THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAn. V. For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-O Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. *~~rnkr yrp 557 w FOR RENT NEED 4TH MAN for modern apt. near campus. Have to break lease. Will bargain. Call 662-0874 or 764-1360. C314 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCIES - Mod- ern bi-level, 3-man apt. Sublet prices. Call 663-5584 til 6; after 6, call 662- 7862. C29 TRADE WINDS APARTMENTS for fall rental. One large 3-man bi-level, air- conditioned, covered parking, bal - cony, and many other features. Also a fine 2-man apartment, perfect for married couples. Call 665-8330 eve- nings. Cli 418 E. Washingtor Street Directly on Campus-half blk. off State WASHINGTON MANOR Spacious, New, Luxurious furnished, One Bedroom - for 3 students. Balc., air cond., soundproof. Laundry and storage facilities. EXTRA FEATURE - Large study 4 hall. Mgr in apt. 15 Call NO 8-6906 Now leasing for summer and fail. C GRAD. AND DROP OUT looking for a roommate. Modern 3 man, close to campus. Call 663-7991. C38 TEACHER DESIRES ROOMMATE for an attractive furnished apt. on South Main. Call after 5 761-4784. C42 Luxury on Campus Thomas Plaza Apts. Modern 3 and 4 man luxury apart- ments on State near Packard. Fea- turing: 1) balconies 2) air-conditioning 3) covered parking 4) beattifully furnished 5) disposals 6) every apartment has a study Brand new building for fall occupancy Call 761-8055 afternoons or FOR RENT ARE YOU TIRED OF LIVING IN THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT? FOR RENT ONE OR TWO MEN wanted to share spacious, modern apartment. Cheap. 665-6487. C36 DESPERATE TWA RECRUIT needs girl to replace her in luxurious, new 3- man apt. 1 block from campus. Avail- bhaimfitl + ~hn - "1 PERSONAL RABBI LEONARD S. CAHAN of De- troit's Adas Shalom Synagogue will, lead a discussion on the great ABRA- HAM HESCHEL at this Sunday's ATID meeing. 6:30 p.m. 1429 Hill. Call Bill Ascher at 665-3320 for info. F7 Our buildings are clean and inspected awe imucutely at.sublprices.Cal weekly, exterminated monthly and anytime. 761-0744. CD WE ARE number 1 in Ann Arbor. We serviced whenever needed. All this at WAN~A-TED FO specialize in custom Diamond Engage- a FO FLLy7- afford and a location fANE 4-man m7. ro 2girls ment Rings, moderately priced. Austin you desire.for modern 4-man. 5 min. from cam- Diamond, 1209 5S. University. 663-7151. you sr. pus. $60/mo. Call 761-6817. C22 F1 Pick up apt, listings for fall '67 in our office. C48' SUMMEFR SUBLE T SENIOR ?WOiMEN',ONLYNT PERSONAL USEDCARS Rent Your TV from NEJAC PROOFREADER desires work at home GE and Zenith pnrtables for only $10 - 10 years experience. Call Paula per month. FREE service and delivery Presley 663-9709.I Phone 662-5671 NOW F - ---- - -'57 VW excellent cond., 12,000 mi. guar- WAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone antee. $600. 663-5321. N31 ring at any designated time-day or -- . night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE 1960 VALIENT with a '64 engine and FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN transmission. New brakes and new TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE. shocks. Must sell to highest offer. 665-8871 (24 hours).F Call 761-7983. N32 OSTERWEIL CO-OP has a few spaces'1964 2-door RAMBLER American, ex- for women to room and board. Only cellent condition, snow tires, radio, 18 per week. Close to campuns. Own- reclining seats, 35,000 miles, $795 ed and run by students. Call or visit Phone 425-5b83 after 6, coet. N30 338 E. Jefferson. 662-4440. F44 RT ----- - - - -----TRANSPORTATION APARTMENT 17 announces to the - - whole wor d the engagement of Bar- RIDERS WANTED to Buffalo. Leave bara Bird to Michal Luxemberg. F22 Feb. 10 - return 12th. Call Dennis - -663-4616. G25 VISIT OUR WESTERN STORE .- VSITK O& WESTE s. JSsORE WANTED: Ride to Alma, Mich, or Mt. Jn-0-Kay & Comfy Jackets. ,Justin, Pleasant, Mich., and back. Leave Fri- Tony Lama and Acme Boots. 10th, return Sun., 12th. Will help pay Schneider Western Supply for gas. Call Marty, 764-1986. GD, 2635 Saline Rd. Ph. 663-0111. 1 mile S. of UM Stadium RIDE WANTED to Ithaca, N.Y. Leaving i PATRICK J. PULTE, Inc. 214 E. Huron NO 5-9405 4 MONTHS AT NO. 4 (the one with! the Playboy bunny on the door). 2 girls needed in large, modern 4-man, Does the nightlife of New York or Francisco strike you as exciting? tails February 20. They say there's no hospitality San De- like NON-STUDENT SEEKS very quiet close to campus. Air-cond., balcony: that of the Scandinavians. See for single room or apt., beg. July, May, fully carpeted. You get the LARGE yourself Inside scoop Feb. 20. be furn., any distance from campus. bedroom (15'x10'), Call Chris or Sue, Pan American Representative- Play no radios, records, etc., need 665-9872. UB NOrmandy 2-7687 neighbors whod on't either. Call 764- F9 2214, weekdays 8-5 or write R. Jacob, I LARGE 3-BEDROOM, furnished, 3to 5 .-_-- co Endocronology and Metabolis Lab. man. Very close to campus. 507 S. STUDENT BOOK SERVICE has many University Hospital. CT Division, Apt. 1. Call 662-7819. U18 good things. Even Mike Zweig's new book. Come celebrate Sat., Feb. 11, 4th MAN NEEDED in apartment, $90. 2-4 p.m., 1215 South Univ. F9 For rest of semester, or $200 thru Aug- -C2sd . i j, , r r r 3 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Instruments and accessories, new and used, lessons. repairs. 209 S. State. 665-8001 10 a.m.-7 p.m. X3 A-i New and used it strumenits BANJOS (3u111ARS. AND HONUiOS PAIFI' l ISI(A L R'EPAIR 119 W vsshinoton WANTED TO RENT WANTED-SINGLE ROOM. Nicely fur- nished. Access to refrigerator, private entrance, for August '67 to May '68.' Willing to pay reasonable rent. Call 663-8351. L29E NON-STUDENT seeks very quiet single room or apt., beg. July. May be unfurn., any distance from campus. Play no radios, records, etc., need neighbors who don't either. Call 764- 2214, weekdays 8-5 or write R. Jacob, Endocronology & Metabolism Lab., U. Hospital. CT WANTED FOR FALL - Two bedroom. two-man apt. Moderate price, old house preferred. Call 761-8132. L21 FIVE CREATIVE juniors would like to. rent a beautiful house or apartment near campus. Needed next fall, 764- 9633 or 764-9661. LD KEEP FREEDOM E RINGING ust. Will be 1 of 2 living there after 1 May 1. Call Ron 662-3849. C20 I COMMUTING male grad stu share furnished apartment n pus with another grad. Ren Call Ed Mall, 764-0411, 9-6p 2833. SANS SOUCI Spacious apartments for 2-6 Beautiful with all luxury Located on Main St. Ride campus via Commuter bus every 8 minutes. Call 665 a.m.-7 p.m. FALL '67 NEW, completely furnished, apts., available for 2-5 persor May to May leases available DPHLMAN APARTMENT Office 545 CHURCH ST. CALL 761-7600 FALL RENTALS Applications are now being t 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 man apartn new modern buildings. Goo tions still available. Call Jamr for appointments. LIBERTY LAND CO. 662-3358 udent to fear cam- t $50/mo. p.m., 665- 015 persons. features.j free1 to service -2689, 10I close-in, ns. SomeI [TS C26 N FE 4- apt., fully equipped, air-cond., mod. ATTENTION WORLD:.F kitchen, carpeting, the works. Avail- able May 1. 2 blocks from campus. This is to announce the establishment- Call 663-4040. U16 of a new unit of the "BREAKFAST BLOOD DONORSE -- - BIRD CLUB." Steve Cohen will head URGENTLY NEEDED E OW AVAILABLE for summer sublet, the California group-code name Gil. THE HOUSE. Yes, one complete house, FC $7.50 for Rh positive. $10, $12, $14 fori with a cool study in the basement.- Rh neestive. Hours: Mon., Tues.,j R'diciously cheap, inquiries may be I want to buy your plane ticket to Eur- Thurs.. Fri., 9-4: Wed. 1-7. 18-21 years made at 504 Benjamin (between IM ope on the May 3 - June 3 UAC old nsed parent's permission.. Detroit and campus) or call 668-7564. UA flight! Call Ruth 663-2533. FE Blood Service. 404 W. Michigan, Ypsi- .~ ------ --- lanti, Mich. 483-1894 H AMBER APARTMENTS appeal selec -___,Mch 83194H REE grill to anyone who sublets our I ERyAtATESapealy se e modern 4-man, bi-level- apartment. tively to the semantically sensitive HELP WANTED mrden4-monus ev tenapArtmpnt, set by interlinear implication. Crooks EA Carriage House 1224 Washtenaw Apt. Rd. at 13%, Royal Oak. 549-4045. F10 - 12. 2 baths, dishwasher, air-cond. ____KITCHEN JOBS available immediately parking facilities. Call 663-7345. NORTH CAMPUS Little Club. Jazz in sorority. Call NO 2-7716 for inter- UF 2Foksinger, COMMONS SNACK BAR, view. H251 Friday, 9-12 p.m. F11- - - -- - - - - FIRE UP for a HOUSE! _ _ day the 10th and back on Sunday the or-5 man, 4 bedrooms, and lots more! BUTTON, BUTTON Excelent MEAL JOB. Short hours and CHEAP! Call 761-8032. U17 -" WHO'S GOT THE BUTON? son P Aod,pu ches dinne5 Phi4 761- - LOST - in the vicinity of S. Univ. or 3187. H24 Friday, Feb. 10. Return Sunday, Feb. 12. Call 761-7772, GD RIDE WANTED to Columbus. Ohio, Fri., Feb. 10. Return Sunday. Call Debby, 764-5940. GD MISCELLANEOUS GRAND RAPIDS BUS TRIP this weekend. Leave Friday 6:30 p m., return early Sunday eve: ning. Round trip cost $5, Call 662- 3153 or 665-4896. M27 FRATERNITY & SORORITY BANQUETS For your einner meetings, dances, or banq jets . . . excellent food and ac- commodations for up to 140. Reason- ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Mo- ''or Inn. HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M WANTED TO BUY SEGOVIA Ticket Wanted, either con- cert. CALL 764-3097. K26 PETS AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE--Siamese kittens, purebred, seal point. $15. Call HU 3-5811. T7 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Used TV, 21-inch. COR- RECTION-662-4412. B20 1960 PONTIAC Convertible, excellent condition Asking $550, make offer. Call 663-0828. B23 GENERAL ELECTRIC tank vacuum cleaner, runs like new. All cleaning attachments. $18. Call 663-9177. B24 ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN TICKETS (2), March 5, 1967. Main floor. Call Jon at 764-5633. BD FOR SALE-Complete stereo system- Dyna preamp, MPX FM tuner; dual 1019 with shure M55-E cartridge; Sony 350A tape deck, 2-ADC 303-A systems; Knight R-100A communica- tions RCVR. Will sell all or by parts. Call Ron at 665-6248. B25 FOR SALE - 305 Scrambler and Buco helmet. 3500 ml., good deal. Call 663- 7419. B22 Brand new PENTAX SET with S.V. body lens, 50 mm universal, 135 mm filter, etc. Retail price $455.50; selling for $318 - 30 per cent discount. 663- 8260; 663-4858 Sunday morning. B19 FOR SALE-New Fender Jazz Master guitar and Norelco microphone in food condition. Call Steve Welcom, 764-1676 B18 MUST SELL - Magnavox Micromatic Portable Stereo (Deluxe) 1967 model. Perfect cond. For details, 764-4601. B15 FOR SALE - U.S. Enfield cal. .30-06, Restocked, shoots 2%" M.O.A. N.R.A, Exc. $55 or suitable trade. 761-6776. F' BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING - Neat and accurately done. Telephone 663-2623. J40 761-3993 Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and thesis typing, transcription -medical, legal and technical conferences; mimeographing; offset; ditto; litho. graphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES, INC. 334 Catberins 665-8330 evenings. FREE We find You Surslmer Sublet Apartments SUBLET SERVICE 1217 S. University C30 SUMMER SUBLET Art School - one "Fabulous Prime ---- Movers" button. Large, red on white. MEAL JOBS available at fraternity. Call Air-conditioned 4 minutes from cam- Family hierloom. Reward. Call 761- steward, 663-7037. H19 pus, spotless, efficiency, all electric 5553. FF -. with kitchen, bath, and covered park- M.-W- ITE BIKES AND SCOOTERS ing. Please call 761-5779. U13 M. WHITE 761-3688 C4 SUA.RE NEW 2-bdrm. apt. with male grad., parking, pool. Price negotiable. Call 761-8956. C93 NOW RENTING FOR FALL 2 and 3 man apartments, furnished bi- levels and efficiencies. 1 block form campus. Manager on premises. Phone or stop by. 736 Packard or call busi- ness phone NO 3-5584 or NO 3-8866. CC ROOMS for male students. Downtown Club, 110 N. Fourth Avenue. Call 665- 9690. 021 BARGAIN CORNER 4 933 DEWEY Come and look around Sat., Feb. 11, 12-5 p.m. 2 bedroom apts. Attractively f Air-conditioning, dishwashe disposals. Free parking. Ask for Mr. Morton, 665-4 7 p.m. TWO GIRLS NEED two or th for fall. Call 761-8679. HOUSE FOR RENT, 1215 Pa bedroms, bathroom, living kitchen with eating space, s frigerator, i12 bath in finish ment. Some furnishings, gara ily or Grads. Call NO 3-0238. aken for THREE MAN, two bdrm., air-cond. apt. Don't you take walks in the arb any-1 ments in Parking space. Reasonable. Call 761- more? d selec- 3648 at noon or after 6. U14 Eileen Dover ies Boyer - - _-- --FF FIRST HALF semester, 5 or 6 girls. - - - - -- --------- spacious furnished 6 room house. 3 MIKE ZWEIG has published. Now he bedrooms 1%1 baths, air-cond., two may perish. Come celebrate at Stu- C13 blocks from campus, off-street park- dent Book Service. Sat., Feb. 11 2-4 --- ing. 761-9144. U15 p.m. 1215 South University. F48 WE NEED ONE GIRL roommate who DEPRESSED - Tired of school work? hates walking, ONE BLOCK FROM Come to the WQ Mixer. Fri., Feb. 10, CAMPUS NEAR EVERYTHING. 2 9-12, Free Refreshments. F12 urnished. floors, 2 air-conditioners, 2 balconies, W.Q. -ALL-CAMPUS MIXER Friday, 'urishd. 3 highly congenial roommates, park-a Feb. 10, 9-12 p.m. Music by the New rs, and ing space, huge kitchen, spiral stair- Beavers. Girls free. Guys 25c. Free case, dressing room closet and many refreshments. Dining room 3. F13 200 after other features. Call 761-5159 for more C27 information. 543 Church, Apt. 11. TICKETS for Arthur Rubenstein. 2 ree moreUD good seats. $3.50 each. 761-6569. FE C28 US 2 GUYS need a third guy really Be daring be different, -- - fast on account of the other guy went Bdaigbeifrnt ackard-2 to work in industry. 507 Hill No. 4. be loved. Give her a valentine g room, Call 761-6157. and ask for one of us pizza from Domino's. tove, re- guys. UD Call 761-1111 ed base- -a-t--ree.Del-very- Lge. Pam- SINGLE OPENING in 4-man. 608 (Fart Free Delivery)1 CE Monroe opposite South Quad. Car- F49 peted, air-cond. and quiet. 665-8257. h home U12 WANTED TO RENT-Starting in June May 1st. . through August-A room or apart- CB MODERN 3-bedroom apt., 2 air-condi- ment for one man. Prefer clean sur- tioners, dishwasher, disposal, modern roundings and reasonable rent. Call bath with tub. Call 761-8340 or ii- Nancy Ferguson at 662-3225. FA spect at 525 Malnut, No. 4. Ull GIRLS - Charge to the Gomberg T.G., ces 5-MAN, 3-bedroom apt. available for Fri., Feb.C10 from 4-6 and dance with SUMMER SUBLET. Air-conditoning, 2 a cool Gomberg guy to the music of large bathrooms, balcony which is the Light Brigade. F3 it apart- ideal for barbeques, close to campus. - WANTED-Used Honda 160 or 305 CallI Only 1 short block from Ugli. 543 764-4603. FD Church St., No. 12. 761-6547. UC HHOty LTY I--- - HAVE PROBLEMS getting your typing SUMMER SUBLET done? One day service. Technical! New furniture: new carpeting: air con- Service Associates, 65-4658, 9-.4F37 017 ditioning; disposal; and a four man Y -- apartment on the auction block. Call GREAT EUROPE Charter TWA Boeing Y 663-7828. UC 707 Jet. $250.00. N.Y.C.-London-Paris-j uxury 1_Detroit. May 18-July 14. $50 deposit. per mo. CUSTOM PAINTING Metalflake-candy, etc. Polishing and buffing done University Motorcycle Sales 211ET Ann AO 2-3979 LOST AND FOUND MUST SELL-'66 HONDA 160. Excellent condition, only 750 miles. $500. Call 761-9498. Z23 SAVINGS BONDS SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.98 "White" and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gols" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing-$7 STA-PREST Slim Fits $5,9 LEVI JACKETS "White" Denim-$6,98 LEVI'S Supersli's-$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.98 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S "White" & Colors-$5.98 COTTON TURTLENECKS-$1 .79 (Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington BUY U.S. FOR RENT-3 bedroom ranc for the summer. Available7 Call 761-9237, WATCH FOR Albert Terra( 1700 GEDDES New standard in luxury studen ments renting for fall. CHARTER REAL 665-8825 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANC Grads or professional only. L bedroom furnished apt. $196 Phone 761-1228 or 665-4406. SUMMIT ROUSE --Modern 2 bedroom furnished apartmen fireplace, balcony, fully e kitchen, air-cond., and heat us. Call 761-5471 after 6 p.m. FOR RENT: New 3-4 man bi-le nished. Located near Friese B single rooms for men. Call 761 761-9207. HURON TOWE North Campus Are 2200 Fuller Rd. Studio, 1, 2, 3 bdrm. furnisl unfurnished. Rentals from $1 bus transportation to hospiti pus, and downtown. Air-con, age space available, also parking. Ann Arbor's finest high rise apartments. Rentala t premises daily. Call 663-0800. 023 and 3 its with equipped paid by C39 vel, fur- ldg. Also 1-0053 or 019 RS a hed and 35. Free al, cam- d., gar- outside modern agent on c YOU'LL GET IT! Iji0.lJio.u.uUpil YO'LGTI!Call 663-9936, 6:30-10:30 p.m. F22 ? 81-level, 3 of 5 man apt., dishwasher, WANTED-Interesting faces to appear air-cond., free parking, fair price. Call, in experimental film. Being exper- 665-2230. 511 E. Hoover, No. 17. U8 ienced necessary. Call 764-2837. FC GIRLS-We have 2 4-man apts. left WANTED-Sewing done for grad stu- for fall rental. 2 blocks from the dent. Please mail telephone number to Union. Air-conditioned, 2 baths, gar- Dave, 428 S. 7th, Ann Arbor, Mich. bage disposal and sunroof. $268 per F7 mo. Call NO 3-5584. C1 - -- - - -_ - ---- - - -- -- - --- ROOM AND BOARD available for men. APT. FOR RENT-Single opening in 665-3719. F30 tour man. 751 S. Forest, No. 410. Call - 761-3965. C41 GARGOYLE challenges Cinema Guild -- -to an obscentity duel. Details at the FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY-1 man Mass Meeting February first at the needed for modern 2-man apt. Locat- Student Publications Building. Be ed at 731 Packard. Call 665-8187. C49 there at 7:00. FB i , F F F LOST-Young black cat, Huron-Divi-j sion vicinity. Call 663-3708. A5 LOST-Black gloves, men's at swim- ming meet. Please return to Mr. Wil- liam Fenstemacher, c/o Financial Aid Office, 2011 SAB or call 764-7410.1 A6' HELP! GRAD. teaching fellow lost a black leather wallet on Thursday, Feb. 2, in central campus area. Desperate for return of contents. Generous RE-I WARD. E. Greene, 761-9594. A7 LOST-Thick, black rimmed glasses Last week, campus vicinity. Call 663- 2555. A8 REWARD to finder of 2" long antique- gold cross with pearls; on gold chain. Phone 665-3717, 9 a,m.-4:30 p.m. A9 LOST - Gold Bulova watch; R.I.M. on backplate; personal value; 761-7900. AE LOST - Gold square-faced watch with gold and blue striped cross band. if' found call 764-0093. A2 A PAIR OF GLASSES, Sunday, left in red car at Big Bay. Please call Rich 764-2635. A46 LOST-Cat, male iSamese vicinity State and Packard. Call 761-6161 A37 ROOM AND BOARD I BABYSITTING EVENINGS, dishes, in, exchange for room and board M-F. Central location. References. Write Box 15. Or would consider staying with elderly lady evenings. E25 ROOMS, one single and oie double. - Grad student, business, or profes- sional men. Modern conveniences. Call 662-4738. E24 ROOM AND BOARD available for men. 665-3719. E20 ROOM AND BOARD available. Call Russ at 761-7420. EB I Mankinds Greatest Need' We feel that the greatest need is to know God - to understand the power oflove with such clarity that every prayer becomes a channel of healing in the lives of men. Hear this public lecture by PAUL K. WAVRQ, C.S.B., member of the Board of Lectureship of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass, The title is "Christian Science: Religion That Meets the Human Need." WOULD YOU LIKE TO READ 1000 TO 2000 WORDS A MINUTE WITH FULL COMPREHENSION & RETENTION EASE PRESSURE-SAVE TIME-IMPROVE CONCENTRATION You con read 150-200 pages on hour using the ACCELERATED READING method. You'll learn to comprehend at speeds of 1,000 to 2,000 words a minute-3 to 6 times as fast as you read now. And retention is excellent. This is NOT a skimming method; you definitely read every word. You can apply the ACCELERATED READING method to textbooks and factual material as well as to literature and fiction. The author's style is not lost when you read at these speeds. In fact, your accuracy and enjoyment in reading will be increased. Consider what this new reading ability will enable you to accomplish-in your required reading and in the additional reading you want to do. You'll save many hundreds of hours. NO machines, projectors, or apparatus are used while learning the ACCELERATED READING method. Thus you avoid developing ANY dependence upon external equipment in reading rapidly, The new reading skill is permanently retained for this reason. Afternoon classes and evening classes in ACCELERATED READING will be tough }at the BELL TOWER INN, adjacent to the U. of M. campus, beginning in mid-February. The semester ends on April 18. This is our Eighth semester of classes in Ann Arbor. Be our guest at a 40-rrinute public DEMONSTRAT ION of the ACCELERATED READING method, and see it applied by U. of M. students who have recently completed the course. BRING A BOOK! DEMONSTRATIONS will be held at the BELL TOWER INN, located at 300 S. Thayer St. (across from Hill Auditorium). TUESDAY, February 14 at 7:30 P.M. THURSDAY, February 16 at 7:30 P.M NATIONAL CLINIC OF ACCELERATED READING 18964 Coyle St. Detroit 35, Michigan - - - AUTHOR PARTY FOR __- -I, it ' ) ! ' I ii - --- (( I . SUNDAY a SEE EUROPE THE WAY THE EUROPEANS DO-BY CAR Buy, rent, or lease through CAR TOURS IN EUROPE, INC. Suit your own tastes, needs, and convenience. Also, complete travel information. Contact local representative for more information: 665-4229. BAGEL DELIVERY We deliver fresh bagels on Sunday morning to frats, I i } l sororities, dorms and apartments. Egg, Plain, Salted, and Onion II' a _. _ __ . 1 . i i j f I a I i I 3 i MIKE ZWEIG Call 761-2484 ________ j i$[ I _ _ _ _ _ _ i j_ 0o annual rate certificates of deposit choose your maturity date o months bol1gear amounts of $000o r more ............- "'""'.:..n s.n .e THE IDEA OF A WORLD UNIVERSITY Sat., Feb. 11, 2-4 P.M. STUDENT BOOK SERVICE 1215 S. University Christin Science leclure . ,I