REPORT ON DRAFT: HALF A LOAF ... See editorial page ixrs Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom Da it# CLOUDY Nigh--33 Low-24 Windy; some chance of snow " VOL. LXXVII, No. 112 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1967 SEVEN CENTS S in Limbo in Wake of'Student Move, By SUSAN SCHNEPP talking to SGC members that the mission, Council members now ap- Part of the wait-and-see atti- sure how the boards will affect semester, SGC members agree the in trou News Analysis student movement, or as some pear motivated to do little more tude is a result too, according to SGC and here again the attitude practical relationship h a s n ' t nize th Daily Council members prefer, "uphea- than wait. SGC member Bob Smith, '67, of is one of waiting and doubting, changed. All a Student Government C o u n c i 1 val," hassimply sapped the en- Ed Robinson, '67, .SGC presi- the "state of confusion" of SGC. James Benton, '67, SGC treas- Vice-President for Student Af- affiliati appears to be hanging in limbo ergy of SGC. "Tired" and "let- dent, said he has "never been con- "We have lost our sense of direc- urer, said the Advisory Boards fairs Richard Cutler said that the have ti now, in the shadow of last se- down" were the adjectives most vinced the Presidential Commis- tion" and consequently there has could provide extensive informa- Office of Student Affairs is talk- entirely mester's TV cameras, but with no often repeated by Council mem- sion will bring the desired changes. been little real action, he said. tion on how and who makes the ing and working with SGC just here ag answers to the questions and bers to describe themselves. "Part of Council's problem What SGC must do now, con- decisions of the University, but as it has in the past. reportf problems raised by the short-lived Another reason cited for SGC's now," he explained, is that SGC tinued Kahn, is redefine its role, voiced a concern that students on Council members seem to feel mission student movement yet in sight. relative inactivity this semester "doesn't know how to react" to particularly its relationship to the the boards will be faced with pres- that, in fact, relations have ac- In th Noone not even the Council was the fact that many members the ideas of having commissions Presidential Commission. sure from the administration and tuaily improved since the break. bers ar members themselves, is quite sure were busy until this week making work out the problems of the Uni- Kahn and Smith agreed that that in the event of another crisis The OSA has appeared to be more has n where SGC stands right now or up incompletes. Being students versity. If it works, and does the immediate job of SGC is to might be on the side of the ad- ready to communicate and more has, va what it is, or perhaps should, e rather than campus leaders seems come up with a new structure, make students aware of the prob- ministrators sensitive to a student opinion. voterr doing. to be the main concern of many commissions could be precedent- lems of the Commission through Robinson pointed out that the Smith cited the meeting Cutler possible The excited activity of last se- now. setting,' he said. devices like speakers and forums Advisory Boards are still "part of and seven members of the faculty women' mester has given way to the more of SGC's activity has been pre- member and also a member of the and to channel student opinion the old structure" and that they subcommittee on student relations In s qetrasgmthdawork of the empGC'sbyte yrhsiden ro- Presidential Commission, also ex- to the Commission. SGC itself could result in merely "small called with SGC to inform them binatio q d thodial empted by the Presidential ComsdnsoCmonness- should also discuss and recom- groups of students who know of the subpoena served on the demicl sion Making and many Council mission and have adopted a wait- pressed doubts that the Commis- and-see attitude. While many are sionswill doeverything to help mend changes in the role of stu- what's going on." University for records on the legal clear id members apparently are willing to dubious about w lat may finally students. He added that the Co- dents in the Univeristy. Still another area that has left status of Cinema Guild as an ex- 'Council let the Commission carry the bur- come out of the Commission and mission is "no reason for SGC to The Vice-Presidential Advisory SGC in limbo is its relation to the ample of improved relations. have al den for a while. feel SGC should not let its fate cease functioning to get what it Boards are another area adding Office of Student Affairs. Since Benton said he thinks the OSA Andf One gets the impression from be decided entirely by the Com- wants for students." to the confusion. No one is quite SGC formaly dissociated last is 'on eggs; if they veto us, they're to the1 EIGHT PAGES ment ble since we don't recog- eir veto." greed however, that any re- on with the OSA would o be on the basis of an new relationship. And fain, SGC is waiting for a from the Presidential Com- e meantime. Council mem- e hasty to assert that SGC t stopped operating, but rious projects, such as the registration drive and a revision of sophomore s hours, in the works now. im, it appears that a coi- n of physical fatigue, aca- pressures, and lack of a ea of the present status of and where it is headed most ground SGC to a halt.- for now, all eyes are turned Presidential Commission. I I I H~~11 (~11Q - __ RPQ;dtxntl*nl lilllll. L.111U II { f . J U .1 ,u For Reform ai College Picks Of State Tax NEWS WIRE Freshmen NEWrri T *I SGC Delays Cinema Guild Resolution Discuss Legal Issues, Apartment Privileges For Sophomore Coeds By REGINA ROGOFF and KATHIE GLEBE Committee of MSU Faculty To Consider Future of Education EAST LANSING OP)-Michigan must reform its tax structure now or else reduce its already inade- quate support for education, says John Hannah, president of Michi- igan State University. Hannah also reported to the MSU faculty Wednesday night that he had appointed a special, committee to start from scratch in developing patterns for under- graduate education in the future. In a foreword, to his annual State of the University message. Hannah warned: "Without tax re- form, Michigan cannot continue for long to pay out more money for education and other services than the state is collecting in in- come from all sources." Long Range Solution He told the faculty, "We must do all that we can to help to con- vince the people of Michigan that there can be no long-range solu- tion of our problem facing all of education without an adequate tax. structure for the state." Hannah said Gov. George Rom- tsey's recommended budget in- crease of $3.8 million for MSU would not cover more than half of the built-in increased costs to continue present programs and commitments. But, he said, the presidents of Michigan's 11 state-supported col- leges and- universities recognize that "State tax reform now is even; more important than adequate state financial support for next year." Special Committee Hannah, president of MSU for 25 years, said he appointed the Special Committee on Undergrad- uate Education Wednesday and asked it not to give "undue alle- giance to established patterns." "Many thoughtful people are questioning the relevance of much' that education is doing, and their questions may relate to the ob- vious general discontent with so- cial and economic conditions with- in the society the university serv- es," he said. "We hear more and more stu- dents saying that they want to enter careers in which they can work with people,"' Hannah added. Not Satisfied "What they may be saying, dif- fidently, is that they are not satis- fied to work throughout their lives for their own personal advance- ment and gratification, but want to feel that their life work counts towards the improvement of the lot of their fellow man," he said. "If that is what they mean, then we should welcome their dis- content, for is it not the primary objective of education to lift the level of social condition?" he __ _ _ _ ____ _.. ._ ___ ._._______L.. _ -._..__ A - -.1 W. ,. Z T 11 T - Late World News ' By The Associated Press ANNAPOLIS, MD.-The Maryland Senate voted 35 to 7 yes- terday to repeal the state's Colonial law forbidding Negroes and whites to marry. There was no debate. The bill now goes to the House of Delagates for considera- tion. The Maryland law prohibiting marriages between whites and Negroes was enacted in 1661. In 1935, it was broadened to also ban marriages by whites and Negroes with Malayans. THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE for the Selective Service draft deferment test is midnight tonight. All applications for the tests must be postmarked no later than that time. The tests, will be given on March 11, March 31, and April 8. It is open to students who plan to request student deferments and who have not taken the test previously. Application forms are available at the Selective Service counseling office in the basement of the Administration Building. BRUCE GETSON, 68, PRESIDENT of Sigma Chi fraternity, has been elected president of the Inter-Fraternity Council for 1967-68. In the only other results available, Bill Sage, '68. of Chi Phi has been elected executive vice-president. * * * * AN OPEN MEETING ON DECISION-MAKING will be held by the student members of the Presidential Commission on De- cision-Making Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Undergraduate Library. Roger Leed, '67L, commission mem- ber, said that, all students, faculty, and administrators are in- vited to join in the discussion of the role of students and the work of the Commission. SEN. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF will keynote a two-week probe of America's urban ghettos by discussing urban welfare tonight at 8 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall. After his address he will submit to questioning by a panel of faculty members., The former governor of Connecticut and Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare was scheduled to appear Tuesday but Washington commitments forced a postponement. The sym- posium is being sponsored by the students of the University Activities Center. - COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY STUDENTS staged a sit-in pro- testing the presence of Central Intelligence Agency recruiters on campus. The students oppose the recruitment drive on grounds that some CIA activities are immoral. Students refused to comply with the administrators requests to leave unless they received assurances no more recruiting would be conducted. * * * * THE ENTIRE UNION PARTY SLATE won offices by large majorities in the Social Work Student Organization following three days of balloting. Those elected were Willis Bright, presi- dent; Hedda Matza, vice-president; Ann Kraemer and Fran Levitt, secretaries; Bob 'Lassiter, treasurer; and Mike Erlich, National Association of Social Workers delegate. Also elected to Graduate Student Council and as voting members of the student organizationwere: David Shapiro, Betty Ward, John Williams, Bev Gold, and Larry Gumbs. The Union Party candidates pledged to base the organization more solidly in the student body by including classroom representatives. The Union will explain student opinions to the decision maker and achieve student goals in such areas as curriculum planning, field agency problems, and course-teacher evaluations, and protection of individual students' rights. Applicants; w il use Full 'U' Re sources By LEE WEITZENKORN The Residential College, sched- i i .i uled to open its doors for the fall Student Government C o u n c i 1 term, has selected its first 200 last night postponed discussion on students from over 1600 appli-astatement giving recognition and cantssupport to students involved in cants.if the Cinema Guild controversy. Under the direction of Burton After a lengthy debate on Thuma, the "college within a col- whether or not the statement lege" will offer a liberal education inot th steen with the small school atmosphere :ceedings, council member Neill having the . -University's vast ie- Hollenshead. '67, moved to post- sources at itstnearby disp o r: | ;:||f|pone discussion until legal advice According to retiring Director could be obtained., A final deci- Thuma, who will be replaced next """ sion on the matter is expected at fall by Associate Dean James -Daily-Bernie Baker next week's council meeting. Robertson of the literary college, President Ed Robinson, '67, makes a point at last night's Council meeting. At his left is Mark Sophomore Apartments the Residential College is seeking Simons, '67, executive vice president ._3Edward Salowitz, assistant di- students from all academic levels. ------- rt o n sy uga This is not an honors college,' 'dressed Universithe qustionad he explained. . extending apartment privileges to Special Application t, Cngsw ota e sophomore women. Students admitted for the fall }According to Salowitz,' Vice- term completed special applica- jVPresident for Student Affairs tions for the Residential College Richard L. Cutler has ultimate after first being admitted to the lici naauthority over sophomore women's literary college. From these ap- ; apartment privileges. The Office plications, the Residential College By MICHAEL DOVER rusts. He said further that the be made in the present . . . nor of University Housing, however, attempted to select a cross-sec-ns will make a final recommendation Lion of students with all levels of "The new colonialism we are plpno pnion of those in power in Wash-# that (negotiations) would really to Cutler based on the formal academic achievement, practicing in Vietnam is threat- ington has been the Communists save any face." opinions given by Panhellenic As- d mning to destroy the last vestiges 'attempt to crush liberty wherever However, Collingsworth took a sociation, Inter-House Assembly The ratio of in-stato f democracy here at home.', it exists," and that, furtherfore, 'stand against further escalation and other concerned groups. SOC of-state students will be similar Prof. Alfred Meyer of the poli- hese policy makers believed that of the conflict. 'The number of is expected to make a decision re- to that of the literary college. tical science department cited this an overt sense of aggression is the troops in Vietnam is reaching the garding its recommendations on The temporary quarters of the as his ultimate concern over the U n force ti t useless poin . . . T prese the issue within the next two Residential College will be in East war in Vietnam. In a Young Re- vim Uon todayse Sovet - ic o ping act s weeks. Quadrangle. The building will be publican sponsored debate with te would collapse if the United in more alienation of the peas- The question of whether sopho- States were able to contain Corn- Teqeto fIhte oh remodeled this summer to provide Arthur Collingsworth, Grad, over munistmexpansion. -antdsy." more women should be granted classroomn, office and dormitory the question of "What We Sol ecle o h salsmn apartment permission was orig- Sspace. The men in the Residential Do in Vietnam," Meyer said that Collingsworth warned in his of a reformist government in inally brought up by John Feld- College will live in Tyler House "we should get out" of Vietnam be- presentation that the situation South Vietnam. He cited the al- kamp, director of student hous- and the women in Prescott House. mause "every day we persist our cannot be perceived on "black leviation of the "lack of trained ing, early last semester. Feldkamp The rest of the building will hold insane and suicidal policy line we and white terms." He emphasized and dedicated Vietnamese" as the then referred the matter to .Pan- offices and some classrooms, as are hurting the U.S. interest." that the war, both the military "real US. job" and suggested that hel, IHA, and other organizations well as housing for students of He said that a withdrawal would and pacification wars, are very our troops should be .confined to for recommendations. other University colleges. zontribute to the prestige of the complex and require careful a "holding action" in which "our Asked whether granting apai4- Freshman Seminar nation similar to the French with- troops should be kept as invisible ment privileges to sophomore drawal from Algeria. His initial warning was that to as passible.'womenwould effect the Univer- Although some classes, such asPreferring to steer around the "appreciate the complexity of this Meyer admitted that were the sity's ability to fill available dor. the freshman seminar, will be held moral question of the war, he challenging problem requires care- American forces to leave, a Com- mitory space, Salowitz asserted at East Quad, the students will noted that the basic policy today ful Analysis, not hesitation and munist government would probably that that would not be "a justifi- take other courses in the literary is that the Vietnamese are "bet- discussion." take over within the period of a cation for deciding w h e t h e r college. Among these will be most ter off dead than Red" and that Collingsworth took the position few years, but added, "If there are sophomore girls live out or not." this attitude is "totally destroy- that "there is no honorable way Communists in South Vietnam, No Information scienceclasses. ng the country." for us to get out -quickly . . .our they are mostly the product of our d The faculty for the Residential He said that the evolution of stay is justified." He said that he own --'aking and that of our pre- halowhtr inu to epain College wa~s chosen from the lit- our present political ideas was bas- didn't feel "any agreement can decessors,' that there is "no statistical infor- erary college; the Residential Col- -d upon what he calls a "psy- - -- . - --------- --- - --- - - ~~ - mation on.the effect of an influx lege will not be recruiting instruc- ehological inability" on the part''~ P s of sophomore women on the apart- tfrom outside the University. f U.S. policy makers to accept Flo ida Coed s N ude Pose men ar" IAlthough some classes will be the fact that "Communism is aji U I~ A IU U The only available statistics taught by teching fellows, Resi- successful alternative to the Amer- concerning sophomore women's fdential College students will .have ican way of life. Figh hours and aparatment privileges more classes taught by professors Meyer charges that "our entire k S tu enPRIh shave been compiled by IHA and than do students in the literary policy towards Southeast Asia has Panhel. Both studies, however, college. The Residential College been based on gross and disastrous By The Associated Press a nude picture: the right to use iar aonsidered at sdets of t will also offer smaller class sizes. rnisconceptions" of the Commu- By a ude pctur: the right toAue inv lid b the presi ents f th E Fl h-,. 1ur-ltter word t 3 a iS L s X YT 111 W1vv va. vr v w .. - -- --- PROTEST AGAINST TUITION: California Students March to Capitol asked. From Wire Service Reports Hannah said MSU has a com-I mitment to innovation, "A willing- SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Thou- ness to test new ideas, the courage sands of protesting students to admit a mistake when one is marched yesterday to the capitol made, a pervasive belief that good steps where Gov. Ronald Reagan enough is not good enough for welcomed them but didn't back oMichigan State " down in his demands for tuition Valuable Ideas for higher education. Students have valuable ideashe While the crowd of about 3000 ,. udts A e v.a uble is. he fheard no encouragement from the you because you are the first and little unusual dress-but substan- said they feel his views on stu-t only group in the academic com- I tial long hair-marked the orderly dents have changed to respect. i munity that has come and asked gathering. Asked if he thought Reagan had the governor what his position is." After Reagan spoke, the Demo- altered his view on tuition, march However he stressed again his cratic-controlled legislature's top organizer Jay Jeffcoat of the uni- view that the state faces a fiscal Democrat, Assembly Speaker Jesse versity's Santa Barbara campus dilemma so sharp that all citizens M. Unruh told the students: "I replied: "I don't believe the gov- must temporarily cut back on think this fight will be won. I do ernor will change his mind. state services, not know of one single Democratic Another march on the state cap- sTt-lriped, heatvote in the assembly that is for itol is planned for tomorrow. This Tight-lipped, he attacked fac- titin" second march, sponsored by the G~AINEBbV ILL, ,la.-As anPely University of Florida coed touched off a dispute over student rights here yesterday by posing nude for a full-length picture in an off- campus humor magazine. The coed, Pan Brewer, is the center, not only of a full-length gatefold picture on a white Per- sian rug, but also of a rising con- troversy over student " freedom and university control. "It could be another Berkeley," said Andy Moor, an editor of the campus newspaper Alligator. Stan Lauglin, an associate law professor, agreed. "The whole area of students' relationship to the university has become increasingly shatn in the nast few years-the 1UUL-M1X.WV~ . Miss Brewer, who got her par- ents' permission, posed for the picture knowing that it probably would make her a public figure in more ways than one. She was put on probation by the faculty disciplinary committee. An editorial in the magazine said it would challenge any charges made against her. Miss Brewer, an 18-year-old sophomore from Springfield, Va., gets a public hearing before the committee today in the tiny Board of Regents room, which seats only 50. "I'm afraid ther's going to be a mob scene." said Moor. The local board of the American rspective organizations. Nelson Lande, '67, council mem- ber, stated that not only could statistics be misinterpreted but that they are in fact inconsequen- tial to the issue under debate, Bruce Kahn,'68, council member,.- expressed a generally held opin- ion that it is a "sad, sad situ- ation." Kahn maitained that "stu- dies should have already been made by the Office of Student Housing." Salowitz replied that, "You're probably right in saying we didn't do our homework on this." Tom Van Lente, '68, chairman of the Student Housing Associa- tion, presented a report'to coun- cil nn the hnusing problems in Ann i :I : I