and
Thailand and NATO, but this re-
quest is being made in the regular
Defense Department budget, not in
the foreign aid program.
The Congress was asked to ap-
prove eight programs over a two-
year period instead of on an an-
nual basis. This was bound to
spark opposition in both houses of
There was also strong empha-
sis on self-help as the major quali-
fication for U.S. economic assist-
"I will not ask any Americar
citizen to contribute his tax dol-
lars to support any country which
does not meet this test," Johnson
The program also emphasized
more cooperation from other coun-

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